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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. highest WD total in Open is 96.51% In closed it's 71.46% Give ya something to shoot for At some point I may try to beat my Open total...but got other projects in the works right now
  2. One thought is to make a Battle Daemon. Get alot of Physical Resistance while in Battle form. Combine a high Battle level with Call of Death and it's pretty good at killing too. Also a Dark Elf using Adrenaline can 'tank' very well Same with a Dwarf using Entrench I play HC exclusively
  3. Oh I know I could increase Def quite a bit. But my only thought was to boost MF and didn't pay attention to anything else. Usually don't use greed or MF so when I was wandering in the desert it just surprised me how rugged I was.
  4. I'm sure a lot of you know this but I never realized until now what a godsend the other benefit from forging MF really did for a new toon. I'm talking about "% to all resistances" My original intention was to make a new greedy dwarf. I didn't have a lot of spare runes so at level 1 I went and shopped for max socket gear. Brought in my 'almost' max Forging Dwarf and put MF in all the sockets. Didn't get any life leech as I hoped I'd find some decent set pieces as I did quests. Was hoping MF would pick up the slack till I could level up Greed. Next thing I know I'm in the Khorad Desert fighting Orc mobs at level 12. I'm barely getting touched by any of them. In fact I went to level 15 before quitting for the night and never drank one pot. And this with level 1 gear and a level 1 Mortar Grenade. I'm usually employing the 'hit and run' technique all the way to the Khorad portal at that level. But here I was just standing there in the middle of the mobs and not losing more than 1/4 of my health. The Orc Chiefs never hit for more than 35 HP of damage. Btw my % to all resistances was at +578% So from now on I know how all my new toons are starting off. For any weak toons like a new BM, this just upped their survival rate dramatically. If you have a favorite class that's fragile in the early going...give it a try I think you'll be happily surprised how rugged they become
  5. Pure Poison Mist Trapper Skills Before you make a new Dark Elf, you should open up your 'settings.cfg' file and change one line. Look for the line "Default Skills: 1" and change the '1' to a '0'. This will allow you to select your 2 starting skills. Otherwise you're stuck with Concentration which is not used in this build. You don't have to select your skills in the exact order I have, but you should have Weapon Lore and Trap Lore selected by level 6. Level 1: Weapon Lore* Level 1: Trap Lore* Level 3: Blade or Dual Level 6: Constitution Level 12: Armor Level 20: Ballistics* Level 30: Agility or Parry (Agility if dual wield and Parry if single wield) Level 50: Your Choice * Must have skills for Trapper DE Weapon Lore: Increases damage for both traps and melee - max points Trap Lore: Lowers trap regeneration time - max Blade Combat: Select only if going with blade/shield setup. Only need Blade Combat if you really want to equip a set or unique blade - max 6 points Dual Wield: Select only if you really want 2 blades/swords. Other than mods on weapons, DW adds no benefit to a trapper - max 1 point Constitution: Increases Hit Points - 1/2 your character level for points Armor: Increases resistances: 1/2 level Ballistics: Reduces regeneration time and trap animation (animation means how long your DE takes to actually 'cast' the trap) when around level 50-75 towards. Increases trap damage - max Agility: Select if Dual Wielding - 1/2 level Parry: Select if using weapon/shield - 1/2 level Trade: Requires a heavy investment in points but you can really find gear that is far superior to sets. Only take if you plan on doing a lot of shopping. Using Trade to find poison damage rings/amulets can be extremely helpful. When I refer to either max points or 1/2 level it just indicates a general method of how I assigned my points. For instance you may have several +Weapon Lore items equipped and may want to assign points differently. So remember it's just a rough guide to how I assigned points. Attributes Physical Regeneration: Lowers trap regeneration time Dexterity: Increases trap damage Combat Arts Mongoose: Only one rune. Used just for jumping rivers/cliffs. Cobra: *Plus only*Up to level 10. Cobra at level 10 can stun any enemy (including dragons, big spiders). Only drawback is you have to be next to enemy to execute. Haven't fully tested in UW but looks like Cobra will need to be much higher to stun champions/dragons/ Big Spiders etc reliably. Poison Mist: By level 50 (or earlier) this is your main attack. Ideally you want a regeneration time of 1.0 seconds or less. Almost impossible to do while character is under level 30. I will keep it at 2.5-3.0 secs early on and use it to leech/support melee'ing. PM has a max duration of 50 seconds. Testosterone: As high as you can get it, as long as regeneration time is shorter than duration time. Max duration is approximately 9 minutes. Adrenaline: Same as Testosterone. Keep regeneration less than duration. All my DE's do not use Adrenaline. Simply the damage/leech from Poison Mist makes it unnecessary for me. But for those who want extra defense, then Adrenaline is what you want. How do I increase Trap damage? Read/socket runes (only socket runes at lower levels) Increase Weapon Lore Increase Ballistics Increase Dexterity Use Blacksmith Arts or Dwarf Forging Look for rings/amulets/equipment with this mod: "poison(or physical) damage +xx%" (it cannot say 'weapon poison/physical damage') Most damage listed on equipment has no affect on Poison Mist damage. The equip must have 'poison damage +xx% or physical damage +xx%'. Poison Mist is both poison and physical damage. But try to concentrate on + Poison damage gear so you can take advantage of Testosterone's poison damage modifier. If socketing rings and amulets, I prefer amulets due to the extra defense found on them. How do I reduce Trap regeneration time? Increase Trap Lore Increase Ballistics Equip items with +RSM (Regenerate Special Move) Increase Physical Resist Should I pump Poison Mist or Testosterone? Try to keep PM regen low and instead pump Test's level. It will allow you to 'spam' PM more effectively. Because enemies move around (and if using split, they will appear directly next to you), so you need to be able to quickly cast PM in order to react to changes in battle. Having a high PM does deal a lot of damage but splitting 5 Frost Giants behind you and a high PM regen means a lot of running around. Pump Test instead and only increase PM when regen is below 1.0-1.5 seconds. As you get higher in level, you'll find it impossible to increase Testosterone to a level where regen exceeds duration. PM will be hard to keep up also as you'll need a lot of runes and +PM gear. Hopefully you have a couple friends that can donate runes or have a character that can find runes quickly. If all else fails, do a lot of quests. Saying a PM trapper is a 'rune hog' would be a vast understatement. With PM and Test maxed-that's at least 510 runes not including any other Combat Arts. And yes, maxing out both is very realistic. My Niobium DE maxed out runes at about level 175 for both PM and Test. Crit/Split/Leech PM will crit, split and leech per second per trap. If you have 12 % leech and 10 traps actively damaging monsters then you get 12% leech x 10. Other mods like 'chance to find gold' will work similarly. SIngle or Dual Wield? It really depends on your playing style. If you just have to be waving 2 blades around then go for DW. If you're new to trapping or want to err on the side of caution, then pick weapon/shield. Shield is much better for defensive purposes. Remember you won't be melee'ing at all after level 50 so the extra defense is always good. Horses While on a horse, you can cast PM's even quicker. Plus you'll get the HP bonus from the horse. Horses work great for rounding up mobs like the Sakarras and Orcs in Khorad. That said, you can't use them in caves and don't pick Riding as a skill. You just want a horse with 220 speed and they can be found the earliest in game at Mascarell. In-Game Strategies and Hints First off, this build takes a little while to get going. So you need to be a little patient. This build won't really shine until about level 50. You will be melee'ing quite a bit while under level 20. Resist the temptation to pick skills or use runes that help melee only. The first 20-30 levels might take a bit but as you slowly near level 30 you'll be using PM more and more that by the time you're level 50 you shouldn't be melee'ing at all. It's a good idea if heading for unfamiliar territory or if you know you have a big fight coming up to use the 'Throw-n-Go' technique. This means you throw a PM out ahead of you and then run to it. Then repeat process. It works really well on Cerebropods. Even if they freeze all your Combat Art regen timers, you'll still have a couple traps active which you can lead them to. When fighting mobs you can prepare for battle easily before attacking. Just toss a few PM's in front of you then throw one at the mob. Let them come to you and die at your feet. Another variant also works well when rounding up mobs. I'll use the Sakarra area in the Valley of Tears for an example but works well in the Orc, Golem and Ghost caves and out in the Khorad Desert too. At the entrance to the Sakarra area throw down a bunch of PM's. If you have split, throw the PM's to create a circle (that way when they split you have a trap waiting for them). Then run/ride out and gather them up and head back to the PM's. They'll fall all over themselves dying. Be careful in caves, along boundary edges and even trees/rocks/buildings. If you cast PM too close to an edge, or your DE is too close to one, the trap may not execute properly. You'll still get hit with the regen timer but no PM will be visible. If this happens just either move a bit or cast PM in a different spot. There really isn't one set you should try to complete. While some have a useful piece or two, none of them give any useful bonuses for either a partial or complete set. The one possible exception may be the D'Braes set. There's a full set bonus called 'Soul Damage' which will cause an additional 10% damage that cannot be resisted. While it is nice, you can do much better by mixing and matching or trading. Also a full Ethan Rhys can be useful. You'll get Water Form (invisibility) while not attacking. So all you have to do is throw your PM's (you'll be visible while casting) then sit back and enjoy the show without worrying about defending yourself. If you like fighting Dragons or Big Spiders than Cobra can really help. You can stun them with Cobra and then spam PM's. Cobra at level 10 has a duration of about 20-25 secs, so you might need to use Cobra again depending on how much damage PM is doing. One bit of advice-be careful when using Cobra especially if you're prone to lag or the server has a lot of people in it. By stunning with Cobra and then spamming PM, thus covering up it's life circle, you might not be able to tell if you're lagging. Have lost a couple Trapper DE's this way. Also in order to use Cobra you have to be next to opponent to 'cast'. Doing some quests can be easy using PM. The 'Painting' quest in Mascarell is a great example. Once you talk to the thief and exit the house you're attacked by several soldiers. But if you drop a bunch of PM's outside the house before talking with thief, when you come out all the soldiers will already be taking damage. The 'Heroes' cave on the Pirate Isles is another. Drop a bunch near the grave then open it. Makes the battle incredibly easy. Some monsters are highly resistant to poison. Undead and poison trolls come to mind. Luckily several popular leveling areas are great for a PM Trapper. These include the Ghost Cave, Orc cave, Golem Cave and Sakarra Area. If you're still with me after reading all that, I just want to say this is intended as a guideline. Some parts you may agree or disagree with and maybe I've helped fill in the gaps for others. There really isn't one correct way to build a PM Trapper. Some may want to be a hybrid while others might want to use Bottomless Pit/Explosive Charge/Confusion/Battle Fog etc. to compliment their build. This is just a summation of how I built my PM DE's and can guarantee it will be a killing machine all the way through to level 216. Hopefully I've given you a guideline to start off with and Good Luck if you decide to give a PM Trapper a try
  6. World Discovered by Knuckles and masteff The High Level Stuff: ZERO EFFECT FROM MODS/ATTRIBS/SKILLS This is the most common suggestion so let's start right off with it... No mods/attributes/skills will directly influence WD%. I have tested any that might matter, including Farsight, Increased Light Radius and the seraphim's Light CA. Also it doesn't matter whether it is day or night. FoW is affected by night/day cycle but, as explained below, has no bearing on WD%. Also having a high WD% appears to have no effect on other mods/attributes/skills like experience and dmg caused WHAT HAS AN EFFECT? One word: thoroughness. Cover the whole map. Walk very close to all edges. The Details: GRIDS Sacred WD is based on a grid format. Each time a grid is entered, your WD% will increase. It is not neccessary to uncover the entire grid, simply entering any portion of it will give full WD%. Each grid is 64 x 64 (in X/Y coordinate points). See the note below about edges and proximity as you can get credit for exploring a boundary grid without actually entering it! ACCESSIBLE GRIDS This is a grid you can enter (your X/Y coords are inside the grid's X/Y coords), such as in the middle of an open space or one that overlaps an edge. You only get credit for this type of grid by actually entering it. BOUNDARY GRIDS This is a grid you cannot enter but its X/Y coordinates are within several points of your own. You can get credit for a boundary grid if you can get close enough (approx. 3-7 coordinate points). The amount of WD credit for a boundary grid is less than for an accessible grid. GOOB's (GRIDS OUT OF BOUNDS) This is a grid that is beyond the normal reach of any class and cannot be explored by normal means. Only the Dark Elf, using the Mongoose trick below, can access GOOB's. Thus making the Dark Elf a GOOBer (and Knuckles, having the best DE WD%, the self-proclaimed Uber GOOBer). X/Y COORDINATES Pressing 'Ctrl + F' will bring up X/Y coordinates. Each grid border is a multiple of 64. So for instance you have an X/Y of 1600/3200. You would be at the exact corner of a grid box. While it's easier to locate grid borders via the Main Map, coords can be useful in caves and at map edges. MAIN MAP This is the best indicator of in-game progress. When you first enter the game, press 'M' before moving. You'll notice that your character (indicated by an 'x') is inside a box made of red dots. The red dots equal one grid section. As you move about you'll see the grid lines expand. Note: The grid lines reset each time you leave the game, so it's a good idea to thoroughly search an entire area before exiting. Sometimes the grids will be 'open-ended' meaning that one side of the grid box has no red dots. This means you reached a boundary grid and no further WD will be awarded in the direction of the open side. Note: Some areas of the Dryad Forest and Valley of Tears do not display grids on Main Map correctly. MAP EDGES AND PROXIMITY We tested near edges and determined that boundary grids are activated by proximity (approx. 3-7 coord points). This is why walking very close to walls and edges is very important. In Closed, WD credit for boundary grids can only be seen by exiting and re-entering. CAVES You won't be able to see grid lines for caves on the main map. This is where the x/y coordinates come in handy. You'll be able to tell as you explore cave edges whether or not you're near a grid edge. If you are, take some time and go back and forth along the edge. Most are uneven and sometimes you'll find a spot where you can move just a little more in the desired direction. CAVE ICONS ON MINI-MAP Cave icons will appear on the mini-map (Tab button) if you have removed the FoW from that spot. These cave icons only appear in the original Sacred area. ALL UW caves do not have an icon on mini-map. It's real easy to miss a cave or two in UW area. Again thorough exploration is your friend here. FOG OF WAR While FoW is nice to track overall exploration, don't use it as an indication of actual WD progress. I use it mainly as a visual reminder of where I have explored already. When in game I try to explore an entire area before leaving (as main map grid lines reset when you exit). Turning off "mini-map fog of war" in the option screen is useful as it lets you see map features(I.e. cave entrances) you might otherwise miss. JUMPING Combat Arts AND FOG OF WAR As just stated, fog of war is no indication of WD progress. Therefore, the fact that jumping clears more fog than walking means nothing for WD progress too. The only jumping that has an effect is the DE's Mongoose Trick explained below. WD% RECALCULATION ON EXIT/RE-ENTRY This one took awhile to figure out. In both Closed and Open, if you have activated boundary grids, you will not see the credit until you exit/re-enter. In Closed, if you've activated GOOB's, you will lose that credit when you exit/re-enter. This loss of GOOB credit is why the Mongoose Trick (see below) will only work in Open/LAN/SP. DOS (DIE ON SIGHT) SUITS For those mainly interested in WD and not character development, I would suggest making a DOS character. DOS (enemies die on sight mod) will significantly alleviate the hassle of having to fight while exploring. I will level a character normally until about level 50-55. Don't try to make an uber toon. Just one strong enough to make it to level 50. Try to save as many runes as you can. When he is level 50, I'll bring in my level 60 Dwarf Trader and go shopping for DOS rings/ammies and max socket gear. You need to shop in Gold since this is where +5 DOS rings first appear. If you get DOS high enough, you will kill enemies higher than you Kills about 75% of all creatures. There are some that are immune,examples are Sakkara Daemons, Cerebropods, Dragons and almost all Champions/Bosses. QUESTS Some quests need to be done in order to maximize WD%. The Unknown Warrior, The Eye of Hell, Tomb Raiders:Treasure Hunters Inc. and the UW Main Quest story line for example. AN INVESTMENT OF TIME The biggest thing is to take your time. Expect to invest over 50 hours while searching the entire map. Be really careful along edges and make sure you have explored all the caves in an area. It's so easy to miss 1 or 2. I will typically walk the edges and then use a 220 speed horse to uncover the middle area. CLOSED VS OPEN Due to how characters are saved, WD% in Closed is less for all classes than in Open/LAN/SP (by about 2.5% based on normal exploring). Don't ask us why, we're just here to report the facts. This difference in how characters are saved is most noticable on the DE using the Mongoose Trick since credit for GOOB's in Closed is lost on exit/re-entry. WHICH CLASS DOES BEST? In Closed servers the Daemon will have the highest WD totals. Next will be the Dark Elf. In Open, the DE is easily the best. With a distant 2nd going to the Daemon. All other classes are basically equal to each other in terms of WD%. SOARING DAEMONS By flying, the demon can access areas that other classes cannot normally reach. This includes several areas of water and the black sky patches in Hells Ridge. Some areas are too big to fly back to solid ground before the timer runs out(unless your Soaring level is over 150+). This is where being in a multiplayer game is helpful as a party member can stand in a safe place and the daemon can teleport back before time expires. THE DARK ELF AND THE MONGOOSE TRICK In SP/LAN/Open, the DE has a huge advantage. This is due to a bug with Mongoose. The game thinks you jumped and calculates distance and fog cleared before deciding whether or not the jump is allowable. The trick is to 'jump' into inaccessible areas like forests, water and cliffs. What you need to do is move the DE close to an edge (for example, say Khorad shoreline facing the water) Have Mongoose as your active CA and place the cursor in the direction you want to make jump. For best results make sure the cursor is between your character and outside edge of it's life circle. Then press down the middle mouse button/wheel (the mini-map will display) and right click. You should see some Fog of War clear in the direction you were aiming. You can click multiple times while the middle mouse button is depressed while slowly moving mouse back and forth. You should see the fog being removed as you move/right click. The level of Mongoose is very very important. If you want to get over 90% you'll need to go over each area at least twice. 1st time thru I set up combos of level 20, 40 ,60 and 80 Mongoose with last slot being the regular CA at level 100. 2nd time thu I increased combo lvls to 120, 140, 160, 180 with normal CA at level 200. But even then you won't clear everything. You'll need to increase combo's/CA yet again to clear some tough spots. But with Mongoose up to level 200 you'll clear over 90%. As the distance increases it get more difficult to 'jump' in the direction you want. Just the slighest mouse movement can mean a big difference in direction at the other end. All I can say is be very patient, just take your time. I usually 'jumped' during the day as it's easier to see fog being removed. Jumping also applies in caves and the black area surrounding them. You can use this trick there too. In fact if you don't, I doubt you'll get to 80-85%. *NOTE 1* Once Mongoose is over level 100, you won't be able to see the FOW being cleared on the Mini-Map while jumping (at this point you'll need to look at Main Map often after jumping to see how you did). It's best to master the 'Click and Sweep' method while Mongoose is still at low levels. Use the jumping trick described above and slowly move cursor while right clicking and you'll see the FoW being cleared in the direction the cursor is going. This is the best way for you to get a feel of how clearing fog works in OOB (OOB=Out of Bounds) areas. *NOTE 2* Once Mongoose is very high you might find that your DE actually starts jumping. Usually just into whatever OOB edge you're facing. Most likely cause is the end destination is an actual valid spot. For instance I could be on the river trail west of Mascarell (the trail with the dragon at end) If you're jumping to the north, you could actually be hitting one of the trails or side trails leading to Tyr-Fasul. *NOTE 3* When clearing FOW, start with lowest level Mongoose and 'jump' until all accessible FOW is gone from where you're standing. Then go to next level Mongoose and jump again . Rinse and repeat for each level Mongoose. Then move a bit and do the whole procedure all over again. This applies to caves/dungeons too. While you won't see any FOW being cleared while in caves, you need to 'jump' at all outside edges. *NOTE 4* Be careful of where you are jumping from. Don't move as close to an edge as possible. Leave a few feet between you and a cliff/wall/forest edge etc or any other spot that is considered OOB. What happens is when you try to 'jump', a part of your life circle will be OOB and any clicks in that area won't register. Also any objects like trees/rocks/chests are considered OOB in regards to 'jumping'. Some regular in-bounds areas act the same way. Usually it's a darker (or lighter) patch of ground or floor as compared with rest of immediate area. One way to see if you're in an OOB non-clickable area is to watch and see if your DE moves when clicking a different spot. Say you're pointing north and click on the right of your DE. If he isn't facing east after clicking, you've hit a dead spot and need to move a little bit. Found this happened often in underground areas. You should notice this when above ground and Mongoose is still under level 100. You'll find an area where the FOW won't clear or seems to be erratic. This is the best time to observe both your DE direction and FOW uncovered and how moving a few feet in a particular direction either helps or hinders his progress. *NOTE 5* I know we've been saying that FOW is not a direct indication of WD progess but if you plan on making an Open/LAN/SP DE then only by clearing FOW in the OOB areas will you know that you have jumped successfully in that particular direction. *Note 6* With a high level Mongoose try 'jumping' into the black areas above the northern edge of the Valley of Tears. You might be surprised at what is hiding up there. *Note 7* It is possible to see FoW in while in caves and in the 'black sky' in Hell's Ridge. You will need to set Map Transparency in the Options Menu for about 50%. You will be able to see FoW beyond cave edges and see the actual cave map borders. Most caves are laid out in a square or rectangular grid pattern, but not all. Also FoW in these areas can be hard to see. Make sure you're fully zoomed in and postioned in a well lighted section of cave. If you're in a darkened spot, it's almost impossible to see FoW along outside edges. Also by having transparency at 50% you'll be able to see DE and mini-map at same time. This helps a lot in seeing if your DE is following the mouse clicks. If he isn't, it's a dead spot (as described in note 4) and you need to move a little. If you can get yourself a full Ethan Rhys set, it's even easier. With the Water Form mod (invisibility) you don't have to worry about fighting unless you're actively jumping. (note: for some reason (can anyone say bug?) Undead will notice you if you're on a horse). Enemies will notice you when jumping. Simply stop and/or do what I do and 'fake jump'. Fake jumping means to right click Mongoose then quickly left click. You basically cancel jump and don't reset regen timer but the enemies will see you for a split second and come after you. Do this a few times to lead them away from where you want to jump. CREDIT We'd like to give credit to Harper for mentioning how the red lines are visible on the main map. This fit with our earlier theories and really made things fall into place on how WD is credited. We'd also like to give general credit to the WD Hall of Fame thread on the German forum which contained tidbits about how the Mongoose trick works; we didn't discover the trick but Knuckles did refine the technique. Also big thanks to Masteff with helping me thru weeks of testing. Bouncing ideas back and forth and assisting me with a couple tricky aspects of figuring this all out. Without his help in game and with this guide, this would have never been written Knuckles
  7. Forgot about the Dark Elf guide . I'll repost the WD guide also
  8. Looking for this set....as low level as possible. I believe it starts dropping around the mid 30's. I'd like to test a few things with full set and would rather do in Bronze
  9. Another way to get whips is to get Jacquiare (or another NPC) and arm him with a weapon that has the Disarm mod on it. Best thing is you can't permanently kill him, so you'll get plenty of whips eventually I usually grab Jacquiare since he's on the way to the Ice Elves anyways
  10. Far Sight (FS) works with Hell Sphere (HS) too. Since FS extends your extends your perception of enemies further out and thus puts you in 'battle mode' sooner as you near enemies. HS works only when you're in battle mode so more FS means longer range for your HS
  11. You mean I could mule a ton of money to a new toon? And since gambling at level 1 probably wouldn't be that expensive, I could have a level 1 super-toon
  12. Cool it's not Encore Maybe it'll come with decent extras this time around
  13. Well my avatar disappeared again...will pm you the link for the image
  14. Was going to post a link to my World Discovered Guide but can't find it. Jumping will clear Fog quicker, especially in caves. Any Light mods have no affect. If you're just interested in clearing the fog, what I do is hit all the edges during the day and then clear the open middle areas during the night
  15. Very nice find on the travelling merchant Schot He got passed around a bit and I ended up with him in the Orc Cave with my MF Vamp I tripled my gold in an hour or so just by selling all the gear I found. Just picked it all up and sold when my inventory was full. Had 10 million when I started and over 30 ill when done. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything....now everyone will be trying to get him
  16. I didn't see my WD guide here Was it only put on Wiki? Just wondering:)
  17. maximum size of a party is 8 so you had the max in pic...sorry I couldn't stay (and be part of screenie) if more than 9 peeps were in game you'd have this
  18. Not sure this is a guide but for those that like having a toon bank for new characters this works great. What you will need: A full Thar's Eross Set A lot of DOS (enemies die on sight) rings/ammies What you should do: All points to Charisma Have max Trading Pick any favorite CA and advance to level 60 Go to Gold and buy a bunch of DOS rings (Gold is where you will first find +5 DOS) Socket all those rings/ammies into the Thar's Now enter Bronze or Silver and pick an area where the DOS will automatically kill the monsters. Pick up all the whites and sell them to yourself What will happen is you now have a non-leveling money machine that can enter the 3 lower servers and supply all your starting toons with gold
  19. Never saw it till you showed me. Has to be in the way it targets you. Since it hits you but you're on a horse (I'm assuming the horse doesn't get targeted) the game. Somewhere in the calculation the horse trumps the push back data from the mummy gust
  20. If you have teenage sons or love Shooters then get a PS3 or XBOX If you have a young girl then Wii is the way to go. I made the mistake of waiting til just before Xmas before getting one. I figured they had been out awhile and it wouldn't be hard to get one. Boy was I wrong. So here I am at 3am outside a Toys 'R' Us in a snowstorm waiting in line to get a voucher just before Xmas. But I have to say.....It's a blast lol. My daughter and I have spent hours playing Tennis, Baseball and amazingly Boxing. First morning after boxing the inner part of my elbow was killing ! We are now working on Mario Galaxy. Anytime it gets hard (I.e. Area Boss) I get to fight it and once vanquished I have to immediately give the control back to my daughter so she can collect the star and all the glory
  21. Knuckles

    Avatar Help

    Been trying to upload the avatar I use on the SIF. The actual size is 367 x 558 pixels which is bigger than the maximum but isn't it supposed to automatically resize it? Or is it because it's rectangular not square? Or is it simply something I'm doing wrong? (if I was a betting man I'd go with this option) edit: said it didn't upload but my avatar's working...totally confused but since it's working I guess I'm O.K. being confused lol
  22. I would mention the the frequency of pulses is about 1 sec per pulse (or whatever time it is ) under Cons DS doesn't leech Under Pros While on horseback there's no animation delay (don't have to stop to cast)
  23. 1) Know your enemies. Know what hurts them and what enemy attacks hurt you 2) You should have one main heavy damage attack, not 2-3 mediocre ones 3) Invest in damage specific weapons and rings. 4) Always put yourself in a position to be able to attack first 5) When all else fails, Alt + F4 is your friend
  24. My answer is a combination of 2 reasons 1) Tired of the grind (one I checked) 2) Most people I generally play with have never even sniffed Niob I'll usually get to Niob and at level 140 take on either the Sakarras or Golems. If I survive then I know I got a good build and I sort of lose any interest in grinding the last levels. If my build is getting thumped or ends up dying, I go back to Bronze and rebuild it
  25. You can download all the scrolls/books (including UW) in this thread by Rotluchs.
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