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Everything posted by Lucalain

  1. I hope you're still around. If Woody isn't there, look for me in a [D.a.r.k]-labeled server in Silver or Gold.
  2. I started reading this yesterday. You can't tell from that picture, but it's a high fantasy action adventure story. I'm reading this at the same time. It's too big to carry around, so I read this one at home and Ascendance at work.
  3. I think you're missing the point of the Kamikaze. There's still lots of fun to be had. You can't lose much from attending one more gaming session.
  4. I would hug you but then you would contaminate me. Don't despair, I'm told it's not quite as deadly as the media would have you think. Get well soon.
  5. I'll be on a Silver free play server in about 20 minutes.
  6. By lucalain I had a 50$ gift certificate at a book store that carries nothing I read.
  7. Stay there, I'm coming. I'll be in a Gold free play server called Open Gold Leveling if I can't find D-Mo.
  8. I think you guys are missing the point of level limits if you're busting after just one kill. The range is there so people of similar levels can play together in a big group. If you're above the limit from the start you're too high in levels for players at the lower end of the range. It also puts you above the agreed limit for 99% of the game.
  9. Surely you've read R. A. Salvatore's work. I find his Sellswords trilogy was his best, but you gain from reading the 18 or so other books that lead up to it. I've read all of Richard Knaak's Blizzard game tie-ins. They're good enough, but after reading just a couple you can see some recurring elements. His descriptions of battles aren't the best, especially when the main characters are spellcasters, and it's the case in both the trilogies he wrote for Blizzard. If you don't mind going into the children's section of your bookstore, there's Brian Jacques' Redwall series I recommend. The recurring elements are even more blatant than those in Knaak's, but the atmosphere is always light. I got my first one of this series when I turned 15. Then there's William King's Gotrek & Felix series. It's 9 books long, and sold in three omnibus. The first book, Trollslayer, is kind of weird in the way that each chapter tells a different, unconnected, but chronological tale about the heroes, but after that it gets more coherent. I liked it.
  10. I'm online right now. I managed to log onto the servers. As of this writing, the lobby has not yet loaded, but there is one public Italian campaign server with no one on, and three available private game servers. I'm trying to create a private game, but I'm stuck at the "creating game" message. Edit: Sacred 2 seems to have crashed while I was typing this.
  11. I'm having a hard time keeping up with the level range. Everyone seems to be ready for the next week's kamikaze an hour into the game, while I'm still in the lower half of the range by the end. I don't have much time to level on my own during the week either. I would support lowering the weekly range increase to 5 levels instead of the usual 10.
  12. I'm kidding you. But here you go, take your pick:
  13. When did I say this thread was about Canada Day? No, what I meant was that I was going to make veal parmigiana, my favorite dish, which I take every time I'm at a restaurant that has it but had never bothered to make at home before.
  14. I think I'll pass on that "full effect" thanks. I agree with you on that point, that's why I put a Z in there. Please tell me you do see what I'm trying to achieve with that text.
  15. Something is going to happen tomorrow. Can you guess what?
  16. That's cool Schot, but the music doesn't work and my intro is missing. I'd use use this one after all: You don't get the full effect without "raping" but three forms of killing is missing the point entirely.
  17. I'm ready to make a new character and stoked for a gaming session tomorrow. I'll be at the kamikaze for sure if I don't oversleep through most of the afternoon. Come on folks!
  18. The car is made with these: By lucalain Fixer nanobots.
  19. I suggest you stay off the streets, for both your safety and our olfactory senses. By lucalain
  20. A couple of weeks ago I bought this: ...My first serial comic book. It turns out the cover had nothing to do with the content. The story was about Ms Marvel who for some reason couldn't use her powers or wear her costume, and Spider-Man who had to web-zip her around a small army's worth of gunfire to some container on a ship. After reading it, I found out American comic books are not actually comic books at all. I counted 36 pages, which is below the minimum of 48 pages for the name of "book" to apply. Under 48 pages, these things are called "brochures". Yes, even if they're bound in a hard cover with a jacket. All this time Marvel and DC have been selling us comic brochures. And at some other time, earlier this week, I was at my local mall with nothing to do, and I decided to have a look at the video game store there. I knew they had nothing I wanted, but I had time to kill and I figured I could commit that murder in a store that had things I'm interested in. So in I went, and after a little while of looking at the shelves aimlessly, I saw this: ...A copy of X-Men Legends. I had played the sequel, X-Men Legends 2, and its spiritual successor, Marvel Ultimate Alliance (where my favorite characters included Ms Marvel up there), and enjoyed both immensely. The $15 price tag was sort of tempting, as well, and I made up my mind to buy it.
  21. I worked for some time on the signature, trying to determine what kind of background would work. I settled for a green "line nova" pattern like the one on general skill icons in the game. Just a couple of minutes ago I was up to the point of choosing and arranging text when GIMP locked up. Now all my work is lost. I don't feel like making graphics anymore tonight, so I'm going back to Sacred 2, which I haven't touched in over a week. If anyone wants to make Chareos a set, go ahead. I might still come back to this request at a later time, though.
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