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Clicked EP, got alchemy, my lvl 50 skill choice...

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I clearly clicked EP as my level 50 skill but got alchemy instead, kinda like when in the server lobby and when you click on one server it tries to join the one above/under.


Does anyone know if you can ask ascaron to correct such things (switch alchemy for EP as it should have been), the characters is on their servers after all. Or do they not have access to our characters that way?


I know they would rollback characters under certain circumstances in S1


You can try emailing Service_Sacred@ascaron.com and explain your situation. Also if they rollback your account, it may rollback the entire account (S1 worked this way). So any progress you make with this character or any others since this happened may be affected


I'm really sorry Scarecroww, but there aren't any respecs for this game by Ascaron. However, I would think that you could try and send them an email regarding what happened to you. I had always thought that they should let us have a "confirm" button for making skill choices, especially as they are permanent.


Good luck






There, I sent an email, now I'll just cross my fingers ^^


Thanks for the suggestions guys, cheers! :)


u better start getting used to you're alchemey cuz you're stuck with it now


There are some advanced builds made by Chattius and Epox using Alchemy, and there may be a few more starting to be published as the game's mechanics become more familiar with. Taks a look around, Scarecroww and see if you can garden some opportunity out Alchemy. I think though that's harder to use on console than on PC because of the lack of trophy slots?






from his/her post it seems like scarecroww is a pc user, so no possible console problems over there.


Once again this has highlighted a big oversight in the game.


Ascaron decided it was important enough to ask for confirmation when selling a set or unique item (neither are build crippling), but neglected to include the same same confirmation message when choosing a permanent skill choice. :unsure:


Good luck with the email Scarecroww, but my money is on the "sorry, but bad luck" response. :D

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