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Inquisitor Shopper in the AddOn

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After noticing that there are already many people testing the staff-dryad shopper we decided to try another type of staff shopper. It is currently level 68, no questing done. The character will level outdoors, so constitution is perhaps not needed playing from the mount. Since we play LAN, bargaining will be kept open for a long time. So that we have a skill to play with, starting from a savefile.
Only 7(8) skills are taken(planed) so far:

  • staff
  • inquisition focus
  • armour
  • netherworld focus
  • concentration
  • combat discipline
  • supremacy focus
  • (bargaining)

So the 2 open skills would allow to put a focus towards an aspect, or for defense. The yet untested ideas we have:

Tactic lore and constitution would be the most logical ones. Using the Maelstrom to bundle mobs. Maelstrom would be just to bundle, not for much damage. So no need for ancient magic and the lore. So all the mobs will be in the attack cone of mutlilation. Mutilation has a VERY long range because of staff lore.

Astute Supremacy:
Supremacy lore and Ancient Magic. Play the classical caster and use staff/mutilation and its range to recharge with reg per hit.

Netherworld lore and Ancient Magic. Idea would be to bundle a mob, do dislodged spirit on a target, maelstrom and mutilation. If the spirit is modified for wildfire the predamaged target may die and explode. Staff is used again for recharging quickly on a lot of targets.

Anyone with Inqui experience? What 2 skills would you use?


How many opponents does Ruthless Mutilation hit with staff lore? 3 or is it more for some reason? I tried a laser build before for awhile...


In the AddON:

A staff is not really ranged and not really hand to hand. Mutilation while wielding a staff and having staff lore will try to get a melee hit with a staff bash. But for all other hits in its execution it will be melee hits (no limit to 3 projectiles), but with the range of a staff shot.

A dryad with staff and darting assault will run to an enemy bash it, but while rotating it will instantly hit every enemy which is less than like 2 screen away.

The inquisitor with mutilate will do no full rotation, but will do a bash first and hits everything in its attack angle, just like the dryad, but a smaller angle.

A seraphim with pelting strikes will bash the first target and will do bash animations on other targets which are in shooting range, but won't run to them. But Pelting strike has a limited number of attacks.


We had a funny conversation yesterday, discussing the last 2 skills.


The character is softcore, so a death is not that harsh: no constitution. It will be a necromancer with minions binding the enemies far away but still in staff range. The character will have enough souls while leveling to keep a high defense up.


The character should be able to level quickly but be funny to play the same moment. So netherworld lore to allow a more unique playstyle was taken.


And then we surprisingly both said two-weapon combat. I felt like a fool when my daughter said: dad, it is a shopper. we need the sockets. I had planed two-weapon combat to allow x% life leech staff shooting with a kaldur in the offhand, or to try out direct damage, or to socket 3 damage x-x rings, or to free skill points, because with two-weapon skill staff lore can stay at 1 for just the shooting.

But my daughter remembered me that the character was a shopper first and fun with testing only secondary. Good that both reasons speak for two-weapon combat.


The character does not the full all around attacks like the dryad and the staff shots are not as powerful as the one from the dryad. But there are several ways to do a lot of damage quickly:



Use just instantly recharged mutilations.


aggravate all in front of you with mutilation so the enemies run into the kill zone of your minions and doubleganger


Collect a horde, bundle them close together with maelstrom and do a mutilation into the tight group.


Not modified yet: several Combat Art's like corpse explosion, the temporary buffs, ...

So while leveling there will be more stuff to experiement with.


is there anyway for an inquisitor to wield two items at once in their weapon set slots without the dual wield skill? it seems every other class can? does this make dual wield a must have for any inquisitor shopper build? having to take staff lore and dual wield both and shopping really feels like it's gonna limit the build?


Well... No. The Inquisitor can't wield a shield. So the best he can do is a 2 handed sword or pole arm or 1 handed weapons swords, axes and such. Dual Wield will give him the ability to handle 2 - 1 handed weapons. The bonus of having DW on him - you get the extra weapon - which gives you the benefits of the 2nd weapon...


Staff lore and DW works well as long as you have a pair of 1 handed staffs.


Keep in mind - this build isn't out there to conquer the world. As Chattius said - this build is primarily a Shopper! So, yeah, he is limited - by design.


And it's not exactly quite true - the Temple Guardian can only wield 1 handed items as he has only 1 arm that can function. The other arm is the multifunction arm that transforms to do the various combat arts.


Whow this old beast of a character...

With CM patch: two nlovae and special sigil set will rsulit in a way bigger radius to bundle enemies. Never played the character with new sigils, but woul be something to consider.

Cpuld perhaps workwithout staff lore.


the temple guardian though gets the battery? right? which can have sockets? then again I guess dual wield is something the temple guardian cannot take at all, whereas it's something the inquisitor almost has to take.. I guess what I was wondering is if there was some sort of battery type of item the inquisitor could equip, like a fetish or something but I guess that's not how sacred works and I've played too many other arpgs.


The dryad has shrunken heads, the TG a battery, but thats it.


my two highest level characters are actually TG and dryad which explains why I was a bit surprised my 3rd character inquisitor didn't have such an item, oh well, he's still pretty cool!


I tried to create the ultimate evil character:

Using his own daughter and a Teddy bear as meat shields.

Using a doppleganger as a meat shield as some dictators did.

Staff lore to kill evrything which is in front of him as far as he can see.

Killing just for fun, even being too lazy to loot all the corpses

Using 2 x% life leech claws in boss fights.

Using a doppleganger with x% life leech at boss fights

Asking enormous prices if socketing stuff for friends

Used god power skill to unlock smithing

A buff which damages everyone in his party for 5+% of the damage he should have got. Luckily most of the party is immortal.


Chattius! Does a doppleganger use % lifeleech, when %LL weapons are used by character?

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From memory they also seem to get a higher value of %LL than on the weapon you have equipped when summoning them.

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