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Everything posted by gogoblender

  1. wow Schot, when it comes to proof, you've got it man. Nice work here...and definitely a wonderful pattern you've seen from good ole observations to see some answers for us. Okay I'll head into the game right now and start pulling out clubs and see if I can see a pattern as well. In Sacred Original clubs had inclinations towards undead...maybe here as well. Great work Schot +++ gogo
  2. I go to work for just a few hours and all this work... dang, did I miss a party? Moander, thanks for coming over and helping out with the project. Cheers! gogo p.s. I've merged two threads on same topic here to keep all collected info together for reference.
  3. oooh, that would be awesome llama I'm looking for doubles now of my entire Detheya's suit...as it's bonus it's got plusses to all Combat Arts gogo
  4. Regarding this careful guys. Me and Brad were very careful to make sure we got the EU versions so as to be able to play with the largest number of peeps in the servers. Yes, Ascaron has said that they will be merging them...but who knows. I've covered bases by getting EU for now, and if the servers merge one day, then even better. gogo
  5. Thanks for the edits spryus. The wiki database is only comprised of true uniques now as per post 2.34 patch. There actually should not be any random uniques dropping anymore with the latest patch. Regarding the jewelry, ayup...that list is getting long...one of these days we'll have to split it up... ahh, there goes dinner gogo p.s. that bat is wild! lol, just saw it posted on the SIF. Two peeps have actually found this a drop after the patch?
  6. This is working marvelously. In fact, too marvelously. The Officer's Saber is an incredible weapon.... four sockets and three of them are gold. It actually gives a bonus CA level to every plus five to all combat arts ring I socket in...make then 18 extra Ancient Barks, 18 extra ca Sinister Predator...all from me just switching to this weapon slot when I cast my buffs. Course I'm now looking for a shield with gold sockets... and Unyielding Wall comes to mind... anyone got an extra one hanging around? I can see the extra def and modifications from the extra levels with my sigma even after I have switched back to a my normal weapon slot. This is working out so well in fact, I'm now thinking of making a complete Plus 5 too all Combat Arts Suit and then store it and put it on just before I go hunting... Has anyone done this yet? I'm expecting diminishing returns... is this worth all the extra work and shopping? I'm also considering scrapping the level 86 HC dryad and rerolling her with less buff runes eaten and the max Combat Arts possible always socketed into her armor to reduce the regens. Level 32 Darting Assault with .1 regen possible with this kind of help? hmmmm gogo
  7. Thanks for info, Dob. Man, my first weekend off in a few weeks.... and my internet connection down for one of them and Ascaron now shut down for my last day.... Ah, will of the gods gogo
  8. This is sad news. I'm really happy though that you guys who are still playing and getting that kami going got so much value. Two weeks does seem like an awfully short time. Dawn, I saw your post on the SIF... maybe Ascaron would consider adding another two weeks so that peeps can do their exports? Also... it's possible that if anyone has access to a fast server, we could still host games for Sacred Original, right? gogo
  9. I've found two threads regarding weapon classification in the SIF: http://forum.sacredeng.ascaron-net.com/sho...ead.php?t=54812 and http://forum.sacredeng.ascaron-net.com/sho...ead.php?t=55523 Question....is the way the table set up in the Wiki the best way to tackle this classifying? gogo
  10. Posting back to this thread. It's still Swamps for me. I snack on Olms and spit em out as decoration. I'm still using Fire... it works nicely... now I'm just wondering whether in a fixed comparison of kill speed times...would magic damage condition actually beat out a fire dot? gogo
  11. Schot has just gotten the table and list up on the Wiki: Sacred 2 Weapon Table If anyone here can help fill out the stats the info is really going to be useful gogo
  12. Dang, I missed this. Argh, sorry But...my internet's back, wheeeeeeeeeeeeee gogo
  13. We're back! Tek savvy rules the roost! They told us just one day and to call back at five and at just a few minutes past five, the internet, the world came rushing in. Yeah! gogo
  14. I think the next trader I'm going to make is going to be a duel wielder. I'm with a shield and wep only on her trading slot...and I love using officer's saber...hello three gold slots ^^ and...because they're all gold slots, I get a bonus to all skills rings! gogo
  15. Definitely not a boring pic, I enjoyed it very much. Cigar or cigarette? Stylish first offering for your TG. Thanks for coming here, and sharing this with us. gogo
  16. Zinsho, great work here. If it helps, do you want me to post screenies of my toon's level barks to help with the database? I'm also surprised that I overlooked the fire resistance. Owch. Nice heads up there Dmol. gogo
  17. It is fun! And the ring to rule them all? Plus five to all skill PLUS DeathBlow .... Socket a couple of these babies on and things go down like hot butter. gogo
  18. heh, we're trying to get pix for each CA in the game to add to the wiki. Shadow if you think you could help out that would be great. If you have elite grafx or can run the game in highest resolution possible and then find a single pic that best shows a CA and make other peeps want to use it...you know it's good. gogo
  19. Okay, I moved the youtube link into the first post... Watch if you dare new readers. And yeah...looking at my cat's never been the same ever since. gogo
  20. Goodness Tenebras it's been a while! And bumping old threads is fine, no problem with that here. I'm just glad you found us again. So...playing any Sacred 2 lately? gogo
  21. hah, zomgod, when I put up my msn, lol, I had a whole bunch of invites...I added whoever I recognized, but the others I didn't really know so I had to not click okay. If you're wanting to add me can you have msn send me an email first? If you can send your nic within that email I can then recognize who you are and add you. gogo
  22. Wondeful seeing your app Shadow! With all your posts here, I was hoping you'd apply ^^ It usually takes about about a week for us to come back to you with a response while we do the discussion, expect a pm back from us within this time. Cheers! gogo
  23. heh, looks like you're keeping as busy as ever! Sailing...did you say sailing? I was sailing for a few years at the club down in Point Claire near where my family used to live. Sailing rocks! It's only a few months kind of thing here though...but that little bit of time you get on the water is very satisfying. I got my Silver level! gogo
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