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Everything posted by masteff

  1. The threads on SIF that mention Treerage definitely say it's still in 2,28. They do imply it doesn't drop consistently, have to try a number of times to get the unique drop. I wouldn't give up on just two tries.
  2. Not sure if the whole problem w/ not being able to build a warehouse beyond level 17 is a beta issue or just a bad design oversight.... but I'm starting to see the end of this game approaching. Here's how it plays out.... get a level 17 warehouse, build up goods for level 4 palace, build 4th colony (total of 5 towns). Stockpile sulphur to build troops. Put all extra crystal and gold into buying upgrades at workshop. Launch big armies against enemies to take their loot and kill their troops. Can't really do permanent damage because nothing destroys towns. Only way to win is to pound an enemy until they give up and quit the game out of frustration or boredom. The two differences between this and Age of Empires are 1) time scale (minutes versus hours/days) and 2) here you can't truly defeat anyone (just their troops, can't destroy their towns). Hate to say it but I think I'm over this game. The level of involvement drops off because the times get so huge that you have to walk away for 1/2 a day while something happens. Only flurry of activity is right after placing a new colony or if launching a series of pillaging raids. I'm just not finding enough on-going play value to keep me interested.
  3. - Is it beter to add point in Dex (more fire damage) or is it better to upgrade Dex with jewerly? No, any boost from Dex is minor. My opinion is the points are better spent in Phys Regen. Oh, and jewelry (for wearing and for sockets) should focus on items with "+% fire damage". This directly boosts the fire damage of flamethrower. Several good rings can nearly double your damage. This gives a far bigger boost than dex would ever provide. - And is Flametrower a reliable skill or is it better to have some mellee skills too ? Flame is reliable; no enemy is immune to it. But it never hurts to have decent weapon on you. A few enemies cast webs on you that lock you in place and make it harder to get away. Also cerebropods have a power drain that can keep you from being able to use a CA for a period of time, so need a back up for those times. But melee will be 2nd to flamethrower. Flame rocks. - Is Weapon Technology(Faster use and 3% less regen) better or is Dwarven Lore(5% less regen) beter ? I take both and put 2 points in Dwarven Lore for every 1 point in Weapon Tech. By dropping the regen, I can use more runes and do more damage. Also see my next answer. If you look at the stats for Weapon Technology it says it adds Attack speed. - So does that mean that a higher attack speed shortens casting times ? Right, the total time to execute Flamethrower from start to finish is faster (not just the time to start it, but also the speed at which the dwarf waves the flame back and forth is faster). So instead of taking 5 seconds to execute a single burn, it might only take 3-4 seconds. Since it executes faster, you need a faster regen to keep your regen below your execution time. Other notes: - Weapon lore increases FT damage so you'll want points in it. - Concentration does nothing for FT regen, so don't take it unless you want to add in a melee CA. - FT works with leech, so socket some good leech. This makes up for having to take a few extra hits while standing still. - Socket plenty of rings with "+% fire damage". This gives a big boost to FT. It's worth 20-30 minutes of shopping at bravemart for these rings. - A tip on fighting w/ FT.... run in small circles to get enemies in to a cluster, stand to one side of the group and hit them all at once with FT. If they don't all die, take a small step away to keep them all in the blast radius and flame again. - Ghosts are very vulnerable to flame. Ghost cave is one of the best places to powerlevel an FT dwarf.
  4. Works better for me now. Thanks.
  5. From page 21: "It is also mandatory you join our forum and post regularly before you are even considered for membership." While I like asking them to visit the forum and get to know us, I strenuously object to mandatory posting rules. Mandatory posting frankly is one reason I never joined DA or WNx. We start imposing too many rules and I'll defect.
  6. The joys of playing in a beta. Just hope they don't decide to wipe us all out at some point. Some betas do that (but mainly if they have a really major change).
  7. Heh, I remember getting an original Sony Walkman for an xmas/bday present. MP3 players - 10 years and I still haven't managed to teach my girlfriend how to program hers.
  8. No harm, no foul. I can see your position. And you did get some different info from DreD, so not a waste of anyone's time.
  9. Level 17, actually (wood is double the capacity of other goods). But berkley's right. I looked on the board and there's discussion about this flaw. A level 18 warehouse takes more material than a level 17 can hold (and it gets more ridiculous after that). This means the most you can build is a level 4 palace. So don't plan beyond that until they revamp the building costs.
  10. The methods to unlock difficulties are exclusive to SP or MP. So when you play campaigns, it's strictly about having completed the main storyline to unlock the next difficulty. If you export your toon and use in in local lan or open MP, then it's strictly about your toon's level. So, you could access Gold in MP despite never completing the main story in silver SP. Oh, one note. Been awhile since someone's confirmed it but just so you're warned. Players reported in the past that when going back and forth between SP/MP or between different SP difficulties, that sometimes it would forget they'd unlocked a higher level. So they'd have to rush the main story to re-unlock the next difficulty. Fortunately, a Gold level toon can rush the Silver storyline in no time at all (well okay, it take a bit but faster than normal).
  11. Sinister --- try to keep posts on same topic in same thread. You'll find I posted there to clarify.
  12. With a ranged toon, the trick is to work a circular pattern around the dragon. First make a wide circle around to kill any stray monsters (nothing worse when fighting D'Cay than a skele mage hitting you with stone feet in the middle of a dragon breath). Then make a circle just out of claw range around the dragon. Eventually you'll find the rhythm where the dragon breathes fire, you run around to its side and shoot arrows, it turns to breath again while you run to side again and shoot, repeat, repeat, repeat. With a melee toon, it's all about big damage, like hard hit. A 4xHH combo is great (with concentration pots to reload quickly). My personal best against a dragon is a three hard hit kill. (Requires making a combo suit of armor that has lots of HH socketed so you can make a combo that's really high level.)
  13. To clarify... Katran is listing the multiplayer limits. For those who play exclusively online, it works differently in single player. In SP, any toon can access bronze or silver but you must complete the main storyline to access the higher difficulties; it's unrelated to toon level. So, Sinister, you're right that you must complete Silver to unlock Gold, etc.
  14. I'm taking the strategy of only putting level 1 barracks and shipyard in my colonies and the focusing my upgrades on my capital's barracks and shipyards. Then I can simply deploy the troops and ships from my capital to my colonies. Are you keeping your wall's level close to your hall's level? The defense boost is based on a ratio of wall to hall, so keeping your wall upgraded is a good thing. Oh, how about your trading post? The further apart your trading posts are, the more likely to see different offers from different neighbors. And I found that one of my posts had generally higher prices than the other, so I've been transshipping and then selling from that town.
  15. Schot's too clever for our own good. These are real life objects and not in-game objects. What he means is a regular rubber band and a toothpaste tube cap. I personally just use a good rubber band. I know someone else who uses a piece of duct tape. And Patroclo suggests simply unplugging the mouse once the proper alignment is found. You scroll your mouse to a space where there's no enemy and you use the rubber band to hold the mouse button down, thus creating a permanent click. The toon will try to run towards the point of the cursor but because of objects in his path, the toon can't get there and just dances back and forth instead.
  16. Different areas have different counter levels. Shaddar-Nur has one of the lowest region counts and therefore is a good one to start with. Make the run from Shaddar's tower south to the dungeon entrance and back; the trail will respawn as you go. If I remember correctly, it doesn't reset the counter when you save, but resets when you exit and reload. So the trick is to not exit (and keep fingers crossed that you don't crash). Since you refer to save games, I assume you're in SP. Being in SP, you can leave the game up and running and you won't get booted (whereas MP has an inactivity timer).
  17. Sulphur on its way. Clobber him.
  18. Updated, might have to force a refresh (it's the same URL). And I'll probably only do it once a week.
  19. No good. All I see is an empty box that has a greyed out scroll bar on the side.
  20. I knew I was going to regret clicking this thread the moment I read the subject.
  21. Am I the only one who can't see the pic? And if so, what do I not have installed to allow me to see it?
  22. You'll have an empty building space... currently only as many buildings available as there are spaces.
  23. But only Llama's diplo points matter to the alliance, so it's only if you plan to do military or trade treaties yourself that your own diplo points matter. And only build 1 workshop in 1 town... any more are a waste.
  24. Guess somebody didn't like my attacks. *sigh* A shame that he's going to blockade my only town without a fleet. Oh well, it doesn't matter that much, I was going to send a fleet there anyway. We'll see if he can handle the incoming fleet of 4 ballista ships and 4 flamethrower ships. That and my ensuring wrath. Let me know if you need any military support. I can help rotate blockades on his harbor or whatever.
  25. Only upgrade your original palace. Extra palaces are wasted wood. Number of colonies is solely based on the palace in your capital. A 2nd palace (ie in a colony) only allows you to change your capital to that colony. I posted earlier that changing your capital destroys the original palace, so don't do it lightly. Only uses hat I see... if you're getting beaten badly by an enemy and want to escape to a remote location where you have a colony. PS - Stubbie, if you read this, could you dismiss your soldiers? And start your port upgrading to the next level? Then we could raid you and take your res.
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