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Everything posted by Stormwing

  1. Steve: Guess Sony's not fond of idea of giving one of their main francise to others, I take it. Although, FF XII and XII-2 are for both Xbox and PS3. VII and VIII were published on PC, but I guess they weren't selling enough compared to the PSX-versions, seeing next one for PC was XI, which was a massive dissapointment, at least for me, when it turned out to be MMORPG...
  2. Might be. Although I would rather try to memorize all possible constantly needed things, searching them up every time can be a chore, even if the search functions are in the muscle-memory- level.
  3. Gogo: Well, for me, most of the interesting games are also avaiable on PC. Skyrim, Mass Effect 3, Amalur, Saint's Row 3, etc. And pc games generally cost much less, although there is the constant upgrading when games require more juice. It's just that pc is much more multipurpose than any console in my books. Still, nice to hear some news. Hopefully they'll get the GPU specs more beefed up, as it'll end up almost DoA, as DB said...
  4. My sentiments to everyone involved, and hopefully you'll get better as soon as possible. Those backpains can be killer... Steve: Haven't really dwelled into the medical stuff but guess that is one of the harder things, or perhaps most of the resources and interests are funneled into other things, like heart surgery, and such.
  5. Main pointers all nicely collected together, I'd say. One big plus with TQ; it never crashed on me, even with 12 (or more? can't really remember) Act2 Telkines throwing all those spells around, and creating mirror images , and only a controlled slowdown. Or 8 hours straight, no crash. Though I guess crashing is one of main charm of Sarcred 2. Sorta. claudius: Liked those things too. Lotsa combos and styles to try out. Good thing there's the Vault program, so I can hoard all those Hades-run goodies there. ^^
  6. Hehhee. Amalur's taken a hold of you me matey. I liked the game too. Would love to get it at start too, but ME3 got the priority. Too bad Amalur's CE is NA exclusive. Would've been nice with all the trinkets..
  7. QFT. My thoughts excatly. Somehow it seems that companies have forgotten that not everyone want to play MP. And some games just aren't made for one. Not to mention, not everyone have worthy connection for playing, so SP games surely are appreciated.
  8. chattius: The license is biggest reason for me to not own tv. Would cost about ~230€ a year. Though I guess I wouldn't have one if there wasn't that license. I get all I need from the interwebz. ^^ Though they are about to impose a new tax (>_<) in 2013 where every household pays a sum based on income, and that's basically for funding Yle. Which is kinda what BBC is to Britain, only not so good, imho. If that one goes through, I'll be forced to buy a tv, as I certainly aren't going to buy for nothing. One wouldn't know what outright stupid things the government's plotting... Just wasting our tax-moneys...
  9. Actually, happened to see that somewhere during Christmas. Kinda slipped away, as I don't watch tv much, don't own one. One of the better ones in my humble oppinion. Imperial march never gets old.
  10. Tell me about it... Was all but easy getting anything out of Steam before I got decent connection. As much peeps are gonna rage-quit and sort, I'm quite positive it'll be register-locked into something, as a form of DRM. I've read quite a lot of posts considering EA's Origin, as part of Mass Effect 3
  11. There you go. Tried it just now and the installer started downloading normally. I tried te Masteries one, didn't quite get the hang of it. Must've been 'cause I wasn't gotten deep into with the original masteries.
  12. Welcome aboard, mate! It's just what everyone says, although getting through all that, to the end of the Niob, is surely a price in itself. ^^ Still to get someone even into the start of Niob...
  13. Guess it's a good thing that I got owned with TQ before diving into some not so linear rpgs, Mass Effect, Oblivion, the sort. Still like it and now that you mentioned that, should really give Lillith a go. It's just that the time's so limited with all stuff to play. Decisions, decisions...
  14. Played just for the unlocked Assault Rifle and armor for Mass Effect 3, and I'm quite positive that I got addicted to this. Looks really great. ^^ And as I'm almost totally SP-player myself, I ain't agonizing over missed MP. Steve: It might actually need Origin, which is EA's version of Steam. Good thing I have EA-account for Mass Effect things, so no worries here.
  15. Well, not that I have much in common with them, but I'd like to be wolf. I like 'em in general and I kinda am a lonely wolf kind of person.
  16. Well, that's our beloved Sacred. Wouldn't be the same without those hitches..
  17. Well, sometimes my chars, mostly Seraphim or Shadow Warrior get stuck like that. Can still fight if enemies are on weapon/CA-distance but that's all. Save exiting and reloading nothing can be done. I remember reading somewhere about it, but can't quite remember which thread it was on...
  18. Isn't that just normal regen time, just like Baneful Smite's? Though it's been a while from playing a caster seraphim... Been using that too, though RP's regen's been so small it wasn't really necessary.
  19. As I mentioned in the other thread, that's a nice overhaul. One can only have small cup of coffee with that price around here, not counting an offer with a donut or something. Breakfasts are around 5,5€, haven't found cheaper place around here.
  20. Well, the music instrument was the first come in mind, when I read the thread topic. Wondered why he had given one. I have a similar thing somewhere in the kitchen stored away. Haven't used it yet, the lazy cook I am.
  21. Gogo: Well, I'd say if not hurry, the wait's worth the price, I guess..? One would be lucky to get a coffee around here with that price.. chattius: You can say that again... Those kisses are awfully expensive around here nowadays, if one doesn't spot them on sale or something...
  22. Gogo: I guess here could be for once. Been ages since I was in any kind of skids. Must've been in the army. Sure is great exercise altogether, but gotta admit, I ain't too compatible with 'em.. Used to ski a lot when I was at elementary but that kinda ended. Don't really know why. Took a look at the Colombias, nearly fell off my chair. Sure, quality doesn't come cheap, but I could name off the bat about dozen places to invest that amount.
  23. Haven't heard of the Goose, really. We do have few local brands like Halti, Raiski and the like, which make varying clothes from windbreakers to quilted gear. Though those are quite expensive. Currently I have a quilted set from a friend. Sorta hand-me-downs. Don't know the brand. Probably some cheap one. Had to use them last winter few times. Had those -30 to -40C weathers. This winter sure is different. If there isn't going to be those "sub-zero" weathers, I'll make it through with my jeans and leather jacket. Well, maybe a wool shirt if it's really cold.
  24. Looks like winter's finally come here. Forecasts predict around -7 to -15(!) C for the weekend and starting next week. There's some snow too. Not too happy about that, actually. Seeing we didn't have it around Nov-Dec, I was prepared to have snowless winter. Not too fond of snow nowadays... Dunno why.
  25. Well, been reading about having some strange things happen, when pairing up with Steam copy with a physical copy. Might be that. And set swords are very few, the ones from Drizzt's added in CM might be the only ones around. Model's same as with Serpent's Tongue, if memory serves, but the stats are totally different... The Sacred-enigma hit us again.
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