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Everything posted by chattius

  1. Played a bit, change of equipment and I was able to repeat doing the bosses at the big machine without x% life leech, just with mentalist spells. Pressing right mouse buttom for a minute Sadly if trying to do a video the frame rate is down to 2fps Got some more high level rings with the beautiful combinations: -x% regen time/y% chance to halve regen time x to all skills/y to all combat arts Read 200 runes into every mentalist CA and the familiar. Able to spam mindblast or energy blaze. Boss fights are with the combination: Mahlstrom/Energyblaze/Mindblast. The enemy is ropped of most of its stats, slowed in attack speed, slowed in redoing ca's, stones from trolls drop short, ... Remember this is a hardcore character, so I am not using the fastest way to kill but the savest.
  2. Hi and welcome! There are 2 options to slow down gaining levels which jumped into my mind: 1. Edit the balance.txt and change the experience per monster to a lower value. But the number of enemies will be same. 2. Change the spawn rate of monsters to a lower value. Easiest way is probably to use the sacredtool. Version 4.03 is able to change the spawn rate in Ice and Blood. http://clubs.4gamers.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=277 It allows to change the spawn rate from 100% to as low as 60% or as high as 150%. Hope this is what you are looking for. The tool has some other nice features like autosaving and backups. Greetings from the 'Land unter', Chattius
  3. Cow names: the farmer did Wotan and Thor for the male calves, our daughter did Tanka for the female. Tanka: old germanic name, meaning 'the woman with the wise ideas' Yesterday was a bit sun between the rain, today is endless rain again.
  4. Rain rain rain rain rain rain rain .... Poor people in valley already have flooding. A farmer asked to bring his cows uphill close to our place and monday night one gave birth to 3 (THREE) calves in our field barn. So our second had a letter for school saying that if she would be tired that the reason was that she was helping. Tomorrow is a work and school free day, so we will do some Rhabarberstreuselkuchen in evening. Just the word makes me already hungry: Rhabarberstreuselkuchen
  5. Characters in Sacred2 were like a selfmade birthday dinner with cakes and BBQ and all variations, characters in Sacred3 are like a Birthday at McD? Dragon mage uses Mahlstrom to reduce armour and reduce max hp on enemies because of reduced stats. Left clicks can use the doublehit from mastery while weapon ca's can't. So socketing deathblow could be an option.
  6. Nestlings mimicry a snake with this head movementm, they also do hissing sounds. Adult birds use it sometimes to watch bark from all sides for hidden insects. They can not do brute force as their relatives the woodpeckers can do.
  7. @belga The weapon is allowed to have direct damage, but it shouldn't be from a spell/Buff. My old level 35 was a polearm dragonmage, hoping for the 'hit nearby enemies' or whatever it is called in english on most polearms.
  8. The challenge is to play a character who just does normal attacks: no damage doing spells, no weapon combat arts. Buffs and spells would not be allowed to raise x% damage, direct damage or base weapon damage. Stat boosting would be allowed and as is using the CM-patch. Which character would you choose, which weapon type, which ca's? A dragon mage or shadow warrior with boosted willpower and laser swords? Dryad or dragon mage with boosted intellligence and using a wand? Is there something hitten like the flying crossbow demon from Sacred1? I will try to revive a level 35 character who was rotting on the harddisc for quite a while because I hadn't the game knowledge I now have. Have you ever tried a similiar character? What was the reason for a fail or a success?
  9. This character was one of the first we played. I started with multi-aspect characters to test out as many CA's in a single character as possible. With this knowledge more specialized characters were started. But with the amount of equipment collected in chests and some calculations and optimizations, the old one was considered playable again and really: it was And now I wonder if another old level character could be made playable, with all the equipment and knowledge which was collected in the nearly 2 years the characters was rotting on the harddisc. But this is for another thread.
  10. The elementalist of our oldest is a bit different: She calls it Full Power To The Destroyers. It makes full use of the new items in C;-patch 1.40, mainly the Set Sigils. Bargaining is replaced by Mentalism focus. So an extented range Mahlstrom can be casted to support the destroyers. The targets have reduced armour and stats, so even if the maximum damage is not raised, the relative damage is. If a destroyer does 3000 damage and oponent has 7000hp you will need 3 to kill. If the target has only 5000hp because of reduced stats thanks to Mahlstrom you will need only 2 destroyers. Add the reduced physical armour. Next in the list was to take away shield lore. The shield which adds CA-range will be used and it has nothing which scales with shield lore. Because of runes of protection (Mentalism focus) there will already be some x% defense. Shield lore will be replaced by spell resistance which will make great use of the will power the familiar buff will give. So she uses a combination of Destroyer/Mahlstrom. What you have to know about this combination: Destroyers are spawned next to you, but the Mahlstrom will be created at the place of the closest enemy, even if this results in running. Mahlstrom doesn't need an enemy as a target with the combination. But too late to do a bug report I think. The mahlstrom should be created at mouse pointer or centered on player, but not on closest target.
  11. Nature put a jynx on the tree hut of the kids. A few metres above the hut a pair of wrynecks (jynx torquilla) build a nest in a tree-hole. Funny to watch the neck twisting of the birds.
  12. Well, I called for a water truck more than once.... If the fountain runs to low it is usual that the water has more sediments and at a certain point I can't use it and I get a trailer with 10000 litres of water. But affecting millions is really big scale.
  13. Just try it out, very easy recipe. We do several pounds at once and store it in the fridge for up to 4 weeks. Rote Grütze and Ice is more a sunny afternoon On a sunday morning; Waffles with Rote Grütze and vanilla sauce, very yummy too. As a saturday midday dish Grießbrei (semilona pudding:)) with Rote Grütze Lot of recipes to use it, so doing some pounds is no mistake at a household of 8.
  14. Dryad reached level 135 in niobium, no deaths: Tactic lore nature focus and lore voodoo focus and lore dual wielding damage lore concentration ancient magic combat discipline Dust devil for combat art block, 3 sigils with CA-reflect 2 nlovae staves and LeGallLeum sigil set , around 45% more combat art range acute mind and healing, then spamming this nice net attack which roots, spreads on nearby enemies and burns them on hit and DoT because of damage lore Add totems, a companion, curses, ... Lot of fun to play, but you really really should know what you do and how to choose your equipment. Characters like these are what I miss in D3, SA3, .... I always liked to play totally against the planed design of a character.
  15. Sacred3, Diablo3, ... Respec, not wanting to make builds which need collecting certain items, .... I liked that you could teach carefully character planing, optimizing and such things with sacred 2 to my kids, just to say spidergirls. But a game which is coop playing and just mouse acrobatic.... Fine motoric finger training my daughters could learn with needles and sewing, and learn something useful with that too. Coop and teaming I would prefer team sports for them or good old board games. I know I sound like my grandma, but I see no sense in wastung time on a game which has no teaching effect to kids. I still think that Sacred2 was worth the money we paid even if it would have had the double price (well perhaps just start with 4 classes and bring the others with more addons). I hate boxes with games which went to a box after playing for just a single weekend. Was I proud when our 13 years old played a single aspect Inquistor through niob without dying, answer is yes, because she explained why she did skills, combat arts and equip in the way she did and was using and learning maths in doing so, english too because she read sacredwiki in english. Will I be proud if she finishes Sacred3, Diablo3, .... probably not.
  16. My ice elf uses both shield lore with a Kira Scaling melee and ranged block, with CA-protection from the ice buff
  17. I wonder is there something like the german Rote/Gelbe/Grüne Grütze in south africa? http://www.thegermankitchen.com/index.php/recipes/2009/05/rote-grutze-german-red-fruit-pudding-recipe-red-grits/ Red/Yellow/Green is just from the colour of the fruits used. Our cherries are mainly of a yellow variant (less likely to be eaten by birds) and we mix with apricot and instead of corn(or potato) starch we use buckwheat groat. Well just what grews at our place. Tastes really great with vanilla ice.
  18. I think your sherbert is close to what is called Milchsorbet, sorbet latte, .... in europe. Even the word sorbet and sherbert are quite close. Are the poppy seeds to thicken the liquid? Using seeds or part of seeds to suck up liquid and stiffen the mix is done by our Rote Grütze too. http://www.thegermankitchen.com/index.php/recipes/2009/05/rote-grutze-german-red-fruit-pudding-recipe-red-grits/
  19. Just watched this commercial. Since I don't know which countries block it because of copyrights I put the original site: http://www.johnnolanstudio.com/films/nolans-cheddar/ funny end...
  20. Our second was trying out the old objectives and how to blur the background with a apperature of 1.4 at a 50mm. Model was her adoptive mother: Sphynx. You know that a family can adopt a dog, but a cat will always adopt its family if it can strive around? Danni wanted to try out non people first before she would take pictures of classmates at a daytrip of her school to Cologne.
  21. The God Choosing Forens for the CA-Reflection is probably the best choose. Gefahr is german for danger, so the G is not for God-power in my eyes but for danger. Whenever approaching a known spawn point of devil eyes or demon champs who can do x% life leech attacks, pressing the danger-button is a must-do when playing hardcore I think. Only chance to reduce their damage is to block or reflect this life leech combat art. Really don't wait with the G power until you see a x% life leech enemy if you know you are close to a known spawn point. Do it a bit in advance.
  22. Our second played a bit at hospital when she was there for scar treatment Level 170, 602 quests done. Killing ghosts to get nice rings and amulets for the change to the level-195 set.
  23. I visited 3 dams and everytime the graveyards below of the people in the valley who died when they were bombed.... One of my neighbour villages which was build in the afterwar years for refugees from former east germany and hungary is in a valley. There were no houses for centuries because once in a hundred years there was a flood. It happened at a certain wind direction when clouds got pressed together and couldn't climb the valley. Last time our firefighter dep was called for help and we pumped cellars for 3 days around the clock. If even this local floods do great damage and people are warned, I don't want to imagine what happened when the dam at the Eder was bombed. I feel always lucky that I live near tophill, even it means that I have to order trucks with water if my fountain runs dry.
  24. Tolkien wasa researcher in languages and got inspirations from old languages. Isengard is also an old 13th century female prename. Hildegard , protecting battle-maid Irmgard, Mighty protection Isengard, strong and sturdy protection Ebergard, protecting like a boar ... All female prenames, first two are my aunts. Isengar, Isgard Ishild, kinda an iron maiden Isberg, burg is castle, a protective place ...
  25. Oh , there is a real Eisenstadt in Austria, a capital of one of the austrian states. Speaking about the old use of Eisen/Isen I meant this town which was a very fortified town. Latin name for it was castris ferrus, iron castle. But as a Sacred2 name it will fit too.
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