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Everything posted by promatolya

  1. Not sure if there is a word in english language for dédouanement, but from what I gather it would have something to do with paying a tax to transfer stuff over a border. Sort of an import-tax if you will. Hope I am correct. We have a similar thing to what I explained in Belgium, and that's called Dounanierstax. Douaniers, is Dutch for Douanement. so I assume that's what you ment. Grtz, prom
  2. Yaaaay! Welcome to the party guys. Remember, bring a six pack and you're in . Good to see you guys made it into the fellowship. A real great addition to our members .
  3. google for: international exchange rates, and use the windows calculator or use This Link. It's in dutch though, but it's daily updated, and the grid is with numbers, so that's international.
  4. I have the international version too. Allthough here in Belgium the game seems a lot cheaper. I played 39.99 euro's in belgium, which is about 50.4 dollars at current exchange rates (or 64 CAD)
  5. IF you like fantasy, and don't mind reading huge books ... THE WHEEL OF TIME, by the late Robert Jordan. Seriously, there shouldn't be as much as a hint of doubt in your mind to read these books. Best ones I've ever read. Awesome series. And I allso like the Sovereign Stone series by Weiss and Hickman. 2 best series I've read thusfar.
  6. Is it at all possible they simply used prefixes, and suffixes from existing 'common' weapons to generate a name for an item ? Say the emperor's ferric javelin for example. They would 'make this weapon by hand' and allow some sort of generator to read it's stats, and then search through those files, looking for which prefix fits for that item. eg: in a normal item Ferric would mean +x damage (don't know exactly what ferric means, but bear with me, this is just an example). they would make a unique which has +16 damage. The bot reads this weapon has +x damage, a higher then normal value, and would assign Ferric to it's name. But none the less, each one of those uniques, all wearing the name ferric, would have the same static value. the name is just something that shares a prefix file with the common items. I hope this makes sense in any way. Thing is, I don't know anything about programming, just offering another angle here . Up to the programming pro's to figure this one out.
  7. Sweet work on the wiki there mate ! Allways nice to see people who are growing to become true Icons of the sacred 2 Librarian Scholars I'm pretty sure I'll catch you ingame sometime. I play in CET+1, and you'll recognize most of my chars bij the [D.a.r.k]-Tag followed by a name, and then followed by prom example: [D.a.r.K] Spritney Bears - prom Keep up the good work, and don't forget to become the best in this game Grtz, prom
  8. I play on 1280x1k but the way I made mine is actually pressing the print screen button, and pasting em in paint. not sure if sacred offers a 'direct Screenshot' option, which might make these the way they are.
  9. how do you separate unique and legendary ? As far as I can tell, they both have the same colour in their name (gold-brown-ish), they have no distinct rarity written in the information box (nothing explicitly says its legendary or rare, or unique). I just can't seem to tell em apart?
  10. Well, this post was not in any way ment to say: put this in the wiki asap. As far as I think, it might not even be wiki-material. I just thought it was funny how they discribed Britney as 'a Bard', and how her statue is half naked, like she most of the times is when in the news More like a 'look at what I found rofl' kinda post then a 'plz wiki this' post.
  11. As much as I would like to agree, fad and orla were not really build-defining. They were you-don't-need-a-prober-build-with-these-items kinda things. You could take a gladiator, not read a single rune, wear no armour at all (or just some basic stuff anyway), equip 2 full fads , put all points in constit, and pretty much own in niob But to asnwer your question: I haven't seen any build-defining weapons yet. I saw some mods though, that might be worth looking in to: Things like lower enemy damage, and chance to evade and all that, along with the mods: chance to dodge, spell resistance and all that. I think you can make a serious tank in Sacred 2, at least for Sacred 2 standards. I don't think any game has a char that beats a level 300 adrenaline/testosterone combo on a DE, or a level 200+ heroic courage tank. But I think we'll come close with some toughtfull selection of mods
  12. Right after you leave the town with the first portal (oh, I'm so awfull when it comes to named, I think it called sloeferd or something), you see a woman carving up a statue of a semi-naked woman. when you hold your mouse to it ... TADAAAA an ode to Britney Spears I assume. A bard is a musician, and Britney ... Well, 1 and 1 Makes 2 right ? ps: wolfe, if you read this, feel free to add it to your 'easter egg' section, allthough it's not really worth mentioning maybe. But I tought it was funny
  13. Well in Belgium it was supposed to come out on 6th of october, but it's delayed until the 17th (hoping it wont delay any more then this). In any case, regardless of when people would get their games, I wouldn't see it possible to make any podcast before 2009. Both on content (how much can you say about a game you had for 2 days? nothing new at least, nothing worth listening too.) A technical point of view is one of the things not to be underestimated. We would need people to invest time in editting it, perhaps an intro sound? I made some contacts, IGN-ESPORTS, multigaming clanwould be willing to set up a weekly (or permanent) high quality ventrillo or teamspeak for us to use, so that we can at least maintain a high-quality internet connection. The casts would need content, and the people weekly involved would have to do some 'research' around the topic of that week, and make sure they know what they are talking about. We would have to make sure word gets around. A podcast that no-one knows of wouldn't be any good. I am sure this list can be completed with at least a few more items. But this topic is mainly ment to check if the community would be open to this, and if that would be the case, we would have to work on making things possible. If the first podcast could be uploaded, and of enough quality (both content, as audio-quality and whatnot), by the 1st of january, I would consider it a very very quick date. Personally halfway januari, beginning of february seems like a more realistic date to me . and like you mention, people have to make sure they can fit the podcasting into their scedule. As much as I would like to see D.a.r.k Icons like gogo, wolfe, llama, ari-laftia and a tonn of other people in the weekly podcasts, I am aware that they allready have time-consuming roles in the community as it is. But I am sure that we can find some people willing to invest time on this, but more important: is any1 interested in such a thing in the first place ?
  14. Well, being a personal fan of podcasts, I would like to propose a D.a.r.k Sacred2 Podcast. I haven't made any concrete plans yet, but before I do anything like that, I would like to know if anyone is up for helping with this. The actual podcasts would have to consist of 2-3 people each time (for conversations, prefereably weekly, or twice a month), and occasional guests from the world of Sacred. I know just about zero from voice editting software and the likes, but I am sure we are amoungst some technical geniusses around here . I did some quick checking of the itunes system, and we can (costfree) upload our podcasts, and make em available for everyone who wants to hear em (allso, free of charge). The general idea (so no details, or certain issues yet, just my rough idea outlining). Every week, or every 2 weeks we get 2-3 people to talk about sacred. Are there any handy, must-read topics somewhere on sacred forums? Have new characters that are note-worthy entered any ladders, new guids, secret area's?, patches and the likes... Pretty much anything concerning the larger Sacred 2 community will be reported and discussed. If we find people with microphones, we can put interviews, or guest-conversations in them. example: Gogo makes a uber 1337 awesome fallen seraph, so we let him discuss his guide in the podcast, and devote another 10 minutes or so revelling in how marvelous the seraphim is, and how it defines sacred and whatnot. Perhaps some support from people at the official forums could help us a long way. carolyn would maybe be able to help us, and make sure we break no legal issues and whatnot, a forum mod could keep a close eye on the forums, wolfe might be able to assist with any handy information being dispatched to her site and so forth ... All in all, I figure at least 4-6 people will have to put in (rather small, considering) amounts of effort into a podcast. But I think we can do this . It would benefit the community, and make us even more close-knitted I think. In this topic I would like to see some input. You think this is worth trying? Worst idea ever? Would you listen? Would you help? Do you think I need professional help ? Anything on yer stomach about a podcast Idea... Drop it in this topic. Grtz, prom
  15. Well, tomorow I hope to get Sacred 2 from my local gamestore. I haven't had any notification that it's been delayed (and they did so with other games), so I assume tomorow I Can go and pick it up. AFter that, I'll most likely share my experiences My first project will be completing the singleplayer storymode with the seraphim (could it be more sacred-ish ). After that probably MP, or perhaps another character in SP first? but either way, until SP is finished (like a marathon with me, no sleep till it's over ), you probably wont catch me on MP
  16. Ah that could be the fact. I didn't update the game, seeing in a week or so Sacred 2 will be out. Forget that I mentioned this
  17. Hi guys To brush up my sacred skills I started out in SP again with sacred, until Sacred 2 gets here (6-10-2008 in Belgium). During my quests I found something I had never even found before . And I thought I found just about anything. It had the exact same image as a portal rune, but it was called 'Lost Combat Art', and you couldn't train it. You COULD however use it with the combo master to exchange it, asif it was any other rune. I allso found tonns and tonns of undead skulls (I did find these before though), but I forgot what purpose they serve (I might be a bit rusty ). I can't socket them, or do anything usefull with em as far as I tried. Only selling em seems to come in (semi-)handy. I searched and ravaged the wiki, but nothing about skulls in there. So either it's hiding from me and other users, or it's not there yet. Just to let you guys know, if no1 tells you, you can't know
  18. I am sure that a wide variety of pornographic stores sell this . Perhaps a store which specialises in animal fetishes ? XD or just try google ahah.
  19. After succesfully completing my 3week training as a state negotiator, and having ended wars on several uninhabited parts of the world, I figured it was time to get to a more serious task at hands. GoGo, I took the liberty of talking to your cat in private, and negotiate for a treaty. This treaty will consist out of a 'I will not loose unwanted bodily fluids for a period of no less then 29 hours'. both parties will have to sign, and your cat allready signed it. I allso made it clear to your cat that it is vital you sign the treaty, seeing you are the main economical power in her known world. Food reserves, petting and the occasional sitting on the lap are wildly dependant on your will to sign this agreement. As a result your cat offered you a 'hug', showing that she is willing to work on her side of the bargain. Gogo ... Your cat wants a hug Will you be the hugger?
  20. 1. Media Matters original ----> At the Movies, TV and Books. If you've read a book or watched a movie that you want to share with us, start up a topic and see what the gang has to say. Split it up in books and movies. books suggestion ----> Help, my external harddrive seams to exist out of loose pages with non-coded language. Any suggestions? movies suggestions ----> My screen seems to display random images telling a story of some sort. Wikipedia tells me it's a movie. Let me tell you more about this. 2. Tech Talk original ----> Talk about hardware, software, or internet related stuffs here. suggestion ---> Warning: An error occured while displaying the previous error window. What to do now? Ask for help here. 3. New and General Gaming original ----> Seen a new game trailer? Playing something new you want to share with us? This is the place. suggestion ----> Anything from pong to crysis. As long as it's not a boardgame, drop it here! 4. The Dark Kitchen original ----> Whatcha eatin? Whatcha cookin? Ideas to share? And remember...burping is considered good manners in some countries...Bon Appetit. suggestion ----> What smells like burned food? Tastes like burned food? Is used by burned out idiots? .. It's the dark kitchen . Check out what we prepared for you today. 5. The Daily Grind original ----> Havin a ruff day? Post here. Havin a great day? Post here. Forum's are about sharing,and if you've got some really cool insight or story into something that happened today...this is the place. suggestion ----> Escape the hard world of fantasy, and enter the world of actual life. Tell us more about your day here, and forget about the hard labour of console gaming.
  21. Sorry for the confusion. I have another, 'older' pc on which I run my 9250. My plan was to put the 9250 in my newer pc to play sacred if the card supported sacred. Turns out I can't even get it to fit in the slot, so that plan is off . I didn't even know it wouldn't fit in there haha, but I assume since both people say it, I won't even have to try the 'enough pressure' does sound tempting tbh ^^ As for the rest of my pc It should be able to run Sacred 2 without any problems. I don't think it takes more then 2 gigs of RAM, and the dual core 2.66Ghz should run it:) I assume at least.
  22. Yeah that's another such thing. In sacred right now, communitys are devided because of language differences in the game and such. As far as I could understand, the french, polish, german, italian communitys and god knows what other communitys were seperated from the rest. Their items had different names aswell, which made searching for items hard and stuff. Now I am wondering if I order my game here in Belgium, will I be in a different realm then you guys:) or wil Sacred 2 have all nationalitys together? I don't want to end up separated from the community at darkmatters.
  23. According to my manual no specific problems 'should' be occuring until I hit 69°C on my GPU. ATItools (which apparently worked for Nvidea temps aswell) showed that when I run AgeofConan, I 'only' hit 51°C. So temperature shouldn't be the problem. Especially since I am on the southside of the house, and in the summer my room gets very hot due to the sun being on my room all day long. Because of that I have an additional cooler inside my case, that blows the heat in between the modules outwards. So appart from the 'standard fans' on each component, I have another one in the middle of my case, drawing heat outwards. It was allso some special anti-dust application, to not damage the components. Temperature shouldn't have been the problem, and like you said: my card is pretty much dead, it just doesn't realise it yet on it's own . Good tip on the 4750. I will definatly keep that one in mind. Thx for the great input on another sidenote: Currently I have my very old backup Graphics card, just so that I can watch some movies while I figure out what card to buy and such. It's the radeon 9250. I assume this card will not run Sacred 2? Caus if it will, I might just postpone the new GFX card and play with this one until it breaks down aswell. But seeing the fact that this one is at least 3 (maybe more) years old, I doubt if it will run Sacred 2. grtz, prom
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