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Everything posted by dicknail

  1. Coffffeeeeee! Cooofffffffffeeeeeeeeee! That's an amazing substance! I very very seldom drink it for the pleasure of it, only when I'm sleepy. Huge cup, very strong, preferably a little cold (so you can drink it fast), no sugar, no milk, only caffeine. (that's the college student in me that sleeps seldom more than 6h, usually 5) Otherwise I prefer to drink tea, Earl Grey or green, no milk or sugar added.
  2. That Sacred thing is tempting me too, but ... I won't give up my beer time for a game :PPP. (maybe next autumn*) *it is soooooooo nice to write that word. I hear only fall, fall, fall, fall, ... but I want to rise :PPPP
  3. I am one of the ppl that prefer to sleep 1/2h more then wake up and eat breakfast on busy days. Usually I get a powrbar, a sneakers, of something similar with lots of carbs that can spike me up and give me energy till the next break. Weekends and holidays, I get up around noon, make a toast, omelette, or just buy some pastry from ABP. Usually I make breakfast for at least one more person (and sometimes I get breakfast in my bed ), 'cause I'm too lazy to prepare food only for myself.
  4. My music world: epic songs = power metal ManOwaR - Heart of Steel (with images from 300) and Helloween - Keeper of the Seven Keys
  5. because the MadsuPPercrazychild (that's like superman, or Batman, it's the name if the super hero)
  6. Coffeee, coffeee, coffeeeeee, no coffeee for me while I'm on "vacation." This drink mixed with a good night sleep drives my body to .... hypercrazy condition, and that's not good. Coffeeeeeee, coffeeeee, coffeeeeee,... *goes to make more *
  7. Tz, tz, tz *wonders what his brain will look like* at least yours is not affected by toooo much coffeeeeeee!
  8. I'm with Blade on this one. I don't like DEAD as an alliance, but I have friends in that ally So, I'm chearing for the attackers from both sides. Otherwise, my oppinion also is that will be a boring war. Cheerz to all! ps: I hope I will pass my anxiety from being at home and become active again :PP
  9. Nice pic, Ari! Metal mom... that sounds waaaaaaay cool! (I'll be going to an Iron Maiden concert in a week or so :PPPPPPPPPPP)
  10. Never tried to make one (I'm very impatient when it come to creating stuff and most of the times I create a lot of prototypes before I can get something right (good there are CAD programmes, 'cause I'll feel too bade waisting those resources)). ps: Is ogame clan status (on the forum) only for D.A.R.K. members, or also for allies and friends?
  11. There's something wrong with me: I finished school and I was supposed to party. Instead, I fell asleep at 9 and wake up in the middle of the night.... Good Dunkin' opens at 5:30 to see some people (and get the nice fat ... donut (dozen actually )). Worst, my fleet is in a fleet-save :trans:.
  12. Wow, these are good, it makes me wanna put a few on my sig (even though I've never player sacred :PP )
  13. I'm going for it! It looks sth I'd adore! Thanks!
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