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Hellgate Open Beta 30/06

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Is there any kind of single player or offline option with the new version of Hellgate?


Is there any kind of single player or offline option with the new version of Hellgate?


No this is just a Multiplayer game now. It's loads of fun but as Llama said, the server is not doing good at the moment. I had no trouble today but tonight when most of the US players are coming on the server is overloaded :(


If they can give us another server it's an awesome MP arpg :woot:


I got the download, install in progress!






I think I read somewhere that this was only open to us and eu people. Do you guys know if that's true?


DB, I'm not sure about that, I hope you're able to find your way in though,I have been playing, and

Yes, this is a good game :bounce:


I just got kicked off the servers, they are doing maintenance... so many item modifiers, I'm floored with how much this game has






Up for breakfast, into the servers!


Anyone else going in now? I'm in North American servers... am I able to hook up with EU players? Or should I register for EU with a proxy before I spend that 4.00 bux?








You are currently player 219 out pf 219 waiting to log into the game






There's only one lot of servers for everywhere outside of (what seems like) AsiaPac Gogo.


I've got two characters atm - Llama (Guardian) & EngiLlama (Engineer).


Downloaded and tried to play but getting hung up at account verification. Having no luck getting the email to arrive yet. Might just give up on it.


Knuckles keep trying it's worth it, and...it's free!


K,there went the Sunday, lol... as it turns out the queue goes by really fast... maybe they're putting peeps on rotation every while? As it turns out,I got a few hours in, no problems, no lag, really great feel this game, I'm having a lot of fun with engineer... go bots to! I'm also dying to try out the guy that has a

wasp's nest as a weapon? :mafia:


I just got kicked off the servers now, taking a quick foodie break then jumping back in. Can you guys add me to your friends list? gogoblender or gogo-blender








Knuckles keep trying it's worth it, and...it's free!

Up to act 2... From act 3 onwards it requires you to pay $4 (in total for your entire account).


eeeeee lol I'll probably end up paying the money ^^ Actually, I've not had too much bad time with the servers today, I just back into queue right now, I'm number 219 outof 330, but it's going down fast.


My level 2 Engineer just snagged a Legendary Shirt, with +67 luck on it!






Hmm...I havent finished the download but I have no plans for the week...I may try it out at some point if I remember to finish downloading.


Tried 3 different email addresses and nothing has come back...guess it's just not meant to be lol


Hmm...I havent finished the download but I have no plans for the week...I may try it out at some point if I remember to finish downloading.


it's an old game, but graphics are holding up, it's mostly fun cuz it's exciting ot keep seeing outrageous mods keep popping up.


Tried 3 different email addresses and nothing has come back...guess it's just not meant to be lol



Is this the Forum page where they ask you to make an account after you start downloading? I only had to use that page after I got the download






Yeah it's the one after I installed and ran the game for the first time. I had to set up an account to play on-line. Kind of ticked off I went thru all that and watched the opening vid just to get to this roadblock


Yeah I found the order of operations strnage, that after I got the client I was asked to make the account o_O Did you check yer junk emails? I actually made a few errors on that dang registration page before I finally was able to get registered.


When I get home, we can work something out to get you into the servers, maybe I'll do a registration for you and send you the link.


DaRK shaLL noT be DEnieD!








Yup went thru the Junk folders and looked at my settings and so forth. Tried to get them to resend email but can't even do that since it wants a different email. using same email will just end up with an 'email not available' b.s.


Yeah, I got the email not available with the first email address I tried. It doesn't like hotmail maybe... I got it working with another account though so all good. The game is actually kinda fun, Im playing a dual pistol something or other at the moment and have gotten to level 4.


Well I tried my primary email at Comcast.net and then Hotmail and Gmail with no luck. Got a feeling my ISP is blocking it at their end before it even gets close to my inbox. Either that or I'm incredibly lucky. Have had all 3 emails for several years. Never looked/cleaned the Junk folders and had a grand total of 2 junk emails combined.


As gogo said I may need someone to help me out with the login. Hopefully I can change the email settings afterwards. I know 'Knuckles' is already taken *grumble*.


Knuckles, have a short day today, when I got home, get me on MsN, can you please set up a new email for yourself? I will then process the app from my isp with your new email account.


DB, it is fun, eh? What kind of class are you marksman? I'm an engineer, my expertise is with bots


If we're all low level we can play tonight!






I got to around level 7 I think. It is fun :) How do you/can you add friends?

Edit: Yep, marksmen :)


To add friends, hit the B key, then click Add & type in the name of the character you want to add.


My two chars are Llama (Guardian) & Engillama.


Let me know what yours all are & I'll add them. :)


My only toon so far is DragonBro, added your two :)


My latest funnest mod is the chance to nova, actually any of the elements... faster we can shoot, the higher chance of getting the gun to hit nova all the time which is satisfying





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