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Civ4 succession game

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Ganto and I’ve been thinking of trying a Civ succession game for quite a long time, and now we’ve finally got round to actually start one aaand it’d be very very cool if others joined too, so everybody, time to dust off Civ. New players are also welcome, there’s no better way to learn.


If you’re not familiar with succession games, it works like this: you play 10-15 turns, write a short report on it, post the save, next person continues playing etc etc


The current roster looks like this:


1. ganto

2. enci

3. TimOfDoom

4. :)

5. :)


*empty spaces, hint, hint*



We’re thinking 20 turns each until 1000 BC, 10-15 turns afterwards



And our first start:





Difficulty is noble, we are Catherine of Russia on a large pangea map, every option on default. It means 8 other civ iirc. All victory conditions enabled. Game version is 1.74.

and the save:


My thoughts on the start:

We are creative and financial. Creative means we can pop our early borders, we dont need to go for an early religion. Especially because we have a happiness resource and we dont start with mysticism. The financial trait makes those cottages even more lucrative, but I’d spam cottages on flood plains anyway.

I’ve accidentaly moved the scout to the wrong spot, I wanted to reveal more of the surroundings, but I think we can settle on spot. Looks like a production heavy capital, but Im not sure we’ll have enough food to work on all tiles, I think we can support a population of 17-18 ( I may be wrong, I havent played for months), more if we farm the grasslands too. (As a rule of thumb I usually only farm the plains)

We start with mining, so we could go for bronze working and chop-rush our first settler to grab a nice spot for the 2nd city – pangea maps tend to be crowded. I see only 4 forested tiles int he city radius, doesnt worth chopping a 2nd worker and then the settler imho. Or we can just go agriculture first.

And…. ….. well, ok, I cant come up with any more coherent thoughts.


ganto pls rename our civ

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Yay, a volunteer :D Welcome to our great scheme for world domination


No expansions, no mods, 1.74 patch. It can be found here



Ganto is comtemplating the opening moves, he may play today. Or not.

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Well I'll see if I can run it without the patch, otherwise I'll just have to bite the bullet and spend ages downloading..



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My 20 turns went by quite peacefully.


* Founded our capital Mystdale on the starting spot! :D

* Sent the scout out on recon, found 4 huts, 3 added gold and one a crappy map.

* Researched bronseworking only to discorver the lack of copper in our hills..grr

* Started research on the wheel

* Buddism was founded by other civ.

* Put out a worker from start, then switched to a scout, but after bronzeworking switched to warrior.




My thoughts so far


We should aim for ironworking and archery to get up our defence. Mystdale has a nice surplus on food so I think we can hold on agri for now.

I also marked the spot where I think our next city should go as it resides by a river and also if you look at the map we could aim to create a border of cities to prevent other civs to settle behind us.


Here is the savegame

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A [D.a.r.k] empire with Mystdale as capital :o


Moved the scout and revealed 3 desert tiles in the radius of the 2nd city. :D Thinking of moving that city, my proposal:




we can hook up that gold with a cow-gold city later maybe.

Green city is one tile away from fresh water and coast, which I personally hate, moving it will mean losing the wheat. Suggestions?


Definitely block other civs, we seem to be on the south-east edge of the continent (notice the scary jungle N of the green dot)


I want to finish the warrior then chop 2 forests to hurry a settler and found the second city on or near the red dot.


I dont think we should worry about military at this point, barbs usually dont appear until the 3rd city. We should consider researching agri and pottery, because our worker cant do anything useful beside chopping and mining, and I dont think we can afford to work on foodless plain hills atm. But as we lack copper seeing iron would be very nice too as it can affect city placement.


I dont have access to a PC capable of running the game for another 2 hours, will either play later today or tomorrow morning

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I agree enci that we should aim near or on the red dot for city 2 now when we have 3 tiles of desert ..grrr. I always lack proper defence when the barbs finally arrive but pottery is sooo sweet so I dont mind following your suggestion. Think its to early to evaluate the green spot, as we havent yet met any neighbours.

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Ah very cool game you two have going there. Never played the game myself. So are you both playing together at the same time? *I'm clueless, lol* If so then up to how many is possible?


Oh and love the choice of name for the capital ganto. :D

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Schot: we pass on the save and take turns playing. Technically an infinite number of players are possible obviously, but more than 5 could be problematic. It’d take too much time for one’s turn to come.


The only way I can keep track of my turns is by writing a log so here it is:


Turn 1. moved scout to reveal desert :o

Turn 2. found copper outside our borders

Turn 3 wheel finishes –> agri for pottery

Turn 4 our scout eats some bears, barely survives, spends the next 9 turns or so healing

Turn 5 Mystdale grows, micromanage for max production, want to finish warrior asap, so settler can be chopped

Turn 6 Zzzzzzz

Turn 7 hinduism founded somewhere

Turn 8. finishes agri -> archery only 4 turns, and worker will be chopping anyway as warrior has finished, production set to settler, Mysdale is on max commerce meanwhile

Turn 9 Nothing

Turn 10 Zzzzzz

Turn 11 chopped forest for 20 hammers

Turn 12: met Mansa

archery finishes -> pottery

met the Napoleon the backstabbing Frog :D South of red dot, but I dont think his city is down there, if yes then all the better for us

Turn 13 Zzzzzz

Turn 14 chopped another forest, Al Gore is not happy, but settler is down to 4 turns

Turn 15 scouts defeats wolves promoted to woodsman I, pottery finishes -> iron working

Turn 16 Nothing

Turn 17 settler finishes -> archer

Turn 18 zzzzzz

Turn 19 Moscow is founded, starts an archer

Turn 20 found Masa’s borders, left turn unfinished for the next player


The [Da.r.k] Empire:





We have a lot of land to improve, another worker would be nice maybe chop rush it in Mystdale.

I hope we have iron somewhere, if not, we should hook up that bronze in the desert and fortify an archer on the tile.

We may have barb problema from the south, some archers and axemen for defence would be nice. As would be a third city.

Oh and I forgot we dont have barracks so maybe I shouldnt have started an archer in Moscow


Tim is up

and the Save

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Oh dear, don't expect me to be able to play for awhile, several things are going on at the moment, will have done it by next weekend though



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Oh thats ok! :D


But to keep the game going there is normally a limit, 1-3 days is common I think. A player can of course always pass his/hers turn or swap with another player if needed. Aswell can new players jump in anytime and old leave. The key here from other mp modes is to have a casual approch to the game as they tend to go on for awhile :o

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I’d really like to keep this game smooth and rolling so how about introducing some timeframe. Lets say the upcoming player posts if they are able to play their rounds in the next 48 hours. If not, then the next player is up. This way we can have at least one turnset played in every two days. :D

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I agree enci, this is just to much fun to put on hold! :D


Tim, let me know if you pass your turnset or get a chance to do it today. Otherwise I do mine tomorrow so we can conquer mensa before christmas! (who said that famous line?) :blush:

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I'll pass

I'll still take part, just have to wait till next weekend




P.S. Also I need to improve my palying for noble difficulty... :D

Don't want to let you guys down

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Hehe Tim, I feel the same way about noble. I put all trust in enci ;)


Ok, started of with the intention to start building our defence and explore further for the next city. Here is how it went:


1. Switches from archer to barracks in Moscow ( sry enci! )

2. Nothing

3. Our first cottage is ready! Sends worker to connect our wheat resource .

4. Mystdale: Archer -> Archer. Sends him to Moscow.

5. Nothing

6. Iron working is done and we enter Classical Era! Picks masonry next ( :4rofl: explains further down). Wee…2 iron deposits on our territory!

7. Nothing

8. Our killing machine schot…err..scout kills a wolf! Though needs some well deserved rest after for 4 turns.

9. Greatest Civ Report! We are on second place as the wealthiest civ. Napoleon holds first place and mansa is on 5th. Masonry done …on to monotheism …gak! … we lack perquisites for it :) (sry) Oh well .. picks animal husbandry to see if we have any horses near. Mystdale: Archer -> Archer. Sends archer to iron deposit close to mystdale.

10. Nothing

11. Mystdale: Archer -> Worker (fortifies him in mystdale)

12. Animal husbandry done -> Mysticism. Yay ... a horse resource close!

13-14. Nothing

15. Oh no …scout died because of bear. Sends out warrior as scout from Moscow. Mysticism -> Polytheism.

16-18 Nothing

19. Mystdale: Worker -> Scout (still so much foggy territory) . Sends worker to moscow building roads on the way.

20. Mysticism -> Monotheism (crosses fingers here)




My thoughts:


We need to produce another settler soon and decide where to found our 3d city. I think either we box in mansa or go for that horse resource. I would say box mansa, green circle, and then shortly found an additional city near our horse resource, red circle, to further build up our defence and offence. Maybe aim for a wonder also, not sure but we have prolly lost the race for oracle so pyramids would be sweet. I expect some barbs from the south soon or maybe they only appear after the 3:d city.


Here is the save game

Edited by ganto
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Turn 1 missed Judaism, started on archer in Mystdale

Turn 2 met Bismarck

Turn 3 iron hooked up

Turn 4 archer ready, starting settler

Turn 5 Mono -> writing, Mystdale is unhealthy

Turn 6 zzzz

Turn 7 mansa already has a city at our borders, he’s after our cows

Turn 8 zzzzz

Turn 9 writing -> priesthood for code of laws and conf,

met Alex, thank god he’s far away

busy day, met Cyrus

Turn 10 open border with alex, he’s far away, and it helps with our relations, Im not sure about possible allies yet, so open borders with Cyrus too, feel free to cancel them,

Turn 11 granary in Mystdale to combat unhealthiness

Turn 12 priesthood -> code of laws

Turn 13 zzzzz

Turn 14 zzzzz

Turn 15 OB with Bismarck

Turn 16 granary- library

Turn 17, found 3rd city with the uncreative name of St petersburg, one tile away from coast, now it doesnt seem like a good choice but oh well, we hook up 4 resources with it

Turn 18 zzzz

Turn 19 Stonehenge is BIDAL

Turn 20 worker near Mysdtale is building a road, he’s needed in St Pete, he could hook up the cows en route


Our scout has been running from barbs for a couple of turns now. Actually we have nice land to settle to our W, too bad its not good for commerce, its a more production heavy area with all these plains and hills. Mansa land ont he other hand looks yummy. Im not suggesting anything :4rofl: We still have a surprisingly big land to settle, the other civs must be very crowded somewhere. Confucianism is 3 turns away Im pretty sure we’ll get this one.


We’re past 1000 BC, so 10-15 turns from now on.


Screenies lost


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First, I hope I understood you correctly Tim that you passes until you reinstalled civ? Just let us know when you step in again.


Here is my turnset:


No real plan this time but again fortify our defence and produce another settler for our 4th city.


1. Nothing

2. Moscow: Axeman -> Archer, sends axeman to iron deposit.

3. Nothing

4. Yay…Confucianism is founded in Moscow. Convert to state religion. 1 turn of anarchy. Confusism -> Meditation . OB with napoleon, not sure if that was wise but we can cancel that later.

5. Nothing

6. Confucianism spreads to our capitol. Moscow: Archer -> Axemen

7. Meditation -> Horseback riding

8. Mystdale : Library -> settler. Oracle is built somewhere. Axemen kills a barb

9. Moscow: Axemen ->Archer. Another barb bites the dust.

10. Horseback riding -> Mathematics

11. Alex is piffed, don’t like our religion so he cancels OB. Moscow: Archer -> Library

12. Met Victoria. Mystdale: Settler -> Worker

13. Mathematics -> Alphabet

14. Nothing

15. Connected Horse recource.




My thoughts:


Cant belive how much free land we still have. Though we will get trouble from barbs because of it. I sent our settler west with an archer near mansa as I still want to box in him somewhat. We can now produce both catapults, axemen, horse archers ...hehe..lets go to war! .... or not :drunkards:



Here is the save game

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Turn 1 Mansa wants OB, I decline

Turn 2 zzzzz I dont think we can box mansa completely

Turn 3 settled 4th city -> we’ll have a culture war. I was inclined to start a libarary for culture, but the city wont produce a lot of commerce, obelisk goes obsolate very soon, so I stick with granary

Breaking news from herodotos:




Turn 4 pyramids built by Nappy, met Asoka

Archer in novgorod defeats barbs

Turn 5 alphabet -> literature for Great library (so we can have a wonder for GP points), trade with the most backward civ for fishing

Turn 6 OB with Vicky

Turn 7 literature -> music for great artist so we can culture bomb, started GL in Moscow

Turn 7 not much

Turn 8 Vicky converts to judaism, it’d be nice to convert a civ to confuc.

Turn 9 archer def. Barb

Turn 10 trade for sailing

Turn 11 settler finished -> worker

Turn 12 mansa converts to confuc., nappy conv to christianity

New city founded, starts granary

Turn 13 moving units

Turn 14 epic battles with barbs, music -> metal casting for forge.

homer is born in Mystdale

Turn 15 started a horse archer, with the barb trouble it’d be nice to have a mobile force

dropped culture bomb , kumbi saleh is in trouble :)





Mystdale and Moscow are at their happiness limit, micromanaged moscow not to grow, a mine needs to be built there. Mystdalw will grow, we can start the whipping there very soon


We may need to reconsider mansa as our first victim, he seems to be our only friend, and we’re sharing the same religion.





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Woah, this surely is civilization, only much cooler. While I don't think I will join you guys, I'm intrigued by the progress nonetheless.


Keep it coming! :)

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Hehe, myles... it so much fun :) you know you want to! BlueRookie, would love to have you with us, just join in anytime for aslong as you want. There is no real commitment here, play as long as its fun :)


Here is my turnset:


This time I planned to organize our cities some, we have a empire to run!


1. Mystdale: Axemen -> Temple (max happiness reached)

2. Novgrod: Granary -> Barracks

3. Nothing

4. Indian empire demands that we cancel deals with french. Declined :)

5. Nothing

6. Mystdale: Temple -> Monastary We need the research bonus and we should start spreading our religion

7. Metal Casting done -> Currency Economy is really bad now ...gonna have to lower tech to 70% soon. Bismarch finishes Parthenon.

8. Mansa wants OB. Agrees :)

9. Mansa offers calendar for metal casting. No way! ..declines.

10. Bismarck demands alphabet. Keep dreamin ...though I think we soon have to get ready for war here :)

11. Nothing

12. Yay :yay: one million souls now in our D.a.r.k empire. Had to lower tech to 70% :( we should raise it soon again though.

13. Currency done -> Calendar ... want those silk resources.

14. Napoleon demands cancel deals with victoria. He is our target I think so I decline :)

15. Napoleon cancels OB ... wee..we are going to war soon I expect!




My thoughts:


Mansa grabbed a barb city close to our borders south but will have a rought time if we settle another city between that and his main empire. Our economy is really drained now so dont think we should settle any soon though before we are back on our feet with either more courthouses, markets or a priest :) I expect Napoleon to sneak attack sooner or later from the west but we can handle that (I think).


Here is the save game

Edited by ganto
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So far so good :)


Nappy seems to be busy building, I hope he’s behind in military techs. I’d suggest a maceman/catapult attack on him. We should kep Mansa on our side, he has contact with Nappy’s cities, if he converts to christianity we may be in trouble. I think we should switch to organized religion and pop a few missionaries to strengten Mansa’s faith. Then build up some infrastructure. Only Msytdale and Moscow should get library and market imho, other cities granary/forge/barracks only.


Looking back to my last turnset: geeeeez what the hell was I smoking?!?! :yay:


Should have let Moscow grow so we can whip it. And should have aimed for a wonder which gives great prophet points – and we even have stone for Chichen Itza. Argghh Oh well, it’s not a commerce heavy land, so we can use the extra research. Not sure I want to start another wonder


We still have spots open int he roster. If Tim or someone else doesnt check in and grab the save, I’ll play later today.






nobody reported for duty and I couldnt resist


another 15 turns down:


Turn 1: traded calendar for junk techs and 60 gold with Vicky, the Dark scientists are researching Construction now. Also sold meditation to Alex for 180 gold – it wont help him much and we can use the money.

Whipped unhappy cities. :)


Turn 2 tempted to start Chichen Itza in Mystdale. Resisted and chose market instead. Great Library finishes, switch to organized religion as we’ll be building infrastructure for a few turns.

Turn 4 missionary finished

Turn 5 spreading the faith


Turn 6 construction -> civil service


Turn 9 The people of Kumbi Saleh realized the error of their ways and joined the Dark Empire. The city is on a crappy spot so I disbanded it :)


Turn 12 Socrates the GS is born is Moscow, sent him to Mystdale to build an academy


Turn 13 Taoism is FIDL, it was mansa (he’s the only one with philosophy), crap, he’ll convert


Turn 14 civil service -> machinery, Vicky offers 20 gold for Currency. 20 gold:) :( what the hell is she thinking? Obelix was right. These Britons are crazy.


Turn 15 traded wheat for Vicky for 3 gold/turn. cows for Alex 2 gpt <- feel free to cancel that he’s the friend of Napoleon and he doesn’t like us. But a coin is a coin.


Set the capital to build Chichen Itza, hoping for a Great Prophet there. I’d rather have the city produce military (cause its closer to the would-be front lines) and build the wonder in St Pete but an engineer specialist has polluted the gene pool there.

Alternatively we can ignore the Prophet altogether and capture the Christian holy city from Nap. as it already has the shrine built. Then we can convert to Christianity. No hammers invested yet, we can choose.


Brain fart of the turnset: I started building a mine on the iron near Rostov before farming the wheat. No way the city can work on the desert tile. :)


Built some catapults as we’ll need them to capture Nappy’s cities, we can send them to suicide attack for collateral damage. We NEED to capture some cities, or we’ll fall behind. I counted 7 French cities and we don’t have good looking land to settle. I really wouldn’t like to have tundra cities at this point. Mansa keeps settling near our borders. He’ll cut our empire in two.



Machinery is due in 5 turns then we can start spamming macemen. We should aim for Nappy’s core cities. He has monarchy, meaning he’s one tech away from longbowmen at best – thats why I havent started building swordmen; swordmen vs longbows = fail. I may be too paranoid though. Not seeing his city garrisons doesn’t help either.


After producing some macemen, maybe we can set research to 0% for a few turns, sell all our old techs to backwards civs for some coins, and use the money to upgrade our axemen to maces. Two archers in the south should be enough for barb watch.


Bureaucracy is available, we can switch. And if we continue producing units we may even switch back to paganism cause org. Religion has a high upkeep. Theocracy would be sweet but I didn’t want to invest turns for it. Maybe we can trade for it later. Only Nappy has it atm


Our scout is trapped. Nappy has popped his borders when I was looking around. Grrrr


In other news: St Pete and Rostov will need irrigation very soon. And Mansa hasnt converted. Yet.



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Unfortunately I won't be joining in for quite a while it seems, my Civ IV woes are continuing, I can't load any saves.. I've uninstalled it reinstalled it patched it...

Nothing works so I'm gonna wait for my brother to get home to see if he can fix it..

I guess I'll be joining in after christmas guys!



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