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On 11/14/2023 at 9:13 AM, chattius said:

Feeling like 16 again and learning for school. I got an old paramedic license from my army time. But laws changed and I felt I had to change the license to new standards. In Germany we have Rettungssanitäter (rescue paramedics) and Notfallsanitäter (emergency paramedics). A rescue one is allowed to do all to bring a person into savety if no docs are near. But once the person is away from environment danger he is not really allowed to do invasive treatment like infusions or tracheotomy. An emergency paramedic would be allowed till a doc arrives. Allowed means save from legal stuff. Most will do whatever they think is needed anyway, but there can be cases that you have to proof at court that you couldn't wait.

The law is fine for cities, but being countryside there is often a long time till better trained persons arrive. So to be save when doing help I decided to upgrade mine.

rescue license is like 500 hours investment

emegency is a 3 year job learning

I learned at army and volunteer firefighters for decades and my training time and experience was close to emergency one.  I just had to do 200 more hours of special training to fully upgrade.

Good thing: I was put free and paid by my company for the license. They save money for insurance if having a paramedic in house.

Skillz chattius... Skillz!!  Always trumps everything

Great on your upgrade after the hard work

Great accomplishment 




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  • 1 month later...

Did my annual x-mas gift to the world: 4th blood donation for this year. I have a sort of universal blood: 0- with most of the extra antigenes also negative.

For the paramedic training: I think everyone should have at least the base training with 6 weekends. Often the first minutes count. Have at least a paramedic emergency remote app on your phone. Call 112,911, or what ever number is at your place. The dispatcher may ask if he is allowed to have remote access to your phone. Mainly the camera to see injuries and giving advice what to do till the meds arrive.

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On 12/20/2023 at 5:19 AM, chattius said:

Did my annual x-mas gift to the world: 4th blood donation for this year. I have a sort of universal blood: 0- with most of the extra antigenes also negative.

For the paramedic training: I think everyone should have at least the base training with 6 weekends. Often the first minutes count. Have at least a paramedic emergency remote app on your phone. Call 112,911, or what ever number is at your place. The dispatcher may ask if he is allowed to have remote access to your phone. Mainly the camera to see injuries and giving advice what to do till the meds arrive.

Blood donations... so valorous Chattius! My Dad was a huge giver, and had these cards all filled out, I guess it was his stint in the military that kept him motivated





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My day: I've had a little adventure lately. The TL;DR version is I now have two aquariums; one for Tetra and one for several types of catfish.

The longer version: I learned that my youngest is in charge of feeding the classroom fish and loves it; these are the types of things I like to know! These are the things I want to hear when I ask "how was your day?" The deal with Connor is that he has too much pride to let me know that he really likes something, and I have no clue why; he lives in a house where joy and silliness and creativity are encouraged; much different than the household I grew up in. 

Anyway, we got a little five gallon tank with two red eye Tetra (Jethro and Merle), one black skirt Tetra (Bubba) and one long-fin black skirt Tetra (Cletus). Their names are a little joke between my wife and I, bc she said that the last name I came up with for a family pet was a little redneck. My retort was "Redneck? Baby doll, you forget where I grew up, you ain't seen Nothing yet!" So, Bubba, Cletus, Merle and Jethro became new members of the family. 

Bubba was bigger than everyone else, and knew darn well that he was alpha fish; that happens, I've seen that before. But Bubba went way above and beyond; swimming in the middle of the tank and pushing everyone else in their own little sections. He very much reminded me of one of those old men who yell at the kids to stay off his grass. I upgraded to a ten gallon, thinking that more space would alleviate the problem. However, it made Bubba a bigger butt, he darn well ensured that everyone stayed in their own designated areas. He never hurt anyone; I accidentally killed Merle. I know you're supposed to give fish only what they can eat in a two minute span, but do you know how much Tetras can eat? Every meal was like a feeding frenzy; I'm not used to that. I used to have some mollies; gentle, calm, docile little guys. So; Merle ended up eating way too much, got swim bladder disease, and died. That majorly bummed poor little Jethro out. I didn't know that fish got upset when their buddies died. Cletus also died; I have no clue why. One day, he was swimming just fine, the next day he was stuck to the filter. So, Jethro sat at his end of the tank, and Bubba stayed on his side, for months. The family decided that it was too depressing watching two fish just stare at each other. I had the kids do research and call fish stores, because I knew darn well that they'd get the max number of fish that a ten gallon tank could comfortably hold. So, they got a new buddy for Jethro (Slim), two bloodfin Tetra (Beavis and butthead) two Bronze Corydora (Unnamed bc they're too young to tell their gender), and two still-unnamed otocinclus. This was kind of a life lesson for me. Bubba couldn't keep everyone in line anymore. Now that Jethro got a new buddy, he got bolder and stood his ground when Bubba chased him. The bloodfins wouldn't tolerate being bullied and would Chase Bubba if he even got close. No one really messed with the Oto, I'm not sure why. And those two tiny little Corydora? It's impossible to chase something when it constantly stops to play and forage; those Cory are a hoot. So, having lost control, Bubba stressed out and died. When I removed him, every one of those fish started playing. I had no clue that Oto even played; I thought they just kind of stuck to glass most of the time. But this was a lesson for me. At 44, I'm not old enough to be the old man of the tank yet, but when my time comes, I do NOT want to be the grumpy old guy in slippers yelling at the neighborhood kids, the guy who everyone lets out a sigh of relief when he passes so everyone can start playing again. Dad says it's inevitable, but I'm going to do my absolute best to struggle against that. The wife has permission to give me a swift kick to the nethers if I ever get too persnickety.

I also learned that I'm a big ole softie, which is why we now have two tanks. I was the only one who liked Bubba; he'd come up and get eye to eye with me when he saw me. However, the kids took that opportunity to get two juvenile Panda Corydora; Dean and Patty. I was a little worried about Patty; she just didn't have the energy that Corydora generally do. I got a phone call; the kids found Patty dead and poor Dean's dorsal fin was shredded. So, I watched the tank. Beavis and Butthead turned nastier than Bubba ever was, and encouraged Jethro and Slim to be nasty, too. Others might flush problem fish, but I can't. I bought a stand wide and sturdy enough to handle two tanks, and my four Tetras can all be butts together without hurting any of the gentle guys. Of course heaven help a spot be vacant in our house, so I come home to find two new Panda Cory and one long-finned Panda. I can't yell, because it did make me smile to see Dean so excited that he has new playmates. But that's it! 8 catfish in a tank is plenty, and no one new is going in the Tetra tank.

So, that's my story of how a five gallon tank of four Tetra turned into a ten gallon tank of tetra and an additional ten gallon tank of our catfish nation.    

Edited by DocHoff
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20 hours ago, DocHoff said:

My day: I've had a little adventure lately. The TL;DR version is I now have two aquariums; one for Tetra and one for several types of catfish.

The longer version: I learned that my youngest is in charge of feeding the classroom fish and loves it; these are the types of things I like to know! These are the things I want to hear when I ask "how was your day?" The deal with Connor is that he has too much pride to let me know that he really likes something, and I have no clue why; he lives in a house where joy and silliness and creativity are encouraged; much different than the household I grew up in. 

Anyway, we got a little five gallon tank with two red eye Tetra (Jethro and Merle), one black skirt Tetra (Bubba) and one long-fin black skirt Tetra (Cletus). Their names are a little joke between my wife and I, bc she said that the last name I came up with for a family pet was a little redneck. My retort was "Redneck? Baby doll, you forget where I grew up, you ain't seen Nothing yet!" So, Bubba, Cletus, Merle and Jethro became new members of the family. 

Bubba was bigger than everyone else, and knew darn well that he was alpha fish; that happens, I've seen that before. But Bubba went way above and beyond; swimming in the middle of the tank and pushing everyone else in their own little sections. He very much reminded me of one of those old men who yell at the kids to stay off his grass. I upgraded to a ten gallon, thinking that more space would alleviate the problem. However, it made Bubba a bigger butt, he darn well ensured that everyone stayed in their own designated areas. He never hurt anyone; I accidentally killed Merle. I know you're supposed to give fish only what they can eat in a two minute span, but do you know how much Tetras can eat? Every meal was like a feeding frenzy; I'm not used to that. I used to have some mollies; gentle, calm, docile little guys. So; Merle ended up eating way too much, got swim bladder disease, and died. That majorly bummed poor little Jethro out. I didn't know that fish got upset when their buddies died. Cletus also died; I have no clue why. One day, he was swimming just fine, the next day he was stuck to the filter. So, Jethro sat at his end of the tank, and Bubba stayed on his side, for months. The family decided that it was too depressing watching two fish just stare at each other. I had the kids do research and call fish stores, because I knew darn well that they'd get the max number of fish that a ten gallon tank could comfortably hold. So, they got a new buddy for Jethro (Slim), two bloodfin Tetra (Beavis and butthead) two Bronze Corydora (Unnamed bc they're too young to tell their gender), and two still-unnamed otocinclus. This was kind of a life lesson for me. Bubba couldn't keep everyone in line anymore. Now that Jethro got a new buddy, he got bolder and stood his ground when Bubba chased him. The bloodfins wouldn't tolerate being bullied and would Chase Bubba if he even got close. No one really messed with the Oto, I'm not sure why. And those two tiny little Corydora? It's impossible to chase something when it constantly stops to play and forage; those Cory are a hoot. So, having lost control, Bubba stressed out and died. When I removed him, every one of those fish started playing. I had no clue that Oto even played; I thought they just kind of stuck to glass most of the time. But this was a lesson for me. At 44, I'm not old enough to be the old man of the tank yet, but when my time comes, I do NOT want to be the grumpy old guy in slippers yelling at the neighborhood kids, the guy who everyone lets out a sigh of relief when he passes so everyone can start playing again. Dad says it's inevitable, but I'm going to do my absolute best to struggle against that. The wife has permission to give me a swift kick to the nethers if I ever get too persnickety.

I also learned that I'm a big ole softie, which is why we now have two tanks. I was the only one who liked Bubba; he'd come up and get eye to eye with me when he saw me. However, the kids took that opportunity to get two juvenile Panda Corydora; Dean and Patty. I was a little worried about Patty; she just didn't have the energy that Corydora generally do. I got a phone call; the kids found Patty dead and poor Dean's dorsal fin was shredded. So, I watched the tank. Beavis and Butthead turned nastier than Bubba ever was, and encouraged Jethro and Slim to be nasty, too. Others might flush problem fish, but I can't. I bought a stand wide and sturdy enough to handle two tanks, and my four Tetras can all be butts together without hurting any of the gentle guys. Of course heaven help a spot be vacant in our house, so I come home to find two new Panda Cory and one long-finned Panda. I can't yell, because it did make me smile to see Dean so excited that he has new playmates. But that's it! 8 catfish in a tank is plenty, and no one new is going in the Tetra tank.

So, that's my story of how a five gallon tank of four Tetra turned into a ten gallon tank of tetra and an additional ten gallon tank of our catfish nation.    

Aquariums can be quite time eating. Dad had a big salt water one. We have a 5*1,5*1 metres at firefighters, filled with local stuff from the rivelet. I try to keep great diving beetles away from my fish ponds. So I breed the beetle and release them away from the ponds. Also breeding  noble crayfish. I release the breed to renature them.


We had and have a heavy storm. For pocket-money Twins are selling x-mas trees for being chopped by families. Luckily the families phone in advance and ask if the foerst is save.

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23 hours ago, DocHoff said:

Their names are a little joke between my wife and I, bc she said that the last name I came up with for a family pet was a little redneck. My retort was "Redneck? Baby doll, you forget where I grew up, you ain't seen Nothing yet!" So, Bubba, Cletus, Merle and Jethro became new members of the family. 


Lol..it was a worthy read just to see that collection of fanciful names put together for your new pride of family members...  Great gifts for them and you to travel with your lives.  My Uncle had some crazy aquarium as well, but at certain point it just became so much work... he had to keep watching, feeding, socializing them... very happy to hear that you,re in the midst of aqua goodness... ride the wave sir!



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It does take a lot of time. Luckily, my kids know by now that pets aren't like those in Minecraft and Sims 4; pets are a labor of love, be they finned, furred, scaled or feathered. 


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I'm also going to do a speedrun through a game called Scorn. The first time around, I faced a nasty death at the end of Act 1 next to the....uhh....meat tree...., I want to see if I can avoid that. There's probably all types of strategy guides, but I refuse to do any research with this game. In my eyes, what's the point of buying a puzzle game if you're just going to Youtube your way through the whole thing?

  • zomgod! 1
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On 12/27/2023 at 2:55 PM, DocHoff said:

I'm also going to do a speedrun through a game called Scorn. The first time around, I faced a nasty death at the end of Act 1 next to the....uhh....meat tree...., I want to see if I can avoid that. There's probably all types of strategy guides, but I refuse to do any research with this game. In my eyes, what's the point of buying a puzzle game if you're just going to Youtube your way through the whole thing?

I saw trailers on Skorn... the design of animations was superb... my style hr giger!!



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  • 2 months later...

Trigger Warning


I'm feeling absolutely horrible rn :( It seems like I had some sort of seizure over night, I have bitten my tongue, my face was covered in blood, my legs hurt and my muscles got extremely weak. I can barely stand on my legs rn :(


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Outch. Still 9 days to full moon with all its changing in mood and body (werewolves). Did you eat something which could cause strange effects? Bacteria  or mold infected stuff?


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That would explain why my teth got o hairy lately :D

Last thing I ate yesterday was oven baked camembert. I'm ony eating at home in the evening since we have a bakery and a cantina at work. Sadly without a cantina band.

Are you more of a werewolf or Vampire?

The day started really hard for me. Not only health, but I need to eat something. Yesterday I bought ingredients for potato gratin. Turns out I don't have a proper casserole dish in my new appartement yet so I had to do it inside a Guglhupf :D Was not easy to prepare meal given the physical condition I'm currently in. I even forgot to spice the meal, not even salt, so I had the emergency interrupt the baking when I noticed. The cream is also slowly dripping out of the baking pan. Hopefully it all works out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Neither vampire nor werewolf. We are too friendly. Driving home the kids from a handball match we saw a snake warming up on the street. I stopped with warning lights, I made hand signs to the traffic and it took 10 seconds for my son to catch it and placing it in a box. Traffic stood still for some more minutes because everyone was wanting to see the snake.

Released it near a pond.

Ringelnatter because of the yellow ribbon behind the head. English is ringed snake.


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7 hours ago, chattius said:

Neither vampire nor werewolf. We are too friendly. Driving home the kids from a handball match we saw a snake warming up on the street. I stopped with warning lights, I made hand signs to the traffic and it took 10 seconds for my son to catch it and placing it in a box. Traffic stood still for some more minutes because everyone was wanting to see the snake.

Released it near a pond.

Ringelnatter because of the yellow ribbon behind the head. English is ringed snake.


Aaaaand... now THAT ... is an adventure!! Its still kind of snow all around the place here...were waiting for some warm days, ill never be inside again...hoping!



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On 3/16/2024 at 8:53 AM, Lindor said:

That would explain why my teth got o hairy lately :D

Last thing I ate yesterday was oven baked camembert. I'm ony eating at home in the evening since we have a bakery and a cantina at work. Sadly without a cantina band.

Are you more of a werewolf or Vampire?

The day started really hard for me. Not only health, but I need to eat something. Yesterday I bought ingredients for potato gratin. Turns out I don't have a proper casserole dish in my new appartement yet so I had to do it inside a Guglhupf :D Was not easy to prepare meal given the physical condition I'm currently in. I even forgot to spice the meal, not even salt, so I had the emergency interrupt the baking when I noticed. The cream is also slowly dripping out of the baking pan. Hopefully it all works out.

Lindor! I'm sorry to have missed this friend.... im slowly doing some back tracking and saw you were having a tuff day here... did the cheese turn out as good as it sounded in your post?

Good health my friend... time to come in for a hug



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Booyah! Another day out early before work...I feel good feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings... :D



And... who wants a stuffed cheese omelette for breakfast



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We had a very quick change from bright sunlight to a thunderstorm with lots of rain. We were surprised when 4 families on a bicycle tour were ringing at 8pm at our lonely house in the forest. Storm prevented using navigation systems. They were totally lost, wet and frozen. Using all our towels and some clothes for the kids of them. Heated the field kitchen for a ghoulash soup. Used the team car of firefighters three times to drive them home, last after midnight. Bicycles are still at our place.

We have unexspected guests around two times a year. Could have been worse for them.



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2 hours ago, chattius said:

We had a very quick change from bright sunlight to a thunderstorm with lots of rain. We were surprised when 4 families on a bicycle tour were ringing at 8pm at our lonely house in the forest. Storm prevented using navigation systems. They were totally lost, wet and frozen. Using all our towels and some clothes for the kids of them. Heated the field kitchen for a ghoulash soup. Used the team car of firefighters three times to drive them home, last after midnight. Bicycles are still at our place.

We have unexspected guests around two times a year. Could have been worse for them.



Great story!! This is what happens when you live a *present* life ...youre there to help others when they need it... Bravo Chattius, this is a great share



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(Town)people are so used to a working internet. But if it is countryside it means radio and not wire. So it is necessary to have either a paper map or that you have a map tool which allows to store a map so you can use it in time of no internet access (storm).

Second if you do a tour, don't calculate in distances - use time. If you have 4 hours: cycling with 30km/h with the wind and only 10km/h against it you should start driving home after an hour.

They did both wrong.

  • zomgod! 1
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On 4/18/2024 at 10:29 AM, chattius said:

(Town)people are so used to a working internet. But if it is countryside it means radio and not wire. So it is necessary to have either a paper map or that you have a map tool which allows to store a map so you can use it in time of no internet access (storm).

Second if you do a tour, don't calculate in distances - use time. If you have 4 hours: cycling with 30km/h with the wind and only 10km/h against it you should start driving home after an hour.

They did both wrong.

hard moment , if both came out wrong? 

Maybe time to call an uber 




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heres a huge, massive graveyard cemetery up the road, think the largest on in CAnada, you can get lost in it... and...there are mountains...





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 Getting ready to go up to the country... cousin and and his wife picking us up at the station ...and from there were staying overnight at their place... bonfire!! then tomorrow all the cousins are coming for cabane a sucre a 2 pm at sucrerie de la Montaigne... awesome sugar cabin, we went there with the

fam back in 2021...its a tradition here in QC... all you can eat maple syrup on top of pancakes, eggs, sausages, bacon, tourtiere... we will have to roll out... woooooo wheeeeeeeeeeeeee.. :oooo:



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  • 3 weeks later...

Not connected to canalisation and lot of rain - we were cleaning our wastewater ponds. Some 'dusky large blue' butterflies around who like muddy surroundings. But did you know they have very interesting caterpillars? They feed on ant larvae in the ant nest.


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