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Everything posted by Flix

  1. I would say this is the best thing for a player who's never used mods and just wants fixes: https://www.nexusmods.com/sacred2/mods/36 There's still a few odd bugs here and there that I'm working on fixing for the next release. I also can't say for sure if this would retroactively fix bugs like you posted, once they've already occurred.
  2. It's gonna be on PC? Then sign me up. I have been ignoring it since the whole "don't you guys have phones?" fiasco at BlizzCon, so I didn't even realize they finally listening to which way the wind was blowing and are bringing it to PC.
  3. Seems like there's all kinds of untapped potential with modifying shaders. Probably the particle files are used for the little sparkles. Pretty sure I was able to change those colors at one point. But as for the "body" of the Fen Fires, I just can't say for sure. The dummy model used probably has an FX attached, but I can't see what it might be with just granny viewer. I'd need to import it into 3DSMax and it's been many moons since I had that installed on my system.
  4. Any mods installed? I'm afraid that without a proper bugfix mod installed you will see all kinds of bizarre behavior with quest markers.
  5. I laughed out loud when I saw the monkey scamper across the bridge and climb up on top of the pole. I had no idea they had the A.I. for that, much less the animations. Another perk in the upcoming release is a bugfix which adds the missing animal wildlife sounds. So wolves howl, crows caw, and monkeys... cackle? Hoot? They make monkey sounds now.
  6. Khormynth has a surface ID that assigns his clothes textures to his head. I did the following to correct: newSurface = { name = "he-m-khormynth-id2_v", texture0Name = "maps/npc/highelves/male/v_he-m-khormynth-id2_do.tga", texture1Name = "maps/npc/highelves/male/v_he-m-khormynth-id2_sg.tga", texture2Name = "maps/npc/highelves/male/v_he-m-khormynth-id2_n.tga", flags = SURFACE_FLAG_OPAQUE + SURFACE_FLAG_DOUBLESIDED, shader = obj_d_s_b, } mgr.surfCreate(newSurface);
  7. I appreciate it! XP is such a tedious thing for me to test but I'd love to knock out these inconsistencies whenever possible. Sometimes the reason is an incorrect template creature ID assigned, sometimes an enemy might be missing the "elite" flag (or incorrectly possess the flag), sometimes the bonus values are just wrong.
  8. Creature Updates for v15 - FUR This update is concerned with all the creatures that I was able to add the fur shader to in v15. Yeti I added fur to normal-class Yeti in previous releases. Now the elite and unique variants will also have it. I had to go to great lengths to trim the parts that were armor-covered so the hair didn't poke through. The armored design used for "The Guardian" is now the elite Yeti design. The Guardian boss has been replaced completely with Frozenstein instead of sharing the spotlight in the "Prisoner of Ice" quest. I think the plush fur helps flesh out the skinny, wiry models in a good way. Frozenstein at least slightly more resembles his namesake. Griffons Griffons got the longest, thickest fur available. It works well due to the large model size. Wolves Wolves are using a shorter, denser fur volume map. Cats The big cats got the shortest fur I could find, hopefully giving them a furred look without sacrificing their sleekness. Monkeys Due to the small model size, only a short fur volume map will do for the monkeys. In v15, the monkeys on Dyr-Lain are no longer the green-eyed Monkey Demons that spit poison. They are now simply ambient background wildlife that you may see occasionally scampering around the jungles.
  9. This quest was published since the very first release. Reward was added in CM Patch. Based on the notes in the original quest.txt (this thing is full of useful comments): So they basically published it unfinished, with no reward. The CM Patch idea to add the attribute & skill points reward was unique, making use of an otherwise unused reward possibility. I guess it probably ought to just be XP for PFP.
  10. Yes, good catch. The template creature and elite creature ID's are all mixed up for the normal Furies. Will fix in next release.
  11. Creature Updates for v15 - Mounts and Mounted Enemies Time for the first in a series of posts detailing the massive amount of creature updates for the next D2F release. The one is all about Mounts. 1. Special Mounts selection (non-elite) trimmed from 7 to 4 mounts per character: 3 Ice & Blood mounts and 1 non-aspect mount. Names are also all standardized to Fallen Angel names (e.g., Wind Serpent instead of Fay Drake, Shroud Spider instead of Shadow Spider, etc.). This means that all special mounts will now have both a unique skin and a unique saddle, as well as standardized names. This reduces the redundancy of having duplicates as well as the inconsistent names. 2. Horse Saddle variety is improved. Ascaron made 12 different horse saddles, but due to the saddles not being available for purchase or as drops, the player only ever sees the same generic fallback saddle on every horse. Now all saddle varieties will appear across all the different horse-type mounts you can buy. 3. Improved A.I. for mounted opponents - enemy mounts are now treated like special mounts instead of horses. This allows mounted enemies to use their spells, special moves, and buffs. For example Goblin boar-riders can launch lightning spells, Scarab riders can summon more Du'Rach from the sands, and Kujin will now use her Berserk buff, Stun nova, and hard hits. The Scarab riders also received some improved animations through this process - they now attack correctly (the rider uses his legs to activate the metal "pincers" attached to the scarab). The elite riders continue to use Pesmontis's "wasp" design - I have added some animated wings to the model for a more wasp-like appearance. The "spawn sandpeople" ability they have is a broken vanilla CA that I reactivated. 4. New varieties of Devilkin Wolf-Riders. Now each of the three types has its own unique wolf mount (necessary to make the special mount behavior function). You will notice the elites now have special moves, such as magic traps, poison roots, and hard hits. 5. NEW Mounted Quest Enemies I have detailed in the Unholy Crusade Shadow thread about how you will now see knights mounted on horseback. Urtamark Knights and Unholy Crusaders now have mounts suited to their factions. They may appear up as friend or foe depending on your alignment. A Griffon-mounted Paladin will also appear in the Shadow path version of the quest. The devious Varmin will also appear mounted now, on the back of a fire dragon. He appears exclusively in the Druid's classquest, as the final boss. 6. Warlord of Blood The Warlord of Blood now has a devilish steed bedecked in armor matching his own. The Warlord himself got a texture overhaul, replacing the lime green glow with hellish orange. In addition to getting a new sword+shield combo, the Warlord also has a different set of abilities, including summoning the Warlord's banner which will buff him and his allies. 7. Mounted Wood Elf. Enemies are not the only NPC's receiving mounts. Friendly Wood Elves can also be found riding Unicorn mounts in the Copper Peaks area of Tyr Lysia. They can be found most anywhere Dark Elves are found, combating their shadowy brethren. The Wood Elf who has been hanging around outside Sloeford for several years also has a "Companion of the Woods" now. I've recreated the unicorn from Sacred 1. 8. WILD MOUNTS - Sabertooth Tiger opponent The wild mounts was one of my very first planned projects, one I left by the wayside years ago, but recently decided to pick it up and make some of the special mounts into "wild" versions that appear as enemies. I decided to use them sparingly, since the special mounts are meant to be very rare, exotic creatures. So fighting through swarms of Sabertooth Tigers would not do. Therefore each of these tiger enemies will appear in one quest each. Orange & Black: Warlady Darwagon's pet (The Ancestor's Chambers) White: One of Beastmaster Trohwald's pets (A New Hope quest) Yellow: Ragines' pet (Adventures in the Forest) The Sabertooth enemies each have a full arsenal of attack animations, special moves, and SFX. 9. WILD MOUNTS - Monitor Lizard opponent It's clear from the quests and lore that they breed and train the Monitor Lizards on Dyr-Lain, so naturally there should be some wild specimens right? Normal-class and elite-class Monitor Lizards may spawn in a few small areas now: the "Turtle Island" off the east coast where the Poison Lord resides, and also on the high plateaus around Logaeiar. Aside from claw swipes they like to use a poison breath attack. Elites can also launch a poison nova. 10. WILD MOUNTS - Fay Drake Opponent The Fay Drakes will spawn exclusively on the DragonSea Islands. Though they can attack in melee if provoked, they prefer to be spellcasters, and will try various methods to set the player on fire. They also have a unique ability that I designed, that allows them to "Self Mutate" if you leave them alone for long enough. The mutated version of the Fay Drake is an elite T-Mutant, and their spells are all magic-based rather than fire. Some will also spawn naturally. So kill the regular ones quickly unless you want to face multiple mutants!
  12. quest.createQuest(10000, { -- You can give this another numerical ID, I just picked an unused one id = 10000, name = "S_HE_nn-Talk to Me", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 10695, -- Change this to the ID of your new taskcreature needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) The above is what I would use. Paste it into the bottom of quest.txt after you make your ID changes. One other important part: afterwards, go to the top of quest.txt and search for this section: quest.reserveQuestType { Killquest = 796, Rescuequest = 118, Reachingquest = 1272, -- whatever value this is set to in your copy, increase it by 1. the game needs an exact count of each quest type. Collectquest = 377, Convoyquest = 0, } Finally, the quest text could be added to global.res by using this Loka-ID: QUEST_10000_STATION_0 Change the 10000 to whatever the quest ID is if you decide to change it. Use s2rw.exe program to generate the hash and then paste the whole thing in the correct spot in the decoded texts. Then re-encode the text and you'll have an NPC that delivers a message when you speak to them. So if you used 10000 as the quest ID, the final chunk would look like: 2284674290 Hello! Nice to meet you.
  13. That description pre-dates my time with the game, so I never questioned it much, but it doesn't make much sense to me. Most percentage-based boosts from skills apply themselves to the flat damage, not to another percentage. Anyway, not every spell has a multiplier built in. Many just have base damage. But yet CD still works on them. So I'm thinking it's something more like a blanket 20% damage boost. The question would be when in the calculations it's applied.
  14. I believe the only way an NPC will speak with a written message is to craft a small quest for them in quest.txt. But yes, you would have to edit global.res to add the speech bubble text. In this case it could be a reaching quest, where the objective is simply to speak to the NPC. You could mark the quest as "silent" if you didn't want all the quest-related stuff like logbook entries and map pointers to pop up. I'll try to post an example later with some comments. I'm actually working on something similar right now for D2F.
  15. My off-the-cuff remarks: Go for Pole Arms. They include a respectable selection of Halberds and Spears that any strength-based character would find useful. In vanilla/PFP 2h swords are a joke. Desert Saber/Officer's Saber or the like will outclass just about any unique/legendary 2h sword. Modifier/socket amount is the same as 1h (although values will be slightly higher), but animation speed is much slower than 1h. Base damage of 2h swords is somewhat higher than 1h, but not enough to make up for the slowness and the lack of modifiers vs. a weapon/shield or dual wield setup. Compare 1h sword modbasepoints = 1100, vs. 2hsword modbasepoints = 1400. On the other hand 1h hammers modbasepoints = 1040, vs. 2h hammer modbasepoints = 1660. EE/D2F includes a 2h sword rebalance that I found appropriate, of course it is subjective as to what is appropriate. In this case it was improved damage scaling and either an extra modifier or extra socket on rare tier and higher.
  16. Hello. This is accomplished by adding a "taskcreature" entry in quest.txt. For example here is an Iron Wolf mercenary that I added to the Swamps: quest.createTaskCreature(10727, { itemtype = 13908, creature = 2835, faction_id = 84, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 60,40,0 , 1280.650,2940.450,90.979, -60.000 }, })
  17. Staff caster Amazon might be my favorite build in the whole mod! I've barely scratched the surface of presenting the new changes. This will be the biggest update in long time. ============ Here's a few more general changes incoming: - All Multiplayer buttons and menus removed in CM Patch have been restored. This should hopefully make it easier to use D2F with some of the cool new multiplayer solutions that people are coming up with. Please only connect to servers that you trust. - All PhysX particles removed in CM Patch 1.60 have been restored and optimized to prevent crashing. Some people were disappointed to lose the leaves that swirled in the wind. These particles are back but in a reasonable number now. I did not notice any stability problems. - AI Upscaling has been applied to several low resolution textures, in order to create Elite textures for Ice & Blood, CM Patch, and D2F content. This is a great improvement for a lot of the Sacred 1 monsters and NPC's that were imported in. - Replaced 3 of the loading screen artworks. Adjusted all to look better in modern widescreen resolutions. The vanilla files were in 4:3 resolutions, but since no monitors use that anymore it resulted in the image being stretched. I've improved the dimensions and put three new ones that fit the aesthetic better.
  18. You know, I did this and I just couldn't get them to orient correctly in the hand. No matter what they just stick to the hand sideways. There's nothing else needed code-wise? =================== Unrelated question: do you happen to know what the final number in this quest.txt string might represent? worldobjects = { { 1004834118,7,42 }, }, 1049848203 is the worldobject ID. 7 is the quest stage, so "task awaiting" in this instance. But the 42? I'm trying to define a treasure chest worldobject (pre-existing) as a station0 in a reaching quest. Right now I can get the quest to update and complete upon clicking the chest, but the chest is locked and won't open. I wonder if the final number indicates locked/unlocked or something similar? EDIT: I believe the final number is the "worldobjectstate". One can see what the value ought to be by checking the itemtype ID. It looks like 42 is locked door, 43 is unlocked door. Unlocked chests should be '8' generally.
  19. Pesmontis was first working on the Griffon mount way back in the days when the elite mounts project was still new. I'm happy to finally bring it to life and also glad I found a good spot for it in this new quest chain.
  20. We made those, they're not part of the base game. Melee_attack_ca was meant to force melee attacks for NPC's whose AI might otherwise prohibit it (spellcaster AI). I've mostly moved away from it since I understand how to manipulate the AI in behaviour.txt better now. Doublehit_attack_ca was designed to allow NPC's with double hit attack animations to actually use them and score two hits on attack. I'm not sure if this was ever explained publicly, but double hit animations are mostly broken in the base game. Every player character and many NPC's had an "ATTACKX" scripted which has two hits scripted in animation.txt. The problem is that when they were called on, they would only land one hit, because basic left click attacks are unable at the code level to make use of extra hits. Therefore the animations were changed into "SM24" and the doublehit_CA was given to all enemies who had such animations. This way, their double hit attacks blend fairly seamlessly into their other melee attacks.
  21. The Unholy Crusade is a memorable chain quest in Artamark that explains a major conflict going on in the region. The entire thing is a loose re-imagining of the DeMordrey-Mascarell conflict that underpinned the plot of Sacred 1. The player helps the green knights of the barony (rebranded "Urtamark") in overcoming the Unholy Crusade who are rampaging across the countryside. In the process they uncover a high-level conspiracy involving demonology. What is not well-known, however, is that the published version was meant to be Light Path only. Ascaron also designed a Shadow Path version of this quest, and completed all the characters, dialog, journals, battles, and scripted events, before pulling the content at the last minute (more on that at the end). Diablo 2 Fallen v15 will include for the first time the Shadow Path variant of the Unholy Crusade, completely restored and enhanced with new NPC and enemy types for D2F. Structurally it is a 7-part chain quest that mirrors many of the same plot beats from the Light path version, only portraying from the opposite side of the conflict. It all begins simply enough at the Royal Honky-Tonk north of Valeview. Speak to the two shady-looking patrons in the tavern to begin the quest. After defending a brigand camp from a Skook's Corner patrol, events will quickly snowball, as the intrigued player completes more and more intense missions and climbs the ranks of the Unholy Crusade. You'll ravage some farms, destroy an Urtamark soldier camp, and even help lead cows laden with explosives to Kufferath Castle to help with the siege effort. And this only the halfway point of the quest. I'll leave the rest for you to discover when you play it, but here are some notable new enemies you will see in the quest: Mounted Urtamark Knight Urtamark elite knights will lead the charge on armored horses clad in the Baron's livery. They have a group damage buff and can heal allies. Light path players will not miss out as the Unholy Crusade elite knights will also have a version of this mount to fight. Paladin on Griffon Mount This challenging boss battle takes place at a critical point in the plot. Even if the mount is slain, the Paladin will survive and continue the fight until the battle is complete. The Paladin herself can use the Conviction aura (lowers your defense and resistances) and will also cast Fist of the Heavens. She can cast these both mounted and on foot. Udchathak the Beast Formerly a generic demon, Udchathak now has a unique design and animations. He is now boss class and very dangerous. Light Path players will also get to fight him. As with the Light path version, the Star of Astaroth will drop as a final reward for completing the chain. Previous players of D2F might recognize this as the former model of Duriel. In v15 Duriel will get a new design more faithful to the original D2 monster. So the old model has been reworked and placed as the final opponent in The Unholy Crusade. Final Note on Why This Was Disabled Before Official Release The developers intended for a scripted faction switch to occur at a certain point during the quest. After accepting the second mission, the devs wanted all Unholy Crusaders to become friendly to the player, and all Urtamark Knights to become hostile. This would continue until the penultimate quest is given where the savvy Shadow player decided to cut ties with the Crusaders. This scripted faction switch simply did not work, so they disabled the entire quest. The CM Patch devs also chose to ignore it, and in fact overwrote/replaced almost all of the quest ID's and taskcreature ID's with custom ones for the quests "The Imposter," "Ancient Secrets," and "Bugs!" I can see no way to make it work, either. So there are some paradoxical moments where you are roaming around with Unholy Crusade minions but the main body of the Crusade may still attack you like always. Likewise most of the normally-spawning Urtamark Knights remain neutral to you, even when the quest has you combating some of their brethren nearby. This is not ideal, but IMO it's not ruinous to the quest either. I made sure all instances of scripted companions and opponents behave correctly. And there won't be any glaring conflicts of interest such as Crusaders trying to kill the cows laden with explosives as you try to escort the animals across the country. Because it's not 100% perfect with the original idea, I don't think I will be adding this to PFP or EE. It was also a gigantic labor to not only restore everything but also transplant all the phases, scripts, creatures, dialogue, and journal entries to new ID's. I'm not eager to repeat it. But I'm very pleased with the result here and I think it will be a fine addition to D2F.
  22. Some notes/questions on integration of latest Addendum into D2F: "mount_sturmangriff" CA uses animation "ANIM_TYPE_RIDERUN-HORSE" but the attack parameters were removed from all RIDERUN-HORSE animation entries. Is it not necessary? What are _RI and _THR1 animations and why were they added to the characters? I'm guessing THR1 is daggers/throwing axes and THR2 is bombs/stars? I've adopted the new throwing dagger/axe models and animations but the idle animations look... wrong. Soundprofile.txt: Every instance of event = "IDLE", id = "131075" was changed to event = "IDLE", id = "131074" Was "131075" not a valid event id? 4. v_he-m@buerger1.GR2 has some distortion/clipping issues around his head. His hair seems to spike forward through his face.
  23. Yes certainly! I've been making use of a few different volume maps to find appropriate fur for all furred creatures. I'll be posting results in the D2F thread first since that is the next release in the project cycle, but changes will make it to the other mods.
  24. New Quests Incoming for Version 15: Black Mushroom Recreated chain quest from Diablo 1. This quest begins after completing "Tainted Water Supply" for Pepin outside Wargfels. Talk to Adria the Witch, now nearby the healer's hut. This quest will send you into Nagash's Nest, the nearby swampy area, a couple times. First track down the mushroom, then talk to Pepin to continue the plot threads from Tainted Water Supply where he looks for a cure for the poisonous demons. You'll be up against more Tainted demons. In the end you'll end up with a Spectral Elixir (grants 3 Attribute points on reload). Anvil of Fury Another D1 recreated quest. I transformed the Larzuk model into Griswold (the living) and transplanted him to Za'Zuruik. The blacksmith asks you to hunt down a legendary artifact in the mines. Travel to the very lowest level of the mines, where you will find the Hellforge, but it is not empty. You'll have to battle Hephasto the Armorer for possession of the Anvil. For your troubles Griswold will grant you an Ethereal Shortsword, as well as offering his services to you as a Blacksmith vendor. Hephasto himself uses a new model imported by Dmitriy. This design replaces the old one which was just an Undead Ogre. Hephasto is now boss-class and has some powerful fire related special attacks. Do not underestimate him! Halls of the Blind In the peaceful town of Urthak's Moxie, there is an abandoned house on the far northeast side. Inside, everything is disheveled, with overturned furniture and books scattered on the floor. What happened here? One of books contains a cryptic rhyme... You only need ask the local storyteller for more info. Deckard Cain has been transplanted from his spot in Sloeford to the fountain in Urthak's Moxie town square. He will give more clues to track down the Halls of the Blind. I will leave it a surprise as to what you will find inside. Suffice to say there's nothing quite like it in the rest of the game, but once you overcome it you will be richly rewarded with a Legendary amulet. I should also mention that all three quests will be fully voiced in English.
  25. Yes indeed, there are many possibilities here! I remember the defunct "Chance to Dismount Opponents" that shipped with the initial release of Fallen Angel - clearly mounted opponents were a feature that didn't get fleshed out as fully as the devs wished. The big breakthrough I had was making the mounts function like special mounts instead of just horses. This means all manner of magic spells and special attacks are now possible for mounted opponents. I'll gather up and post all that I've added soon - it won't just be enemies either! After all why shouldn't knights be able to have horses?
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