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  • 1 month later...

Mod has been updated to v1.1 and uploaded to the DarkMatters Downloads! All links and info above have been updated. Download the latest version and check out the details of what's new with the mod in the New Uniques and Legendaries thread.


EDIT: Also, I'm not sure I've officially announced it yet, but work is underway to add the CM Items Mod to the final version of the Community Patch. I'm on the CM Patch team as a developer now, so even though I won't be modding up a storm like before, I'll be trying to do my part to get all this content transferred smoothly into the CM Patch.

Edited by Flix
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the mod and updates! :) Now, you said you might offer a compatibility patch for Wardust's Texture mod... ^^ If you got time, that would be great. Cheers.


Sure I could do that. Basically I'd just have to do 2 things: 1) Merge Wardust's surface.txt with our own, and 2) Restore the original models for the DM's "Iron Set" (used by Draco's Garments of Mutation) because Wardust's mod is set up so that it overrides ours with his own. The latter is easy, the former might take a little while. I'll try to find some time this weekend.

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Actually what I've decided to do is what until the next release of the CM Patch, which should be this month. After that it won't be necessary to even download the current CM Items Mod because it will be included in the CM Patch.


Then what I'll try to do is make some patches for all the various mods that are outdated/incompatible to bring them up to date with the CM Patch/Items Mod.

Edited by Flix
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ok as you can see by looking at the first post in this thread, the CM Items Mod is updated again on DarkMatters. The CM Patch 1.50 now contains the complete Item Mod 1.2, so it's no longer necessary to download the Items Mod and install it separately if you have the latest CM Patch.


The download is now a small hotfix that goes on top of the CM Patch that restores some weapon designs and fixes a small texture problem. It's optional but recommended to get the most out of the mod.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...

Hello everyone,


first great job on the mod, much better Item variety available now :)


now I have a question, I'd like to install Hammerhorde's "Niokaste Retex" but JSGME tells me it wants to overwrite "surface.txt" which your mod "Item mod 1.2a hotfix" has generated.

I don't like overwriting gamefiles or modfiles without knowing it won't blow the entire installation to the abyss. Did that once with another of my favorite Games... wasn't funny deleting and reinstalling the whole thing -.-


here the url to the mod http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/294-niokastes-retex/


thx in advance

Edited by Yaohu
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Hello! The problem here isn't so much that Hammerhorde's retex would overwrite the Item Mod, but since it's so old, using his surface.txt file would destroy all the surface changes from the CM Patch 1.50.


I just need to update Hammerhorde's mod like I've done for all the rest. I'll try to upload an update later today.

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I just need to update Hammerhorde's mod like I've done for all the rest. I'll try to upload an update later today.


Thanks for yur quick answer, but there is no need to hurry yourself. I simply wanted to make sure that my hesitence to overwrite was justified or not in this situation.


Take your time with updating that one, you aren't getting paid to do this ;)

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It's no trouble. It took all of 30 seconds to copy the changes over. You'll still get the overwrite warning but this time it won't matter because the surface.txt file contains the combined changes.

Niokastes Retex

Updated for CM Patch 1.50 in October 2016 by Flix
Compatible with Item Mod 1.2a and Elite Mounts, and pretty much any other mod except Wardust's Serious Textures and Diablo 2 Fallen, which make their own changes to this armor set.

You can (and should) use the Generic Mod Enabler (GME) for this mod. Just choose either "CM Patch 1.50 Version" or "Fallen Angel Version" and place the folder into the MODS folder generated by the GME. Then run the GME and enable the mod. It should be installed last in the mod order.

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Hello everyone,


first great job on the mod, much better Item variety available now :)


now I have a question, I'd like to install Hammerhorde's "Niokaste Retex" but JSGME tells me it wants to overwrite "surface.txt" which your mod "Item mod 1.2a hotfix" has generated.

I don't like overwriting gamefiles or modfiles without knowing it won't blow the entire installation to the abyss. Did that once with another of my favorite Games... wasn't funny deleting and reinstalling the whole thing -.-


here the url to the mod http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/294-niokastes-retex/


thx in advance

Here to just quickly stick my head in and yell out a hearty "Welcome to DarkMatters!" and the magic of this amazing mod by Flix et al to you, Yaohu!





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It's no trouble. It took all of 30 seconds to copy the changes over. You'll still get the overwrite warning but this time it won't matter because the surface.txt file contains the combined changes.


Thanks for the quick work, something like that should be properly appreciated not taken for granted. As for the warning, I only refrained from doing it because I didn't know wether the mods were compatible.

Now that I know they are, I'll do it.


Thanks for the warm welcome gogoblender :)



I just noticed your avatar and like it, is it from a game?





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I just noticed your avatar and like it, is it from a game?






It is gogo.

Its a cutout I made from a World of Warcraft FanArt, where I then inserted my nick. Made that one years ago, got one other also prepared.

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  • 3 months later...

Mod has been updated to version 1.2b and uploaded to DarkMatters downloads! All links and info in the lead post have been updated.

A few days ago I got some model updates to some of the armor sets made by Dimitrius154:



If you're updating your mod setup, the install instructions and load order are the same as always. Just disable the old version of the Item Mod and enable the new one in its place. Keep it in the same spot on the mod list as always (after CM Patch, before everything else).


I'll integrate these changes into the next patch for Diablo 2 Fallen as well.

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Mod has been updated to version 1.2b and uploaded to DarkMatters downloads! All links and info in the lead post have been updated.



A few days ago I got some model updates to some of the armor sets made by Dimitrius154:



If you're updating your mod setup, the install instructions and load order are the same as always. Just disable the old version of the Item Mod and enable the new one in its place. Keep it in the same spot on the mod list as always (after CM Patch, before everything else).


I'll integrate these changes into the next patch for Diablo 2 Fallen as well.

thanks for the upgrade to the forums download Flix, one stop Sacred Fallen shop!




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  • 8 months later...

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