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Everything posted by podgie_bear

  1. Despite several multinationals and just about every big chain and supermarket who wants to 'rationalise' what they sell. It gets harder and harder to even buy some of the ingrdients as they are determined to decide what we should be allowed to buy.
  2. These mandolins are marvelous devices .......until you lose part of a finger using one, then you suddenly find that using your old kitchen knives becomes a much more attractive proposition. Speaking from personal experience!
  3. Don't trust Google translate, it can drop you in deep s**t. I used it to say "Merry Xmas mate" to a Serbian friend, Google Translate made it "Merry Xmas sexual partner!". My Serbian friend is still laughing (thankfully) but it could have caused all sorts of problems, especially when you consider that he is a teenager and I am old enough to be his grandfather! PS. I want my Dwarf back!
  4. You poor sad person, lol. Your first Christmas cookies? Even I make cookies every year then the wife and I argue about how to decorate them (different coloured icings, silver bells, sugar strands etc), have our annual decorating contest to see who comes up with the best (or wierdest) decoration and firmly declare that our own designs taste best! I personally take great pleasure in biting the heads off the reindeer. MERRY CHRISTMAS
  5. Know what you mean, why should our lives be affected by some A**holes opinion that nobody should be allowed to have any privacy and that everything about eveyone should be on display for everyone else to see and comment on? I even saw one pair of idiots sending messages to each other via Facebook by "writing on their walls". They were sat together at the same table in McDonalds at the time!!
  6. Wonder what they would make of me then since I don't have a Facebook profile. Facebook is an insidious disease that is creeping into every part of modern life it seems and if you don't want to be infected by it you appear to get treated as a freak! At work my wife was asked by her manager about her Facebook, along with all other employees, so they could monitor what was being posted and watch for mentions of items that are classified. When she said that she doesn't use Facebook, she was told everyone uses it and you must supply us with the details. Since she insisted that she doesn't have a Facebook account, she has noticed that she no longer is trusted with classified work anymore, obviously they don't believer her or think she is too wierd to deal with such work anymore, while other employees who do use Facebook and have handed over their details have been given the classified work that my wife used to do. I have noticed that several sites that I used to write for and comment on over the last few years will no longer accept my work or comments since they will only accept submissions through Facebook. And that certain parts of the government only seems able to communicate through Facebook now. I recently had to deal with some medical problems and when I needed certain information I was told that via Facebook......however since I don't have a Facebook account, the supervisor will have to try and find out if there is another way they are allowed to give the information to me! I am beginning to wonder if I will soon be prosecuted as a dangerous, antisocial criminal for not using bl**dy Facebook!
  7. Thanks for pointing this out Gogo, I was just about to buy a load of these to send to my inlaws in America as Christmas presents!
  8. Played the game for a while and got fed up with it rather quickly, it was so linear with limited replay ability. I still have a copy but doubt I'll ever play it again as in my estimation it is second rate. Which is a big shame as it could have been so good if they had only bothered to add some sort of freedom instead of, "You will do this, in this order, following this path and there will be no deviation allowed!" Totally ruined the game for me.
  9. DWARF! Iritable, bad tempered, sarcastic, grouchy, obnoxious, callous, skilled craftsman, berserk warrior, fearless hero, best personality ever. Nuff said!
  10. I would like to see the Seraphim have crafting skills, maybe change the image from tall and athletic to short and chunky, most importantly give her a real personality unlike in the first 2 games. Oh yes and give her a beard! What, that would make her a dwarf you say? Well I never. Well at least she might be interesting to play then! PS. I would sign up for the anti-seraphim campaign as well, I have always hated her and what she represents. Give us real characters, not recycled sex adverts masquerading as characters!
  11. I have to admit I found the Seraphim totally uninteresting, just another unrealistic attempt to attract the "lust over the babe" brigade into buying the game. For me it was the intersting classes like Temple Guardian, Vampiress, Daemoness and especially Dwarf that hooked me to the games. Oh how I loved that bad tempered, irreverent little dwarf. They were interesting to play and didn't seem like a clone of the hero from 90% of other RGPs. The characterisations also had something that the Seraphim has never managed to achieve, personality! They make her look like a cardboard cut-out with no personality or individuality and that voice (shudder) even before I gave up on her I had to play with the sound turned off. No, I'm sorry but Seraphim put me off in Sacred 1, by Sacred 2 I desperately wanted to play the evil side just so I could kill the irritating ***** to shut her up!
  12. Ah, thanks for the info Stubbie, I didn't know about being able to switch off the 3D.
  13. I supose I had better let my guard down after all these years and admit that the Podgie Bear has a nice old-fashioned name, I am Sid (short for Sidney).
  14. I would wait and see if you can physically try one out in a shop first, because not everyone is able to cope with 3D. We went to an electrical retailer to see about a 3D television and found that although my wife thought it looked great, I was unable to see the pictures at all. It seems that the stignmatism in my eyes means that I am unable to combine the layers projected onto the screen into a single 3D picture. I actually see the different layers which makes seeing the intended picture a nightmare and gave me headache a to try. I consulted my optician and was told that I am not the only one to have that problem. So try before you buy mate, or you may end up with a very expensive paperweight!
  15. I bought my copy from eBay although there aren't anymore there at the moment. It may be that you have to check around for 2nd hand copies from there or other online retailers.
  16. Well, you said you smoked for 30 years, so I wouldn't exactly say your generation has strength of will and ours doesn't, lol. I'm only 20, so if I gave it up when I was, say, 40, I'd be on par then, yes? Aah, I didn't try to give up during those 30 years. And the generation thing was in response to the Doctor saying how the older the person, the more willpower they seem to have for going cold turkey. It was a generalised statement and not aimed at any particular age group, so please do not think I am being "age-ist".
  17. I smoked for over 30 years and agree that it is really hard to give up, but I managed it and haven't had a cigarette in over 7 years. Now here is the rub, I went cold turkey and it was a real struggle but I am free from the addiction now. However I have friends and relatives that have given up and didn't go cold turkey like me, instead they went down the nicotine replacement therapy route. Unfortunately they are nearly all still addicted to nicotine and using patches and chewing gum that is working out more expensive financially than the cigarettes were! I talked with my doctor about it and he agrees that of all his patients that use nicotine replacement techniques, very few successfully kick the habit without a prolonged and very expensive struggle. He recommends that cold turkey is by far the best way of beating the habit, but that few people seem to have the willpower and self discipline to manage it and that the younger a person, the harder they seem to find it. So my question is, what is it about us "old fogeys" that gives us our strength of will and why doesn't the younger generation seem to have it?
  18. Depends on how strong your stomach is doesn't it?
  19. We have the same problem here in England as well. I just bought some Crocs (shoes) from an American website, paid airmail postage and import tax and they are still cheaper than buying the same pair here in England.We have worked out as a rough guide that there are $1.5o to the £1, yet the same items cost the same amount in dollars as in pounds sterling, a 50% markup and that is before tax (add at least £15 or $22.5o). It is no wonder they call this country rip-off Britain. Since my wife is American we find it cheaper for her mother to buy a lot of stuf in America and post it to us here than to buy it here, how sad is that?
  20. I did manage to find out how to do it eventually, I just used it as an example of how unhelpfully helpfull Windows can be. Like when it tells you the program you are trying to run needs administrator privileges, when you are logged in AS the administrator!
  21. Windows 7 definitely has its good points, but it also has some bad ones as well and although most are only niggles, some can be a bloody hindering pain-in-the-butt, especially when it is trying to be helpful. One that really gets on my nerves is how when I am gaming and my wife asks me to go to headphones because the game is too noisy, as soon as I plug the headphone in Windows kindly minimises the game and informs me in a speach balloon that, "You have plugged headphones into the headphone socket". I know this, I did it on purpose and I don't need my game interrupted to bloody tell me and make me acknowledge it, expand my game again, wait for the graphics to sort themselves out and then find my character dead because I was not controlling it! I know I am not the most tecnically savvy person in the world, but I don't seem to remember screaming "**** *** you stupid *******!" at my computer screen anything near as often back when I was using XP! Then it was just an occassional, "******, that is not what I wanted!"
  22. Oh wow, I am jealous! Sadly I would have died permanently there as I only play hardcore and much as I would have liked to see those stats in my game, I would have hated losing my Dwarf because of them.
  23. No, not rainbow style or it defeats the whole object! With pink hair people will see that it is insupport of Breast Cancer, but rainbow style will make people think it is about Homosexual rights which is a completely different impression. Go with the pink hair and wear it proudly mate, not only will people take notice, but they will respect you for what you are doing.
  24. I dunno. . .there are plenty of 'Do It For The Children Side Quests' to make the Inquisitor kind of look good. There's some kind of irony in having a Shadow Aligned Character help little kids. I didn't mean just side quests, I meant be able to play the whole Light side storyline. Maybe at the end instead of having to face a Seraphim, face your Head of the Order of Inquisitors. Mind you I would also like to be able to play the Seraphim on the Dark Side. I hate being told what role I have to play.
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