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Any MAJOR differences between the PC version and the console versions?

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Hey guys, so today I finally put my new PC together, and bought sacred 2 for the PC. One thing I noticed, when going into multiplayer (EU), Everyone speaks German D:


But yeah, I wanted to know if there are any MAJOR differences between the PC version and the console versions?




Hey guys, so today I finally put my new PC together, and bought sacred 2 for the PC. One thing I noticed, when going into multiplayer (EU), Everyone speaks German D:


But yeah, I wanted to know if there are any MAJOR differences between the PC version and the console versions?




Congrats on getting the PC and the game..!


I'm sure there are a few english speakers out there - there's an entire thread involving HardCore players and when they're around that can be found here. I'm sure most of them at least speak english.


As far as your question goes - I'm assuming you mean major differences other than the controller... That depends on which version of Sacred 2 you got - is it just Fallen Angel? Or did you get Sacred 2 Gold with the Ice and Blood expansion?


From what I've been able to find out on the subject, the plot lines in the game are pretty much the same. As far as how things work - that's where there are some differences. Certain skills that didn't work properly on the console (Blacksmith, as a for instance) will work just fine on the PC. There are also differences in how certain things work - Ice and Blood nerfs +Skills (All, General, Defensive and Combat) jewelry and such by about 50% over the Fallen Angel version. No idea how it compares to consoles.


Ice and Blood also adds two entire new areas - the Crystal and Blood Forest regions, new monsters and the ability to use the CM Patch.


There's also the interface - for obvious reasons, the game interface is a bit different from console versions - simply because you have a full keyboard and mouse to use instead of just a game controller. More buttons = more hotkeys to bring up stuff.


That, I think, pretty much covers most of the major differences.

Posted (edited)

There are a few of us online who speak english...Im on kinda infrequently at the moment, but as the game has most of its userbase in germany, theres alot of german spoken online, however, most of them do have some level of english skills and can communicate enough to let you know where they are ingame/where they have been.


Lujate already has main differences covered, have a read through and see what you think.

Edited by Dragon Brother

This is german game so there are a lots of germans. They always start talking with german ;p I dont mind that myself since I know some german basics to comunicate but for someone who doesnt it might be a problem ;p


Hey, Thanks for the replies guys :D


I'll check out that forum now, I actually prefer the PC's interface, such as the HP bar etc.

Also Lujate, I would consider making the jump, its worth it. I only have fallen angel for now, but as soon as I'm used to the PC controls fully (Im not too shabby, I had Diablo 2), I'll buy Ice and Blood.


On the subject of the PC, I remember on D2 you could emulate other players, e.g. simulate that there are more people there than actually are, so better loot drops and enemies are harder, by using the "/players = X " command. Is there any way to do this on Sacred 2? As my HE is currently level 10, so by level 20/25 I would like my first set item.


Thanks, Alex.


Hey, Thanks for the replies guys :D


I'll check out that forum now, I actually prefer the PC's interface, such as the HP bar etc.

Also Lujate, I would consider making the jump, its worth it. I only have fallen angel for now, but as soon as I'm used to the PC controls fully (Im not too shabby, I had Diablo 2), I'll buy Ice and Blood.


On the subject of the PC, I remember on D2 you could emulate other players, e.g. simulate that there are more people there than actually are, so better loot drops and enemies are harder, by using the "/players = X " command. Is there any way to do this on Sacred 2? As my HE is currently level 10, so by level 20/25 I would like my first set item.


Thanks, Alex.


I believe we had the discussion on the players = x thing a while back and the answer was no - can't be done with Sacred 2.


The lowest set item you can have is level 15. In theory, you should start seeing set items drop somewhere around oh.. level 12 or so. You can increase your chances by getting Enhanced Perception and/or Bargaining.


Okay, thanks for the reply :)


I might make this one into a HE shopper then.




In general, you can improve the xp and drop gain by editing the balance.txt file in the server folder, but that only applies to single player and LAN games. In closed net, we're stuck with the good old official values.


Still, there are ways to circumvent that problem. Playing with extra experience per kill +% and chance to find valuables +% as gear and socketables will easily see the levels fly by at an impressive speed :) Even 20% more xp per kill is easily noticeable, just like 20% more chance to find valuables is.


The game gives a lot of options, don't be afraid to use them :)


Set items are easy to obtain in Ice&Blood if u go for it. The cursed forest quest just flows with them. Bargaining for set items:) At bargain mastery yes, but not sooner


I made the switch to the pc. The game is much better on the pc.

  • 2 weeks later...

I prefer the PC version myself :) and thanks for the info, I'll look at the blaance file now :D


I would have to say, Expert Touch, being able to reload from your last save location (not just at a Monolith), bug fixes (although you may encounter new bugs) and the Ice and Blood expansion.

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