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Everything posted by Flix

  1. Can you tell me if you're installing the official patch on top of Sacred 2 Gold, or not? Because I don't think you should be installing any official patches on top of the Gold edition.
  2. Did you apply the patch 2.65.1 on top of your game? I don't think Sacred 2 Gold needs any official patches. That may be what threw things off.
  3. My machine is chugging along, running it but not great performance (~22 FPS at best, dips down to 18 or so in heavy action), and that's with everything at lowest settings. Then again my machine is 3 years old and barely hitting the minimum specs for the game, so I'm not surprised. It still looks amazing. I just couldn't resist loading it up and trying it out. I'll probably give it a full run later this year once I can upgrade my graphics card. And I bet there will be an Enhanced Edition by then.
  4. The main campaign is the same for every character of a certain alignment. Although the Inquisitor and Seraphim are a bit special, because I'm pretty sure Sophia recognizes the Seraphim for what she is and talks her differently than other Light characters. Likewise the Grand Inquisitor talks to the Inquisitor differently than other Shadow characters. Ultimately though, these are just superficial changes. Character class quests are also different according to alignment (except Dragon Mage which is identical, literally the same quest scripts, probably due to lack of development time). So the personal story of the Light High Elf plays out differently than a Shadow High Elf. This means even if the Light path campaign is old news to you, the Light-path character quests for other characters may have more to offer. I prefer most of the character stories to the main quest anyway (with the exception of the Dryad, who has a jumbled mess of non-related quests).
  5. There's only one, at the very end in the Great Machine (shadow path only). There's also a possible Seraphim fight with the CM Patch, but that is basically fan content, not anything the developers made.
  6. Yeah. The history and mythology of Ancaria is completely different between the two games. It's meant to be the same world though. Think of it as a retcon.
  7. The game only has one elf classification and that's "highelf", so both the Inquisitor and the High Elf get that classifications. Likewise there's no separate classification for Seraphim, probably because they're not an enemy in the game, so the Seraphim are humans in the scripts. You only know this if you look at the scripts though. In terms of lore, yes, I like to think the Inquisitors became the Dark Elves while the High Elves became Wood Elves of Sacred 1. If you want to brush up on the lore of Sacred 2 some official stuff is here: Backstory Anyways, you can't take appearances too seriously. The game even uses some of the same models for both humans and high elves. For example, the human cult mages are identical to the inquisitor NPC's, just with a different robe texture, and a different race classification in the scripts.
  8. Welcome to DarkMatters. Thanks for sharing your video.
  9. The game's scripts classify him as human. The rounded human ears seem to back this up. His model is based on the Shadow Warrior which further accounts for the similarity. However, he acts very much like an elf in the game. If you listen to his commentary when receiving the mission to the human realm, and when he kills human-type enemies, he seems to consider himself not human, or at least above and beyond any of them. Also, all other dragon mages (dragon cultists) in the game are elves. It's really never said in any of the official lore. I put him on the elves page on the wiki for these reasons. It was also before I knew about race classification in itemtype.txt. Questions of race aren't always that clear in Sacred 2. The game scripts classify the people in the desert as humans, but the lore book on the Bengaresh Desert clearly says they're descendants of elves that adapted to the climate (like Dryads, which interestingly are classified as a separate race in the scripts). Also FYI in the scripts Seraphim are classified as humans as well, and the Shadow Warrior is classified as Undead, so take the technical classifications with whatever gravity you see fit. Roleplaying reasons may trump technical reasons if you're not modding or keeping close tabs on your racial damage +% modifiers.
  10. New cinematic trailer. Release date is almost upon us!
  11. I disagree about the range. Ice Bolt should be single-target to start with. You can increase the range through modifications if you like. However, I did decrease the duration by half like you suggested, so the Ice DOT is more effective. Frost Nova has very useful modifications like freezing and reducing enemy ice resistance, and a good temp buff to physical resistance while active. I wouldn't underestimate it. I could just remove the cloud altogether. It's only there to enhance the visual similarity to D2 Blizzard. Then there would just be ice chunks falling from the sky though. I may see if there's a texture I could edit first, but I doubt there is. Well, there are only so many spell and buff visual effects in the game, and I had to make sure I had something appropriate for every buff. It was not easy. I even had to use some effects that weren't meant for buffs (like Prayer and Venom). There are not many icy auras in Sacred 2. The only other one I was able to use is the one for the Paladin's Holy Freeze. Also, a blue bubble? Shiver Armor in D2 was swirling ice crystals. At any rate, my answer to anyone who dislikes the buff visuals, is that you can disable them in the options menu. I wouldn't hold it against anybody who chose to do so. It's true more enemies can use attacks that debuff you, but the chance for debuff is also reduced to 50% (as opposed to 100% in the vanilla game). I'll make a list of enemies and spells that can remove your buffs and give some strategies for dealing with it. Life Leech is actually less powerful than in the vanilla game - of course with Inferno patch it will still be extremely dangerous though. You know, I was thinking about this just a few minutes ago. The question would be where to put it? I can't make new regions or zones.
  12. Flix


    I've seen this complaint once before, and not too long ago. I think it might be connected to the new CM Patch, which made sweeping universal changes to the way quest scripts are written and handled. This may be a after-effect. It may not be connected at all. No solution comes to mind. If you're swtiching a character between mods and vanilla game it may be connected to that as well.
  13. All time scariest movie for me is The Exorcist. It's a predictable answer, but there's something really unsettling and disturbing about what's going on in that movie, that I've never quite felt anywhere else, and I was a huge horror movie fan in my teens and twenties. I loved the Phantasm movies growing up. I was never quite scared of them, but I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the first one (and still do). The sequels were bad and cheesy, but the 4th one used some deleted footage from the first one to make some really surreal scenes and connect the movies together.
  14. I got that beat. The ultimate leveling place: Sacred 2 Unskilled characters - Level 200 Just load the game and BAM you're leveled up all the way. Saves tons of time!
  15. I was speculating a while back with SX255 about why mechanical jackalmen seem to pop up so often. I think maybe Anubis is just one of the more interesting designs of all the Egyptian gods. It makes him very popular for re-imaginings. I also suspect Stargate had something to do with it, with its mechanical anubis guards and the recurring blue-green energy.
  16. I think it only increases the damage from the modifications that increase their damage. The same way it increases the armor that they gain from the modifications (but does not increases their armor otherwise).
  17. Check the first post. I listed all the creatures updates. Super-uniques start with update #9.
  18. You need to install official patches before the CM Patch.
  19. It's probably the buff I gave him that increases his damage. You're not required to fight him though. He's slow and in a cave. Just run past him. Make a list and I'll look over it. Super-uniques are supposed to be challenging though, and basically optional.
  20. Yes. You can see which modifiers are boosted by aspect lore skills in this topic: Aspect Lore Skills - The Hidden Effects. The list of combat arts is of course different but the modifiers that are affected are still the same.
  21. I haven't the slightest clue how to change shadows in the game. They're not just textures you can darken or listed in a text file through which you can set "darker at night = 1". I see some shadow shaders listed in surface.txt but I wouldn't know where to begin with changing shaders. Mainly though, I don't think there's an issue that needs to fixed in the first place, so I haven't looked into it very deeply, and probably won't in the future.
  22. Some weapons have already been added. Current list is : Windhammer, Executioner's Justice, The Gnasher, Death Cleaver, Aldur's Rhythm, Bartuc's Cutthroat, Stormrider I'm also on the cusp of adding Throwing Axes as a weapon type, so you may also get the uniques The Scalper, Glimmershred, or Lacerator. I'd also really like get more random and unique wands in the game. For armor you currently have Aldur's Watchtower, Doom Guard Armor, and M'avina's Battle Hymn sets. Also there are unique helms: Wormskull, Griffon's Eye, Trang-Oul's Guise, Jalal's Mane For future swords and shields, I think it will be a question of models. I'd want them to look like the originals, rather than just putting the name on a Sacred 2 model. The game is pretty well saturated with a good, well-rounded selection of unique swords and shields. The game doesn't really "need" any more. So I start to feel it might be better to replace some rather than just pile more on.
  23. Doesn't it make it sense to have a darker shadow during the day with the sun shining down on you?
  24. Delete the entire "fonts" folder from the "pak" folder of the mod.
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