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Everything posted by Androdion

  1. If you have runes to spare you can eat them without fear of losing them as they'll still be accounted for when you raise the Focus skills, don't worry about that. You should respect the lower boundaries like I said before, bur if you have a temporary buff that scales with higher CA level and has a fixed cooldown then you barely have to worry about its regen time. Thus you can climb over the limits and eat runes at will because it'll give you better bonuses.
  2. Yes, that's exactly how it works. The Focus skills but also your character's level increase both regulate the HCALWP value. Just be aware that if you read too many runes and force the fractional numbers up then your regen time will be too high, so it's better to read fewer runes instead of too many. There are specific cases where you can ignore this advice, but mostly it's a matter of balancing CA level and regen time.
  3. Since this only changes the drop lists you don't necessarily need to create a new toon, an already fully grown one can take a loot trip around Ancaria and you should be able to spot the differences pretty quickly. I think I'll test drive it with a blank lv.75 toon for that purpose, though I can see that you want to try the whole drop progression. Thanks Flix!
  4. I'll see if I can give it a go tomorrow as I have a day off work. I'm curious though, what about those items that fall into "4." that are fixed drops/quest rewards? What happens to those with this mod? Does it work like we've talked before, fixed drops are unaltered and can be placed here and there, but the items just won't drop regularly from RNG loot?
  5. Two input machines running the same copy of the game? Wow, nice!
  6. Sadly that will only grant you a "blank" toon in terms of progress, even if you place the same gear/gold/CAs/etc., and it'll be devoid of SB and quest progression. I don't think that's a great idea in the long run.
  7. Unbended is dead in the water, and he original dev team has gone to other projects. Not sure if they're all still together but I think not. Bottom line, don't wait up. The franchise is dead and unless some company decides to reboot it, like Titan Quest was for instance, I'd say Sacred 2 is the last of Ancaria we'll ever see.
  8. Not that we should be writing in Portuguese, but I can understand why you did it. Basicamente tudo o que traduzires de Inglês para Português vai ficar gigante, os termos são muito maiores e normalmente precisam de artigos de ligação (ex. de, da, para, por, etc.). Nem tinha considerado o tamanho do texto nos blocos gráficos do jogo, e acho que esse será mesmo o maior desafio. Não é possível fazer uma tradução literal, apenas interpretativa, por isso nunca vai ficar 100% igual nem perfeito. Mas para ficar o mais aproximado possível é preciso uma quantidade enorme de contexto. Em termos da questão de ser uma raça, nós em Português dizemos "um branco, uma branca, raça branca", por isso o que muda é o sujeito e o contexto. A raça seria "Elfos Superiores", no masculino "Elfo Superior" e no feminino "Elfa Superior". O problema aqui reside no simples fato de nem eu nem tu termos a mínima ideia de qual a linha de texto que corresponde a qual sujeito... E aí meu amigo, pouco ou nada há a fazer a não ser editar e testar linha a linha, e vais-me perdoar mas em boa verdade a minha vida não me permite tal coisa. Se eu já achava que ia ser uma tarefa enorme então agora acho que é quase impossível, no sentido em que vai ser impossível dedicar o tempo necessário a isso. É a mesma questão que colocaste com os nomes próprios. Só fazendo e testando linha a linha... Em relação à tradução do livro, está ótima. As diferenças para PT-PT são basicamente no uso de artigos, é algo que se nota mais lendo em voz alta. Nós dizemos "Nunca limpe as (suas) mãos na toalha da mesa.", por isso são diferenças muito mínimas e pouco fundamentais. Se falares PT-PT e leres um texto em PT-BR notas sempre por causa desses pequenos detalhes, mas de resto não muda muito (ou nada) o sentido da frase. Now, in English ladies and gentlemen. Vagner has issues with English so he basically had an extended conversation on the subject we've been addressing. Bottom line is that the Portuguese language is complicated as hell when compared with English, so most translations will break the format on the skill set due to being wider in word size and number than the original in English. The word "lore" seems to be the first real obstacle towards a translation, but anything that's gender related is also a mess. So, I don't know. Maybe this is possible and maybe it isn't. It's not just a matter of linguistics anymore, it's also a matter of the game not being formatted visually for the (size of the) language. I can image CA tooltips will be another nightmare...
  9. "Mago Elfo" is male in gender, so no. If it was "Higher/Supreme/whatever Elf" it could be easily translated in another way. But "High Elf" is just like "High Priest", which is "alto sacerdote". Now how do you say that with the word "Elfa"?! You need to use the degree in adjectivation to translate it. In my opinion "Elfa Superiora" is as correct as it could be. "Elfa Alta" or "Alta Elfa" sounds like a completely different kind of adjectivation. Lore is the general knowledge of something, whereas folklore has more of a diminishing emphasis like if it's a "simpler lore". But in the Portuguese language there aren't two separate words like that. At least in PT-PT we always say "folclore". If you want to use it in another way you could use something like "conhecimento", but that's basically "knowledge" so I don't know... The term "pirocinese" is literally pyrokinesis. But the word you're trying to translate is "pyromancer", which is someone who uses his/her pyrokinetic ability. Now, putting both subjects into perspective: Arrant Pyromancer -> Piromante Absoluta - Seems correct but you need to add the lore and the subject is a tree of knowledge. You could use "piromancia" but that's divination by fire so it doesn't cut it. So "pirocinese" could actually work since it's an ability and the subject fits. Arrant Pyromancer -> Pirocinese Absoluta / Arrant Pyromancer Lore -> Folclore de Pirocinese Absoluta - Sounds off doesn't it?! How about "knowledge" instead? It should be "Conhecimento de Pirocinese Absoluta", which sounds better but still not totally accurate. But it's the best I can think of. It should fit, if you look at meaning of it: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/lore PS: If you use "lore = conhecimento" your life will be easier when translating other skills and skill trees. Try translating them with that word in mind and you'll see.
  10. If the Crucible is anything like its counterpart in Darksiders 2 it should be fun at first and repetitive after a while, though having that mode on a hack'n'slash should prove more fruitful than on a ARPG. Thanks for the feedback, the game is on my wantlist right now, but I'm still exploring TQ:AE and I'll take my sweet time with it, even though I can already see that most of the classes won't be my thing. I'm almost ashamed to say that I paid 1,99€ for TQ Gold which was later on upgraded to AE. Paying 25€ still seems steep but I'll keep breathing, ha ha.
  11. Yeah, pretty much. But it still won't make the game drop ranged weapons if you're using that skill, it just won't drop gear that's specific to other classes (eg. SW's double-handed hammers, TG's batteries, etc.). It makes your life easier since more loot equals a better chance of having better loot for yourself, but it still won't make the game drop lightsabers all the time even if you're dual-wielding them and running a heavy WIL build. OK, so that was an example too long. Sorry, I need to sleep now.
  12. Then you need to uninstall Steam completely and reinstall it in a different folder. That's actually the point of it.
  13. So the actual lines are (on balance.txt): IsRuneForHero = 400, (40% chance that a rune will drop for your class) IsUsableByHero = 700, (70% chance that gear drop will be usable by your class) Guess my memory isn't half bad after all!
  14. I think the chance is 70% for gear and 40% for runes to be of your own class.
  15. It's more like 70%?! There are a couple of lines in either options.txt or balance.txt (can't remember right now) that regulate the drop ratio. One is for runes and the other for gear. The lines are something like "isusablebyhero" and "runeisforhero", and forgive me for my bad memory but I'm on my cell and I can't properly confirm the locations and specific names/values. So in short, nope, only the Dryad has such a mechanic with shrunken heads.
  16. Arrant means a lot of things: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/arrant I'd say something like (given the context): High Elf - Elfa Superior (can't think of a better sounding alternative, everything else will have more than two words) Lore - Folclore (conhecimento geral de um aspeto do "folclore" de uma região, o "folclore" local fala de animais místicos, etc.) -> Note that this is an exact translation to Portuguese. Arrant Pyromancer - Piromante Absoluta (arrant in this case seems to be more about "completely and totally a pyromancer", so that seems alright)
  17. Nope, there's no "adaptive learning" from the mobs' AI. A spider will always cause poison damage regardless of the armour you carry.
  18. Quick answer as I'm on the run. Priorities, see my post from Sunday around 11 PM. Formulas, can't help you with that but there are others here who can. It's always a good idea to have high values of all that's good for your HP, but if your idea is to use chance to reflect as an offensive measure then evasion won't do you any good. You'll want to "get hit" for the damage to be reflected. It's trickier than that I know, but that's the short answer. Notice that weapon-based CAs are also regulated by your primary weapon, you can easily see that from their tooltip and the types of damage they display (which are the same as on the primary weapon). Like I said you could kind of use both, but the exploit was quite nasty so...
  19. It's not, that info on the Wiki is dead wrong. I've just tested it out of curiosity and these are the values I get for CA level/reflect chance. This is valid with CM 1.60, no idea about vanilla. 1 - 25,2% 40 - 39,4% 132,6 - 58% 142,6 - 59,5% So don't ask me what's the correct formula but no, you can't get immune to melee damage at lv.40 CA. Not even at level 140, and I assume that due to diminishing returns even at CA level 200 you shouldn't get much more than 60/70%, but that's an estimate on my end. Defense value determines the chance an enemy has to hit you in melee/ranged. Evasion is another thing. Combat Reflexes ups your evasion chance, plus your chance to avert critical hits. Don't count on GT to overcome SR (the skill, not the stat), it just won't. And always use AL, and I mean always in every possible build you use. You could do something like that, there was an exploit in the game where in that situation you'd kill everything on and off-screen with invisible projectiles. But that was fixed with CM 1.60 and now only the right hand staff fires them, and at the correct distances.
  20. Good luck with Bugs!, never managed to finish that one. It's huge.
  21. Elites do have a good drop chance, and the swamp is ridden with them so the more the merrier I guess?! I think we all managed to snag a legendary here and there, but to be honest trying to find a specific one like the OP was asking is a herculean task. It's actually one of the things that I dislike about the game, the fact that you can run it up and down and never find an immensity of loot from the available pool. Well, time to get back to Telkine farming now (sorry, it's the TQ:AE fever again...argh...).
  22. Granted, the chance exists. But "very low" in this matter equates to "almost never", since like you said even with repeated Nameless Guardian runs the chance is very slim. And that right there is probably where you can get the best loot probability in the whole game so... I know that "almost never drops" is different from being impossible to drop, but by experience the practical difference is actually negligible.
  23. Yeah, but legendaries only drop on later difficulty levels (it's better to try to farm them in Niobium) and only from specific enemies like bosses. They're also very rare so it's not like that bow is going to drop right away (or ever). Legendaries in this game are very hard to find.
  24. To simplify it; modifiers like block chance, chance to evade, chance to reflect all deal with averting being hit, so in simple terms they "deviate" part of the incoming damage. The remainder of it will take into account the amount of armour you have, and only then is the calculated damage dealt to your hit points. Damage mitigation works before everything else and essentially reduces the amount of incoming damage by the percentage you have on your sigma value. That is before all other calculations take place, so it's a very powerful modifier. There are also energy shields which are an added barrier before the damage finally getting to your HP. This topic is recent and talks about it:
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