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Everything posted by wolfie2kX

  1. 1.) Not entirely true... BeeEffGee is a buff and as such, buffs increase CA regen time. So while it doesn't do anything directly to weapons, it DOES have an effect on performance overall with those weapons. 3 and 4 - That will vary widely depending on weapon level. A level 5 weapon won't have the same effect as a level 75 weapon of the same type. It will also vary depending on weapons of the SAME level - so if you've got 2 weapons - both energy pistols - one might have a slightly higher damage value than the other. Don't forget to factor in gray (junk) items won't be as effective as ones that are white, blue, green, gold or orange... So you can have 2 weapons, one gray, one Legendary (orange) and the Legendary one wins out every time. 5.) No. BeeEffGee is one of those unique buffs like the High Elf's Grand Invigoration. It's different from all other buffs in so far as it has NO direct effect on anything else in your inventory or any other skills. It is a weapon unto itself. Ranged weapons, the skill, will have an effect on the BeeEffGee. And once again, having the BeeEffGee turned on will have an effect on your other CAs as all other buffs (except the previously mentioned Grand Invigoration) will do. 6.) Endijian's Javelin will come in levels from 10 up to level 240. The rest of your question... Well... Once again, that depends on a LOT of factors - weapon's level, weapon type, the color and enhancements and such. It's all relative. 7.) Level cap...? If you mean you can't get beyond 19 runes eaten before you start getting penalties... That can be handled IF you take the appropriate FOCUS skill (Revered Technology Focus) and put points toward it. That will make the cap higher... But as a whole, BeeEffGee can be limited in so far as how it works with different CAs. For instance, a dual wielding Seraphim with two good blades (or hafted weapons) can do more damage with Pelting Strikes than one using a BeeEffGee.. Why? Because with the right mods on PS, you can do up to 6 hits per mouse click while no matter what you do, the most you will get out of a BeeEffGee with Pelting Strikes is 2 hits. 9 and 10.) Once again, it's all relative.
  2. I would think it's pretty much been abandoned at this point. And I would have to guess it's the reason you mentioned - the animation factor.
  3. Yeah.. He's still the 98 pound weakling.. but I have a feeling he will shape up eventually.. or get himself killed... Then again, that would be bad form. You don't kill off your main characters especially if they're popular. Have a feeling that Cardin will get his just rewards soon enough.. Thinking bunny girl is a bit too young to be cute.. Still kind of interesting in seeing the sort of hybrid people they got over yonder.
  4. I gotta say that one is kind of strange. Cool.. but strange..
  5. Welcome to DarkMatters.. First off, I'll second what Flix said about the Community Patch. It solves many of the issues that were in the Ice and Blood release and never got fixed when Ascaron went belly up and Deep Silver took over. Given Ascaron is no more and Deep Silver doesn't have the necessary tools to fix bug (LONG story), it's the best we can get. Secondly, Throwing potions (aka Molotov cocktails) are only available thru the CM Patch. These along with hand weapons and a few other things were locked away in the game by the developers. Third - Light sabers... Previously, they were available - but so insanely difficult to get, they may as well have been locked away. With the CM Patch, they actually drop as quest rewards. Fourth, In order to use the BeeEffGee - on the PC, you MUST have at least one empty weapon slot available for it to materialize into. Aegis is basically correct in saying you don't need anything else - except it's probably for the best to have at least one backup weapon. There are numerous baddies that will debuff you (remove any and all buffs) when they attack. Not having at least one backup weapon can leave you in a lurch when going up against these guys. Fifth - DO try Dual Wield. A Seraphim with DW and 2 good, sharp blades or a pair of hammers - or any combination of the two mixed with Pelting Strikes yields lots of dead enemies...
  6. There's more than one way to skin the proverbial Kobold... I personally am using BAB on my current pyro Elf and it works rather well. My way of thinking goes a little like this: Defense is fine, but since you need to kill these baddies, might as well go straight to the point and just kill them. The faster they die, the less chance they have to do damage to and kill YOU. If the initial number of meteors is 10, and Continuance increases it by 3, then yes, that's roughly 33%. Btw, I don't know nutthin' about the math - I don't play games to do that sort of thing. I play to have fun and I don't really need to know WHY something works - just that it does.
  7. Um.. You may NOT be out of luck... Though it may take a bit of work to do it... Which version of Windows do you have? I know that with Vista, 7 and 8, there's an option to restore previous versions of files. And I'm not 100% positive, but I think XP may have a version of this feature as well. Simply right-click on the file, select Restore Previous Versions and find a version of the file that is from before you downloaded and installed those files. Right click on the file in question and select COPY. Then paste it into the original directory. This will restore the old version of the file. Note: This feature depends on the System Restore function and it has to be working. If you disabled this for whatever reason, you're outta luck... Also, note, you probably will lose SOME XP, gold and what not as it will restore the last version of the file System Restore saved. But hey, losing a day or two worth of XP and such is better than losing the file entirely for good.
  8. OK.. Let's clear this up. You can't take a character created in SP and play it in MP. Likewise, you can't use a character created in MP and play it in SP. But, if you create a SP character, you can play it all day long in SP and you can also play an MP character in MP all day long - and you will be able to save your progress. As long as you're playing the character in the environment it was created in, everything works perfectly well.
  9. Holy Deja Vu...! That mouse looks remarkably like the Cooler Master one I just got. Minor difference - there's a rubber ring around the scroll wheel and the light show on the back is in a slightly different location and has a different design... the end near the cord also flares slightly differently from mine.
  10. The answer to your question is in the post I linked to above.
  11. First of all, I will apologize if I came off a bit harsh with any previous post. Actually, it's a good thing to talk with people who have such knowledge and ask questions. It's one way of gaining knowledge. And there's nothing wrong with that. Werewolves... Hard to say who exactly designed them. But for the most part, I found the look satisfactory - even if there are only a few repetitious models of them. Kind of find it hard to believe that every werewolf - male or female - is wearing the same clothing every other one wears. But I do realize there is a limit to how many types they can squeeze into the game and have room for everything else. Truth be told, the way they walk would be more along the lines of how I would picture a real lycanthrope to look/move. These are more wolf than human. Don't forget werewolves in most movies are real humans running around in furry makeup. More recent trends use CGI replacements for the actors so they can do pretty much anything they want. The shared chest... It's around because it's stored in an independent file. If you look in the Saved Game directory you'll find files called "Hero021.sacred2save" and "Hero021.sacred2stats" and one file called "Chest.sacred2chest". The Hero021.sacred2save file stores your actual character's information between games. The Hero021.sacred2stats file stores text based statistics for the game - how much gold you've got, how far along you've got, how many of each bad guy you've killed, your character's choice in gods, your alignment to dark or light, etc... The chest.sacred2chest file stores the shared items in the game and stores your group's achievements. These can be found in the log book on the 3rd tab on the top.
  12. I'm not entirely sure it's psychological. Liking one particular keyboard over another is probably familiarity - you're used to the one you've got. My KB is 9 - 10 years old and I am not too thrilled with using others myself. I'm a touch typist. I almost have to be - the letters on this KB have pretty much all worn away on the letters and I would have a VERY hard time hunting and pecking manually. But I'm used to this thing. I like some of the features - the macro buttons on top that launch stuff, the feel, the throw of the keys.. etc... I don't really care for the chicklet keys they've got on some new models and I really HATE those "ergonomic" boards. Mainly because I can't find the keys without looking. That just slows me down too much. I can maybe do 50 words per minute - or more on a normal keyboard. I'll be lucky to do 15 on one of those. That said, if I had a few months to get used to one of those ergonomic keyboards, I would likely get used to it enough to improve on that.. Those old IBM keyboards, tho, are great. Pity you can't find too many of those old style ones any longer. Hang onto it as long as you can. Oh.. And we've got something like what you've got in Germany - it's called a Tax Deduction. DOH! Good thing it's not an Apple mouse - they might claim the reduced functionality was an "improvement"...
  13. Rodent update time... I've had a bit of time to play with it and some things I really do like - the fit in my hand is pretty good. It's quick and accurate and goes right to where I want it to go. And it can't be said that you can't find this mouse in the dark unless the mouse is in the lowest possible DPI mode... Here's a composite pic of the mouse - in a dark room. And of course, there's a few things I'm not too thrilled about. Like the profile/macro system. The multicolored LED thing is only configured for the default profile and yes, you can change the colors for other profiles, BUT, I have yet to figure out how to change the colors for those other profiles when it comes to changing the DPI like in the default. The macros themselves are a bit of a challenge to figure out as well. You can't, it seems have it launch a specific app - which means configuring the magnifier to a specific button is not an option. But I did manage to figure out a way around that - by pinning the magnifier to the taskbar. It's now just a quick flick of the wrist to the bottom of the screen to launch it or kill it. My only other gripe about it is that you can't disable any of the buttons in the default profile. Sometimes I find myself clicking one on the right side by accident and if I'm on a page, it wants to make the page to the previous page. It's kind of annoying - especially if I am trying to preview a post I just wrote and it just wiped out everything.. So I gotta be careful with those buttons.
  14. The idea behind a pyro high elf - you turn the enemies into crispy critters before they can do anything bad to you... In conjunction to that philosophy, there's the Incandescent Skin buff. Modded correctly, that should offer you enough protection to get through most fights. Blazing Tempest needs to be spammable. Few enemies can withstand that kind of punishment for very long - even those with fire proof undies.. There should be a number of posts in this forum section that have good Pyro elf builds... Also, check out Locolagarto's posts about his Piromante build.
  15. Er.. What do you mean you can't save your progress in MP games..? That is only true if you use a character created as a SOLO player game. If you start off with a muiltiplayer character, you can save your progress in a multiplayer environment.
  16. Why blame me? If the song didn't properly ROCK, you would have said "meh" and moved on with your life. If you must blame someone/something blame the Williams clan - Jeff for writing and Casey for singing. And of course, Monty Oum's gotta shoulder some of the blame for coming up with the series. But I'll take an order of pulled pork and gravy.. In a heartbeat... At least until I had a coronary.. LOL..
  17. Welcome to DarkMatters...! What irony... The last two characters I've played in Sacred 1 were - the Daemon and Dwarf. If I had to choose - I'd go with the Dwarf as he's got some fairly amusing lines - "Smoke me a goblin, I'll be back in time for breakfast." I also see you're a fan of Vista. I used to be as well, but, these days I like Windows 7 better. I find 7 to have pretty much everything Vista has to offer - and is much snappier in getting things done. Feel better soon!
  18. The problem with horses is that they limit your combat arts. Many of them will not work while on horseback. I seriously doubt horses can be rewritten with much in the way of success in a way it would work properly in the game. As far as future versions of the patch go - it's hard to say. There has been a resurgence of interest in the game since Amazon and Steam have gotten Sacred 2 Gold... On the other hand, Marcus and Czevak do have lives and have stuff to do and work on the patch part time - whenever they have free time. So.. Only time will tell. That and if someone comes up with an issue that's serious enough - AND one that they can do something about. There are plenty of things they can't do anything about as they have no access to the part of the game code.
  19. I really haven't got much of a clue actually. It's hard to say as most of the dwellers of Bengaresh appear to have headgear that makes inspecting their ears difficult... That said.. My story - Sophia's Choice - has that territory owned by Elves. Given Elven tendencies, it is entirely probable they had humans working there as slaves. During the era of the story, the Bengaresh region is a huge agricultural paradise instead of the desert it is in Sacred 2. It has been called (during Sophia's Choice) the "Breadbasket of Ancaria"... So it's entirely possible that the people living in "modern" Bengaresh (Sacred 2 era) are both of Human and Elf descent - possibly even hybrids. It's entirely possible that the Sand People aren't either. Mutations after the cataclysm that engulfed the region and turned the lush fields into desert. In fact, this cataclysm will also have an effect on the lizardmen's region as well.
  20. There's also another quest in Artamark just south of the Royal Honkytonk where a group of people got ambushed and their women got captured. You have to pull a crystal out of the console to save the brainwashed women... Ok.. Well.. that's about all they generally do.. They would appear to be monitoring stations for the T-Energy collectors scattered around Ancaria. And like modern computers, they can do more than one thing...
  21. What happened to them? Why? How? I know its now impossible to find an editor to the Sacred:Underworld GRN graphics format, without permanently converting it into GR2. But to loose tools to a big game from 2008-09? It's rather simple. Ascaron went bankrupt and out of business. They likely overextended their finances and spent more on developing Sacred 2 than they ever made back from sales at the time. Deep Silver bought SOME of Ascaron's assets - they bought the Sacred game franchise but apparently the deal they struck did NOT apparently include the servers and other computers used to produce and maintain the code. This is why Ice and Blood never got more than a few minor fixes in the 2.65.1 and 2.65.2 releases. What happened to the hardware and related software - I have no idea. I would imagine the tools used to make the game went with the programmers who wrote the tools in the first place. It's my understanding that Deep Silver hired a couple of Ascaron's programmers and they muddled together the last 2 patches for the game. But what they could do was limited in so far as they didn't have full access to everything needed to do things right.
  22. Not entirely true any more.. Both Steam and Amazon have Sacred 2 Gold for sale - in the US - for $20... And even so, even before this - we could get the UK version by way of DarkMatters and DLGamer for a bit more than that.
  23. 1.) Nor do most of the skills in the General category. In fact, the only General skills I can think of offhand that does unlock item modifiers is Enhanced Perception which can unlock the Chance to Find Valuables modifier on some items and Riding - which unlocks stuff on Horses - which, FWIW, are pretty much useless in Sacred 2. The real question is why anyone would want Divine Devotion to unlock anything. For that matter, what COULD it unlock? There are no related skills as there are with the ones mentioned above. As a skill it's generally regarded as being a wasted skill. Not quite as bad as Pacifism - but almost. 2.) If you have evidence (screen shots) that there are issues - please report them on the Mantis site found in the first post on this thread. 3.) None that I've seen on the current roadmap.
  24. Mer kil - That aspect of the game is never truly explained... But given what happens when you DO click on a console, the ground shakes - I would venture that whatever the effect is, it's not a good thing. We can surmise given what little information is known about the Great Machine - those consoles are there likely to monitor the flow of T-Energy that's being collected and fed to the Great Machine itself. Playing with the controls, I'm going to guess, somehow stops the flow of T-Energy and it may cause it to stop and get backed up somehow.. Or some such. And Knuckles - you might want to give it a try. Nothing really bad happens. Any T-Energy console that is NOT located in Thylysium will do. The first one - and easiest to get to is located under the Celestial Dome - where you get the data for the professor in the 2nd of his quests.
  25. Yeah... Well.. That's never going to happen. 1.) The developers are no longer in business... 2.) and those who have taken over for them have NO intention on continuing development of the game. 3.) The tools the original developers used to develop the game - many of them no longer exist. I've never heard of anything over level 200 in Sacred or Sacred 2. That said... Consider the source. A web site called "Games Are Evil"... Seriously? There are some who are willing to go above and beyond the realm of reason to make something seem FAR worse than it actually is - and given their bent, I doubt the people responsible for said "evidence" would be truly informed on the actual workings of the games they preach against. It could be a clever photoshopped pic. You can also add in the fact that the number do not make much in the way of sense. You've got characters that are level 500+ with fewer kills than those who have a level that's half of that. And what are "killpoints" vs "points"? In the game, it's called XP...
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