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Everything posted by Cthulhu

  1. It would be absolutely frivolous, but they could indeed pack it down to something measly as say, 20 megabytes. Heck, maybe less. Impossible you say? Farbrausch makes me think otherwise: http://www.farb-rausch.de/productions.php Pay special attention to: http://www.theprodukkt.com/kkrieger Packing a fancy FPS game into a mere 96kb!
  2. ...Now we just need to find someone who has the time to do the Ascaron quest ad-nauseum...
  3. For what it's worth, the mount armor & saddles are still in the game's item blueprints file. And if you do the console command "print" and "hero"(Or something like that, just do "print" and after that do the one that says hero in it), it will tell you that you have an unused saddle slot. So it looks possible that they'll be back.
  4. Yeah. I think it started with 2.34. A few others on the official forums have noticed it as well, but I thought it was just the Ilgard's set that was the culprit. However, last night I finally took the time to test it out, and I casted Paralyzing Dread while having a debuff ring equipped. Sure enough, as soon as I casted it, my Inquisitor was hit with the debuff. But yeah... I suggest you not use PD until they get it fixed.
  5. It's just come to my attention that Paralyzing Dread really sucks right now. Depending on what you're wearing, when you turn on PD, it hits the Inquisitor with whatever "debuff" type effects he has on his equipment. So for example, if you have -% opponent's attack value, the Inquisitor will get hit with it. Of course, the best kind ATM is having "Chance to Cause Serious Open Wounds". KILL YOURSELF! ......
  6. The Officer's Saber is so over-rated... Magisil will give you a far higher stat boost than your survival bonus. But good luck finding 1, let alone 2 Magisils. Here's the picture I took of a level 220 one (it's on the wiki as well). Yes, you could gloat about the Officer's Saber's glorious 3 gold mod slot- oh wait, Magisil is a legendary sword. This invalidates my entire statement. Sorry.
  7. I get most of mine from the German official forums, sifting through the game's files and this place (wiki included).
  8. Heh... yeah, I agree on the combat arts + mods. They did a good job at giving you the ability to customize them to work in tandem with various builds / combos.
  9. My goodness... very good job Kaballah. I had no idea you had such talent. It would be awesome if someone as fond of the Inquisitor were willing to make a 3D model of him wearing the black version of Ilgard's Judgement / Red Scorpion. But alas, someone could do a cruder model with one of the presumably numerous pictures of Darth Vader that are floating around on the internet.... lol. But seriously, well done. Edit: Any desire to add the blue lights that decorate the in-game model's wings?
  10. It will depend primarily on which combat art aspect you "specialized" in. Your playing preferences and, to a small extent, how you want your Seraphim to look, also will have some weight. I suggest you check out the sets page for the Seraphim over at the wiki: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacre...aphim_Set_Items But feel free to ask if you have some questions stemming from what you read there.
  11. IIRC, you can get an attack speed boost that lets you break the 150% cap from using the alchemy skill only potions.. but I may be wrong. Otherwise, you have to use a combat art that has a mod that lets you get more attack speed. Dashing Alacrity and Frenetic Fervor are a couple examples. And it may be a bugged display, but from what I have seen, when you break the attack speed cap, it takes you up to 170%. I'm not sure if the 170% is true or if you actually can go even further than 170%. Someone else may know more about this.
  12. Yeah.. plus you might be asking for a ban from Closed.Net; I'm pretty sure doing that type of modding is considered a violation of the EULA - if it results in you gaining an unfair advantage. It would certainly require a lot of tinkering with the script files, and I myself don't have the wanton to do it either. And from what I have looked at, it seems that you would most likely only be able to do things that could modify the aesthetics of your own game play, nothing that would actually give you a "cheat". But I could be wrong... and like I said, I'm not really all that interested in finding out.
  13. Permanent Dope is something I too would like to get fixed. I have another Inquisitor that I stopped playing at level 45 after I got tired of Dope doing stupid stuff. But beyond that, I think it would be a better choice for a build similar to my own than Soul Reaver. That's not to say I regret going with Nefarious Netherworld Focus, but going with Astute Supremacy Lore would certainly reduce the amount of eccentric diversity when it comes to an Inquisitor build. I'm glad I could be of assistance.
  14. I'm not at all sure if anyone will ever have the energy to take part in such a task, but this topic gave me an idea - it'd be interesting to see if someone could pull together an "Efficient Questing" guide. Sadly though, I think it'd be better to wait until the next update to do such a thing. Too much is prone to being enhanced ATM, if you ask me.
  15. ........... too many questions. Time to resort to pictures: This is my (reborn) Inquisitor on the EU HC Closed.Net; all of these (with the exception of the one showing him in the Black Darth Vader armor) were taken when he was level 109 a day ago. Overall, I only lost 6 levels from the set back. The only thing that I haven't recovered was my level 120ish Cowl of Catharsis... which was for all intents and purposes, the best chest armor in the game for the Inquisitor. It also looked rather good with either the red or black Darth Vader armors Oh well... anyway: -Notice how I do NOT use the FULL Ilgard set. I'm pretty sure you all know why. ::mutters:: My Skills - Combat Arts & Profile - Bonus Summary (I) - Bonus Summary (II) - Specific question answers - Purifying Chastisement is worth it - at my level, if I were to get myself down to the pain threshold (which I rarely ever do, thanks to Constitution Mastery), I have about 700% increased damage from Purifying Chastisement. Also, thanks to the mods, I get an extra damage boost from just having Purifying Chastisement turned on! Now couple the damage boost along with the 700% damage increase... you're talking about 6000-7000 damage X 700% ... It's just as painful as getting hit by a Soul Hammer of BFG bullets, but with that gratifying feeling of REVENGE. BTW, the 700% is via boosting and using +CA/Purifying Chastisement mods on weapons. As you can see up above, it's normally at like 500-600ish, depending on equipment. But if you're more into Defense, just pick the Inure mod. Eradicate IMO is superior to Merciless, but that's mainly because I like to have as many critical hits as possible (right now it gives me like +17/18% extra chance to crit. That paired with Tactics Lore and other equipment... I think I'm getting close to 50%. Top that off with my Death Blow level of 51% ... you get the idea.) Reverse Polarity = Using the Force (or pretend your Lightsaber) to reflect stuff It's surprisingly, very helpful even when paired with Purifying Chastisement. Also, the weird thing I have noticed - if you get hit once by a particular opponent, they seem to have a tendency to gain more successful hits... odd? But anyway, at that point, you pretty much are going to be able to retaliate with a fist full of Sith anger, or you can take it safe and move back to regain your footing, or hold shift. Take your pick. Regardless of either scenario, it's just plain awesome to be able to stand toe to toe with a giant green Scorpion and watch him kill himself with his own tail attack. Or having the White Griffon's annoying debuff spell get bounced away... Soul Reaver kind of sucks with Purifying Chastisement. I only turn it on if I want to use Death Magik for faster killing. In a boss situation, it's almost useless since so many bosses are in isolated areas where there are no extra monsters to fuel Soul Reaver. (Death Magik is a mod that gives you a damage aura which hits enemies as long as Soul Reaver has souls; works surprisingly well in melee situations). Dual Wielding Dual Wielding on the Inquisitor only sucks because you are going to have to manage a lot more equipment than you would with 2 handed melee/ranged weapons. However, I prefer the dual wield route myself since it lets you do some very cool looking melee attacks when using the Inquisitors' combat arts, and he'll also attack two enemies when you use Calleous Execution (if you kill one enemy, he'll use his second weapon to attack the next nearby enemy. The Sith are not to be under-estimated... ) Heck, you can even turn your off-hand weapon into a "shield" by putting in defensive ammies/blacksmith arts. You of course lose the damage benefit, but it certainly can be helpful if you're looking to play a far more defensive Inquisitor. Other Combat Arts - Of course, I also went with Levin Array & Clustering Maelstrom. Too tempting to pass up; helps immensely with grinding. Also Levin Array & Dislodged Spirit are great for debuffing bosses. - Inexorable Subjugation is very fun (PET GIANT SCORPION!)... and it's also very cool if you need something to help you out with bosses (whether it be ghosts or just freezing the boss in place so you can nail them with a DOT and also land a free extra hit due to combing it with Calleous Execution or whatever else you prefer). - Mortifying Pillory is excellent as a deterent to get enemies to kill each other. At first it doesn't seem to do it a lot, but now it always causes a fight to break out within the enemy ranks. And heck, it helps you control the Sakara Demon when he goes hostile. And boy, that guy crits like crazy.... (and you do get the experience and drops from stuff he kills when he's hostile). - I stack Frenetic Fervor & Paralyizing Dread together: - Frenetic Fervor was my first CA to mod after fully modding Chastisement; I gave myself the increased attack/cast speed, increased attack rating and increased duration mods. With the attack speed mod, I break the 150% attack speed cap and I also am pretty much able to hit any enemy 100% of the time, even if I do not have any help from from Soul Reaver or enough -% enemy chance to evade boni. - I modified Paralyzing Dread to give me reduced enemy armor and further reduced attack speed. At that point, they barely even have a chance to hit. ... Glah, ok I need to take a break from this. If you have more questions, go ahead and ask. Like I said up above... I don't want to force you into playing the way I do; I just happen to like the style of having no self regard and aiming to become "Der Gott der Finsternis und Zerstörung".
  16. That will not work in Closed.Net (I tested it myself to make sure). The reason being Balance.txt is kept in the "server" folder, which is called on by the particular server your client is connecting to. If you connect to your single player server or open.net server (the one run on your own machine), it uses the server folder on your computer. Likewise, if you connect to closed.net, you are using the server folder that the closed.net servers are using. The only things that you can change and probably get away with are the folders that are in the client, shared, particle and (some) of the scripts that are sitting in root scripts directory (I.E. OptionsCustom.txt script). And even then, you would have to do a lot of rigerous testing to find out which files you can modify and which ones you cannot modify. In case you want to find out which ones you can and cannot change, keep this in mind: Bad changes will cause you to fail the check phase when you connect to ANY server (whether they be Ascaron's or your own) and you will hear this "heart beat" noise, and then get booted. Or they just won't register at all because the game server already is using its own copy. Edit: And I wouldn't try messing with the particle scripts. You can open them with notepad or any other text editor and see that they are regular script files, but beyond that... you're on your own.
  17. I offer thee some advice, but ultimately you need to decided for yourself how you wish to bend the dark side of the Force to your liking: - Bargaining works wonderfully on the Inquisitor; namely because he is no small lover of rings. You will quickly find out that most of his equipment tends to have silver sockets and very few gold or bronze sockets. And lest you haven't considered - take notice of the fact that he can wear 4 rings and one amulet. Plus, Bargaining lets you gain access to Lightsabers, and no Sith Lord is complete without his weapon of choice. - Likewise, blacksmithing goes well in hand with the above; you can make more use of amulets since you can now socket them into your silver modification slots. - Also, don't knock Alchemy. It's actually very useful at keeping yourself flexible. It's pretty nice to have the ability to give yourself various potion buffs when the need arises. Plus, being able to extend the duration of concentration potions is truly a wonderful benefit. - As the Inquisitor, you will enjoy having the fastest natural run speed in the game. Unless you go with Riding Mastery, at a certain point you will be able to run faster than while mounted on a spider (and even perhaps a horse). To accomplish this, you can either: A) Use the skill Frenetic Fervor and modify it to increase your run speed (the down side being that you will doom Frenetic Fervor to always have a low duration period.) B) Speed Lore; the easiest perhaps, and the most desierable in the case of you wanting to chose a skill that you will not be paying much attention. The down side of course is the fact that you could have chosen another skill. C) Using boots or other armor that increase your run speed (the downside being that the Inquisitor does not have very many set items that increase his run speed.) - Constitution is a highly advisable skill since the Inquisitor has a very low natural HP growth rate. - Ranged Weapons work surprisingly very well on the Inquisitor; this is in no small part due to the fact that he has a very high dexterity growth rate. But also most of his combat arts work from long range (with the exception of a couple, one being Mortifying Pillory). - Dual Wield is somewhat of the "default" choice as far as weapons go for the Inquisitor; this is recommended if you cannot make up your mind amongst all of the numerous one handed melee weapons in the game. - Two-Handed weapons (I.E. Big swords & Pole Arms) work very well on the Inquisitor too. Just make sure to keep away from dual wield if you're going down this road, and plan on picking a 2 handed weapon specialization early. Specialization in Sword Weapons or Pole Arms help you work on getting those slow 2 handed weapon speeds up to a sufficient level. And also keep in mind that the Inquisitor cannot use 2 handed maces or hammers. Those are SW weapons only. - Keep in mind that you can also take great advantage of the Inquisitor's buffs, in the event that you do not feel satisfied with his limited defensive capabilities, skill-wise. 1) You can modify Purifying Chastisement to give you damage mitigation via the Inure mod. 2) You can also give yourself a chance to reflect ANYTHING via the mods on Reverse Polarity (I've seen it get as high as 70%, I am not sure if it can hit 100%, but it is very beneficial!) I'll stop here... there's a lot I could say, but I don't want to make you think that the only way to play as an Inquisitor is via my play style. He's a surprisingly flexible character, despite his seeming dependency on Purifying Chastisement.
  18. Perhaps this is just me being overly dependent upon the survival bonus/map exploration induced "chance to find valuables", but for some reason, I've noticed that the mini-set items don't really start dropping until you have about 40%+ of the map explored. This seems regardless of whether or not I actually have on any chance to find valuables gear. I hope it's just bad luck.
  19. That is incorrect information Thanks for clearing that up. I've seen like 2-3 people on the SIF saying otherwise. @_@;
  20. Judging from the game's file libraries and sporadic, non-obfuscated source code, the generator might be "unfinished". You can kind of get that idea if you look in the localization folder and check out the excel files that are intended to hold the names for various item modifier names. A lot of them do not correspond in-game with what the excel files state.
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