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Sacred 2 Enhanced Edition by Flix

  • Sacred 2 Enhanced Edition (S2EE) is the continuation of my work on older mods such as Enhanced Spells and the Community Patch, of which S2EE is meant to be the successor.
  • S2EE contains hundreds of bugfixes, as well as numerous gameplay enhancements such as redesigned balance, quality-of-life improvements, and cosmetic changes.  Enemies are more challenging, quests are more rewarding, and items are more varied, unique, and useful.
  • This mod also features AI-Upscaled Textures that will work if the Elite Textures are installed. These all-new HD textures will be used for the DLC and expansion content which never received any official elite textures.
  • S2EE is designed for the player to install the CORE module, then they may install some optional add-on modules.
  • See the "Sacred 2 EE Manual.pdf" for full list of modules and features.
  • Currently supported languages:
    • CORE module: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Hungarian.
    • Alternate Spells: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish.

Optional Modules:

  • Alternate Spells - Swap out several vanilla combat arts with new custom ones.
  • Challenge Mode - Significantly increased difficulty.
  • SuperSpawn - Increases enemy spawn count by 2-3x.
  • Enhanced Music - A game-wide expansion pack for all regional background music.
  • Portrait Overhaul - Revamps all the NPC and enemy icons with new artistic portraits with more character and personality.
  • Free-For-All Quests - Makes all quests available in all game modes, and allows all bosses to respawn each game session.
  • Classic Icons - Restores the aspect background and combat art icons to vanilla.
  • Classic Icons for Alt. Spells - Change the aspect background and combat art icons to the "classic" style.



  • If upgrading from vanilla or EE 3.0 and below: I HIGHLY advise NEW CHARACTERS or you may have broken spells & quests, re-rolled bonuses on gear, or other odd behavior.

  • Download the Generic Mod Enabler (GME) and install it to your Sacred 2 root folder.
  • After running the GME once, it will make a folder called "MODS" there.
  • Extract/copy/move the contents of the compressed zip file into the "MODS" folder.  There should be 9 folders (the Docs folder need not be placed in the MODS folder).
  • S2EE contains one CORE module and eight optional add-on modules.  You must install "Sacred 2 CORE EE 3.2 - Required" at the very least.
  • Run the GME and enable the CORE module.  The GME will back up your clean files and will allow to you to easily enable/disable the mod as you wish.
  • - Optional - add-on modules should be installed afterward.  Do not install any of the add-on modules without the CORE module installed first.  Overwrite warnings are to be expected when you install the optional modules.



  • This mod requires Sacred 2 + Ice & Blood expansion with the latest patch (2.65.02) installed (or simply Sacred 2 Gold).
  • This mod additionally requires that Community Patch 1.60 be installed.
  • No previous versions or components of the old Enhanced Edition should be installed.
  • No mods that alter scripts will be compatible with S2EE. This includes: Diablo 2 Fallen, Boss Arena, Age of Heroes, Survival Mod, Llama's Mod, Wardust's Mods, Dimitrius's Patch Addendum
  • Mods that are known to be compatible: Music Mods, Interface Mods, Main Menu Mods, Reduced Fog, Elite Textures (either official or the unofficial "trimmed" version), and simple texture mods like Eye mod or Grass mod.


Development (Enhanced Spells module):

For detailed list of changes to combat arts (and Alternate Spells) , and for pictures and videos, and development info, visit this thread:



Known Issues:

  • Not all properties of a Combat Art update dynamically in the CA tooltip text. This is a pre-existing issue in the vanilla game as well. However rest assured that all properties of Combat Arts should be clearly described in the CA description text and will appear (if applicable) in the Sigma bonus overview and/or character overview.
  • Dragon's Wrath cannot go into a combo. No known solution.
  • If you find bugs, exploits, or other issues, don't forget to let me know so I can address them.



  • Flix - Main author, scripts, game texts, textures, sounds, icons.
  • Dimitrius154 - programming, scripting, advice, asset importing.
  • Pesmontis - new model importing, text encoding tools.
  • desm - French translation.
  • Shadowflare85 - German translation.
  • KrystianCzach243r - Polish translation.
  • Nikoleagle and LordKomar - Russian translation.
  • Deivix - Spanish translation.
  • Pokolfajzat - Hungarian translation.
  • Loromir - Italian translation.
  • Lindor - reworked Ancient Bark FX.
  • Ysendra - new Daemon textures.
  • SX255 - new Deathly Spears icon.
  • Luthal - helped work out how to handle summoned minions.
  • Caledor - ideas on adjusting balance, skill effects, and the interface.
  • Charon117 - tools for cleaning & optimizing scripts.
  • Everyone who played the mod and posted feedback.
  • Gogoblender and Schot - hosting this mod on DarkMatters.
  • Llama - making his CM Patch Mod and showing me the way into modding Sacred 2 spells.


What's New in Version 3.0   See changelog


Sacred 2 Enhanced Edition 3.0 Change Log

 - New "Free-For-All Quests" optional module which makes all quests available in all game modes, and allows all bosses to respawn each game session.
 - New "Portrait Overhaul" optional module which revamps all the NPC and enemy icons with new artistic portraits with more character and personality.
 - New "Enhanced Music" optional module, a game-wide expansion pack for all regional background music.
 - All Multiplayer buttons and menus removed in CM Patch have been restored. Please only connect to servers that you trust.
 - All PhysX particles removed in CM Patch 1.60 have been restored and optimized to prevent crashing.
 - AI upscaling has been applied to several low resolution textures. Many expansion-content textures now have Elite versions.

 - Quests that granted attribute/skill points were unintentionally restricted from Hardcore mode in v2.4; they are once again available in Hardcore.
 - The catalog of books is reorganized. Some texts and formatting are corrected. Two missing books have been restored, one extra book has been added. 
 - Several quest items that had been changed into generic books by the CM Patch are now changed back to their original intended items. Some missing icons were also created.
 - Dialogues and log entries no longer mistakenly refer to names from D2F in a few places.
 - Standardized some capitalization, spelling, and naming conventions in the game texts.
 - Various corrections to quest script formatting & typos.
 - "VIP's of Ancaria" (CM Patch tutorial quest group) now appears in the logbook for Shadow-path characters.
 - "Dirty Deal"/"The New Shipment": Prospective Gladiators now stay in Badawi upon the quest's completion.
 - "The Dragon Cult": Ophtanar's guards no longer keep respawning after the appropriate quest completion. 
 - "Smuggler's Courier": Smugglers no longer keep respawning after the appropriate quest stage completion.
 - "Days Gone By": Ambul now properly transforms into a ghost at the appropriate quest stage. 
 - "The Wolf Problem": Herder Gildor now properly transforms before attacking.
 - "The Thunder Gurgler": Apprentice Abdullah now properly mutates before attacking.
 - "Bad Sheep": The "Badly Mutated Sheep" are now actually T-Mutants instead of regular sheep. Shepherd Jacob is now a human instead of an elf noble.
 - "The Northland Expedition": Battle Master Gambolt now gives you "A Northland Tale" to read upon your arrival to the island. Reward for completion changed from Braggi's Law to Kal'Dur's Legacy.
 - "The Legendary Pirate Treasure": Completion now drops better gold and loot rewards, including 3 guaranteed rares
 - "The Cursed Forest": Magisil reward is now dropped by Khormynth at the very end of the quest line, instead of the Abishai.
[Enemy & NPC]
 - Neutral atmospheric animals are now enabled and present for all regions.
 - There is now a lizardman horse trader in Neithu'thaz, who sells Unicorns and Flaming Horses.
 - Enabled several NPC's to engage in ambient dialogue and gossip.
 - Horse saddle variety has been improved.
 - Added missing equipment to various Human and Elf NPC's, and corrected some atmospheric animations. 
 - Fixed various elf, orc, and human models that had flipped polygons.
 - Fixed a vanilla script bug that may have been preventing enemy focus & lore skills from functioning.
 - Several wild animals (mostly wolves) are no longer incorrectly immune to fear.
 - Spider Web attacks now have a fixed 50% chance to root the player in place. If the player is not rooted, their movement speed is penalized instead.
 - Blind spell (used by Olm and Harpies) does not penalize player attack speed as much.
 - The two enemy temp buffs which boosted attack speed and movement speed are combined into a single buff which boosts both properties.
 - Corrected a mineworker NPC animation.
 - Added some missing animations for Gar'Colossus and Mist of Miasma special attacks.
 - All spells of the Lightning Lord now inflict 50% of their former damage values.
 - Asmarael's healing spells are nerfed to a reasonable level, to avoid her insta-healing her entire hitpoint pool.
 - Leaping Plants' jump attack once again causes area damage. Damage type is now poison.
 - Stun nova FX used by General Terus and Sheik Yerbouti changed from yellow to purple.
 - Gahanka no longer has bonuses to Vitality and Damage Mitigation. In return his chance to hit is increased.
 - Dragons no longer use an attack that pushes back the player, which sometimes caused permanent stun until reload.
 - Dragon "frost" and "magic" fireballs now have separate FX.
 - Elite Griffins and Swampbelly Toads are no longer missing icons in the Last Opponent window.
 - Flying Eyes (except the suicide bombers) now leave behind corpses instead of exploding on death.
 - Mutated Skeletons now explode into bones instead of gore on death.
 - Baron DeMordrey ("The Unholy Crusade") is now an elite-rank opponent.
 - Changed the way the Forest Guardian boss spawns so he should no longer mysteriously go missing.
 - There are 6 new weapon mini-sets comprising the existing Legendary "unofficial set" items (Charo's, Silithar's, Khral's, Gruma's, Soorn's, Assassin's).
 - Base damage of all weapon classes has been recalibrated so that slow, 2h weapons are able to compete with their faster 1h & dual wield counterparts.
 - Normalized item tiers for all random items, e.g., all magic-tier items of a type will have the same amount of modifiers.
 - Added new models for hundreds of unique & legendary weapons which were formerly clones of random magic/rare items.
 - Player characters' armor models no longer include/override parts of the characters' skin, making EE compatible with all custom skin mods.
 - Random rare 1h & 2h Lightsabers now use the correct item class names, instead of chain weapon and recipe labels, respectively. 
 - The Redeemer (Legendary 2h Sword) is no longer a Shadow Warrior-exclusive weapon.
 - All instances of player or NPC equipment appearing transparent from one side should now be fixed.
 - All Energy Pistols and 2h Energy Staves now have T-Energy FX, where appropriate.
 - A random rare Halberd added in 2.0 is no longer missing an icon.
 - Single Skill item bonuses are reduced to 3x the All Skills value (was over 5x in EE 2.4).
 - Damage Conversion to the 4 elements may now spawn on magic-tier gloves, in addition to rares. It may also spawn on Dryad Shrunken Heads.
 - Gold-text Life Leeched per Hit now has greater base values than the yellow-text variant, and now exclusively appears on unique/set/legendary tier items.
 - All Mutation sets now grant 4 set bonuses, awarded at 2/4/6/8 pieces equipped, except for the Seraphim who gets the bonuses at 3/5/7/9 pieces. They now begin dropping at level 70, in Gold difficulty or higher.
[Spells General]
 - Divine Gift: Dazzle can now chain up to 12 opponents (formerly 5). Damage increased and changed to fire/magic.
 - Divine Gift: Kuan's Breath no longer causes opponents to become friendly and peaceful.
 - Divine Gift: Infusion now provides instant heal of 100% HP, and the hitpoint regeneration is tripled. In return the initial duration is lowered to 15s.
 - Divine Gift: Inspiration reflect chance starts much higher and scales better.
 - Divine Gift: Will-o-Wisp healing effect now scales.
 - Fixed a vanilla issue where debuffs to enemy attack, defense, and armor were actually granting opponents the ability to debuff the player instead.
 - Mounted casting now uses the on-foot FX, where appropriate.
 - Several Buffs that don't inflict damage of their own no longer display the player's weapon damage in their tooltips.
 - Some missing on-hit projectile FX now displays.
 - Cleaned up some unused script parameters and entries in spells.txt.
 - Niokaste's and Megalcarwen's sets (and their random variants) adjusted to have a more heavily armored symmetrical look.
 - Endijian's Relics armor set has new FX.
 - New weapon/shield set: Endijian's Heirlooms
 - Pelting Strikes bronze mod "Succession" chance for melee double hits now scales with level, and also adds extra projectiles when used with ranged weapons.
 - Cleansing Brilliance now damages all enemies (T-Mutants and Undead suffer double damage). Tooltip no longer mentions Hitpoint Regeneration because this modifier was non-functioning.

 - Ruthless Mutilation gold mod "Frenzy" chance for melee double hits increased and now scales with level.
 - Purifying Chastisement FX changed from blue to red.
 - Levin Array: Magic DOT is doubled.
 - Reverse Polarity FX changed from green to violet.
 - Inexorable Subjugation FX changed from orange to blue. Fixed an exploit involving certain resurrected opponents who could permanently impart a stacking reflective buff to the Inquisitor.
 - Paralyzing Dread: All debuffs should now work properly. Gold mod "Confidence" now boosts the Inquisitor's evade chance instead of his attack.
 - Soul Reaver: Hitpoint regeneration from "Recreation" silver mod increased.
[High Elf]
 - Glimborin's Hoop is now High Elf-exclusive and is part of Glimborin's Garments of Mutation set.
 - Fire Demon: Demon's level and leveling rate returned to vanilla values.
 - Frost Flare impact FX changed from lightning to ice.
 - Crystal Skin casting FX changed from purple to blue.
 - Expulse Magic now has a 10 second cooldown, to prevent excessive stacking.

[Shadow Warrior]
 - Rare 2-handed Hafted Weapons will no longer spawn with bonuses for other classes. They are now guaranteed to have an extra silver socket on Silver difficulty or higher.
 - Scything Sweep now has a chance to cause extra "splash" area damage to nearby opponents. This CA no longer knocks back opponents by default. In return, bronze mod "Knockback" has its chance increased.  
 - Ruinous Onslaught: Bronze mod "Getaway" chance to break roots set to 100%.
 - Frenzied Rampage "Double Attack" mods now scale with level. Modification pairs are rearranged: Critical hits/Open wounds, Double hits/Poison Damage, Double hits/Life Leech.
 - Belligerent Vault is changed from spell-based to weapon-based damage. FX is reworked.
 - Augmenting Guidon FX changed from pink to yellow.
 - Killing Spree bronze mod "Berserk" now has its max damage threshold set at 25% health (previously there was no bottom threshold).
 - Spectral Hand gold mod "Double Attack" chance for double hits now scales with level.
 - Skeletal Fortification has new glowing green FX.
 - Rallied Souls FX changed from yellow to green.
 - Shadow Veil chance to stay cloaked from "Fade" silver mod now starts much lower but scales better with CA level.
 - Mormorin's Band is now Dryad-exclusive and is part of Mormorin's Garments of Mutation set.
 - Forest Flight: Gold mod "Escape" chance to break roots set to 100%. Silver mod "Escape" is now "Encroach" which doubles the radius of the rooting effect against opponents.
[Temple Guardian]
 - There is now a T-Energy effect on the TG's base body, his various combat arms, and the "T-Energy Modules" armor set.
 - Dimiona's Garments of Mutation (and generic variants) has new FX.
 - Helmets no longer include the TG's head as part of the model.
 - Battle Extension "Double Attack" mods now scale with level, and also add extra projectiles when used with ranged weapons. Modifications are rearranged: Double hits/Damage %, Double hits/Opponent's Evade Chance, Open Wounds/Critical hits
 - Battle Extension and Dedicated Blow tooltips no longer mention the passive "chance opponents cannot evade" because this modifier was non-functioning.
 - Furious Emblazer flame jet is more intense with greater effective range, and better matches the casting animation.
 - Untouchable Force base range is increased slightly.
[Dragon Mage]
 - New dragonbone armor set: "Mark of the Dragon" themed after the DM's class quest and focused on dual wielding.
 - Torik's Oath and Draagen's Legacy sets (and their random variants) have new FX.
 - Halgrim's Law has new black dragonscale design.
 - Dragon Berserk has a new armored design, and an expanded animation set. Blood Frenzy now has casting FX and animation.
 - Dragon Form has a new armored design. Its "Jump" CA is now able to break roots, and also causes area fire damage to opponents as the Dragon flies overhead.
 - Eternal Fire will now spread to opponents correctly.
 - Tornado range, hits per second, and movement speed increased. AI is improved.
 - Maelstrom now has a 5 second cooldown, to prevent excessive stacking.
 - Combat Trance has new FX.
 - Runes of Protection now uses Combat Trance's old FX.

[Alternate Spells Module]
 - seraphim's Sublime Guardian will no longer mutate into an armorless Seraphim when coming into contact with T-Energy.
 - seraphim's Sonic Vortex now has casting FX when mounted.
 - By popular request, the TG's Sentinel Construct is now silent.
 - DM's Dragon's Wrath has new FX.
[Challenge Mode]
 - Enemy weapon damage increased at higher difficulty levels.

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Hi, Flix.

Sry for my bad eng)

Will this mod work on CM-Patch v.0160b

I tried to install it. Mod removed some files from the game.

I saw "Sacred 2.....CM-Patch 0150+ESM" in game menu (but I want to see 0160+ESM :drool:)



No.  CM 1.60 is in beta testing status.  Not a good a idea for me to start releasing mods updated for a patch that isn't even finalized yet and changes every few days.

All mods will be updated for CM 1.60 only after the final patch is released.

  • Like! 1


It's updated and released, finally.  :)

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Posted (edited)

Thanks! :)

SuperSpawn only changes total_density, right?

Edited by Joubarbe
  • Like! 1


7 hours ago, Joubarbe said:

Thanks! :)

SuperSpawn only changes total_density, right?




Hey I'm new to sacred 2 and would like to try this mod out.

I'm just curious as to what exactly challenge mode and superspawn do?

  • Like! 1


1 hour ago, Fabur said:


@Flix I just tried out your mod for a few hours and like it so far. There is one thing that bugs me a bit though: The Sublime Guardians ability to convert enemies for a short time. For me it slows down the gameplay a bit, as I cannot kill enemies that are currently under the influence of the convert spell. So I have to wait for the spell to finish or have them teleport after me for the duration of spell. Is there any way to make them killable while they are effected by the spell? Or maybe reduce the duration or even replace the skill completely (as you have already done for the Seraphim herself)?

Thanks for trying the mod!  I gave the Sublime Guardian the Conversion CA because I would have liked a way to keep that spell in the game.  Similarly, I gave the Inquisitor's Daemon Raving Thrust.

If there's negative feedback about Conversion I'll consider removing it.



2 hours ago, AnonEMoose44 said:

Hey I'm new to sacred 2 and would like to try this mod out.

I'm just curious as to what exactly challenge mode and superspawn do?

I added the descriptions of these two modules to the details on the file page.  :) 



1 hour ago, Flix said:

Thanks for trying the mod!  I gave the Sublime Guardian the Conversion CA because I would have liked a way to keep that spell in the game.  Similarly, I gave the Inquisitor's Daemon Raving Thrust.

If there's negative feedback about Conversion I'll consider removing it.

Thanks for creating the mod! :D

Hm, maybe rework it into a mod for the Sublime Guardian, if that is possible? So people who like the playstyle can mod for it and everyone else can go for a straight power up for the summon.

  • Like! 1

Posted (edited)

so I downloaded the mod and installed it, I thought I didnt have the new spells but I do. Thing is they are new ones but all the text including the names and the modifications to all the combat arts are the old spell text.. how do I fix?

Edited by ben007


4 hours ago, ben007 said:

so I downloaded the mod and installed it, I thought I didnt have the new spells but I do. Thing is they are new ones but all the text including the names and the modifications to all the combat arts are the old spell text.. how do I fix?

What language is your game installation?


Posted (edited)

I believe I had to change it to "language uk" because no text was showing up on menus  or in game. Not sure now, I think the advance spells added all the formatted langues it supports. When I have it set to US I get game sounds and voices but no text, when I set it to UK I get old combat art text and no sound, but updated combat arts,

Edited by ben007


But what was the language set to originally?  US?  This is the gold version of the game?



Great job Flix and I'm glad to see some of the balance aspects I posted last july like the tweaks to sockets. I'll definitively try this. One thing is missing and it makes me wonder (since you said you liked it)... why did you decide against giving Temple Guardian and Inquisitor additional amulet/ring slots? Our discussion from back then for reference:


  • Thanks! 1


1 hour ago, Caledor said:

Great job Flix and I'm glad to see some of the balance aspects I posted last july like the tweaks to sockets. I'll definitively try this. One thing is missing and it makes me wonder (since you said you liked it)... why did you decide against giving Temple Guardian and Inquisitor additional amulet/ring slots? Our discussion from back then for reference:


I guess I just forgot?  :(  I added it to Diablo 2 Fallen a while back.  Just never made it onto my EE project list I guess.



On 3/28/2018 at 2:51 PM, Caledor said:

Great job Flix and I'm glad to see some of the balance aspects I posted last july like the tweaks to sockets. I'll definitively try this. One thing is missing and it makes me wonder (since you said you liked it)... why did you decide against giving Temple Guardian and Inquisitor additional amulet/ring slots? Our discussion from back then for reference:

I know it's been 4 months but I was just reviewing this feature and it turns I did in fact add the extra TG jewelry slots in v2.0.  I just forgot to list it the changelog!

  • Thanks! 1


On 30/7/2018 at 4:41 AM, Flix said:

I know it's been 4 months but I was just reviewing this feature and it turns I did in fact add the extra TG jewelry slots in v2.0.  I just forgot to list it the changelog!

Thanks for the heads up and I'm glad you went along with it in the end

  • Like! 1


Could you tell me the answer to the questions of the modding
1) Is it possible to tie the ability to an object so that when it is put on, the spell is added to the free cell. Can the ability be given from a complete set of things?
2) Can I add new abilities when turning into a dragon form?



3 hours ago, Wolfcat92 said:

Could you tell me the answer to the questions of the modding
1) Is it possible to tie the ability to an object so that when it is put on, the spell is added to the free cell. Can the ability be given from a complete set of things?
2) Can I add new abilities when turning into a dragon form?


1) No this is not possible in Sacred 2, sadly

2) No, we never found a way around the code limitations to add new player combat arts, even when shapeshifted.  All you can do is change the existing ones.  If you want to do that, look in spells.txt and edit the entries:  "dm_form_drgn_teleport", "dm_form_drgn_feuerball", and "dm_form_drgn_feuerwand".

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