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Sacred Downloads - Vampiress Cleopatra

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8 hours ago, VilyaTheWhite said:

Vampiress Cleopatra

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It's been ages since I worked on ANYTHING. Thanks to school and illness but I'll try to come up with some new things from now. So this is my first attempt at Cleopatra. I used up Shareefa's textures and changed them a little. Soon I'll improve the this if you want me to. I will also come up with a Vampire form skin since this skin is for her Knight form. Hope you will enjoy it. Since the Vampiress is way taller than Shareefa her skin looks a little strange. Well that's where the improved skin will come in I guess. See you next time



Happy to see that you're feeling better and in the creative mood..!




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Thanks I've been busy lately but that will change soon.  I'll come up with some ideas and stuff.  


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20 hours ago, VilyaTheWhite said:


Hello Vilya

I know its an early version, work in progress, but let me toss some thoughts:

- Skin color looks very unhealthy and strange. Go either for a tan, pink or a pale skin.
- Current skin and cloth colors blend a bit too well. From a distance theres no difference. Good mixtures are golden/dark blue, golden/brown or golden/green.

I suggest to use IrfanView if you want to do some quick changes to the skin. Press "Shift+G" to get to the menu quickly.

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I already remade it once I'm finished with her vamp form I will upload both. the skin color is Shareefa's that's why it was strange but I worked on it 

thanks for the advice anyway

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