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Everything posted by wolfie2kX

  1. Hmm.. You do need at least Revered Technology Lore or Focus to open up mods for that skill. Keep in mind there are two kinds of energy shields the Seraphim can deploy. One is the Divine Protection shield and the other, of course, is the Warding Energy buff. Shields, like hitpoints, by default only regen on their own when you're not knee deep in combat. That is not to say there's nothing that can be done to bolster Warding Energy or Divine Protection. There is, of course, Warding Energy Lore that can help pump up the volume on your shields. Secondly, there are items that you will find dropped as well as from merchants (including runemasters - don't forget they too sell jewelry) that can benefit shields. And of course, there's the Willpower attribute that pump up the shield's values. I don't have a console either - but if I recall correctly, I read somewhere that the shield status is not displayed on the console. It is displayed on the PC version of the game. You can see it displayed wrapping the health meter in light blue. Keep in mind that shields DO NOT activate themselves at full strength. They start off with a value of 0 and build themselves up to whatever the maximum happens to be at the time. If you're thinking of using shields as a last second dodge when something wicked is about to pound you into the dirt - it's probably NOT going to help. You might want to read up on Energy Shields in general here...
  2. Paypal is great for this sort of thing and yes, you can link a debit visa or mc to it. You an even link a checking account directly to it. That's the way I have my PP account set up and it works spectacularly well. My eBay purchases always get prompt and full payments without the drama. I haven't lost any funds through any sort of mismanagment or fraud.
  3. Well.. I suppose that could work as well. I am, however experimenting with some stuff as well. Different combos, different stuff from what I have been doing. Quite honestly - I don't mind much. Might take a bit longer, but what the heck, I'm having fun.. And that's kinda the point. No? Oh.. FWIW, I did find one unique level item in the stuff after I wrote that. Turned up in a weapon slot. It was an Officer's Saber, level 35, nice piece of kit. As far as that character editor goes... Not entirely sure how to make that quite work. You're supposed to decode the file first, then run it in the editor - but I haven't seen any changes to the savegame file - the one that gets loaded in the game - after you've mucked about with it. Oh.. and the quest behind all this apparent madness - it's to see if putting points into Bargaining beyond level 75 is worth the effort. Is there any bonus beyond getting better drops.
  4. Update: Ok.. Got this puppy going. There's been a change in plans as far as how this is going to be done. I was going to go with the high elf, but since the games supplied by the MegaDev folks for the High Elf were stuck at level 1 and the games supplied for the Inquisitor were starting off at level 15 (no idea why, just is), I am doing him instead. The reason I'm limiting this to those two characters - Bargaining is a primary general skill. If I had Ice and Blood, I could have gone Dragon Mage as well, but... I don't. Anyhow... Here's the game plan. I'm using the Deylen's Power set. I'm adding points to Bargaining as much as possible and avoiding other skills that could complement it - such as Enhanced Perception. I'm also avoiding any items modded with Chance for Finding Valuables %... For this game, I'm also cheating just a tad. I found a few mods to Balance.txt that allow me to get more experience per kill regardless of what I've got in rings and amulets. I also have damage done by enemies via physical or spells down to 0. Ok.. So it's not much of a challenge. It's not about that. Right now, it's about the bargaining skill and does dumping points into it post-mastery make any sort of sense. After about 8 hours of play time, I've got the following: Inquisitor Level 36 Bargaining - with enhancments: level 50 - without: 36 I am unable exceed the level strictly with points. I've got an All Skills +3 talisman and +3 Bargaining relics socketed. Other skills: Gruesome Inquisition Focus Astute Supremacy Focus Nefarious Netherworld Focus Dual Wield Concentration Astute Supremacy Lore Ranged Weapons So what's the early verdict? The quest completion drops DO seem to already be improving somewhat. No Legendaries or Uniques as yet - but I do have 3 pieces of Ilgard's set - all within the first few levels of play. Here's the gameplan as it sits now: I'm playing this on multiplayer and starting off on Silver. Decided I'm going to stick wiith Silver if for no other reason than to maintain some semblance of consistency. My opponents currently are mostly ringed in red - meaning they're still at or above my level. As it sits, I'm getting like 3K+ per Kobold in the west end of the elf region. Not hurting for experience points as yet. The only white ringed opponents in the last few hours were the bandits that were holding the men prisoner north of Sloeford. Kinda disappointing, but oh well. Plenty of red ringers (and points) to go around. Once I hit mastery, I'll see what sort of drops I get - and then I'll keep pumping it up to level 100 and see what sort of drops I get. Seem reasonable?
  5. Dang! That'd be one big pot..! A bit overkill for maybe 1/2 pound or 1/4 pound of pasta tho. Not to mention pots that size tend to be quite pricy... Was looking at some of the prices while looking for the one I linked to - and the big suckers were like over $900 US.. Also think you need to be built like Ahnold or have an overhead crane to lift one especially when full of scalding hot water... Good tip on the olives as well. I'd use 'em more myself (I, too am quite fond of 'em) - except the folks I cook for don't really care for 'em much. Oddly they like putanesca sauce (which is LOADED with both green and black olives.) Go figger.. The bone tip is pretty much universal as well regardless of the critter. You can't make a decent beef soup without a good layer of beef marrow bones. Nor can you make a booty kickin' Split Pea Soup without a good ham bone. Ditto for chicken soup - regardless of what you put in it - noodles, veggies, matzo balls, etc... LOTS of fat (read:flavor) stored in them. That's also why bacon is such a popular (if rather unhealthy) food item.. It's got pork fat - and yes, it does rule. Tho I gotta agree.. If I'm making a steak or whatever, I can do without the bones. The thing I hate most about it - is paying for 'em. Of course, the alternative (boneless) is usually even more insanely expensive.. Consider the humble T-bone steak.. If you cut off the smaller side, you've got what is known as a Filet Mignon... (I'm more of a Good Eats fan myself. LOTS more real information, drama free, and generally more amusing...)
  6. A Yup... No wonder I haven't seen one yet.. Thanx...
  7. That sounds like a great idea. I like green olives in my rice. I make Puerto Rican rice. (exwife) I have zero seasonings in my place yet, just moved in and started working 7 days a week so no time for anything. Loco is a much better cook than I am but when I get inspired I don't do to bad. Mama taught us well. Bummer about having to work 7 days a week... Looks good.. Tho you might wanna consider a bigger pot for the pasta.. Pasta just LOVES swimming in lots of water when you're cooking it. That way it doesn't stick together and doesn't become a huge lump of gooey mess. I got one several years ago from a restaurant supply store in the area. Best investment I could make. The pot was about 12" diameter, and just about as tall. It came with a built in collander sleeve that allowed you to drain the pasta directly without rushing it over to the sink. The bottom part also doubles very nicely as a stock pot should you wanna make soup or a stew. Of course, it comes with a lid that works on either the pot itself and the collander sleeve. It was sort of like this one - except mine had a glass lid. Mine was about half the price, but that was a dozen years ago as well. Either way - these'll last pretty much forever so it's a good investment.
  8. S'ok.. Exactly what was the record broken? Vey cool, never the less... And what's that sword in the inventory to the left of the book - the bluish one. Haven't seen one of 'em drop my way yet...
  9. Assuming you're referring to the Blue dryad class quests... It takes as long as it takes... It really depends on what all else you are doing. Main quests, side quests, general grinding for points and levels, etc... As far as where it ends - I haven't finished a dryad character yet, so I'm not 100% positive, but my guess would be at the Dryad Islands. If you're referring to the main quest chain (gold), that ends in the Wastelands - and it too, takes as long as it takes. Sacred 2 isn't a game you're likely to finish in one sitting.
  10. @ Loco I realize that. The point of what I was suggesting is to see if there's anything to getting better drops for completing quests beyond level 75... Update time: I checked one of my imported characters - only has 29 points skill points and 207 attribute points for starters. This may take a bit longer than I expected.
  11. Seems to me there was a rather long thread a while back involving bargaining and lightsabers a while back. According to what was discussed if I recall correctly, you needed to have bargaining kept very high if you ever hoped to score a lightsaber - which, at the time was not available any other way. It was supposed to be something like 2x your level in order for the merchants to even think about having them. Of course, now the CM-Patch comes along and makes Lightsabers a regularly droppable goodie. Either way - that does seem to cover the better items from traders bit. I would assume then that if you want the high quality stuff to keep popping up at your friendly neighborhood merchant, you'll need to likely keep pumping points into the skill. Of course, there probably come a point where you probably won't be able to keep on pumping points into the skill. Tell you what.. I've got an idea on how to test this out. Someone brought up a utility that has some pre-loaded characters - complete with full sets of set items so you can start your run with a full set of whatever armor you like. The characters are all level 15, with a completely blank slate. Nothing but the starter goodies and a pack full of set items and an array of skill points and attribute points you can configure any way you like. So.. What I can do (since I've already got the utilty installed) is grab one of the characters, drop in bargaining as the first skill and run up the points to level 75. Then I'll go run through a few dozen quests in the Sloeford area as well as the surrounding area and see just what drops. After that, I can try the same sort of run but pump like 100 points into Bargaining and see what drops. I'll get back to you later today on what all I find. Honestly kinda expect a boatload of uniques and maybe even a few legendaries. Eh.. We'll see. If the level 100 bargaining results in better drops overall, then it's likely a good thing to pop more points into it.
  12. They were both actually featured on Chattius' German forum Egg list earlier on in this thread.. I just finally got to where Dr Quinn was in the game with my inquisitor.. For the Britney thing - I was able to resurrect my Level 71 Seraphim in multiplayer and I sent her over to get the pic.. Gotta love that armor set... Love that butt-floss! Love the life leech bonus built into the set as well...
  13. Saw an ad for the game tonite on TV.. Looks pretty cool - "Hello Ladies..." WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! It was kinda amusing. Of course, the big question - will someone be making the radio controlled Jeep preloaded with explosives (like in the game)?
  14. Yeah, wasn't too sure what to put in the page link or what ever ( I think it was asking for some URL or something similar ) Trouble is it is just screenies in my Windows folder, nothing from internet or fancy software * shrugs * I guess I could experiment, but don't want to look a fool............well, no more than usual ! Yeah...you cant upload pictures to the forum itself here, you have to link to stuff hosted somewhere on the net. Not entirely so... SOME forums have the ability to attach pictures directly. If you see the Attachment Manager at the bottom of the editor, you can attach a pic or something to a post. This thread doesn't have that feature enabled, however.
  15. You're welcome.. And thanks for the reminder.. It was on my list of things to do but I forgot about it since I had no characters anywhere near Sloeford at the time. Thank Gogo for the irfanview suggestion. I just repeated his suggestion that was on another thread where someone was looking for a .TGA -> .JPG converter. I had that function covered with my trusty ancient copy of PaintShop Pro 7 so I had no need for it. And now for something completely different... Yet another egg has been located, noted and logged on the Easter Egg page. Yes, that craptastic western melodrama from the 90's has been resurrected in Ancaria.. That's right, Dr. Kwinn, Medicine Woman has been immortalized for what she is - an Easter Egg...
  16. Yah.. But how does that translate into British Pounds Sterling? Guessing it's about the same as the US dollar is - not so hot. According to my desktop gadget, buying the game from your neck of the woods today, as of this writing - would cost you $39.88 AUD. Buying it from the US as I write this, it's $39.20 USD. Truth is, neither one is doing so hot against the Brit Pound. Then again, the Canadians have it worse - it's $40.23 Canadian right now.
  17. Very good point...although even if that was the case, I think gogo would keep 'em hidden so we can grab new members that way @ Dragon Brother: I wouldn't say Deep Silver's abandoned the game entirely. They've ceased development, for sure. But they still issue license keys and probably manufacture a few discs for XBOX, PC and PS3 for retail sale. It doesn't cost them all that much - but they DO make money on sales. The community at large is still strong - and the game is still quite popular - bugs and warts and all. Abandoned would mean cutting everyone off of their Sacred 2 fix and that could be dangerous and problematic as they are working on Sacred 3. @ Ryanrocker1217: As funny as that may sound - I think you're onto something there. Sheesh.. I only joined up on April 29th 2010, and I'm member 14,586 while ION644 joined up on October 2nd, 2010 - merely 5 months or so later - and he's already member #21,065. That's a difference of 6,479 new members or about 41.5 new members per day. If only one or 2 per day signed up for a copy of the codes, that's still a good reason to keep 'em PM'ed...
  18. It is likely the cheapest - with maybe one exception. Someone posted a link on I think another thread with a copy going for 15.99 pounds. But that doesn't include international shipping. Not even sure actually if they DO ship outside of the UK. The download, however, is far more drama free. Now if only the exchange rate was a bit better, then it'd be THE killer deal.
  19. Mostly because that's just the way the German language works. Look at the first word - lebenregenerierung. It's actually a compound of 2 words - leben (life) and regenerierung (recovery). Once you've broken it down, it doesn't quite look all THAT scary... Look at the 2nd word - regenerierung - the root of the word looks a lot like the english regenerate or regeneration. In context, it likely refers to hitpoint regeneration. This isn't all that surprising given that English has it's roots in old German. Some words are easy to decipher while others are not so much.
  20. That do appear to be the 4th instance of that picture I've come across in the game. The first being in the house of the noble you're supposed to dig up the dirt on in Thylysium... The 2nd being near the sewer entrance near the entrance to the Inquisition's HQ in Thylysium. The 3rd being in Griffinborough as you enter the city, go to the top of the hill where there's an easel standing, look to your left - it's leaning up against the wall. All of this documented in the Fine Art easter egg... Thinking this one should probably likely wind up there as well. Oh.. and that's NOT a BFG.. That's a minigun. I don't have a capture program running and hitting print screen saves in a format I don't have a viewer for. Sorry. As Gogo suggested on another thread - might wanna check out irfanview. It's free.. Britney's page is up, complete with pic and a map...
  21. The site will allow a US purchase. It is the very same site in which we all buy our +3 char slots. As for a hard case copy, ebay is probably your best bet. Kind Regards, Etherian An actual better bet would be www.ebay.co.uk ... Last time I looked for Sacred 2 Gold or Ice and Blood on the US site - there weren't any. There was one dude offering a copy of Sacred 1 Gold and a couple of other games from Ascaron - Darkstar One and Port Royale... Not quite what we're lookng for. Just had a quick look - and there are no current Sacred 2 Gold copies on eBay UK... Tho there ARE a few copies of Fallen Angel - including one of the collector's editions with the seraphim action figure. It's an XBOX 360 version. The last time I looked on Ebay UK, there were a few copies up for grabs - but between the selling price and the shipping, VAT and other nonsense - it came out to well over the $24.99 DLGamer wanted for the UK edition.
  22. Robes? You mean the white polyester leisure suit with the black shirt (ala Saturday Night Fever - after all, we ARE talking the dreaded disco era)... I think he had that sent to the cleaners. White polyester in the dirty desert... Not a good combination. Not much in damage mitigation either. Polyester tends to burn rather easily - and painfully. As for the quest thing... The other instance of this duplicate quest naming, I can understand - the one which came with the original game and then there's the one that came in the Ice and Blood Expansion as part of the Dragon Mage quest. "Investigations" is such an inviting title.. But this? I'm thinking two people were working on pretty much the same quest and they both got included by mistake. Gotta blame Ascaron's (in)famous quality control department. Not that it matters all that much to the game - just to those who are trying to document the quests for a wiki... Both happily coexist in the log book...
  23. Ok Kids.. We've got a bit of a conundrum... Most of you who have gone through the Bengaresh desert and did all the quests in the region would likely have seen it. It seems there are two quests, very close together, with the same general goal and worst of all, with the SAME title. There's the one where you have to escort a lost Ogre to Turbak's beach so he can hitch a ride home. And then there's the one near the entrance to the Garganthropod's lair featuring a young child who is lost to Turbak. Both are called "Lost" in the quest book. Any bright ideas on how to handle the conflict..? Currently I left the Ogre one with the title of Lost and gave the little girl's quest the title of Lost 2... Oh.. I also got a mug shot of Sheik Yerbouti to post along with the Zappa cover.
  24. Ask and ye shall recieve... You've got spam.. Enjoy...
  25. Sounds like a plan.. Besides.. Didn't you get rid of all of the pics of grave inscriptions that were littering the Shadowy Catacombs Cemetary? The newer format is a LOT easier to read, plus faster to load. There just aren't that many image templates for the various graves that would make it all that interesting anyhow you slice it. It's like, you've see one, you've just about seen 'em all.
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