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Sacred's Diablo 2 effect :(

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I don't know if anyone else has noticed... but more often than before, silver/gold servers are not really a nice place anymore.


More people starting to shout 'Noob' at eachother....


People saying how Divine Devotion...'The Great skill of the game' increases MF and get all angry when you try to explain that they messed up skill names, and that they are actually talking about enhanced perception.


You get monologues about how they 'have' 15 Infinite Torment sets, and stuff...... resulting in me not being impressed and finding another server or putting the chat box on party only. (god knows how long that rant continued :) )


Now.... I really was pro-unlocked servers.... but this has made playing for me less agreeable.


For now, I guess I will only be playing when any Darkies or DA players are online, or in a locked server. Ever feel like joining, feel free to whisper for pass.


Maybe.... more events like our new 'Gold diggers'.... groups of players who make this game fun to play :(



Edited by Barristan
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I see, I didn't mean to brag about my collection of "Infernal Torment" pieces, but I have so many that I just HAD to say it :)

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Don't really understand the problem... :)

This is the secondar effect of the "elite" players who just want to get faster and faster... maybe.

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lol guys. Awh well to be honest I'm surprised it didn't happen a lot sooner. I wouldn't worry to much about it though. Some people just like to read their own text. ^^ Underworld was terrible for that. Muuuuuch worse than Sacred 2. You just gotta grin and bear it. Once you put yourself in the mindset that those certain people can't be spoken to it becomes less of a problem. If they're spamming the chat then by all means put them on ignore if you have to. no need to feel bad about that. I've had to do it sometimes simply because I just can't keep track of all the text flying around. It confuses meh. :drool:


lol Spunky. Not the Infernal Torment set AGAIN?! :)

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I didn't think Sacred 2 was big enough to attract the negative element, but its that chat window. As stated, some people just like to read their own words (Colif looks at post and sighs, I am no better :drool: ) and be the big man, they think multi player is their stage and its their act.


It could be worse, it could be Barrens chat. You don't want game to become wow, though Ascaron may still be here if it had been bigger. Double edged sword there.


I play single player, its you vs world, and chat window is only seen if you hit wrong buttons.

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I see, I didn't mean to brag about my collection of "Infernal Torment" pieces, but I have so many that I just HAD to say it :)


OMG! You must be using Divine Devotion for that ;)


Nah.... it is not a problem.... just something I had not observed before.


It'll just mean that I'll be a bit more attentive to what server I am joining. AND making sure all my toons have Divine Devotion :drool:



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There has been a bit of a late boom with this game, and right now on the servers I can see more peeps today on this Sunday than I've seen in a while. With numbers come everything I guess, and that means people, attitudes, platitudes ... ^^


I usually am fortunate with the company that blesses my server. If I found anyone I think particularly annoying, I guess I would just change servers... though putting up with comments about the game in-server has become something I've put up with and which at least provides me with a few ears I can spam... and at least an ear to when my own psychobabble about Tide becomes tortuous.






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Would you like me to have them Banned For Life ™ Barri?


Ah... we had a good laugh about this during the Gold Diggers Inquisitor event! I was blabbering about how everybody should take DD, as this skill is the shizzle :D


NOW... it seems that we will have to ;)


Ban For Life? :D Hihi... now there is a thought :D Nah.... I should not be bothered by this.... momentary lapse :D



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What was it you were trying to write Woody?

Are you trying to write inc? If so, it's because you put the q in that it changed it into inquisitor.


Diggers inc

Diggers INC







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Hey gogo :D

See in barri's post :

Would you like me to have them Banned For Life ™ Barri?


Ah... we had a good laugh about this during the Gold Diggers Inquisitor event! I was blabbering about how everybody should take DD, as this skill is the shizzle ;)


That was what I noticed. :D










seems to work also for me ^^

Edited by Woody
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