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Everything posted by chattius

  1. Knuckles, know how it is without power. My main problem used to be trees falling at storms and damaging lines. And since I am the only house on this end of the line it was always low priority for the power company when stuff had to be repaired at bad weather. So now we use at least 3 different way to heat the house and 3 to for power. normal power supply wood gasification driving an engine whose heat is put into a heat battery 5 metres in ground our staircase with the builtin oven: http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/18412-what-is-the-latest-big-real-life-project-you-started/page-1 old wood and coal fired ovens a trailer with an 18 horsepower generator (got it cheap from a bankrupt company, 500 euro at auction) One reason for the triple savety was that my wife is an doc and at bad weather normal all comes together: not possible to bring people to a distant hospital because of trees blocking, power shortage, ...
  2. In my area cows were used for field work. plows, pulling waggons, milk, ... To valuable to eat them if not too old. So lot of recipes how to soften old meat. Till worldwar 2 there was a local pig race, wooly,could live in bad weather, ... They were more or less running free in the forest pieces which were used to make charcoal and tanning acid. Even the squeal is used: google for pig squeals and grindcore.
  3. We have Presskopf and Kopfsülze. Kopf(Head) is removed from its flesh, which is mixed with other meat. If the mix is pressed into the bladder and then boiled and smoked it is a Presskopf. If gelatine is mixed to the mix and put in a form to harden we call it Kopfsülze:
  4. I don't know how waste is handled at your place. Here it is sorted and you have to pay a waste fee depending on weight. The 8th year in series we have no biological waste. My grandparents learned the hard way to use up nearly everything of an animal or a veg. So yes I ate duck-feet, mainly following a recipe from Pommern (famous for its geese breeding). Only thing I found no recept yet: the uropygial gland. But you can at least use it to put an oil layer on your saws to prevent rusting. Around 6pm we will do an 'Errrwessupp met Soifois' - local slang for 'Erbsensuppe mit Scheinsfüßchen' = 'pea soup with pig feet'. Ah yes got 3 young boars last night Pig feet contain a lot of gelatine so the soup is nearly not liquid anymore. If there are leftovers you can even wait a day and you have a jelly like mass which you can cut in dices and lay on bread.
  5. You know the basic rules with antivirus software? 1:.Patience Never open an email before checking for virus signature updates. 2. Time Even the best AV-software doesn't help if a virus is just 10 minutes old. If the virus is a week old even the cheapest AV-software with a 3 day update interval for virus signations should detect it. People could avoid 95% of virus infections if they would wait a day before opening an email or other stuff if they have a 12 hours virus signature update frequence. Of cause companies can't really wait, so AV-software with a higher frequence of updates has a higher price and is rarely free.
  6. Rache ist Blutwurst! 'Rache ist süss' is a saying translating into 'Revenge is sweet'. In the famous book 'Nothing new on the western frontier' a soldier doesn't like sweets but has Blutwurst (blood sausage/black pudding) as his favourite meal. So he transformed the saying into 'Rache ist Blutwurst'. The translation used in the english version of the book reads: Revenge is Black Pudding!. So why this headline? Photo is from today. You remember the boars,you see the apple-tree, you see the ladder, you see the dug up ground near the forest, you see the platform in the apple-tree, you can image a projectile trajectory from this platform to the the dug up ground, you can image what I will do with the boar if I get it? Blutwurst!!! Cut a potato in scale in half, cut away a bit from the inside. Fill the hole with pieces from herbs and Blutwurst. Bake the potato halves in an oven. Serve it with Sauerkraut. It is cruel, it is more, it is barbaric, it is more, it is HESSIAN!
  7. Noone uses virtual machine for browsing suspect looking sites?
  8. The Robber On TV yesterday, didn't exspect much, but actually a very good movie. Based on a real story. A marathon runner (holding some records for mountain marathons) is robbing banks and flees running. He finds adrenaln kicks by escaping running and not using a car. 450 police officers are hunting him for murder... Austria's biggest crime hunt ever. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Robber
  9. Article about red sprouts, they are kinda new: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/foodanddrinknews/8065212/Red-Brussels-sprouts-to-be-sold-at-supermarkets.html
  10. Allways fun to make rooms for kids. We are a bid limited because it is a wooden patchwork house. Just can't do hyper modern black and white when wooden poles are visiible in the ceiling. Also wooden floor, but at renovation I put hot water hoses below the floor boards. So you can play and lay on the warm floor. No TV in Kids rooms, main reason is satellite antenna is top of hill hundreds metre away and it has only 2 receivers. Our second likes the metal foil I did below the tapestry on the windowless and doorless wall. My reason was to block electromagnetic waves becauzse behind it is the generator room (wood gasification driving a mini powerplant) and a shortwave transmitter. But she likes the possibilty to use small magnets to attach posters and remove them without destroying the tapestry. A painted chessboard 1*1 metre with paper figures on magnets allows her to play distance chess via short wave radio. Our oldest was never intrested in shortwave radio and our second has a lot of radio and letter friends all over the world.
  11. An unexpected usage: I try HDR mainly to see trees in a forest, to see details of trunks deeper into the forest where details got lost in the dark. BUT: Sorting out old family photos I saw a lot where the front people were bright and the people in the background dark. The main reason was a weak flashlight. But these photos are often analog black and white ones. So the definition range is wider as of digital cameras. (Thats why I still use analog cameras). So I tried something: Doing 3 digital macro shots of a black and white photo with different light values, using a HDR program and suddenly the back people are a lot morte visible Wanted to share this with you in case you have old photos too.
  12. And now to something completly different: Have fun and fight the cold
  13. From Wiki: Capsaicin (pron.: /kæpˈseɪ.ɨsɪn/; 8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide, ( (CH3)2CHCH=CH(CH2)4CONHCH2C6H3-4-(OH)-3-(OCH3) ) is the active component of chili peppers, which are plants belonging to the genus Capsicum. It is an irritant for mammals, including humans, and produces a sensation of burning in any tissue with which it comes into contact. Capsaicin and several related compounds are called capsaicinoids and are produced as a secondary metabolite by chili peppers, probably as deterrents against certain herbivoresand fungi.[1] Pure capsaicin is a hydrophobic, colorless, odorless, crystalline to waxy compound. So only mammals are affected. There was a TV cooking show once and one person was cutting Chili and another did a joke. The chili cutting moderator was laughing till he had tears in his eyes and then in a reflex he wiped his eyes.... And his comment after returning to the show after medical care: I don't know why insurance wanted gloves, they should have forbidden jokes...
  14. Gogo: do we really have to teach you the thing with the bees and flowers :) First is the bee and the blossom and then they do little baby fruits- And then the little fruit sits in the sun, listening to Doris Day singing 'Que sèraphim sèraphim..." and wonders what it will become when it is old. And while it can't decide the sun burns and burns and burns ... and burns ... ... where is the sunblocker.... ..and burns... ...can't find it ... ...and burns.... Till the little baby chili is black and dead .... And then as a ghost it comes clear to the little chili.... I want to be a ghost pepper a Chilli Chocolade Ice EDIT Whoever did the forum code: there is a live outside Sacred. STop dreaming about these cute Seraphims... I had to stroke these phims when code auto completed Que_sera_sera
  15. They played D3 in youth-club but disliked it. Torchlight2 is better in their opinion.
  16. Forgot to mention it were no people in the car who were injured, the boar was running amok attacking everything moving when injured. Snow vanished quickly with rain and now people in valley prepare for flooding. Takes 36 hours for the highwater to flow from origins of river to the valley. Luckily (considering floodings) we wouldn't even have a flooding at polecaps melting. But summer the fountain may run dry...
  17. The new trophies came with 140. The comment is older but I wasn't playing seraphims till 4 month ago to notice the easteregg. Sometimes german sayings/eastereggs were translated word by word without considering that it were eastereggs and had to be replaced by a localized variant of the easteregg. For example the ones with german soccer players, Doktor Eisenbart, ... Just did a quick search; There is a kitchentool manufacturer called Henckels and he has a set called True-Love: http://www2.zwilling.com/en-US/Product-Range--sortiment/Flatware--flatware/Series-overview--serien/Truelove--3708.html
  18. Ever wondered why one of Hercules tasks was to kill a certain wild boar? Adult male and female boars are protected April to June here. Young ones can be shot the whole year. But it makes sense to watch before shooting. If you shoot all young ones of a pig it will mate very quickly again. So keep one or two alive, prevents that she will do a dozen new baby boars. In hunting season try to keep the female alpha alive, she will prevent lower females from breeding if food is low. Some years they breed 3 times a year and you are not allowed to kill a mother, even if hunt is free. Local hunting laws demand a license (takes half a year and lot of learning to get one), certain guns and amunnition, view of the shot= you aren't allowed to fire uphill if you don't know where a miss will land, not allowed to shoot into overlapping boars(hit 2 or more with one shot). So you mainly use mobile hunting towers to shoot from up to down. With people around (mainly injured game after hit by a car and danger of riquochets) often you can't find a shooting position and you have to use the old Saufeder (nowadays a long knife where you can add rod pieces to make it into a lance). Testing if a boar is really dead is also wise to done with the Saufeder. Heavist boars are around 700 pounds in the carpates in europe. My record: shot 220 pounds without inner organs, Saufeder after car crash 267 pounds without inner organs. An old hunter joke is: to hunt a boar never leave the house without a Saufeder and a gatling gun. The knife is for the boar, the gatling to keep lawyers, treehuggers and enviroment activists at a distance. Don't feel to safe in big towns: Berlin suffers from boars too. It had 4 injured people after a single boar was hit by a car 3 month ago. Police had to shoot it.
  19. Wasn't there a nibblegate in one of the Wizardries - Bane of the Cosmic Forge? In the higher resolution versions (commodore Amiga) you could see nibbles at the naga priestesses.
  20. There was a time when germany aqnd england had some great battles in soccer. But one day these $%&!!! English did an act of sonic warfare and soccer in germany was never the same again. My younger sister played a goalie in our small village youth team. There was a knockout match for the district cup versus a district town which had one the last years. When she returned from the match my dad asked how it was: You know how kids are: They choose a hero and identify with him. She said the scorer of the other team was not kicking even once towards her goal- She know he was a fan of germanies top scorer and so she sung this song all the game:
  21. Our second daughter got alarmed by our dogs when doing the 10pm walk. Ground not frozen anymore and we got a boar invasion. The ground around our fruit tree field is digged up on an area like 200*100 metres... My estimation is around 3 rots each 20-25 which must have crossed secondary roads from outside our forest to do this. Not my field (1am and too dark for Fotos),but to give you a feeling what 60+ boars can do in a single night:
  22. Yes often some great stuff begins with a simple question, why give turtles way less experience at levelup Or with a picture, like at our Kungfu-Dryads. Wondering if you could do it as a buiild. and it worked. It did not only work, it was a robust and funny build. A similiar math thread was in Dobri's demigod thread about armour and how it works. Actually seeing my armour graphs was a great help to go for the douible-kick armour piercing approach with deathblow on second kick and every kick triggering explosions on nearbys with x% lifeleech. Actually I missed this stuff in Diablo3. Allowing to re-skill quickly makes everyone re-skilling to successful builds found in forum (at least my daughters say so,I never played D3 myself). Everyone uses the highways, noone uses a machete and hard work to find the beauty of hidden paths outside the main roads. Torchlight2 is liked by my kids and myself plays it too, once getting used to these manga style graphics. Of cause I played offroad: a berzerker girl with shield and wand,using spells We also like the pets. I have an owl which hurls deadly frostbolts.
  23. The hotter Schamel Kren (horseradish) variants are considered bio-weapons and not for export Okay real reason: The manufacturer doesn't list them for export, claiming that they must be fresh for the full kick. But I think you can order direct from Schamel if you buy more than just a single glas. I was brought to them by a friend who did civil maritime duty as a ship cook instead serving at army. He now runs a restaurant and does cooking classes- He always said on a multicultural ship you can't do french alacarte cuisine. Spices are very cultural what is liked and not. BUt hot is hot, and no ship people will tell a cookie that he cooks to hot, he fears to be called a softie. http://www.schamel.de/en/export-products.html My main use: Old male boar ... very strong taste and you need extreme spices to overdo it.
  24. I do not try extra hot stuff just for the kick. But I like to use this stuff when cooking: Sometimes people who think they can eat hot stuff because they can eat chili fail at this Chili, black pepper and very fresh Horseradish together in a sauce. Three different attacks of hotness in one mix.
  25. Only a Porsche, we use a Lamborghini !!! to track our kids uphill.... A strange land we live,... learnt driving on a Porsche when 5 , upgraded to a Lamborghini with 8, a Mercedes with 10, a BMW with 16 and couldnt wait to be 18 for a fulll driving license fo my mom's Volkswagen Beetle.
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