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Sacred 2 - How to Create a Male High Elf?

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Good morning, I would like to be able to use a male and not a female High Elf in Sacred 2. Does anyone know how to do it? I think it is possible, since there are many male elves in the game. Let's see if there is any luck and someone knows how to do it. all the best!

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  • The title was changed to Sacred 2 - How to Create a Male High Elf?
11 hours ago, Oppoa16 said:

Good morning, I would like to be able to use a male and not a female High Elf in Sacred 2. Does anyone know how to do it? I think it is possible, since there are many male elves in the game. Let's see if there is any luck and someone knows how to do it. all the best!

Hi Oppoa16!

Happy you found our dark friendly corner of the universe.  I'm not really a modder, but... i'm here for the friendly welcomes and the poutine we give to great members every friday... bbq went out of style sadly :cry: .... oh, here comes Hooyaah :D  :oooo: I'm hoping that someone here with some expertise will come along and help... and in the mean time, please enjoy the thousands of discussions and if you have a moment, hook yourself up with a snazzy avatar to adorn your lovely posts.

Welcome to DarkMatters!



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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Lindor said:

Hola de nuevo xD.
Me parece fantástico que tengas cierta ambición de dedicarte al modding y, si bien es completamente posible, sería bastante difícil lograrlo, así que no te enojes demasiado si no funciona de inmediato como lo imaginaste.
Esos no son objetivos que puedan lograrse fácilmente cambiando algún código en los scripts de Lua.

En cuanto al género, el género en sí se define en Creatureinfo.txt. Sin embargo, eso por sí solo no cambia la apariencia del modelo ni la voz del personaje.

Para cambiar la apariencia del modelo, puede ir al modo fácil o al modo difícil. El modo fácil simplemente implicaría retexturizar, lo que se puede lograr con bastante facilidad con algún software de edición de imágenes como GIMP o Photoshop. Puedes encontrar sus texturas en pak/graphics02/mq/maps/heroes/highelve y pak/graphics02/mq/maps/heroes/highelve/default.

Un desafío un poco mayor sería reemplazar también su modelo. Puedes encontrar sus archivos de modelo y animación en pak/graphics05/models/heroes/highelve. Puedes usar algunos modelos masculinos de elfos nobles que ya existen en el juego, por ejemplo, pero deberás asegurarte de que todas las animaciones funcionen correctamente con el nuevo modelo. Recuerde que necesita tanto el archivo .GR2 para la animación como la entrada en Animation.txt.

Si desea pasar al modo difícil, también puede intentar hacer algunas remodelaciones; sin embargo, eso requeriría que pueda exportar su modelo al formato de archivo Granny 2 para el cual actualmente necesitaría tener acceso a 3ds max. O podría esperar hasta que ocurra algún milagro y alguien publique con éxito un complemento de importación/exportación para Blender.

Para la voz, están en las carpetas de configuración regional/voz. Puede crear nuevos archivos .ogg usando Audaity, por ejemplo, y reemplazar los antiguos.


Para el doble uso, no estoy del todo seguro de cómo hacerlo, no es un script lua, así que supongo que necesitarás poder editar los archivos binarios dll para lograr esto, lo cual es muy difícil. Flix definitivamente sabe cómo lograrlo, ya que lo ha hecho varias veces, por ejemplo, otorgando al inquisidor acceso a la historia del escudo.


También déjame preguntarte: ¿por qué quieres que el elfo alto se convierta en Drizzt do'Urden y no en el inqisitor? Parece la mejor opción ya que ya es hombre, tiene voz masculina y puede manejar dos armas. Sólo necesitarías editar su peinado, tal vez retexturizar alguna armadura para que se ajuste a su estilo de ropa y estarías listo para comenzar.

First of all, thank you very much for your response.

I thought it would be easier to convert the hight elf in Drizz do Urden than another character because there are male elf textures in the game. But if you think that it is better to edit a male character with the option of being able to use two swords, I believe you.

In this case, I think that the Inquisitor would not be a good option because he has very different armor.

Don't you think it would be easier to edit the Shadow Warrior? In this case we would only have to change the appearance, right?

Do you know how it should be done?

Regards my friend.

Edited by Oppoa16
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Posted (edited)
44 minutes ago, Lindor said:

Well that was a brain lag. it can easily be done in creatures.txt. It's about time I get back to odding next week - I'm a bit rusty it seems xD

Sure you can mod the shadow warrior instead if you want to do so. Your dark elf doesn't seem to have the muscular statue and the shadow warrior doesn't have quite the pointy elven ears though. The inquisitor's robes on the other hand don't quite fit the armor style, I get that. You can of course also go with the high elf, it's just a little bit of extra work for her voice. Since dual wield can be added more easily than I thought, it's not quite as challenging to go for her as I imagined at first. Just that it might be that there are no animations for her dual wielding, haven't checked.

In the end the decision is up to you.

If there is no patch that changes a current character to a male Elf, I could try it, but I don't know how to do it. Would there be any tutorial on how it could be done? I am very novice at this.

Thinking a little, the character I like the least would be the Temple Guard. Would it be possible to replace it with a clone of the Shadow Warrior and modify this clone as a male Elf, replacing only its texture with any existing male Elf in the game?

Edited by Oppoa16
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2 hours ago, Lindor said:

Bueno, no lo haré por ti, tendrás que hacerlo tú mismo, pero no te preocupes, te ayudaré si hay alguna duda específica.

Si eres novato, te recomiendo que trabajes solo en las texturas primero; luego puedes intentar trabajar en el modelo una vez que hayas tenido tu primer éxito.

  1. Encuentra las texturas de los guerreros de las sombras (no solo las principales, sino también los peinados, etc.)
  2. edítalos en GIMP o Photoshop a tu gusto
  3. Elige un conjunto de armadura de guerrero de las sombras que tenga modelos que se adapten al estilo de tu ropa de elfos oscuros.
  4. encontrar sus texturas
  5. edítalos a tu gusto

Si eliges al elfo alto y no al guerrero de las sombras, tendrás que otorgarle acceso para empuñar dos veces y editar su voz también, por lo que hay pasos adicionales.


Cosas totalmente posibles pero demasiado complicadas. Puedes modificar al guerrero de las sombras directamente y simplemente desactivarlo una vez que quieras volver a jugar al guerrero de las sombras estándar.


I'll start by looking for the textures of the shadow warriors and the armor that I think could fit quite well.
There is a standard set all-black armor that could use everything except the helmet. For that there is a red or blue hood that I would like to paint black. I think that would be enough.
I'll let you know how I'm going.
Thank you very much for your help!




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On 15/5/2024 at 8:33, Lindor said:

Bueno, no lo haré por ti, tendrás que hacerlo tú mismo, pero no te preocupes, te ayudaré si hay alguna duda específica.

Si eres novato, te recomiendo que primero trabajes en las texturas; luego puedes intentar trabajar en el modelo una vez que hayas tenido el primer éxito.

  1. Encuentra las texturas de los guerreros de las sombras (no solo las principales, sino también los peinados, etc.)
  2. edítalos en GIMP o Photoshop a tu gusto
  3. Elige un conjunto de armadura de guerrero de las sombras que tenga modelos que se adapten al estilo de tu ropa de elfos oscuros.
  4. encontrar sus texturas
  5. edítalos a tu gusto

Si eliges al elfo alto y no al guerrero de las sombras, tendrás que otorgarle acceso para empuñar dos veces y editar su voz también, por lo que hay pasos adicionales.


Cosas totalmente posibles pero demasiado complicadas. Puedes modificar al guerrero de las sombras directamente y simplemente desactivarlo una vez que quieras volver a jugar al guerrero de las sombras estándar.

Hello, I just started and I already have 1000 questions...jejeje

I'll make you two to start.

Could you tell me what additional steps I would have to do to activate the high elf's double weapon?

Inside the "Cratures.txt" file, what is the name in the text that I should modify for activate the high elf's double weapon?

Thank you very much for your advice!

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On 18/5/2024 at 15:17, Lindor said:

Añade esta línea:


De donde el alto elfo (criatura 209) obtiene sus habilidades.
Están ordenados por Skill_id, para que sepas dónde insertarlos mejor.

Como cualquier otro personaje, la elfa alta no podrá usar dos armas de forma predeterminada, primero tendrá que aprender la habilidad de doble empuñadura en el juego.


Hi, Lindor!

The method that you say works with the Dragon Wizard, but not with the High Elf.

Yes the dual weapon skill appears. 
Yes you allow me, select it and give it points.
But, It doesn't allow me to have 2 weapons at the same time.

Could it be that in High Elf another parameter needs to be modified?

Once again, thank you very much for your help!


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14 hours ago, Lindor said:

Eso me desconcierta. ¿Quizás intentarlo con "avanzado = 1"? ¿Funciona entonces?

O tal vez sea un problema de WEARGROUP. No veo por qué, porque el grupo de desgaste de un arma no debería depender de que sea manual o improvisado, pero si es así, entonces no hay forma de evitar editar los archivos dll.

La única otra posibilidad que se me ocurre ahora es que tal vez funcione para algunas armas pero no para todas. Prueba todas las combinaciones que puedas imaginar, dagas, espadas, bastones mágicos, etc. ¿Puedes encontrar una combinación que funcione?


O una última idea extraña: ¿funciona cuando tiene maestría en doble empuñadura?


"Maybe try it with "advanced=1"? Does it work then?"      No, it does not work.

I've tried different one-handed weapon combinations, and none of them work.

I have reached Two Weapon Mastery, it doesn't work either.

It seems as if the high elf has an additional restriction as the Temple Guardian.



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1 hour ago, Oppoa16 said:


"Maybe try it with "advanced=1"? Does it work then?"      No, it does not work.

I've tried different one-handed weapon combinations, and none of them work.

I have reached Two Weapon Mastery, it doesn't work either.

It seems as if the high elf has an additional restriction as the Temple Guardian.



I'd say it's time to ask someone more experienced than me, then.

@Flix Did you encounter something similar, e.g. when you granted the Inquisitor access to Shield Lore?

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Flix said:

The dual wielding High Elf in D2F had to be done at the code level by Dmitriy. Same with the TG and Inquisitor using shields, and the TG wielding 2h weapons.

You'd also need to add the relevant equipslots to the hero's creatureinfo.txt entry, and create or adapt animations for the character to use, defined in animation.txt.

Finally, the hero's model itself would need an attachment bone added for the type of item, otherwise even if you completed all of the above, the equipped item would display somewhere absurd like at the feet.

Thank you very much for the information Flix!

I think all those changes are too difficult for me....

Did you mention that Dimitri modified a high elf with two weapons? If so, could I follow these modifications to apply them to my game?

I think making a Drow in Sacred 2 is going to be more difficult than I thought hehehe

Thinking about it, I think it will be easier to make a Drow by modifying the Driad.

In this case I think I should start by modifying its appearance.

Could I use male elf skins and replace them with the Driad's?

I could use the textures of:
pak/graphics02/mq/maps/heroes/highelve and pak/graphics02/mq/maps/heroes/highelve/default."

and paste them in:
"pak/graphics02/mq/maps/heroes/driade and pak/graphics02/mq/maps/heroes/driade/default."

It would be correct? If the answer is yes, could you tell me what part of the file I would have to modify?

Edited by Oppoa16
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4 hours ago, Oppoa16 said:

Did you mention that Dimitri modified a high elf with two weapons? If so, could I follow these modifications to apply them to my game?

That's right, we got the High Elf dual wielding (I have yet to release my version of it) but it requires working in the assembly coding language in OllyDBG which is beyond me.

4 hours ago, Oppoa16 said:

I think making a Drow in Sacred 2 is going to be more difficult than I thought

I can't think of a way it could be feasible, honestly. Even when I've made mods to "replace" characters, I only re-skinned the existing ones, never swapped in a different gender/model.

The biggest hurdle is going to be equipment, specifically getting around the "weargroup" restrictions. You will see "weargroup" in itemtype.txt on every item and character. If you replaced the High Elf with the Shadow Warrior model (or any other model), the High Elf equipment would no longer fit, but it would be the only thing you could equip. Therefore you would either have to:

1) make all High Elf armor invisible by erasing all the textures. This way you could continue to equip it but the "base look" would be all you continue to see (good if you want to replace the High Elf with an NPC model that has armor already)


2) change all the models of High elf armor in itemtype.txt to point to the Shadow Warrior armor instead, also updating any surface entries so that they display correctly.

4 hours ago, Oppoa16 said:

I could use the textures of:
pak/graphics02/mq/maps/heroes/highelve and pak/graphics02/mq/maps/heroes/highelve/default."

and paste them in:
"pak/graphics02/mq/maps/heroes/driade and pak/graphics02/mq/maps/heroes/driade/default."

I would never ever do it this way. I advise to leave the zipped graphics files alone, if you need to overwrite something, instead put the new files in loose folders in the "pak" folder that mimic the original folder structure.

So for example you could place files in "pak/mq/maps/heroes/driade/default" if you wanted to override those files. You'd still have to rename each file though.

An even better way would be to just replace the model reference in itemtype.txt. Let's say you want the High Elf to look like the Dryad, while still keeping the existing Dryad character separate and functional.

You would edit the High Elf's itemtype entry:

newItemType = {
	-- standard info
	renderfamily = "RENDERFAM_CREATURE",
	family       = "FAMILY_CREATURE",
	subfamily    = "SUBFAM_LIFE_HIGHELF",
	classification = "CLF_DEFAULT",
	weargroup    = "WEARGROUP_HIGHELVE",
	-- 3d model + animation info
	model0Data = {
	  name         = "models/heroes/highelve/a_helve.GR2", -- Change this line
	  user         = "WEARGROUP_INVALID",
	-- logic bounding box
  logicBox = {
    minx=-9.377, miny=-14.977, minz=-0.029, 
    maxx=6.852, maxy=8.3, maxz=68.139, 
	dangerclass   = 0,
mgr.typeCreate(5, newItemType);

The "name" line you would change to this:

name         = "models/heroes/dryadin/u_dryadin.GR2",

You would also need to update the hairstyles in creatureinfo.txt.


I always recommend to go the scripting route rather than to overwrite graphics files whenever possible.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/25/2024 at 3:48 PM, Flix said:

Así es, tenemos el doble empuñadura del Alto Elfo (todavía tengo que lanzar mi versión) pero requiere trabajar en el lenguaje de codificación ensamblador en OllyDBG, lo cual está más allá de mi comprensión.

Sinceramente, no se me ocurre ninguna manera de que esto sea factible. Incluso cuando hice modificaciones para "reemplazar" personajes, solo les cambié el aspecto a los existentes, nunca los cambié por un género/modelo diferente.

El mayor obstáculo será el equipo, específicamente sortear las restricciones del "grupo de uso". Verás "weargroup" en itemtype.txt en cada elemento y personaje. Si reemplazases al Alto Elfo por el modelo Shadow Warrior (o cualquier otro modelo), el equipo del Alto Elfo ya no encajaría, pero sería lo único que podrías equipar. Por lo tanto, tendrías que:

1) hacer invisibles todas las armaduras de los Altos Elfos borrando todas las texturas. De esta manera, podrías continuar equipándolo, pero lo único que seguirías viendo sería el "aspecto base" (bueno si quieres reemplazar al Alto Elfo con un modelo NPC que ya tiene armadura)


2) cambiar todos los modelos de armadura de Altos Elfos en itemtype.txt para que apunten a la armadura de Guerrero de las Sombras, actualizando también las entradas de la superficie para que se muestren correctamente.

Nunca lo haría de esta manera. Le aconsejo que deje los archivos de gráficos comprimidos en paz; si necesita sobrescribir algo, coloque los archivos nuevos en carpetas sueltas en la carpeta "pak" que imitan la estructura de carpetas original.

Entonces, por ejemplo, podría colocar archivos en " pak/mq/maps/heroes/driade/default" si desea anular esos archivos. Sin embargo, aún tendrías que cambiar el nombre de cada archivo.

Una forma aún mejor sería simplemente reemplazar la referencia del modelo en itemtype.txt. Digamos que quieres que el Alto Elfo se parezca a la Dríada, manteniendo al mismo tiempo el personaje de Dríada existente separado y funcional.

Editarías la entrada del tipo de elemento del Alto Elfo:


La línea de "nombre" la cambiarías a esta:

nombre = "modelos/héroes/dryadin/u_dryadin.GR2",

También necesitarás actualizar los peinados en Creatureinfo.txt.


Siempre recomiendo seguir la ruta de las secuencias de comandos en lugar de sobrescribir archivos de gráficos siempre que sea posible.


First of all, many thanks to @Flix and @Lindor for your help and patience!

I'll tell you what I'm finally doing:

1º I have installed “the Flix Mod EE+Music+Reduced Fog+Alternate Spells” part (it's wonderful!!)

2º I want to change the appearance of the Dragon Mage (creature =1949) to that of a High Elf. I like change for this Thylysiums NPCs:



I would need to know “the name” to be able to change it in


Sacred 2 - Gold\MODS\Sacred 2 EE 3.2 _CORE_ Required\scripts\shared\itemtype


  name         = "models/heroes/dragonmage/h_dmage-body.GR2",


  name         = "models/heroes/xxxxxxxxx/h_dmage-body.GR2",


And I would also need to know, the “number of creature= xxxxxxxxxx” the skin in the photo. I need to know this to change the hair.

“creatureinfo” file:


Sacred 2 - Gold\MODS\Sacred 2 EE 3.2 _CORE_ Required\scripts\shared\ creatureinfo





Is there a list where I can see the status of NAME and its skins?  or at least a description of the creature?

I don't know if you could help me with this?

I'm trying to learn, forgive me for my doubts.

As I said before, thank you very much for your help and patience!


Edited by Oppoa16
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On 5/25/2024 at 5:03 PM, Oppoa16 said:


First of all, many thanks to @Flix and @Lindor for your help and patience!

I'll tell you what I'm finally doing:

1º I have installed “the Flix Mod EE+Music+Reduced Fog+Alternate Spells” part (it's wonderful!!)

2º I want to change the appearance of the Dragon Mage (creature =1949) to that of a High Elf. I like change for this Thylysiums NPCs:



I would need to know “the name” to be able to change it in


Sacred 2 - Gold\MODS\Sacred 2 EE 3.2 _CORE_ Required\scripts\shared\itemtype


  name         = "models/heroes/dragonmage/h_dmage-body.GR2",


  name         = "models/heroes/xxxxxxxxx/h_dmage-body.GR2",


And I would also need to know, the “number of creature= xxxxxxxxxx” the skin in the photo. I need to know this to change the hair.

“creatureinfo” file:


Sacred 2 - Gold\MODS\Sacred 2 EE 3.2 _CORE_ Required\scripts\shared\ creatureinfo





Is there a list where I can see the status of NAME and its skins?  or at least a description of the creature?

I don't know if you could help me with this?

I'm trying to learn, forgive me for my doubts.

As I said before, thank you very much for your help and patience!


Well it's probably one of those:



If you got the model, you can easily backtrace in itemtype.txt.

Looking at the models in grannyviewer, I think it's the hero one. It has itemtypes 8713 and 6474.
Those have creature ids 1051 ("He_Story_Librarian", IT 8713 ), 447 ("Helf_sold_hero", IT 6474) and 446 ("Helf_sold_hero_elite", IT 6474).


For the future, most models are somewhere in graphics05. You could've easily backtraced it by looking at models/npc/highelves. Once you have the model, you can STRG-F in itemtype.txt and once you have the itemtype, you can STRG-F in creatures.txt. So if this turns out to not be what you're looking for, you know where to search.


Another possibility would be using the sector coordinates to determine where the creature you're looking fo spawns.
This thread can help you with that process: https://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/72255-sacred-2-sector-and-quadrant-coordinates/#comment-7135982

But I'd recommend to search the files first, it's somewhat faster for me.
Also the lua demo site doesn't exist anymore. So you'd need to download the lua interpreter binaries if you'd want to run the code I posted there.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/30/2024 at 6:40 PM, Lindor said:

Well it's probably one of those:

  Reveal hidden contents


If you got the model, you can easily backtrace in itemtype.txt.

Looking at the models in grannyviewer, I think it's the hero one. It has itemtypes 8713 and 6474.
Those have creature ids 1051 ("He_Story_Librarian", IT 8713 ), 447 ("Helf_sold_hero", IT 6474) and 446 ("Helf_sold_hero_elite", IT 6474).


For the future, most models are somewhere in graphics05. You could've easily backtraced it by looking at models/npc/highelves. Once you have the model, you can STRG-F in itemtype.txt and once you have the itemtype, you can STRG-F in creatures.txt. So if this turns out to not be what you're looking for, you know where to search.


Another possibility would be using the sector coordinates to determine where the creature you're looking fo spawns.
This thread can help you with that process: https://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/72255-sacred-2-sector-and-quadrant-coordinates/#comment-7135982

But I'd recommend to search the files first, it's somewhat faster for me.
Also the lua demo site doesn't exist anymore. So you'd need to download the lua interpreter binaries if you'd want to run the code I posted there.



Hello @Lindor , I have been testing what you have told me but I have not had success:

- itemtype 8713: It is a female Orc

- itemtype 6474: The itemtype code 8713 is: name = "models/npc/highelves/male/v_he-m@priest1.GR2",

I have replaced it with the Dragon Wizard skin.

name = "models/heroes/dragonmage/h_dmage-body.GR2",


name = "models/heroes/male/v_he-m@priest1.GR2",

But it doesn't work, the character image doesn't appear and I can't move the invisible character.

I don't know if you can think of anything else I could do.

As I always tell you, thank you very much for your help and your patience!!


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Posted (edited)

Hello again :)

57 minutes ago, Oppoa16 said:

- itemtype 8713: It is a female Orc

Which version of the game are you playing? For me it's definitely a high elf.

57 minutes ago, Oppoa16 said:

- itemtype 6474: The itemtype code 8713 is: name = "models/npc/highelves/male/v_he-m@priest1.GR2",

I do not understand. Do you tak about itemtype 6474 or 8713?
But it doesn't matter; both are "models/npc/highelves/male/v_he-m@hero.GR2" for me.



This all sounds to me that you are simply playing another version of the game than me. Why don't you just search for "models/npc/highelves/male/v_he-m@hero.GR2" in itemtype.txt yourself to get your itemtypes?


57 minutes ago, Oppoa16 said:

I have replaced it with the Dragon Wizard skin.

name = "models/heroes/dragonmage/h_dmage-body.GR2",


name = "models/heroes/male/v_he-m@priest1.GR2",

But it doesn't work, the character image doesn't appear and I can't move the invisible character.

Can you screenshot what you did? Because I don't quite get it from your explanation.


If you're having trouble finding out which surfaces and/or animations the model expects, I recommend you getting a version of grannyviewer.

This post of mine right here has lots of links to useful tools you need for modding Sacred 2, including grannyviewer:




Edited by Lindor
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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, Lindor said:

Hola de nuevo:)

¿Qué versión del juego estás jugando? Para mí definitivamente es un alto elfo.

No comprendo. ¿Se refiere al tipo de artículo 6474 o 8713?
Pero no importa; Ambos son "modelos/npc/highelves/male/v_he-m@hero.GR2" para mí.



Todo esto me parece que simplemente estás jugando a una versión del juego diferente a la mía. ¿Por qué no buscas "models/npc/highelves/male/v_he-m@hero.GR2" en itemtype.txt para obtener tus tipos de elementos?


¿Puedes hacer una captura de pantalla de lo que hiciste? Porque no lo entiendo del todo de tu explicación.


Si tienes problemas para descubrir qué superficies y/o animaciones esperan el modelo, te recomiendo que obtengas una versión de grannyviewer.

Esta publicación mía aquí tiene muchos enlaces a herramientas útiles que necesitas para modificar Sacred 2, incluido grannyviewer:





¡Hola @Lindor!

My current version is:



Sacred 2 EE 3.0 Enhanced Music - Optional

Sacred 2 EE 3.2 Alternate Spells - Optional


In my version:

item type 8713:



item type 6474:



To change the appearance of the Dragon Mage for the NPC Elf, I do the following:



With your code it works better, but there are 2 strange things:

1º He does not have any armor but his standard pants appear

2º Some lines appear from the arms to the feet. Is it possible to fix that?




Thank you very much for your help!




Edited by Oppoa16
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On 9/6/2024 at 15:31, Lindor said:

Buen trabajo.
Puedo ayudarte con el equipo.

Ese es el modelo desde la vista lateral:



Como puedes ver, el equipo que estás viendo no proviene del modelo, es el equipo estándar que tiene el mago dragón.
Eche un vistazo a criaturainfo.txt :


El modelo base dragonmage tiene equipada una armadura estándar. cuatro elementos, cuatro huesos de inserción. Ahora echemos un vistazo al Creatureinfo.txt de un tipo de elemento que usa el modelo de héroe más alto:


No hay entrada eq_fallback. Esto se debe a que para este modelo, el equipo ya es parte del modelo base, mientras que para el modelo estándar de mago dragón el equipo está separado.
Permítanme citar a Flix:

Eso es exactamente lo que estás viendo aquí.

Para deshacerse de eso, debe eliminar la entrada eq_fallback para el mago dragón o editar el modelo con algún software de modelado 3D para darle los huesos adjuntos que faltan y exportarlo con 3ds max.

No sé cuánta experiencia tienes con el modelado, pero si eres nuevo en esto, te recomendaría seguir la ruta del scripting.
Luego puedes concentrarte en retexturizar la superficie de tu modelo para que se parezca más a tu elfo oscuro.


Great @Lindor, it has worked perfectly as you said!!

I have used the scripting route because it was easier for me.

What I don't know how to identify a game NPC within the itemtype.txt file.

For example, you told me before that the elf I liked was “itemtype 6474”

Now, I would like to know what itemtype number this female Demon would be.



I know that on the map it is in 2 places:

1º In the Desert Gladiator Coliseum

2º North of the Dryads Islands

In another post, you told me that there was a coordinate map where you could see the references, but I clicked on the link and I see that it doesn't work. I have also entered a German forum, but I don't know where that coordinate map is located.

I don't know if you could help me with this. The truth is that I am liking learning to modify things.

By the way, where can I get the program you use to see the models and things like that?

As I always say, thank you very much for your help and patience!!






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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Oppoa16 said:


Great @Lindor, it has worked perfectly as you said!!

I have used the scripting route because it was easier for me.

What I don't know how to identify a game NPC within the itemtype.txt file.

For example, you told me before that the elf I liked was “itemtype 6474”

Now, I would like to know what itemtype number this female Demon would be.



I know that on the map it is in 2 places:

1º In the Desert Gladiator Coliseum

2º North of the Dryads Islands

In another post, you told me that there was a coordinate map where you could see the references, but I clicked on the link and I see that it doesn't work. I have also entered a German forum, but I don't know where that coordinate map is located.

I don't know if you could help me with this. The truth is that I am liking learning to modify things.

By the way, where can I get the program you use to see the models and things like that?

As I always say, thank you very much for your help and patience!!






Hello again @Lindor, I'm answering myself but now I have new questions...

I think I have found it searching on the rute:  "\npc\dryades\blooddryads" :



I have been trying the 3 skins that I indicate in the box, and they are the skin I want but.........they come out with nudes!! and I want it with the armor in the photo.


I think I have to add the armor, but I don't know how to do it.

It could be adding in "creatureinfo.txt", , in the corresponding hero and in the section "eq_fallback".


If I was correct, I would have to enter the armor codes, but not what they are....

I don't know if you could help me with this. The truth is that I am liking learning to modify things.

By the way, where can I get the program you use to see the models and things like that?

As I always say, thank you very much for your help and patience!!


Edited by Oppoa16
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