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Everything posted by chattius

  1. It even made it into a song: supercalifragisticexpialidocious -> hää? hessian slang for: 'Excuse me. I didn't understand you. Would you have the extraordinary kindness to repeat yourself.' We hessians aren't barbarians and inpolite. We just have our own language.
  2. disbelief -> Rindfleisch­etikettierungs­überwachungs­aufgaben­übertragungs­gesetz Cattle marking and beef labeling supervision duties delegation law Law was about protecting from the mad cow disease Obviously too late - politcians seem to be already affected. The people who to control the using of the law would be Rindfleisch­etikettierungs­überwachungs­aufgaben­übertragungs­gesetzkontrolleur If he has a wife she would ne Rindfleisch­etikettierungs­überwachungs­aufgaben­übertragungs­gesetzkontrolleursgattin and so on Luckily nobody uses these real long words.
  3. sauterne -> Trockenbeerenauslese(TBA) The french just copied the art of doing. And have better ground .... If each single bottle has a number (Flasche=bottle no. 52) you know it is something special. 10000€ for a bottle, not bad. My excuse for not drinking it isn't the price. I have several Porsche and Lamborghini afterall (vintage tractors). It is because zero alcohol politics when working with explosives. Know the story about The Fox and the Grapes ?
  4. Sirloin steak prepared like a Sauerbraten steak -> Sauerbraten Nearly not eatible meat tenderized by marinating for up to 3 weeks. Originally atmy region: a working horse with age of 15 would normally end as dog food. But as a Sauerbraten it is a delicatesse. I make my own fruit wine for the special marinade for boar and deer- After marinading, before roasting:
  5. You know these pocketwarmer pads? pressing a metal piece in them they crystallize and give away heat. In the microwave they become liquid again. The heat storage uses a similiar princip. For power storage battery blocks are used. If I would compare my family to a TV series .... The Waltons They aired when I was a young boy and there were only 1 (one and BW) TV for up to 20 people and 3 (three) programs broadcasted. We lived at the farm of my grandparents then. At weekend all the cousins were at the place too for help. And this series was something everyone could live with.
  6. Perhaps you know thati live a bit away from civilisation Our heating is done by making gas from surrounding wood. This gas is then burned in a combined heat and power plant. Now with electro cars already or planed in the family the system had to be rethought, What to do with the heat if you have to charge a car in hot 35c summer time? What to do with the power if you need massive heating at -30C in winter? I had some small power and heat buffers already. Now I work on a heat storage system which stores all the excess summer heat in below ground crystals. 4 Cubic metres of batteries for the power. adds to costs: 30000€ Energy would be around 7000@/year currently. Lifetime of system is guaranteed for 12 years.
  7. It was a restaurant/place for dancing since 150 years back. Current 6th generation owner mainly gives dancing classes at the place. Once a month he opens the restaurant and music from the 70/80ties is played with chance to dance.
  8. All is so relative... Down the forest roads and only 5 kilometres away... No pizza but wine and Zwiebelkuchen (onion cake, mine please with bacgon pieces). Too bad they open only one weekend a month.
  9. Funny how Americans talk about this chocolade: https://www.blackfives.org/schwarze-herren-schokolade-bitte/ Is it racist? Schwarze Herren Schokolade = Black Men chocolade Or is it old non racist tradition? Schwarze Herrenschokolade = black (lot cacao, no milk) chocolade for gentlemen My pralines were 60% cacao, truffles and either a shot whisky, brandy or irange liquore fresh pizza -> Flammkuchen A thin cake shot first into baking house oven to test temperature. Hard to get anything fresher than this direct out of the burned down flames. Our variant: yeast dough, selfmade Handkäse (using bacteria cultures, only 0,3% fat), sliced blood sausage, perhaps a few onion rings
  10. Lindor -> confectionery While at rehab I got a lot of pralines. While the Lindors where eaten by the visiting females of my family I reserved the Herrenschokolade for myself. Herrenschokolade translates as chocolade for gentlemen.
  11. obligation -> holoparasite Parasites which can't reproduce without finding a host. Also called obligate parasites.
  12. The lullaby I sung translates as Good evening, good night, With roses covered, With cloves adorned, Slip under the covers. Tomorrow morning, if God wills, you will wake once again. For a child old enough to have own thoughts 'waking up only at the will of god' is not good. It is a lullaby reaching 500 years back and meaning of somg words changed. don’t let the bedbugs bite -> ticks A restplace of an Autobahn is only 9 kilometres away. People who did vacances south of the alpes together with their dogs havethem run at the place. So parasites new to our state appear their often first. Several big mirrors to check for ticks after returning from forest, kids learn to whatto look for at the age of Kindergarten. Blue (easier to detect when falling into autumn leaves) kids versions of swiss army knives are bought with ticktools.
  13. singing -> good evening, good night Last song I was singing was Brahms' Wiegenlied (lullaby) to my grandchilds. The three tenors might be well known, but my kids and my grandchildren liked my singing more. Probably because interaction is better than listening to a speaker. I am not that good singer afterall
  14. Wieder daheim - Home again!!! Back from rehab. Can't say enough how I missed some of my favourite food. Himmel und Erde Apples and potatoes boiled together and mashed. Served with roasted blood sausages slices and roasted onion rings. Add an apple wine.
  15. Adding a script language for modding AI, more automatic playing if wanted, selfmade maps and enemies, ... Sacred was done in a time when cracking and copying kinda prevented this.
  16. lotion -> sister I am allergic to certain perfumes (luckily very vry expensive and rare). So not knowing what schoolgirls tested after school in a perfumery I can't visit it for buying some expensive lotions, perfumes for a birthday present for my wife. I used to send my sister in. Luckily a former classmate runs a spa for the 'older' generation and sells some lotions for older peeople. Where old is very relative. For me it is retired 65+, For our oldest people like me, and for her daughter our oldestis already old.
  17. meowch -> Xanth Piers Anthony's fantasy book series, wiki for a catapult: Catapult Race: feline Description: A feline creature the size of a small sphinx, with a tail that expands into a sort of netted web, allowing it to hurl large objects. Do you know: The European wildcat is the only cat which can't be tamed. It's the mammal with the highest weapon weight to Body weight ratio. My nick is a mix of chat for cat and chattii the old writing of the german tribe now named Hessen.
  18. seesaw -> catapult The small difference between a seesaw and a catapult is: kids or acrobats
  19. Sizzler -> Nordsee NORDSEE is a German fast-food restaurant chain specialising in seafood Bremen is a harbour town close to Hamburg. A fish bread roll from Nordsee is named Bremer (person from Bremen). While Hamburger is a person from Hamburg. So this ad reads Bremer are the better Hamburger. Person or fastfood, double meaning.
  20. Was told that I have the good 'Heilfleisch' of a 20 years old. Heilfleisch is the ability of the body to recover from wounds. All healed with nearly no scars. Wonder if there is a word for it in English. Heil is for healing, Fleisch is flesh/meat And oh wonder they asked me if I would spend some blood. The curse of a universal blood group with even no antibodies to other factors in blood hungry summertime.
  21. rising sun ->Peer_Gynt Very nice classic
  22. commodore -> Amiga I only made it to corvette captain. But I had a used Commodore Amiga 3000UX after navy fire chief to train UNIX before going to university.
  23. Peace and Long Life -> U+1F596 There is a unicode symbol for the Vulcan greeting
  24. Define massive... At my moms birthday: mom 1 her four kids and wives/husbands 8 12 grandchildren, 4 of them married= 16 9 grandgrandchildren 34 people from family add friends and other relatives, we normally meet at the firefighters hall The family of my wife is as big In summer breaks we often do tents for the kids of both sides. We do holiday only every 3rd or 4th year. Hard to get replacement as a countryside doc as my wife is.
  25. Yes, same here. Badminton is the name for the competive sport. Federball is more you play the ball in a way the other can return it. Since it is in the open wind is always a factor. Oldest grandchild will be aged 5 August the 15th, The mixed grandchild twins are two years younger.
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