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Everything posted by BoF12

  1. The griffin and the boar dont have quests for them, but they are on the console versions ( 360 at least cause thats what I play). The only mini bosses that require a quest are Kobold Cheiftain and Undead Legion. I was wondering what was above Griffinborough. I know of a boss up that way but I never knew anything else was up there. I am going to go up there soon and see if I can find any of the quest givers for Xmas or Easter on the 360 version.
  2. There is probably a legendary or unique item that has the skin you are looking for. I would check wiki for any type of weapon that looks like what you want, but I think I know what you are talking about. It looked more pink on my TV (on 360 ) rather than red like a proper sith lord.
  3. I did that for ahwile when I remade my seraphim but I did not read runes early like he did. Now I am adding more +All Skills and +Rev Tech to add damage and keep regen low. Im struggling a little bit with monsters and I will probably start replacing my + All skills soon but I am worried myself about regen times.
  4. Its probably around 2400 per kill im not really sure but I know its somewhere in that range. That is without mentor pots of course. On a different note, how much damage would you guys think I would need to do per hit at level 45 on silver to kill these guys quickly?
  5. Take off all the buffs you have on like BFG Warding Energy Battle Stance or Cleansing Brillance. All of those add to regen times. Try to find +All Skills to add to your armor. Keep a good mix of +All skills and +All Combat Arts. I use Flaring Nova myself and I find it annoying to wait 3.6 seconds ^.^ If your armor is not already socketed with other modifiers you can always add the enhance blacksmith mod to lower regen times.
  6. Do you have a weapon in mind that has the lightsaber graphic that you are talking about?
  7. It depends on how you diet and the intensity of your workout. I would suggest doing a lot of reps that way you have more of a cut rather than muscle. It will be a faster way to get the six pack.
  8. I hope they actually make some servers for people to play on. I hate the way how people have to use their internet connection to host games. It seems to me like every time I join a game 10 minutes later I have to leave because the lag is so bad I cannot move anymore. I really wish people with dial up connection would stop hosting games. BTW I just left a game hosted by someone else 7 minutes ago and its still loading out. I can hear all the battle sounds and the guy who is like blowing in his mic or something. IMO I like they new patches but something needs to be done about the servers.
  9. I never had a problem with my 4 minions on this boss. I just recasted totem and skele fortess and he went down pretty quick. Though I was around level 28 and my minions were 40+. My suggestion is break nether when he stuns you, make sure totem is shooting him, when you get the few second to cast while in the white beam recast nether.
  10. All of the buffs raise all other Combat Arts regen times. Also mounts raise CA regen times so I tend to stay away from them expect for just running where I need to go. Tactics Lore will increase the damage on BFG. You can put damage modifiers on your weapon to change the damage. Might throw in Damage Lore if you do change the weapon damage for added damage effects. Ranged Weapon would add damage if you are using a range weapon (BFG doesnt count). Ex. would be Bow, Blowpipe, Energy Gun, or Throwing Star. Rev Lore I believe does not add damage to BFG. Just watch the added regen time to all combat arts on BFG and Battle Stance. Use +All skills to lower regen times and increase damage at the same time. Later on with BFG equipped the damage on AW will increase. The Bronze and Silver Mods of BFG add damage which dramatically effect Aw.
  11. I think there is a thread on this, but the answer is no: Lore does not increase the damage on BFG.
  12. Be weary of your survival bonus and how much damage they do to you. At level 30 on gold, the orcs do around 3k per hit.
  13. That is not totally accurate. The portals you get in free mode with transfer to campaign in the same game mode. Ex. Portals obtained in Bronze free mode you will have in Bronze Campaign. Portals obtained in different difficulties will not transfer. Ex. Portals obtained in Bronze difficulty will not be there in Silver difficulty.
  14. You should be finding items and you will start to get more as you level and get a higher survival bonus. Try fighting a lot of champs like in the orc cave and bosses that naturally drop better items. Bof
  15. Is there a cap limit for silver and gold because I've found that as I level in silver so do the monsters? Also I was wondering if the Dragons also drop sets like this and what level is their cap on Bronze? The Grinwald dragon is close to a portal and could easily be farmed.
  16. Most just have a few points in sword to get DW, but it depends. Personally I would go with Tactics Lore over Sword that way you get more damage from your DW. I wouldn't say useless but there are better combinations.
  17. I would like to team up with you sometime. I just recently made another Seraphim. She is only 11 but I started her late tonight and didnt have much time to play. All of the bosses on PC are on consoles. The PC version was the intention of devs because Sacred: Underworld was strickly PC. You might have read that some aspects in the console are broken and are not in the PC version. Ex. Blacksmithing In the PC version the skill actually works, but in 360 version blacksmithing is useless. (This blows but hey we cannot do anything about it) Bof
  18. Depending on build types, even at the level you are a SW with minions with the armor modification so have no problem at all with this boss. From my experience you can easily get through silver on a 31 SW with an Astral Lord build.
  19. Most would say that eating runes is a bad idea for the most part. Eating runes increase damage but it increase the regen time. In my experience, I just keep them at 1 rune read and increase them by socketing my gear with +All Combat Arts and counter the regen time with + All Skills. With Concentration and Aspect Focus, the + All Skills cuts regen time. Try to keep your regen time at a spammable time, whatever that means to you. Most say around 2.5 seconds is a good regen time, but that also depends on the skill. The bread and butter of your build should be around 1 second regen time. Though I do not have much experience in this department because I have not played long enough to have a high level character, I can say that most people here know what they are talking about. Most say 2-3 seconds so I went in between and said 2.5 seconds. When you get to a high level around 130 or so you might be able to sneak in reading a few runes to increase damage as long as the regen time stays in the target range. From what I have read, you will not need to eat more than 1 before that.
  20. Well I would not say the desert is the only place. It is probably the best, but I can think of Kobolds around the White Griffin, the undead around Clearview, the humans around Kuff Castle and the Wild Boar, and the swamp with enemies everywhere. However with the Swamp there are a lot of obstructions and most are poison resistant. My question wasn't redundant. The orc region has tons of enemies, but a lot are different. With the desert its all those beetles scorps and pop up humans for the most part. Though scorps and beetles count as insects so its all good. Bof
  21. Ha, that is funny I just stood right next to the mist and stunned the guys right under him. I did not have to chase it all over the place that way.
  22. The best way to be sure on how to effectively level this way is: what area has lots of enemies that are the same type and are they resistant to poison? BTW: If you play on 360 and are making a build like this please let me know cause I would love the free lvling.
  23. I find Radiant Pillar slow for pulling, but it's a great suggestion. As gogo said before its a small area, so I do not think I will have to worry about them being all over the place and out of the way to pull. I am guessing it will be like Kobolds or the HE Thysilum Training ground. The range or magic users usually only 1 per 3 groups will run out of the way and if you go after them they just waste your time. I just devour my food I don't lick the plate too. Bof
  24. I think I was level 31 at the time the guy came in on Silver difficulty and I was getting around 1100 experience per kill or something like that. P.S. <<<<<< Not a stalker
  25. I would have said Hash Brownies, but hey we all have our preferences. Back on Topic, I usually just trade in runes that increase the overall regen time of all Combat Arts. IMO socketing to increase CA level > eating runes
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