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Everything posted by Flix

  1. it will be done Edit:After checking the pages I linked,I found out Sacred_2:Animal and Sacred_2:Orc pages need urgent help,they both seemed to have very limited information It can get a little confusing with the page names. They're not always intuitive. The animal quotes most likely apply to Wild Animals. The page for Orc enemies is actually Orcs.
  2. The main point that should be made clear is that random shields, whether bought or found, have no names and are not in the download section. However many uniques share models with random items. They were kind of lazy in making uniques look unique sometimes. So that second shield design is used for the Unyielding Wall as well as random shields. Look at this page and you will see what shields are random (the small thumbnails) and which shields are unique (list of links) and are therefore in the download section. Unique items should have a download button on their item page.
  3. I think you should definitely do the "cancel my idle" quotes. These are some of the funniest ones, because the character usually talks directly to you.
  4. Great start with the Shadow Warrior. 17 down, 988 to go. Although it will probably be less than that since a lot of regional quotes aren't active in-game, and some are just "ahhh" and "ow" and "raaah!"
  5. Dudes, this has been answered like 100 times in the last few months. There is only one program that edits global.res, and it was developed internally by and for the CM Patch Team.
  6. I'll look into it. Are all the other summons providing XP for their kills?
  7. I think you're getting confused. Nothing from this mod is going into the CM Patch.
  8. Then post them. I've moved on to other projects from the Items Mod, except for working on compatibility patches following the release of the next CM Patch. But the Items Mod is never finalized, and we might get some old friends back to work on it in the future.
  9. C:\Sacred 2 Gold\system\console.tga It may be a little different depending on where you've got the game installed.
  10. Bravewall was the name of the city. Bravemart was the fan name given to it because of the shoppers paradise Knuckles described.
  11. This one was actually easy. All you had to do was search "wayne" in blueprint.txt and it would have come up. id = 1808 See the line " allotment_pmfpi = {0,0,1000,0,0}, " ? That stands for alotment of physical/magic/fire/posion/ice damage. Right now it's got 1000 for fire. Change it to 0. If you want another visual effect change the values of the other numbers to give it magic/poison/ice or just physical (no effects). Good luck.
  12. Absolutely. The third aspect for every character is usually a support aspect that can be used with one of the other two. This isn't specific to Enhanced Spells, that's just the way the game works. Of course multiple aspects can be used together. I have a Temple Guardian that uses both Lost Fusion and Source Warden. He's very successful.
  13. I think I found the solution. Basically I needed to reduce the damage caused. The spell tokens I inserted looked like this: entry13 = {"et_hurl_enemy", 1000, 0, 0, 9 }, And I thought that meant a 100% chance to hurl enemies. What actually meant is that when an enemy hurls into something else it causes 100% of the CA's damage. What I needed to change it to was this: entry13 = {"et_hurl_enemy", 1, 0, 0, 9 }, That should solve the problem. I didn't really want to be adding extra damage to CA's anyway, just changing the death animations. So it's fixed for the next version.
  14. Ok thanks for letting me know. I'll experiment and see if I can fix this.
  15. There's something I want to ask testers to check for: are you able to kill your mounts or friendly NPC's with any Combat Arts in Enhanced Spells? I've been killing my mounts sometimes when I start the game and then cast offensive spells without mounting. For example, yesterday I used Scything Sweep against some enemies and my nearby horse and HellHound fell down dead. The mount is always alive again when I restart the game, so I didn't pay much attention, but today I killed a guard outside of Black Oaks with a spell. I think it may be the new "hurl enemy" spell tokens I added to most of the spells. I suspect it may harm friendly characters when enemies are hurled into them. Any confirmation of this odd behavior?
  16. Changing item bonuses is easy, it's done in blueprint.txt (located in <installation folder>/scripts/shared). The items are labeled in German though, and not very clearly. And random items are mixed in with the uniques. It's easy to get lost in the file at first. Anyway, if you have the Items Mod, we labeled all our bonuses in English so you can see what some of them are. Just for example: newBlueprint = { id = 4015, name = "dm_chaosset_gloves", palettebits = "1111111111111111", dmgvariation = 0, minconstraints = {15,13,0}, lvljump = 15, usability = 0, allotment_pmfpi = {1000,0,0,0,0}, uniquename = "unique", specialuseonly = 0, bonusgroup0 = {512,1450,10,9,0}, -- Offensive Skills bonusgroup1 = {81,1400,1,9,0}, -- Wounded Rage bonusgroup2 = {767,1350,10,9,0}, -- Critical Hits bonusgroup3 = {750,1000,10,9,0}, -- Silver Slot bonusgroup4 = {751,1000,10,9,0}, -- Gold Slot itemtypes = {13415,}, wearergroups = {'WEARGROUP_DRAGONMAGE',}, } mgr.createBlueprint(4015, newBlueprint); In the "bonusgroup" strings, the first number in the line defines the bonus, the second number defines the amount, the third number is the minimum level at which the bonus will spawn on the item, the fourth number is the minimum item tier on which the bonus will spawn (item tiers are 1-15), and the fifth number is the minimum difficulty at which the bonus will spawn (0 = all difficulties, 1= Silver and up, 2 = Gold and up).
  17. Heh. That tweak is actually from DarkMatters, the Guide to Customizing the Camera View, written by our own Schot. It will probably help. I use these settings and rarely have the bouncing bug.
  18. Ok I made a few edits: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:The_Dream_Vampire Frames are done like so: {{S2frame|[[File:Name.jpg|500px]]|right}} for instance. For Ice and Blood content, use "IBframe" instead, and for CM Patch content, use "CMframe".
  19. Quests are a section that has a lot of holes. The creators decided to add a thousand quests. Thanks for helping fill them in. It's a lot of work making a quest page. The formatting is a little off. Would you mind if I made some changes tonight and then you could compare the revision to see how to make the changes? You can look at a quest page like this as an example.
  20. One thing you could do is zoom in before you talk to an NPC. That way the camera doesn't have to zoom in/out when talking. Another thing is turning off follow camera if you have it on. I keep it off and rarely have this problem.
  21. Heh. Far be it from me to stand in anyone's way. My concern about the huge amount of lines wasn't about Wiki space (I tend to go the opposite way... more more more more pics), just about the work involved. It doesn't seem fun...listening to 600 audio clips X 7 characters and then typing them out... But since you're the one doing it, you get to decide what's worth your time, no one else does. You might set the character comments to "always" in the options if you haven't already, to hear more speech more often.
  22. If you're intent on archiving character lines, then listening to the files would be a good way to get them all. But, I think if you do that, you'll realize just how vast the amount of lines are. The amount + relatively little value for players = probably not worth trying to type them all out into a Wiki page. EDIT: I think what would be a better idea is if you hear a quote that's really interesting you can put it on this page: Assorted Eggs.
  23. Can you clarify what you mean? "A mix between lost fusion and source warden" is very vague. The Dragon I made for the mod already has the correct faction ID. No need to edit it. If you change the enemy Dragon's faction ID it probably won't be a proper enemy anymore (refusing to fight you), so you shouldn't change that either.
  24. Probably not. The game is packed full of speech. The interesting lines that seem really special or notable are already on the Easter Eggs page.
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