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Tech. Pure Caster.

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Posted (edited)

Hello friends. I'm playing Ice & Blood +150 CMP with a pure caster seraphim, using technological aspect.

Her skills are 50% magical and 50% defensive. I've some doubts about her two ldefensive ast skills. Can you help me, please?

Edited by Ariadim
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A list of skills would have been much easier mate. I had to go look them up, not recaling what the icons represent. Anyway, you can definitely pick more than 5 offensive skills. You have the energy shield skill, constitution and armour lore already. You could probably get away with not picking another defensve skill. If you did though...I would say spell resistance or toughness. Toughness synergises nicely with armour lore and is great for stopping any messy spells getting through. But again, your energy shield should be taking most if not all of your hits for you...


I also removed your duplicated post elsewhere. No need to make a thread and separate posts asking the same question.

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In your opinion, what offensive or combat art skill should I choose? Combat discipline it's the best option but I think I'm wasting a skill slot choosing that, only for increasing 10% of my combat art damage. Celestial magic Lore can be replaced by Ancient Magic.

Offensive skills are useless in my opinion, except Tactics lore, for BFG...But I wont use that buff...


Combat discipline also gives a decent regen bonus for skills in combos, will affect flaring nova properly regarding the damage bonus. If you don't think you need another offensive skill though, add in a general skill or two.

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Yes too hard to know your skills by their icon

Posted (edited)

Well, they are the default icons from sacred2. If you dont know them, you are not real fans x)

I've chosen Toughness and my armor was increased by +200 points. That was a good option.
The problem is now the final skill ;p

Edited by Ariadim

The pure caster Tech...

This would be just one combat art? You would have to maximize the damage for the nova: two pulses and wearing every +ca-range equipment you can get.

My second daughter had the all or nothing philosophy for a seraphim without the CM-patch. The main danger for a seraphim were x% life leech attacks. To minimize this damage it is obviously better to have less life ;) But she said the Tech tree is a hybrid one. Archangels Wrath is a weapon attack. It gets all the nice modifiers from equipment: Reg Per Hit, x% life leech, ... So she was choosing dual wielding: 2 Kaldur's for the life leech on archangel wrath and 2 nlovae for more radius for the nova.

Just Nova with its terrible slow execution speed is probably not good enough in higher levels.


I would choose Combat Discipline if I were you. Your goal as a caster is to do as much damage as possible from the Combat Arts.


The pure caster Tech...

This would be just one combat art? You would have to maximize the damage for the nova: two pulses and wearing every +ca-range equipment you can get.

My second daughter had the all or nothing philosophy for a seraphim without the CM-patch. The main danger for a seraphim were x% life leech attacks. To minimize this damage it is obviously better to have less life ;) But she said the Tech tree is a hybrid one. Archangels Wrath is a weapon attack. It gets all the nice modifiers from equipment: Reg Per Hit, x% life leech, ... So she was choosing dual wielding: 2 Kaldur's for the life leech on archangel wrath and 2 nlovae for more radius for the nova.

Just Nova with its terrible slow execution speed is probably not good enough in higher levels.

I saw that in sacredwiki:

Usage Strategies
  • Use a Polearm (highest damage weapon a Seraphim can use) for maximum damage, though Archangel's Wrath's damage is based on weapon damage, it is not affected by Tactics Lore. Also, when Dual Wielding only the damage of the first weapon is used, despite the Inventory screen showing otherwise.

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