jimdingsdale 0 Posted March 4, 2009 (edited) Would like to attempt this but need to know what to get. Like to run into a mob, weapons swinging, kill kill kill and never retreat. Probably duel wield. Skills are what has me stumped. Don't see many builds for this toon on this site. Any ideas or suggestions please. Thanks. Edited March 4, 2009 by jimdingsdale
Erling 3 Posted March 5, 2009 the aspect on top is for melee... it matches fine with bot the secund and the third
Dobri 55 Posted March 5, 2009 I think either melee + gruesome inquisition + utility skills (bargaining + blacksmith) or 2-specced Astute Supremacy + Nefarious Netherworld. Both have good odds at surviving in the big bad world
jimdingsdale 0 Author Posted March 5, 2009 Thanks guys. Will give it a try. Man, I have seen some very scary looking ones. Gives me the creeps when I see them on the spider.
Cthulhu 0 Posted March 6, 2009 (edited) 75 is the mastery - maxing it out is when the skill doesn't allow you to add more points It should be 200 I think. Equal to your level, not taking into account any + all skills you may have. I offer thee some advice, but ultimately you need to decided for yourself how you wish to bend the dark side of the Force to your liking: - Bargaining works wonderfully on the Inquisitor; namely because he is no small lover of rings. You will quickly find out that most of his equipment tends to have silver sockets and very few gold or bronze sockets. And lest you haven't considered - take notice of the fact that he can wear 4 rings and one amulet. Plus, Bargaining lets you gain access to Lightsabers, and no Sith Lord is complete without his weapon of choice. - Likewise, blacksmithing goes well in hand with the above; you can make more use of amulets since you can now socket them into your silver modification slots. - Also, don't knock Alchemy. It's actually very useful at keeping yourself flexible. It's pretty nice to have the ability to give yourself various potion buffs when the need arises. Plus, being able to extend the duration of concentration potions is truly a wonderful benefit. - As the Inquisitor, you will enjoy having the fastest natural run speed in the game. Unless you go with Riding Mastery, at a certain point you will be able to run faster than while mounted on a spider (and even perhaps a horse). To accomplish this, you can either: A) Use the skill Frenetic Fervor and modify it to increase your run speed (the down side being that you will doom Frenetic Fervor to always have a low duration period.) B) Speed Lore; the easiest perhaps, and the most desierable in the case of you wanting to chose a skill that you will not be paying much attention. The down side of course is the fact that you could have chosen another skill. C) Using boots or other armor that increase your run speed (the downside being that the Inquisitor does not have very many set items that increase his run speed.) - Constitution is a highly advisable skill since the Inquisitor has a very low natural HP growth rate. - Ranged Weapons work surprisingly very well on the Inquisitor; this is in no small part due to the fact that he has a very high dexterity growth rate. But also most of his combat arts work from long range (with the exception of a couple, one being Mortifying Pillory). - Dual Wield is somewhat of the "default" choice as far as weapons go for the Inquisitor; this is recommended if you cannot make up your mind amongst all of the numerous one handed melee weapons in the game. - Two-Handed weapons (I.E. Big swords & Pole Arms) work very well on the Inquisitor too. Just make sure to keep away from dual wield if you're going down this road, and plan on picking a 2 handed weapon specialization early. Specialization in Sword Weapons or Pole Arms help you work on getting those slow 2 handed weapon speeds up to a sufficient level. And also keep in mind that the Inquisitor cannot use 2 handed maces or hammers. Those are SW weapons only. - Keep in mind that you can also take great advantage of the Inquisitor's buffs, in the event that you do not feel satisfied with his limited defensive capabilities, skill-wise. 1) You can modify Purifying Chastisement to give you damage mitigation via the Inure mod. 2) You can also give yourself a chance to reflect ANYTHING via the mods on Reverse Polarity (I've seen it get as high as 70%, I am not sure if it can hit 100%, but it is very beneficial!) I'll stop here... there's a lot I could say, but I don't want to make you think that the only way to play as an Inquisitor is via my play style. He's a surprisingly flexible character, despite his seeming dependency on Purifying Chastisement. Edited March 6, 2009 by Cthulhu
Dobri 55 Posted March 6, 2009 (edited) Time to seek advice from the Dark Lord Cthulhu I was wondering about that Purifying chastisement. Is it worth keeping yourself at low HP just to deal greater damage? And besides, you need to get to low HP in order for this to work, this means actually taking some damage. On the other side, the buff directly improves damage, which is a definite bonus. Maybe it's just me, I'd rather take no damage at all Edited March 6, 2009 by Dobri
jimdingsdale 0 Author Posted March 6, 2009 Is a two sword melee type toon worth playing? I have heard that it is not that good. Was going toward Astute Supremacy and Nefarious Netherworld, but if melle works ok, I'll go with that. Difficult to make up my mind which way to go. Will use bargaining, blacksmithing, constitution,and reverse polarity for a start. And armor lore. Anything else I should have> Already had a bad build in one toon so don't want to have problems. The main trouble I have had was using a lot of health potions. Like to keep usage down. Regen times are always a problem. Tried to get it down in the past by using stamina, but it was very slow in lowering. Took one point of stamina and regen went down .1%. Don't eat runes till maybe level 20, then have to be careful not to eat many. Thanks Cthulhu. Any luck getting your bug killed toon back yet?
Von Bek 0 Posted March 6, 2009 What can anyone say about using Purifying Chastisement in conjunction with Reflective buff? Are they incompatible at all? I'm just wondering because the one is based on taking more damage to increase damage and the other is all about diverting it (However, you could argue that keeping Reflective at a lower level would work nicely, as you no longer take ALL the damage, just spurts here and there during a fight).
Cthulhu 0 Posted March 7, 2009 (edited) ........... too many questions. Time to resort to pictures: This is my (reborn) Inquisitor on the EU HC Closed.Net; all of these (with the exception of the one showing him in the Black Darth Vader armor) were taken when he was level 109 a day ago. Overall, I only lost 6 levels from the set back. The only thing that I haven't recovered was my level 120ish Cowl of Catharsis... which was for all intents and purposes, the best chest armor in the game for the Inquisitor. It also looked rather good with either the red or black Darth Vader armors Oh well... anyway: -Notice how I do NOT use the FULL Ilgard set. I'm pretty sure you all know why. ::mutters:: My Skills - Combat Arts & Profile - Bonus Summary (I) - Bonus Summary (II) - Specific question answers - Purifying Chastisement is worth it - at my level, if I were to get myself down to the pain threshold (which I rarely ever do, thanks to Constitution Mastery), I have about 700% increased damage from Purifying Chastisement. Also, thanks to the mods, I get an extra damage boost from just having Purifying Chastisement turned on! Now couple the damage boost along with the 700% damage increase... you're talking about 6000-7000 damage X 700% ... It's just as painful as getting hit by a Soul Hammer of BFG bullets, but with that gratifying feeling of REVENGE. BTW, the 700% is via boosting and using +CA/Purifying Chastisement mods on weapons. As you can see up above, it's normally at like 500-600ish, depending on equipment. But if you're more into Defense, just pick the Inure mod. Eradicate IMO is superior to Merciless, but that's mainly because I like to have as many critical hits as possible (right now it gives me like +17/18% extra chance to crit. That paired with Tactics Lore and other equipment... I think I'm getting close to 50%. Top that off with my Death Blow level of 51% ... you get the idea.) Reverse Polarity = Using the Force (or pretend your Lightsaber) to reflect stuff It's surprisingly, very helpful even when paired with Purifying Chastisement. Also, the weird thing I have noticed - if you get hit once by a particular opponent, they seem to have a tendency to gain more successful hits... odd? But anyway, at that point, you pretty much are going to be able to retaliate with a fist full of Sith anger, or you can take it safe and move back to regain your footing, or hold shift. Take your pick. Regardless of either scenario, it's just plain awesome to be able to stand toe to toe with a giant green Scorpion and watch him kill himself with his own tail attack. Or having the White Griffon's annoying debuff spell get bounced away... Soul Reaver kind of sucks with Purifying Chastisement. I only turn it on if I want to use Death Magik for faster killing. In a boss situation, it's almost useless since so many bosses are in isolated areas where there are no extra monsters to fuel Soul Reaver. (Death Magik is a mod that gives you a damage aura which hits enemies as long as Soul Reaver has souls; works surprisingly well in melee situations). Dual Wielding Dual Wielding on the Inquisitor only sucks because you are going to have to manage a lot more equipment than you would with 2 handed melee/ranged weapons. However, I prefer the dual wield route myself since it lets you do some very cool looking melee attacks when using the Inquisitors' combat arts, and he'll also attack two enemies when you use Calleous Execution (if you kill one enemy, he'll use his second weapon to attack the next nearby enemy. The Sith are not to be under-estimated... ) Heck, you can even turn your off-hand weapon into a "shield" by putting in defensive ammies/blacksmith arts. You of course lose the damage benefit, but it certainly can be helpful if you're looking to play a far more defensive Inquisitor. Other Combat Arts - Of course, I also went with Levin Array & Clustering Maelstrom. Too tempting to pass up; helps immensely with grinding. Also Levin Array & Dislodged Spirit are great for debuffing bosses. - Inexorable Subjugation is very fun (PET GIANT SCORPION!)... and it's also very cool if you need something to help you out with bosses (whether it be ghosts or just freezing the boss in place so you can nail them with a DOT and also land a free extra hit due to combing it with Calleous Execution or whatever else you prefer). - Mortifying Pillory is excellent as a deterent to get enemies to kill each other. At first it doesn't seem to do it a lot, but now it always causes a fight to break out within the enemy ranks. And heck, it helps you control the Sakara Demon when he goes hostile. And boy, that guy crits like crazy.... (and you do get the experience and drops from stuff he kills when he's hostile). - I stack Frenetic Fervor & Paralyizing Dread together: - Frenetic Fervor was my first CA to mod after fully modding Chastisement; I gave myself the increased attack/cast speed, increased attack rating and increased duration mods. With the attack speed mod, I break the 150% attack speed cap and I also am pretty much able to hit any enemy 100% of the time, even if I do not have any help from from Soul Reaver or enough -% enemy chance to evade boni. - I modified Paralyzing Dread to give me reduced enemy armor and further reduced attack speed. At that point, they barely even have a chance to hit. ... Glah, ok I need to take a break from this. If you have more questions, go ahead and ask. Like I said up above... I don't want to force you into playing the way I do; I just happen to like the style of having no self regard and aiming to become "Der Gott der Finsternis und Zerstörung". Edited March 7, 2009 by Cthulhu
Von Bek 0 Posted March 7, 2009 Thanks Cthulu, this helped out a lot. I actually made the build you have there independently of you I had some slight variations, though. I took Astute Sup Lore instead of the Netherworld Focus as I was planning on using the Doppel buff later if they ever fix it in the next patch. Thanks for the pics though, tons of help for building an Inquisitor (I like getting suggestions, and then tweaking 'em a bit). Thanks again!
Cthulhu 0 Posted March 8, 2009 (edited) Permanent Dope is something I too would like to get fixed. I have another Inquisitor that I stopped playing at level 45 after I got tired of Dope doing stupid stuff. But beyond that, I think it would be a better choice for a build similar to my own than Soul Reaver. That's not to say I regret going with Nefarious Netherworld Focus, but going with Astute Supremacy Lore would certainly reduce the amount of eccentric diversity when it comes to an Inquisitor build. I'm glad I could be of assistance. Edited March 8, 2009 by Cthulhu
kargion 0 Posted May 7, 2009 Cthulu, I'm new to Sacred all together and going to pick it up for 360. I'm looking at your inquisitor posts and they are very helpful. One thing I cannot seem to find is in what order should I be picking up the skills. Any thoughts? Thanks to anyone who can give me some help. Kargion
Stangg 0 Posted May 29, 2009 (edited) Hi, Not sure if this will help anyone but will trawling around I found this posted by someone on the ascaron site. A good guide that I'm baseing my DW inquisitor on with some tweaks to order and the addition of bargaining. I'll let you know how it goes. For pure mob killing, Reverse Polarity and Soul Reaver will make your Inquis untouchable and never miss an attack and also never get hit by melee attacks. Probably 99% of the time you will be killing normal mobs (not isolated bosses) and for that Soul Reaver is indispensible. Just mod it with extended time on souls and eat lots of runes and you'll have no problem keeping it up. Eventually the souls will last close to a minute. Basically the Inquis can be pictured as a melee primary build with magic supplementing his melee. Thus I'd take anything that increase his melee damage. Once again as most people, you do not specify if you play on single or multiplayer, where you can encaounter much higher hp mobs. It is important because you can focus on different things knowing that you will NEVER encounter 5+ player mp game monsters with lots of hps. Defenses should be the #1 priority just like most builds for higher difficulties. His buffs will make or break him. Thus I'd take concentration and plan on eventually getting 75 in it. Reverse Polarity and Soul Reaver for regular xp'ing are essential. The last buff is up to you, between Dopp and PC. PC will give you greater dmg (even at 90% health with the right mods your damage will go up a ton) and 10% damage mitigation and Dopp as a buff will give you more dps. I prefer PC since I prefer to control things exactly on my own but up to you. Skills. I think the following is a strong build: 1. Armor 2. Gruesome Inquisition Focus 3. Dual Wield 4. Tactics 5. Concentration 6. Astute Supremacy Focus 7. Nefarious Netherworld Focus 8. Constitution 9. Toughness 10. Combat Discipline Attributes: Str and Vit. Int is useless. You are not using the inquis as a magic user damager. He is primarily melee with magic to supplement him. CA Mods: 1. Reverse Polarity - Rebound, Counterblow, Evade Rebound over Sphere: I have a philosophy of increasing defenses over offense/regen times when given a choice. Your one weakness with all buffs going will be magic damage, thus I choose to try to counter that weakness. Counterblow: No choice here. Take it. Evade over Exploit: Tough choice here. What made me choose Evade is the realization that 99%++ of the game is against normal mobs where Soul Reaver is up. Soul Reaver multiplies the +defense that Evade gives you. 2. Soul Reaver: Zealot, Source, Zealot The Zealots will give you time to gather up large mobs. Source because I want to control a bit more my hp management because of PC. Soul Reaver will keep on increasing and increasing you attack and defense as long as you don't take a 45+ sec break. I've had it in the hundreds of thousands. You will be unhittable and will never miss melee attacks once you get it going. 3. Purifying Chastisement: Mystic, merciless, Inure Merciless will give you more benefit. Even at 90% health you'll gain more dps. There was a post a while back with someone doing the math on it. Inure over Hallowed because I always choose defense over offense if it's in a mod. It's 10% free damage mitigation which is equal to mastering Toughness and putting in 82 skillpoints in that skill. 4. Ruthless Mutilation: Ire, Petrify, Frenzy I see no good reason to ever take any of the others 5. Callous Execution: Bleed, Lacerate, Judgement This is not only your boss killer, but also normal monster killer when there are 3 or less. Deep Wounds (when it doesn't bug) is a nice boss killing ability so take Lacerate over the stun. 6. Clustering Maelstrom: Chaos, Vortex, Vortex My philosophy on CM is not as a main mob killer in mp games. It's some damage, but mostly an ability to gather mobs together for other abilities. Levin Array, Eruptive Desecration are nice to combo with this but the best follow up is fast RM's. Spamming RM will do a ton of damage if you use it just as all the mobs are gathered in one spot by CM. 7. Frenetic Fervor: Fanaticism, Resolve, Relentless This is used mostly on bosses or on normal mobs before you get charges of Soul Reaver up. 8. Deprive Spirit: Spite, Deprivation, Gold optional This is another boss killer debuff 9. Paralyzing Dread: uhh bugged. don't use it. Edited May 29, 2009 by Stangg
markdk86 0 Posted May 30, 2009 Hi, Not sure if this will help anyone but will trawling around I found this posted by someone on the ascaron site. A good guide that I'm baseing my DW inquisitor on with some tweaks to order and the addition of bargaining. I'll let you know how it goes. For pure mob killing, Reverse Polarity and Soul Reaver will make your Inquis untouchable and never miss an attack and also never get hit by melee attacks. Probably 99% of the time you will be killing normal mobs (not isolated bosses) and for that Soul Reaver is indispensible. Just mod it with extended time on souls and eat lots of runes and you'll have no problem keeping it up. Eventually the souls will last close to a minute. Basically the Inquis can be pictured as a melee primary build with magic supplementing his melee. Thus I'd take anything that increase his melee damage. Once again as most people, you do not specify if you play on single or multiplayer, where you can encaounter much higher hp mobs. It is important because you can focus on different things knowing that you will NEVER encounter 5+ player mp game monsters with lots of hps. Defenses should be the #1 priority just like most builds for higher difficulties. His buffs will make or break him. Thus I'd take concentration and plan on eventually getting 75 in it. Reverse Polarity and Soul Reaver for regular xp'ing are essential. The last buff is up to you, between Dopp and PC. PC will give you greater dmg (even at 90% health with the right mods your damage will go up a ton) and 10% damage mitigation and Dopp as a buff will give you more dps. I prefer PC since I prefer to control things exactly on my own but up to you. Skills. I think the following is a strong build: 1. Armor 2. Gruesome Inquisition Focus 3. Dual Wield 4. Tactics 5. Concentration 6. Astute Supremacy Focus 7. Nefarious Netherworld Focus 8. Constitution 9. Toughness 10. Combat Discipline Attributes: Str and Vit. Int is useless. You are not using the inquis as a magic user damager. He is primarily melee with magic to supplement him. CA Mods: 1. Reverse Polarity - Rebound, Counterblow, Evade Rebound over Sphere: I have a philosophy of increasing defenses over offense/regen times when given a choice. Your one weakness with all buffs going will be magic damage, thus I choose to try to counter that weakness. Counterblow: No choice here. Take it. Evade over Exploit: Tough choice here. What made me choose Evade is the realization that 99%++ of the game is against normal mobs where Soul Reaver is up. Soul Reaver multiplies the +defense that Evade gives you. 2. Soul Reaver: Zealot, Source, Zealot The Zealots will give you time to gather up large mobs. Source because I want to control a bit more my hp management because of PC. Soul Reaver will keep on increasing and increasing you attack and defense as long as you don't take a 45+ sec break. I've had it in the hundreds of thousands. You will be unhittable and will never miss melee attacks once you get it going. 3. Purifying Chastisement: Mystic, merciless, Inure Merciless will give you more benefit. Even at 90% health you'll gain more dps. There was a post a while back with someone doing the math on it. Inure over Hallowed because I always choose defense over offense if it's in a mod. It's 10% free damage mitigation which is equal to mastering Toughness and putting in 82 skillpoints in that skill. 4. Ruthless Mutilation: Ire, Petrify, Frenzy I see no good reason to ever take any of the others 5. Callous Execution: Bleed, Lacerate, Judgement This is not only your boss killer, but also normal monster killer when there are 3 or less. Deep Wounds (when it doesn't bug) is a nice boss killing ability so take Lacerate over the stun. 6. Clustering Maelstrom: Chaos, Vortex, Vortex My philosophy on CM is not as a main mob killer in mp games. It's some damage, but mostly an ability to gather mobs together for other abilities. Levin Array, Eruptive Desecration are nice to combo with this but the best follow up is fast RM's. Spamming RM will do a ton of damage if you use it just as all the mobs are gathered in one spot by CM. 7. Frenetic Fervor: Fanaticism, Resolve, Relentless This is used mostly on bosses or on normal mobs before you get charges of Soul Reaver up. 8. Deprive Spirit: Spite, Deprivation, Gold optional This is another boss killer debuff 9. Paralyzing Dread: uhh bugged. don't use it. Where is bargaining ?
Stangg 0 Posted May 31, 2009 Where is bargaining ? I just copied their guide over, my own set up is slightly different with a different order slightly and bargaining at level 5, but as it's my first character I didn't think I should add my own input yet
xP1AY3R S1AY3Rx 0 Posted June 8, 2009 Permanent Dope is something I too would like to get fixed. I have another Inquisitor that I stopped playing at level 45 after I got tired of Dope doing stupid stuff. But beyond that, I think it would be a better choice for a build similar to my own than Soul Reaver. That's not to say I regret going with Nefarious Netherworld Focus, but going with Astute Supremacy Lore would certainly reduce the amount of eccentric diversity when it comes to an Inquisitor build. I'm glad I could be of assistance. Cthulhu I'd appreciate it if you could post the mods included into your CA. I'm starting to get burned out on my level 77 68 SW and I'm looking for a change of pace. I'd also really like if you could explain why you chose the skills you did. I can see the reasoning behind Spell Resistance, due to the crappy spell resisting potential of the Inquisitor, but why NU Focus?
Chareos Rantras 0 Posted June 8, 2009 Yea Cthulhu , very impressive Character, you should right a full guide describing the mods etc .... cheers! Chareos Rantras
night drow 0 Posted June 13, 2009 75 is the mastery - maxing it out is when the skill doesn't allow you to add more points It should be 200 I think. Equal to your level, not taking into account any + all skills you may have. I offer thee some advice, but ultimately you need to decided for yourself how you wish to bend the dark side of the Force to your liking: - Bargaining works wonderfully on the Inquisitor; namely because he is no small lover of rings. You will quickly find out that most of his equipment tends to have silver sockets and very few gold or bronze sockets. And lest you haven't considered - take notice of the fact that he can wear 4 rings and one amulet. Plus, Bargaining lets you gain access to Lightsabers, and no Sith Lord is complete without his weapon of choice. - Likewise, blacksmithing goes well in hand with the above; you can make more use of amulets since you can now socket them into your silver modification slots. - Also, don't knock Alchemy. It's actually very useful at keeping yourself flexible. It's pretty nice to have the ability to give yourself various potion buffs when the need arises. Plus, being able to extend the duration of concentration potions is truly a wonderful benefit. - As the Inquisitor, you will enjoy having the fastest natural run speed in the game. Unless you go with Riding Mastery, at a certain point you will be able to run faster than while mounted on a spider (and even perhaps a horse). To accomplish this, you can either: A) Use the skill Frenetic Fervor and modify it to increase your run speed (the down side being that you will doom Frenetic Fervor to always have a low duration period.) B) Speed Lore; the easiest perhaps, and the most desierable in the case of you wanting to chose a skill that you will not be paying much attention. The down side of course is the fact that you could have chosen another skill. C) Using boots or other armor that increase your run speed (the downside being that the Inquisitor does not have very many set items that increase his run speed.) - Constitution is a highly advisable skill since the Inquisitor has a very low natural HP growth rate. - Ranged Weapons work surprisingly very well on the Inquisitor; this is in no small part due to the fact that he has a very high dexterity growth rate. But also most of his combat arts work from long range (with the exception of a couple, one being Mortifying Pillory). - Dual Wield is somewhat of the "default" choice as far as weapons go for the Inquisitor; this is recommended if you cannot make up your mind amongst all of the numerous one handed melee weapons in the game. - Two-Handed weapons (I.E. Big swords & Pole Arms) work very well on the Inquisitor too. Just make sure to keep away from dual wield if you're going down this road, and plan on picking a 2 handed weapon specialization early. Specialization in Sword Weapons or Pole Arms help you work on getting those slow 2 handed weapon speeds up to a sufficient level. And also keep in mind that the Inquisitor cannot use 2 handed maces or hammers. Those are SW weapons only. - Keep in mind that you can also take great advantage of the Inquisitor's buffs, in the event that you do not feel satisfied with his limited defensive capabilities, skill-wise. 1) You can modify Purifying Chastisement to give you damage mitigation via the Inure mod. 2) You can also give yourself a chance to reflect ANYTHING via the mods on Reverse Polarity (I've seen it get as high as 70%, I am not sure if it can hit 100%, but it is very beneficial!) I'll stop here... there's a lot I could say, but I don't want to make you think that the only way to play as an Inquisitor is via my play style. He's a surprisingly flexible character, despite his seeming dependency on Purifying Chastisement. Sorry for the nooby question. Did you use alot of runes for astute and nefarious underworld Combat Arts since you didnt take the Lore's?
Cthulhu 0 Posted June 14, 2009 (edited) My build is somewhat ineffective now since soft skill point masteries got taken out of the game (for whatever cruel intention Ascaron had, I do not know). It is amazing how much weaker the Inquisitor is without having the master versions of his skills - probably due to the fact that he has crappy strength growth, pitiful armor and a counter-productive game mechanic (Purifying Chastisement will only get you killed if you try to use it the way it was "intended". Trust me... you'll just get randomly one shotted). Ugh... and with the soft mastery loss, bargaining is just not all that great with the way the game is getting pushed more and more into a magic find frenzy. Not having enhanced perception REALLY hurts since you pretty much have to spend a lot of annoying time exploring and less time leveling effectively. But none the less, the Inquisitor can STILL work - but it will take a lot longer to arrive at a fun level than it would if you were playing with a more well rounded character (I.E. the Shadow Warrior or the Seraphim). Calleous Execution Mods: Bleed- Adds a DOT Lacerate - Lowers enemy base HP (VERY POWERFUL) Draw Life - Life saver and extra 10-20% damage These will ensure that you are dealing optimal damage with this, unquestionaly EXTREMELY powerful melee attack (and yes, the life drain ads EXTRA damage). I highly recommend that you try to get all of the mods for this skill as early as possible... which can be tough since Purifying Chastisement and Frenetic Fervor are essential as well. But the sooner you get Calleous Execution fully modded out, the sooner you'll be able to kill bosses before they can kill you... and also ensuring you'll be saved by the life drains in the event that you might be on receiving end of a near fatal critical hit. If you're wondering why I abhore the added critical hit potential, it's because frankly, it's pointless with Tactics Lore, Purifying Chastisement and the mess of other equipment you will be finding. Ruthless Mutilation Mods: Ire - Ruthless doesn't do very high damage without it Dolor - Life drain, almost essential Frenzy - Double hits ... this works very well when you get dual wield maxed out - I wouldn't start working on RM until after you've gotten Callous Execution finished; RM is awesome, don't get me wrong - but the Inquisitor has enough crowd control crap as it is. Mortifying Pillory Mods: Disgrace - Lowers opponent armor, this can be very helpful but dislodged spirit is overall better by itself* (NOTE: This mod could cause the Inquisitor to lose his own armor in previous patches - so use this mod at your own risk... I cannot atest to the fact that if it has been completely fixed). Proclamation and Decay if you have enough points for it (you probably won't) Mortifying Pillory is in serious need of some love from Ascaron... poison damage doesn't hold up very well in the end game due to most monsters having a high poison armor rating, and it hardly DOTs at that point either. Also the "outlaw' effect on it isn't as useful as it would seem - mainly due to the fact that when it DOES work... the monster ends up dying too fast for it to actually be of any benefit. I almost hate to say this, but MP may be a crap spell. Frenetic Fervor Fanaticism - VERY VERY VERY, VERY VERY VERY ESSENTIAL! This lets the Inquisitor break the 150% attack speed cap and actually do up to 170%. Resolve - The attack rating increase is very substantial, and you will really want to get your accuracy up as high as possible early on since enemies start to dodge your hits more easily, the further on you go in the game. Relentless - Increases the duration... you REALLY need this since FF has a really pitiful duration without this mod. Purifying Chastisement Mods Mystic - Magic damage, although it has more resistance in the end game, is probably the better choice since practically all weapons have a base magic damage effect on them, and also, it increases your chance to cause weakening ... which can be very deadly paired with your other debuffs. Eradicate - Essential, VERY essential. Right off the bat, it gives you a 10% critical hit increase, and it can get MUCH higher (20%? 30%? Whatever you want..) Hallow - Adds more damage Yes, I know Inure seems very tempting since it adds a base damage mitigation every time you use the buff, but let's face it - damage mitigation is sorely broken ATM. Until you're way into the game, that damage mitigation bonus really doesn't help all that much, sadly. And besides, without Hallow, I know this is going to sound lame, but the Inquisitor REALLY needs it. He doesn't do as nearly as much damage without it... ... mainly because you're not going to be able to rely upon the "enraged player" bonus that MP gives you. There's just not enough breathing room later on in the game to depend upon it. Reverse Polarity Mods: Rebound - Reflect Magic/Combat Arts Counterblow - Reflect Close Combat Evade - Substantially Increases chance to not get hit While RP is a very good defensive buff, it sadly isn't as effective as you think it would be. There are quite a few times in the game where I could swear it was not reflecting as much as the % was telling me, and there were other times where it seemed like monsters (*COUGH BOSSES COUGH*) were able to completely ignore it. Also, the damage that RP reflects doesn't seem to be 100%, unlike the damage that monsters reflect. But still, it works, and damn... it's nice for what it is. Clustering Maelstrom Mods: Chaos - Seems to be invariably the better of the two... I think Gravitation is bugged because its script seems to imply that it's supposed to add some Area of Effect damage in cases where there's nothing to collide... but suffice to say, Chaos adds more damage. Gash - DOT Vortex - You NEED this, the range just takes forever to get up otherwise. BTW, I've tried both Vortex mods out, and it doesn't seem to stack. I think it might be a bug. Or if they do, the second one doesn't do as much of an improvement as the first. Levin Array Mods Elongation - Monsters tend to not get hit if you increase the angle... so go with the range. :-/ *I don't recommend bothering with the other two mods, pick whichever you want. If you want my preference, I usually go with Hesitation and Steal Life since Hesitation stacks with Ruthless Mutilation's slow down and Steal Life helps get Levin Array's pitiful damage up a little more.) Raving Thrust & Doppelganger mods - I honestly cannot recommend using these spells, even with an Astute Supremacy build. They're just too buggy. Soul Reaver Zealot: Essential, you need this ASAP. At higher levels it is very much so possible to have Soul Reaver last long enough to be used against bosses if you get this mod. No guarantees, but regardless, this helps A LOT. Getting your chance to get hit down to 0% is just... damn awesome. Recreation: Also essential since it can help deal with the life regen problems that you will probably be having until you get constitution mastery. - If you can afford it, I suggest getting the second Zealot... but honestly you probably won't be able to afford it. *The next two Combat Arts are sort of optional as far as mods go, but they are by far very VERY useful... especially Inexorable Subjugation since it basically freezes an enemy in place and you can combo it with Callous Execution and get in a very strong, free hit. Throw on dislodged spirit before you do the deed, and you're talking MAJOR damage. * Inexoriable Subjegation Mods Brunt - The spell really doesn't last all that long. - I usually don't have enough breathing room for the other two mods, but if you can afford them, go with Fanatic and Probation to get your most out of the spectral companions. Dislodged Spirit Mods In all honesty, I can't say that it's easy to find space to mod this, but if you want to, I suggest going with Spite and Torture and Stimulate. - Focus on Gruesome Inquisition first... after that it might be better in the long run if you get Nefarious Netherworld Lore for the Soul Reaver mods. You'll probably get far more millage out of it than Reverse Polarity since you're pretty much going to be saving RP for situations where Soul Reaver isn't feasible. But once you have concentration Mastery (which is sadly, going to be very late in the game) ... you'll have all 3 at your disposal... and that my friends, is FUN. ... BTW, if you want to be risky, you can go with Sphere & Death Magik on Reverse Polarity & Soul Reaver (respectively) instead of Rebound & the first Zealot. Of course this will mean you're going to have to make Concentration Mastery your first goal as a mastery skill, but the end results can be QUITE pleasing since you've essentially given yourself an aura of death. The only downside to this is that you'll probably be a little awkward, and sadly, the effect will mostly only be for the novelty... not the utility. But hey, if you want to just make killing crowds your only function, it's a great idea! Edited June 14, 2009 by Cthulhu
Chareos Rantras 0 Posted June 14, 2009 Thx on the update, building almost same Inqi, one question, is Spell Resistance superior over Toughness ? Is the low willpower a big problem later on? cheers! Chareos Rantras
Cthulhu 0 Posted June 14, 2009 Spell Resistance is a must for the Inquisitor... that low willpower leaves him open to getting hit by numerous debuffs that can leave the Inquisitor practically crippled. It also just makes the game a pain in the ass when you start running into Swamp Olms... who LOVE to use slow. P.S. Spiders will be a major challenge unless you get the life regen mod on soul reaver early on or until you get constitution mastery. Their spit causes a physical DOT and it is almost impossible to avoid (although Spell Resist helps a little in that department.)
Chareos Rantras 0 Posted June 14, 2009 Spell Resistance is a must for the Inquisitor... that low willpower leaves him open to getting hit by numerous debuffs that can leave the Inquisitor practically crippled. It also just makes the game a pain in the ass when you start running into Swamp Olms... who LOVE to use slow. P.S. Spiders will be a major challenge unless you get the life regen mod on soul reaver early on or until you get constitution mastery. Their spit causes a physical DOT and it is almost impossible to avoid (although Spell Resist helps a little in that department.) Ahaa will keep that I mind cheers! Chareos Rantras
night drow 0 Posted June 14, 2009 Nice change up there cthulhu. But you still didnt give any info on my question. Since your not taking any lore's with astute (I guess since you maybe taking the lore with nefarious now) did you eat alot of runes with astute? I just got the 360 version of Sacred 2 and interested in your Inquisitor build.
Cthulhu 0 Posted June 17, 2009 (edited) Astute Supremacy Lore is only a good idea if you're going to be putting a heavy focus on spell casting and less on melee - which in that case you pretty much need Astute Supremacy Focus. Otherwise, if you're doing a version of the Gruesome Inquisition build with it... I suggest you get a skill to negate the increased CA regen times - because let's be honest here, you're going to be eating a lot of runes. Even with a lore, the spell damage & buff benefits begin to get too weak unless you start memorizing runes. You can probably hold off on heavy rune swallowing for a while though. The main thing that permitted me to do it early was probably when the game still let you hit a mastery via +skill items. With the current changes... sigh... your best bet is to use runes up to the point where you are just about to get penalized and then stop.... or even better - up to the point where even concentration potions do not help you get your CA regen times down to a comfortable point. I tried going Astute Supremacy Lore w/out Focus a while ago actually. I still ended up using my fair share of runes since I wanted to get the damage on Clustering & Levin up as high as possible ... and not to mention wanting to get Reverse Polarity's reflection extremely high. The end result was having to take .... get this... ALCHEMY for the numerous benefits associated with enhanced potions. It actually turned out to be a pretty good build in the long run. The only reason it got killed was because of the stupid Paralyzing Dread bug. Looking back now - that Inquisitor would probably be level 200 now if it weren't for that damn discovery. That was also the beginning of the end for my days with Closed.Net. Edited June 17, 2009 by Cthulhu