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Elder Scrolls Online

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I have a question, how do fees work? Let's say I pay for one month. The average month is about 30 days, which is 720 hours. Am I paying for 720 hours, and I'm sent to a renewal screen when I've reached 720 regardless of how many months it takes me to actually accumulate 720 hours? I like that, because I don't always have time in my life to be ingame for that long. Or does it mean 1 month means April 1st to April 30, regardless of whether you spend every hour of every day ingame or you only spend ten minutes during the whole month, once April 30th hit, it's renewal time? I hate that, because these days, Sunday for 2 hours is the most time I have to play anything

Edited by Gilberticus
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It's the latter, although it could be that the timeframe runs from the moment they got your payment - say April 12th - up to the day before that day the next month - in this case, May 11th.


So basicaly you're buying the game again every four months.

Another reason for me to skip buying this game for now. After all, if I'd like to see a movie, I just buy the DVD and watch it whenever I like. When I like a certain CD, I just buy it and listen to it whenever I like.

So why buying a game and paying 4 months an amount of money to "rebuy" it?


Thorin :)

Edited by Thorin Oakshield
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It boggles my mind that online games like this even made it off the ground, much less became a multi-million dollar industry.

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You got that right about fees here. I am thankful.

I applied long ago to get Elder Scrolls on line for beta testing- and they sent a key a two months ago or so, and my oldest son has been playing it. I started..but grew disinterested. They've sent two keys for a several days play- just working out the bugs seeing how the server would hold with traffic is what my son thinks.

Maybe if I was young and social and involved in the mating ritual the 15 bucks a month might be worth it. Social clicks form, whatever the word, you know. Networking. See your friends in the cave, kill the monster together, I met your mother while gutting a wolf....that sort of thing. There's a world wide rush to be in on the ground floor- to be the 'Eldest" in this event, just like with WOW. Social. That holds status, to be among the first and establish a recognized identity.


15 a month seems to be what the market has decided the population will bear. Skyrim left me cold, and Elder Scrolls On Line seemed about the same game play- wise. I'm not knocking it, just won't buy it, and apparently neither will my eldest son, (the one who grew up on Sacred games) It would be fun to see the regions of Tamerial (sic)

Maybe because most players had limited time keys, everyone was running around like crazy. An awful hurry to get farther in before the plug was pulled on their activations. There was something about it....kinda smacked of a DisneyLand ride.

Edited by munk
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I really dont like subscription based either, this is the first game of the kind I`m ever trying. I`m too much of an elder scrolls fan not to. While I don't agree with the model and the price, I have to say it is pretty refreshing to not have cashshop items, xp boos promotions and everything else under the stars pushed on you. So a positive is that... that everyone is equal and playing the same game on the same conditions.


Without subscriptions mmo's are too costly to upkeep without sales in an in-game cash shop, meaing they have to create things people will want to buy, which often can be advantages or 'cool' things you can not get in other ways.


All in all im a little confused about my experience, I like it but I don't!

Edited by Erling
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm playing this game and have a start with a 12th level character which takes maybe 8-12 hours game time.

If anyone wants to play with me personal message me here and I will add you as a friend.


I have never played an MMO and I am finding it quite fun.

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