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Well y'all may not be seeing as much of me over the next few days (or weeks) as I am going to be a new daddy x2 soon (planned C-section). Twin boys on the near horizon so I'm sure I'll be busy busy! I'm sure I'll check in fairly often still.


Anyhoo...I'll see you fine folks around!



Edited by gogoblender
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nilihanth, great news! I'm completely delighted to hear about the two on the way. Best wishes, best of health, and dinna think you can get away from us that fast okay? We have lots of Daddies here on the forum, and one way or another, they always manage to sneak off tween feedings or diaper changes...though in your case I guess we're talking about twice as much fun! :bye:


I have enjoyed all your post and the work your wiki. You're a classy poster, and have always been kind. I wish you and your family the best, and... PLEASE come back and post pix of the two okay?


Promise us this!


We await the party!





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Twins! You have been blessed.

Spend lots of time with them. They grow up sooooooo quick.



We have been blessed! Thanks! :D


So, be honest...who's more nervous, you or the mom





Hah! I actually think it's her. The anesthetics, the waiting, etc. :bye:



UPDATE: The surgery got delayed, which is technically a good thing, so I updated the OP's time reference to when I'll be a new daddy. Not today, prolly not tomorrow, but soon. She's at 36 weeks Saturday for those that are curious.

Edited by nilihanth
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Did ya peek?.. I mean, Do you know whats in the package? Boys or Girls.

Whats you hope?

Great day for u Nili. Dont stress too much.


Best Regards, and again, Congrats!


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Did ya peek?.. I mean, Do you know whats in the package? Boys or Girls.

Whats you hope?

Great day for u Nili. Dont stress too much.


Best Regards, and again, Congrats!


Boys. Not sure if they're going to be identical or not. We were leaning towards boys anyway so it worked out :woot:


Boo, I was hoping they'd come today but oh well. In a few days at least, unless something comes up.

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Wow twins! I'm having so much fun with my 4 month daughter I cant imagine how crazy it would if there were two of her. :)


Major congrats!! I wish you guys the best.

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Wow twins! I'm having so much fun with my 4 month daughter I cant imagine how crazy it would if there were two of her. :woot:


Major congrats!! I wish you guys the best.

Viper, thank you! I can't wait to have fun with the little guys. I'm trying to imagine doing the baby shuffle, as neither of us will get much of a gap inbetween holding them while they're awake! :)

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Lock up the breakables now... its easier when they arent there to "help" you pack up the things youd rather they not break *lol* .... take a deep breathe and let mom get her sleep in now ...


As the mom of a 14 yr old and a 4 yr old ... I havent had a full un-interrupted nights sleep in 15 years ..... *lol*


Oh and buy stock in a diaper company ....


Good Luck and take LOTS of pics. the years go by way to fast and before you know it they have passed the cute years and turn into mouthy know it all teenagers (and trust me its not cute like when a toddler gets mouthy). The pics help remind you why you brought them into the world and that they werent always a teenager... Thus saving thier lives *lol*

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Major congrats to you papa nilihanth. :) 2 boys, wow. Blessed indeed! You have so many wonderful things to look forward to. I wish you and yours the very best and that you may have TONS of time to share with the boys. :P

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Ok, the boys are here to terrorize the world! :D I'll get pics up as soon as I get them loaded from the camera.


1st one was 4 lbs, 14oz. while the second cow was 7lbs. They are both doing well although the little guy needs some convincing to eat.

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Bravo both of you two! Happy hearing two new healthy baying mouths in the world. What yield... you've doubled your family!







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Ok, the boys are here to terrorize the world! :thumbsup: I'll get pics up as soon as I get them loaded from the camera.


1st one was 4 lbs, 14oz. while the second cow was 7lbs. They are both doing well although the little guy needs some convincing to eat.




So were they identical?


Just remember the only real piece of advice you need - trust your instincts... usually they are right.


Oh and its only most children not all that sleep through the night by 6-8 weeks.

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The crowd roars... pix pix, boast with pix!








As you wish :) There aren't many yet but I'll be adding more as I have time.


@Genenut: Thanks! We think they're fraternal, not identical because the way they look. You can see it in the pictures, sort of :D The placenta test isn't done yet so we don't know for sure but instinct tells me they are not.


@Nugmanagogo: Thanks!


@Schot: Thank you! I am already getting a kick out of holding them to soothe their occasional fussiness. They are good boys :)

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