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Everything posted by Flix

  1. New Item Models in v15 - Part 1 Ever since the first release I made it a project to make sure no unique items shared models with one another, as was rampant in vanilla. The v15 release will take it a step further and make sure that no models for unique/set/legendary items will appear as normal/magic/rare random items. In order to accomplish this I've brought in a number of new models that will be used for many of the vanilla items. These models were imported in by Dmitriy. If you follow Enhanced Edition (or Addendum) then you've already seen most of these, although perhaps in a different context or with different textures. All screenshots are from the upcoming "Visual Guide to Unique Weapons" for v15. Shields Also a D2F Paladin shield, Herald of Zakarum, gets a replacement. Halberds Javelins Poles Random Rares
  2. Yes, you and many others have reported the Djinn, that's why I mentioned it, in order to link it to the latest report. I consider it one big bug, basically. It will be resolved in the next release. I only mention the Passive Water Elemental in the hopes of preempting more posts about it. Of course if there any other missing creatures not reported, I may not know about it, so thanks!
  3. Yeah it's same reason the Djinn doesn't show up. I believe the Passive Water Elemental in Tyr Lysia is also the same, don't know if you skipped that quest. I made new versions of these creatures in EE instead of them all being generic Ice Elemental clones. I need to change the references for them in quest.txt back to the ice elemental in PFP.
  4. Assassin Changes in v15 Cloak of Shadows: Chance to stay cloaked when using magic or ranged attacks starts lower and scales more slowly. Chance to avoid detection by enemies with Enhanced Perception scales better. It's nigh-impossible to balance this CA but this is the best result so far. Claws of Thunder: "Double Attack" mod now adds extra projectiles when used with ranged weapons. Assassin CA tooltips no longer mention the passive "chance opponents cannot evade" because this modifier was non-functioning. Since the arms are equipped via spells the bonuses on them don't work. Helmets no longer include the Assassin's head as part of the model. As with the other characters, body parts are removed from armor. Assassin classquest opponents/allies can now use special moves and buffs. I added these characters back in v12 but the behaviors set in quest.txt were preventing anything but dumb melee attacks. Assassin classquest final phase is now a battle with a T-Energy-powered Assassin boss rather than a message from a hologram. Azoth appears as a hologram giving you instructions throughout much of the quest, whether Light or Shadow. Naturally he was using you to clear the way to the Great Machine for his own ends. He's got a lot of Temple Guardian-related abilities. The plasma saw weapon in the right hand is Dmitriy's design.
  5. ^ This. Adjust the levels to bring the dark and light closer together since they're too far apart now. My other thought was that the UV mapping on the model could be retooled. It looks like your source texture is getting squished down to a very small size and then tiled across the surface. The smaller details get lost.
  6. Barbarian changes in D2F v15 Frenzy: "Double Attack" mod now scales with level. Most double hit modifications are (slowly) scaling now in D2F. Whirlwind: Has improved animations on foot and while mounted on the Hellhound. These come courtesy of Dmitriy and add a much welcome level of polish over the old spinning animation which was taken from the Dryad. Video! Leap Attack: Grunting vocal removed because this SFX is also hardcoded for other player and enemy spells. I wanted to keep the yell since it's practically iconic but the SFX was showing in too many other combat arts. Basically anything that jumps or anything using the Destroyer spellclass was making that yell. Stun: FX changed from green to yellow to indicate physical damage. I generally like to keep spell colors matching the damage and/or the aspect theme. In this case, the yellow stun nova fulfills both. Howl: Has new FX similar to earlier versions of the mod. I much preferred the original nova with sharp defined borders and now I've been able to add it back without conflicting with Frost Nova. Rare 2-handed Hafted Weapons will no longer spawn with bonuses for other classes. I had assigned 1h hafted bonuses in previous releases. Instead they are now guaranteed to have an extra silver socket on Silver difficulty or higher. Metal shader on Dendaren's Tactical Genius and random variants toned down. Too shiny before. Adanis (Barbarian classquest final opponent) is now a boss-level undead named Hadriel and received a complete overhaul. In v15, every class quest ends in a boss battle now. The previous opponent was a generic skeleton who transformed into a generic lich. Now he is a lich that transforms into a corrupted angel. He is very deadly with a "Bloodfire" aura that cause magic/fire damage and leeches life.
  7. It's fine, once I exported the list from the dll I went through and tested them all myself. There were some good results in there.
  8. I'm fine with the fur not appearing on mutated animals. I don't really require any changes on that front. Feel free to follow your own desires there.
  9. Damn. It's like his clothes just ripped a hole in space-time and you're seeing through it.
  10. Yep, with changes to the particle scripts to change the emission rate and make the flame jet much longer. Yep, I wouldn't have even known about this one but I kept going back to your threads countless times for references. There's no SFX but the main spell has its own SFX that suits it just fine. This is actually just the stock standard Flaring Nova (FX_SE_SCHOCKWELLE) with new SFX. Without PhysX it's just a blue ring on the ground, but PhysX adds that nice "crystal donut." There's so much more monsters and item models he contributed to this next release. It's mind boggling the sheer amount of improvements he made to D2F models, not to mention lots of new ones. I'll be posting about them in the Creatures thread.
  11. I did not add any fur to any T-Mutants. The reasoning has to do with how the diffuse textures are processed to make the T-Energy effect work. If you examine one, you'll see the alpha channel is completely black (transparent) except for the T-Energy parts. But the fur shader only applies itself to the white alpha channel areas. Combined, I think you would just get fur sprouting from the T-Energy cracks and nowhere else. Which is kind of the opposite of what you'd want.
  12. That's a code-level change. You'll basically have to work from his full package to build something with those mechanics. Skills and equipment will carry over, as opposed to the original mechanic where a completely separate creature is swapped in. I'm patiently awaiting the day when I can make use of those same binaries in D2F. They just need a few tweaks to be compatible with the mod.
  13. All the mechanisms that apply buff effects to your summons would also affect all allied units. That would be either the spellcontroltype = "eCAtype_b_boost_friendly" or the "et_friendfactor" spell token. The only way to exclusively buff summons would be to use those tokens that only affect the creature summoned by that particular spell. That would be any of these: mgr.addTokenBonus( {"et_minion_AWVW_rel", 176 }) -- 176 = bb_AWVW_rel mgr.addTokenBonus( {"et_minion_armor_all", 191 }) -- 191 = bb_armor_any mgr.addTokenBonus( {"et_minion_attackspeed", 151 }) -- 151 = bb_attackspeed_any mgr.addTokenBonus( {"et_minion_attackspeed_timed", 151 }) -- 151 = bb_attackspeed_any mgr.addTokenBonus( {"et_minion_blame", 270 }) -- 270 = bb_chance_calltarget mgr.addTokenBonus( {"et_minion_fighttime", 190 }) -- 190 = bb_minion_lifetime mgr.addTokenBonus( {"et_minion_infect", 566 }) -- 566 = bb_chance_minion_infect mgr.addTokenBonus( {"et_minion_lifetime", 190 }) -- 190 = bb_minion_lifetime mgr.addTokenBonus( {"et_minion_raise", 192 }) -- 192 = bb_chance_minion mgr.addTokenBonus( {"et_minion_replenish", 421 }) -- 421 = crbonus_life_regen_rel mgr.addTokenBonus( {"et_minion_wdam_phy", 97 }) -- 97 = bb_weapondamage_phy mgr.addTokenBonus( {"et_summon_armor", 191 }) -- 191 = bb_armor_any mgr.addTokenBonus( {"et_summon_longsword", 97 }) -- 97 = bb_weapondamage_phy mgr.addTokenBonus( {"et_summon_towershield", 149 }) -- 149 = bb_addVW
  14. Sorceress changes in D2F v15 Inferno gets new VFX to better match the effective range. Hits per second are also increased, with damage per hit calibrated to compensate. Enchant: Gold mod "Wither" (debuff enemy armor on hit) was broken, therefore it is replaced with "Expansion" (Chance to also hit opponents next to the target). Ice Bolt and Frost Nova have new casting VFX. Just some unused casting VFX that looked more appropriate than the originals. Energy Shield and Teleport VFX now colored blue instead of pink to match the rest of the Lightning Spells CAs. Shiver Armor casting VFX is now cyan instead of pink, to match the rest of the Cold Spells CAs. Glimborin's Hoop is now Sorceress-only and is part of Glimborin's Garments of Mutation. 8 pieces will grant a final set bonus as with the other characters. Sorceress Shadow Path Class quests: "Debt" and "Collecting Desert Weed" now have their own entries in the logbook. These had become logged under the previous quest phase for some reason. "On Kirich's Heels" - I moved the Port Guard to actually be at the port so her dialogue and character make sense. Previously she was way over in the arena area. Sorceress Class Quest (both Light and Shadow) now concludes with a boss battle against a mechanized spider in the artifact cave. Depending on alignment, you might fight this thing alone with no warning, or with a small group who give you heads up that danger is coming. The Arachnus Mechanica design comes courtesy of Dmitriy. It has an Untouchable Force-type buff, and can use Deathly Spears and a lightning nova as well as attacking in melee.
  15. Probably by end of the month. The main task I need to finish is the French translation, which is about half done and then I still have to paste all the strings into the texts file. Very time-consuming. I also have to figure out a particular bugged quest that keeps having issues starting properly in the desert. Other than that it's just general testing and documenting changes. This is the list of spell tokens in spells.txt for v15. I don't expect these will change before release. If the blueprint bonus assigned doesn't correspond with the token name, you can bet it's an altered one for the mod. Not sure I grabbed any unused ones this release.
  16. 1. This digit affects how the spell is applied (on cast, to self, to enemies, to friends, etc.). I don't have a definitive list and haven't had much luck experimenting except to say it should almost never be changed unless you know for a fact you're fixing a bug. 2. Sadly no. Some spellClasses simply don't support some tokens. There's no way to really know until you try it. Generally it will be good to pick a spellclass that has the most similar spell tokens to your custom spell. Some are more versatile and become "go-to" spells. For example "cSpellHeFeuerhaut" is excellent for most any kind of buff you'd want to damage or debuff enemies. 3. All spell tokens are hard-coded (in s2logic.dll I think) as well as existing in the partial list at the bottom of spells.txt and within blueprint.txt's bonuses. Many of these hardcoded ones like those you listed don't have any editable functions/values in the scripts. 4. I don't think those are hard and fast min/max values (e.g, the bonus won't just suddenly stop increasing with level). Rather, it works as a scaling factor.
  17. Glad to see you here. There's a lot to discover. I'm hard at work on the next Diablo 2 Fallen Release (end of month, hopefully).
  18. Paladin Updates in D2F v15 Zeal: bronze mod "Succession" chance for melee double hits now scales with level, and also adds extra projectiles when used with ranged weapons. Blessed Hammer: Bronze mod "Swiftness" changed to "Pummel" (Chance for Double Hits). The small speed increase seems pointless as modification when attack speed is so easily gained from other sources. Base skin and default armor have been tweaked. She's got more color to her lips and the gear, while exposing her midriff again, adds some more armor to her lower body. This is with no gear equipped: Holy Freeze has brand new VFX. It now a nice inverse of Holy Fire. Adjusted some of the intense shine on the Revelation of the Seraphim set and its random variants. This was another case of an overly intense normal map. Now the sun can shine on the metal without blinding you. Niokaste's and Megalcarwen's sets (and their random variants) adjusted to have a more heavily armored symmetrical look. Combined with the metal shader, the sets look bit more serious if not knightly. Endijian's Relics armor set has new FX. Seems like this set's design was always kind of scoffed at due to how odd it looked. It looks a bit spruced up with some model work and a different shader. Still looks "ancient" but also brimming with power yet. New weapon/shield set: Endijian's Heirlooms. Design matches Endijian's Relics armor. It was always a shame you couldn't wield Endijian's Spear along with the shield. The devs just abandoned the shield as junk. Now both are part of a two-piece set, similar to how Niokaste's Armor also has the sword/shield mini-set as a companion piece. The spear is now classified as a 1h axe. Overall the set provides big boosts to Holy Shield.
  19. Amazon Changes in D2F v15 M'avina's Battle Hymn set now drops as intended. The armor pieces had been omitted from drop lists, since... forever I guess. Oops. Along with many other drop.txt fixes this set will now drop. Mormorin's Band is now Amazon-exclusive and is part of Mormorin's Garments of Mutation set. This puts her at 8 pieces like the other characters and the 8th piece unlocks a 4th set bonus. Fixed intense shine on Mormorin's chest armor (and random variants). The scaly metal designs were brought in from Wardust's mod back in the day but his normal maps were too intense which caused an insane shiny glow even in the dark. Delia (Amazon classquest opponent) received a complete visual overhaul and is now a boss-level opponent. Light path is rearranged so that Delia instead of San Holo is the final opponent. In v15 all class quests will end in a boss battle. Since San Holo's entire role in the quest line is to be an unremarkable weakling, the Light and Shadow Paths will now be more similar in regards to Delia being the one who betrays the Amazon and serves as the final boss. She fills the role of the jealous rival much better and will not go down without a fight, using the Amazon abilities Charged Strike and the Dodge buff. I also gave new looks to the nameless male Askari in the quest so they're not just San Holo clones. Plus various other dialogue and journal tweaks to the quest text, as well as fixing a few things like replacing the regular wolf in the Seraphim phase with a mutated wolf, and allowing the Amazon's "hunting pupil" Theodus to actually kill the deer in the Artamark phase. Previously he would just shoot it full of arrows while it grazed peacefully, and then remark how good he's getting at hunting. This is at least an improvement on the vanilla version where he had no bow at all and just punched the deer.
  20. This actually doesn't work at all, period. Weapon mastery just boosts the existing attack value/speed even more. At least that's the last I heard from Dmitriy from his examinations of the mechanics. I would think that Chance for Double Hits would just stack right up to 100%, just like Critical Hits.
  21. No problem. That being the case, I believe all the player THR1 and THR2 animations are swapped in your mod. At least, the new Addendum THR1 animation entries seem tailored to a one-handed grip for axes and daggers, whereas THR2 has a finger-gripping animation suitable for potions and stars. EDIT: Well the bad news is that stars use the same animations as daggers and axes (THR2). Only the potions use THR1.
  22. Most of the post-release reviews have said the same. Remember all the pre-release reviews had micro-transactions disabled, that's why the game is so well-praised by early media. Fan reviews say the game plays great, same old addictive APRG gameplay we all know. That is, until level 35 or so when drops dry up and it starts to become impossibly hard. At this point you're hooked and you think, "I guess I'll drop a few bucks on some extra gear so I can beat this boss." Someone calculated that to completely 100% max out a single character with all the best gear and gems you would have to spend upwards of $100,000.
  23. I was. I discovered the problem today. Daggers and axes are THR2, that's why none of my earlier tests were fruitful. I like those new throwing axe models a lot, so I wasn't going to give up until they worked.
  24. No mods doesn't really matter, D3 didn't allow mods and it was still worth playing through with every character. Got my money's worth and then some IMO. I just don't really go for the end-game grind. I'm not super fond of what I'm hearing about DI being pay to win. Going by a lot of comments, apparently the game is shoving micro-transactions in your face at every turn?
  25. I would say this is the best thing for a player who's never used mods and just wants fixes: https://www.nexusmods.com/sacred2/mods/36 There's still a few odd bugs here and there that I'm working on fixing for the next release. I also can't say for sure if this would retroactively fix bugs like you posted, once they've already occurred.
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