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DarkMatters - Moderator
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Everything posted by chattius

  1. risk -> mother Mothers are so dangerous. When I was 11 I visited a school mid in farmlands. In biology classes we learned about farm animals: don#t approach a cow with a newborn, she will attack, a horse tries to run, a donkey rather attacks, a goat attacks, a sheep will try to block, geese strike with wings may break an arm, ... We have 20 goats to keep bushes low. They have 5 newborns, And famílies with kids walk there to watch them. Some are so stupid and enter the fence to get closer...
  2. Have to do a drive to Frankfurt airport to pickup some people for the new year party. Hope no delays so I will be back 9pm and can still help with preparing. Won't lock in for a day, so happy new year to all who already have it and to all who still have to wait. Don#t know which traditions you have, we do a 1500 person tent on top of the hill between 5 villages, drive our firefighter trucks to the place and do a big party with friends and family, Short after new year we sing beethoven's 9th (ode to joy). But not as in opera , more focus on the word joy.
  3. monopoly -> bad loser Told the kids to show no merci when playing against bad losers (Leaving the room, crying, mainly kids without siblings, ...) But why should my kids don't play as best as they can? If someone is not experienced with a strategy game they play slowly and give hints. But a game like Mensch ärgere dich nicht (Heh, don't get angry) which is luck with dices, noone should be aggressive when losing, it is just luck.
  4. The bows showing towards the vortex? I would exspect the ships to steer away. mother nature -> dating In summer breaks my family was at nearby lake for swimming. We watched some girls who were at the opponent shore obviously not aware of the under current there. They weren't reacting to shouts so my son and me were swimming to warn them. He was fast as a torpedo. When he visited the new school after breaks one of the girls was in his new class... The undercurrent in our case is caused by a very cold rivelet running into the lake where the stone shore ls in hot midday sun The bestplace for sunbathing is where the rivelet enters, but it is also the most dangerous for swimming.
  5. sauna -> whirlpool House is under cultural heritage so I can't build one into the house or the old barn. Was building another sauna - smaller but with a whirlpool - outside from do it yourself kits. Last Fassssauna/barrel sauna was put on a trailer and sold without loss.
  6. mince -> Brätknödelsuppe A soup with dumplings from Brät and some soup pearls. Brät is really fine cut pork, way finer than mince. Normally used for sausages like lyoner.
  7. leftovers -> Mettbrötchen We usually do a big party into the new year with neighbour firefighters on a hill mid between the villages. Lot of Mettbrötchen, sausages, sour bread, ... Adding vinegar and spices the leftovers will make a good soup, warming while doing the cleanup after the party.
  8. Ground Mustard, Cumin, Curry, Smoked Paprika, Celery Salt, and Cayenne -> rutabaga Potato, rutabaga, carots cut in cubes. Add water (if a wanting a soup, no for a stew) pepper, no salt. We lay cured pork in it which has enough salt. All slowly boiled in the field kitchen. Parsley before serving. Nice food at this cold, rain and stormy weather. Enough for most of the village which helps to decorate the church for x-mas and new year.
  9. Aquariums can be quite time eating. Dad had a big salt water one. We have a 5*1,5*1 metres at firefighters, filled with local stuff from the rivelet. I try to keep great diving beetles away from my fish ponds. So I breed the beetle and release them away from the ponds. Also breeding noble crayfish. I release the breed to renature them. We had and have a heavy storm. For pocket-money Twins are selling x-mas trees for being chopped by families. Luckily the families phone in advance and ask if the foerst is save.
  10. Preparing Schalet (feared Hessian cuisine) like a Rösti, sort of potato pancake but with rougher in stripe cut potato. Our family recipe adds what we have in mass: boar bacon, bear garlic, quinces striped and leek.
  11. Did my annual x-mas gift to the world: 4th blood donation for this year. I have a sort of universal blood: 0- with most of the extra antigenes also negative. For the paramedic training: I think everyone should have at least the base training with 6 weekends. Often the first minutes count. Have at least a paramedic emergency remote app on your phone. Call 112,911, or what ever number is at your place. The dispatcher may ask if he is allowed to have remote access to your phone. Mainly the camera to see injuries and giving advice what to do till the meds arrive.
  12. I never was more south in Italy than Rome. My grandgrandma was from Merano and we still have and use some of her recipes from time to time. Aren't some red onions named after Tropea? Some spaghetti boiled in a sauce with onions? Phoned a friend who runs a restaurant and was a former chief cook on a research vessel travelling the world. Says Spaghetti risottati cremosi alla Cipolla di Tropea :)
  13. I fear it was a mistake to show her how to carve easy flutes from elderberries when she was 6. She always didn't only want to know how to play an instrument but also understand it. The discs in the drums need some maths if you want clear tunes. Most use blueprints and just copy working ones.
  14. Benvenuto Hope you will have fun here. Sadly my grandchildren are time eating and I am not really into the newest mods for Sacred Underworld. But most vanilla stuff should be covered in sacredwiki.
  15. to the light -> Seraphim Radiant Pillar, taking hypnosis as bronze modification
  16. painful truth -> getting old Lightweight babys can crawl on LEGO blocks without pain it seems. But it is hard work to keep them from putting Lego into the mouth. Grey hair, my son is faster in swimming than me, playing parents vs kids at school soccer and needing a week to recover (goalie and having to jump), luckily no need for the blue ones yet, ...
  17. arm wrestling -> finger pulling So much healthier, instead of perhaps breaking the upper arm you perhaps just get a dislocated finger.
  18. olympics -> wrestling Chris Taylore vs Wilfried Dietrich at 1972 olympics At an interview Dietrich hugged Taylor friendly. But he just wanted to check if he would have long enough arms for a throw. Result one of the best wrestling photos ever.
  19. championship -> Modern Pentathlon I tried a lot of different sports when a virus disease in growing phase made my legs grewing too short. Long arms and short legs, swimming was an option. We lived then at a place with a very good shooting club, tried it too. Hated running, but as a goalie I was not too bad. Uncle had a horse farm and l learned riding quite early. Cousine was fencing state team and I trained a bit with her to counter lefthanded long arm opponents. She said I should try pentathlon, not real good in anything. Worked when I was 15, second in state. Butgetting older I lost too much points running. Just goalie in soccer, handball, field hockey - whatever the place we moved too offered.
  20. legend -> 57metre goal I managed to do 7 goals as a soccer goalie at school team. 6 were penalties but one was from 57 metres. Corner ball a minute before end, whole field players far in opposite half. Me as a goalie was just few metres behind the middle line as a sort of savety. The opposite goalie caught the corner ball and did a wide kick in empty room so his fast attackers could outrun our defense. I managed to be first at the place the ball came down and I hammered it away before it hit the ground - under pressure from the attackers. Same moment I turned and run back to my goal because it was empty. And suddenly there was a cry, the other goalie was too far from his goal and couldn't get my shot- which wasn't aimed at all. There is still a photo at my former school, me running back without seeing my legendary goal and my team celebrating. The only field goal I did as a goalie and it was the semi-final.
  21. The best birthday gift I got year back at my birthday just before x-mas. The twins should have been born 24/25 dec, My birthday is just a few days earlier and we had whole family around and planed to visit the hospital the next day because of countryside is a bit away from hospital and snow predicted. At 10pm she said oh, oh and we drove to hospital. Arriving at 11pm, son 23:54 daughter 00:13. So we got used to do no last minute x-mas shopping. All gifts are bought weeks before our trible birthday. We enjoy the x-mas markets but avoid overfull shopping malls. 5000 people town Braunfels (my older sister was born not far from this place) with the marketplace before the castle. Glühwein (mulled wine), Bratwurst, ... Next weekend we will visit the market at Wetzlar and visit my brother. I spend my first 5 years at Wetzlar as a kid. Just follow the road right from the x-mas tree and 5 houses away. My mom's house and now my brother lives there. So much patchwork houses in my childhood. No wonder I live in one now.
  22. family games -> dining room table Biggest table in house. Made by grandgrandpa from massive oak. 90 years old. 240cm*120cm. A friend offered 4000€ for it for a furniture museum. But too much family memories to even consider it. Grandgrandpa died when I was 2, my older sister remembers him. He was a Meistertischler (trained carpenter, furniture maker who is allowed to teach apprentices) He did his first apprentice year at an airplane company. He got a flying license when he was 16 in WW1. He had to final test fly before a plane left factory to be send to frontier. All his requests to become a fighter pilot were luckily denied- age and test flying to detect assembling failures more important. Average survival time were 11 hours combat flying then. What a luck he was too young. I would have missed me when not born.
  23. weed -> Teekesselchen A game where you have to guess the word with a double meaning, like Tor: 1. door, 2. goal at sport, 3. a fool = me I was not considering about weed has more than one meaning. The one I meant two posts ago "A weed is a plant considered undesirable in a particular situation, growing where it conflicts with human preferences, needs, or goals" And this weed burner removes it from the garden by using a hot gas flame "weed is slang for cannabis" This weed burner uses cannabis based liquid in an e-cigarette
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