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Everything posted by Antitrust

  1. Doing nothing sucks I hope you won't have any more troubles with these things
  2. Bargaining should have an indirect effect on possible sockets. Judging by the game files, the chance of getting better sockets increases with rare quality levels, so higher quality items will more likely have gold sockets than lower ones.
  3. Woot a new Patrician I hope it won't be delayed like D3 is...
  4. I think devs mentioned somewhere that there is a penalty to mf or items if you play in areas that you outlevel, and a bonus if you fight higher level mobs. Perhaps that's what they meant. I'm pretty sure this was also the case in the first Sacred, I think I've seen some details at Wolfe's Lair when it was still online. Or maybe you just got unlucky a few times.
  5. I think you're screwed. I've never heard of anyone successfully extracting their activation key from whatever file, though a few people did ask about it. You might want to check the registry if you have a previous install of the game, I could be wrong. That doesn't make a lot of sense...
  6. Woot I'm still here It has to do with retarded corporations. There is one main phone company that holds all the phone lines (which are copper btw), and makes things harder for the competitors that have to place their own lines (probably optic now) for their private networks. The competitors have to cooperate with the main company and use copper lines "temporarily". Plus they have a whole lot of customers to attend to, since broadband is becoming so popular... Some people waited a year or more to get DSL (with lousy quality and customer service). Now things are getting better, albeit slowly.
  7. Oh noes, not dial-up! I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy! Now that I think about it, it makes a pretty good interrogation technique. Who needs red-hot irons when you can force the guy to browse the net on a dial-up @ free dial-up Last time I tried "free" dial-up I ended up paying 400 in the end of the month... The cost of broadband is cheaper than dial-up, but the problem is that even when I re-apply for it, it'll take at least two-six months to connect the line again. The local providers are totally competent, with a decent infrastructure (lol what infrastructure)... Thankfully net-cafes are working properly. All kind of trolls will now have a free reign, with noone to stop them... there will be chaos... Take care
  8. My internet subscription should end around today. I don't think I'll be able to get a new one for many many months I might occasionally pop in from an internet-cafe, but that would not be often. So long, and thanks for all the fish
  9. As I posted in my builds, you should try to get around 20-25 points in every skill you take, then try to master your main skills. With that in mind, you can make adjustments as you see fit. Armor Lore can be kept lower than 20-25 for a while (in most cases), so leave it at around 10 (which leaves you more points for your main skills). If you see that you're taking too much damage, consider raising defnsive skills a bit higher in the next few level-ups. That' the basic idea behind planning the build. It would be boring and inaccurate to post exact skills levels. How do you decide whether 75 or 95 is better for a skill? Everyone has different opinion about it, but the difference between both is not that big in game numbers.
  10. Did you hug the toilet like they do in the movies? It's good that there are so many tutorials on simple functions. People hug it, caress it, put their heads on it... wait, what did you do with your pillow? Sorry, couldn't resist I'm glad that you're ok.
  11. Antitrust


    When I think of the end of the world, I imagine stuff like oil depletion or overpopulation issues. Not too fancy stuff, but realistic
  12. This is easily verifiable by modding the +skills bonus in single player. Depends on what exactly you are trying to verify of course, but access to +skills is hardly an issue.
  13. Antitrust


    Another reason their calendar ends might be a lack of material they wrote the calendar on. If a caveman has to carve each calendar day on a bit of stone, how far do you think he'll go before saying "dude, f*** this!".
  14. Antitrust


    The Mayan 2012 end of the world was actually supposed to happen at 2003 or so... but nothing happened so they moved it to 2012 When nothing happens in 2012 they will claim some mistake in interpreting the "prophecies", and move it to another date, like 2021.
  15. Antitrust


    Why would anyone need to believe in something just because Hollywood made some movie?
  16. Cookies perhaps, it's a PITA to recover all those passwords... Everyone requires some sort of registration these days... I want to move my mouse cursor, "Sign Up for moving the mouse cursor please"...
  17. I doubt it will be released. Why don't you mail the site staff about it?
  18. Well, putting points into Sword Weapons should have done the trick. Some people have this problem though.
  19. Nice rig, especially for under 1k$ As far as OS go, XP 32bit is best for Sacred 2, XP 64bit is a no-no in any case, ditto for Vista, and 7 is a decent choice for modern PCs. I think I have never heard more bad comments on any OS than I have on Vista. Windows Me should be pretty close I think.
  20. ClamWin is a decent scanning antivirus. It doesn't work in real-time, so you can have it installed for some additional security. It just might pick up a virus your main antivirus missed.
  21. I just watched this pos of a movie... Uwe Boll did a much better job in his video-game-based-crap. Meh what a waste of bandwidth. I think the producers should pay me for torrenting this film.
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