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Everything posted by Ryanrocker

  1. Sounds like the attempts are becoming pretty successful with the above story
  2. Glad they are working out for you Knuckles! Especially if they allow you to keep working or hanging out with friends without having to go off to smoke, that's great!
  3. I was having a conversation with a friend about the series, and he mentioned that some of the trailers were longer than the episodes themselves My problem (and RvB had this at the beginning as well) is that trying to introduce characters in a 5 minute episode is difficult. Once they are established and the story takes a firm foothold, I feel like we are in for a HUGE treat
  4. Didn't they add in chat channels around 1.0.6? Anyways, yea I definitely think it was a game made with the eventual console version in mind. Here are some screenshots from the D3 that was in production before Activision stepped in and Blizzard North was still in operation
  5. Heyyy, glad someone else is pretty interested in RT stuff! I was a little miffed at episode 2 being super short and much more of a filler, but I can see that they are going for the RvB style of story-telling, which I'm perfectly fine with. Plus, nothing ever goes wrong with Monty Oum fight scenes
  6. Yea hopefully the absence of the auction house makes this a game more about playing your character and not playing the AH
  7. Unfortunate that the PS3/Xbox versions are not compatible servers, I'd love to play with you! At least you guys are looking at the better pre-order bonuses
  8. That is probably one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time! Awesome gadget that saves lives, I like
  9. So as many of you may or may not know, Diablo 3 is coming to consoles on September 3rd! What exactly does this mean? We'll it means that Blizzard is broadening their market even further, and taking the steps to involve people who might not enjoy, or might not be able to enjoy playing on a PC. Alot of us here on DarkMatters already own a PC copy, and might see no reason to pick up a console copy. To those doubters I'll leave this article here which I found to be pretty accurate and covers the differences between the two versions of the game. http://www.pcgamesn.com/diablo/diablo-3-console-slightly-better-pc-version-can-we-have-changes-our-version-please Many PC gamers have found that this release is a big slap in the face to them, and I understand that. However, I've decided to see the game as a 'new' experience. A full ladder reset, no Auction House, enhanced crafting system, direct control, better loot drop rates, and OFFLINE/LAN play? I almost feel like I'm discussing a different game here Right now the pre-orders are $10 off, (Personally I think it's because they didn't sell as much) and you get a couple of goodies for getting in early. I've already ordered my copy because I really do think it will be a different experience and I'm curious to give it a go! Pre-order bonuses: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/10174614/#best
  10. Better jump over there if you want some delicious, freshly baked D.a.r.k cookies
  11. I wouldn't say it's the best password ever created by far, but this has been the first game/online account I've ever had hacked (different passwords across the board). So not quite sure what to make of it, just that I know I won't be using that password again
  12. Do you find it hard to use that from behind the minions? I feel like all the unit collision would make FP hard to get off right
  13. I've only got Java and C++ knowledge, but I'd love to help out with the wiki Schot. If there's anything not too technical, I'd be happy to lend a hand
  14. Yes it was! A monk and witch doctor. Was there a monk conspiracy going on?
  15. So, I logged on a few days ago to find out that my Blizzard account had been hacked, and passwords changed I was a little outraged, but it is what it is. Luckily, I was able to work with support the last few days and recovered my account, set up new authenticator security, and got everything back to working order. However, today I went to go switch over to the European servers to see who was playing over there. To my surprise, two toons had already been created! Both of which I had never seen. Upon further inspection, the shared stash had a few sets and orange items, along with 500,000 gold. So needless to say, whoever had hacked my account was quite busy while they had access. Hey, extra loot for me right?
  16. Depending on how the rest of alpha/beta progresses, I may certainly think about upgrading to the Loyalist Pack when it comes around (mainly for the free expansion )
  17. That's so awesome, does it look cool ingame? I also cannot wait for beta and to play with you guys
  18. I highly recommend the Freeze Pulse one if you like melee range spells, it's great fun
  19. I ran into these two double bosses today outside of Burrwitch. That lightning strike bolt hurts so bad, I think I died about 6 times before finally getting them down
  20. Hehe, I always listen to Kripp's stream while I play so I heard about this yesterday. A sad death, but I'm glad it really shows that dual totem builds are not the safest thing of all time. What's up with the Crematorium boss too? Everytime one of the top 25 RIP lately I feel like it's been to this guy EDIT: He made a video about why you can always die in PoE
  21. Guild support and chat reworking are coming down the road, it's been something people have been asking for awhile
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