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Everything posted by SX255

  1. Yeah, they are still going... just will less frequent updates... at their own pace... and budget. It's just in that phase of "actually build the stuff which we can show people". So it will be a while before we hear from them. That's how software development goes.
  2. You made a typo in here name (its Wegner, without a second E) Turns out she was on the list of NPCs in the quest. So now there are 2 pages of her (here and here). Please merge them into one.
  3. Snow is overrated. I'm shore you'll get to travel and see it someday and it will be a nice new experience. But you wouldn't want to experience it for days on end - its cold, gets in places you don't want to, melts in your hands or freezes you.
  4. On the bright side, you have a valid excuse to wear a ski mask in public.
  5. -9°C is cold?!.. In Canada?!.. Man, you people on the 45th latitude. OK, I'm being a big donkey here. You obviously have very high humidity and winds to go with that temperature, which makes the frost bite a lot more serious. Just wait for the temperature to drop to minus 15 to 30, the humidity in the air will freeze up, making it less cold on your skin when the wind will dies down.
  6. I think you just opened too many side quests. Yes, the log book quest change effect is normal, as is having lots of side quests on the map. There is noting you can do about the log book. But you can turn off the quest circles on the map - click the world map settings icon in the top right corner and unselect Quests.
  7. What color are the small circles? Is there about 80 of them? Did you go into a jungle ruin and pull a lever?
  8. I don't know why and where he was flying (didn't play the Main Quest far), but it seams that Act 1 video was him having a dream vision while he was in flight. Then again he might have just ran out of gas and the vision came to him as he was out on the ground.
  9. This is what the dwarf says on the charterer select screen (English version): "Once there were many like me, children of the earth, folk of the mountains. We populated a world below this world. Rich and mighty we were, enough that even kings would seek our assistance. But those times are gone, just like my kindred spirits. I am but the last of my kind, destined to preserve what is Sacred to the dwarven race. It’s not easy in times like these, but I will do my ancestors proud."
  10. For Sacred 2, yes. But there are other game developer trick that include alpha in a separate files.
  11. All your animation answers lie in graphics05.zip. You'll need track down a GR2 file viewer (I use Granny Viewer 3D). On average there are animations for 1 handed weapon, 2 handed weapon, unarmed, duel wielding, bows, guns, staffs and throwables. The Sewraphim also has animations for the BFG. That's means 9 types of idle animations for Seraphim. Some animations get recycled. There is a basic looping animation, and two special idle animations to break the monotonous loop. You need to wait a minute for them to play. And every PC has their own funny animations for most types of weapons. There are also looping idle animations for "in battle mode" and 2 special fight idle animations. Here is a simple example: The L sign animation is in "c_sera_skin_fidleb_bh.GR2" (load the "c_sera_skin.GR2" model into Grany Viewer to actually see it. Drag-and-drop onto window works). The name "bh" says that it's Bare Hands animation, and "fidleb" means "fight idle B". So to see the L sign animation in game, you need to unequip your weapons, get close to the enemies, NOT fight them, and wait for about a 30 seconds. P.S. Check up the rest of the ZIP files. They contain patch updates and expansion data. So you may find an extra animation or two in them.
  12. Could have been worse. You could have ended up with Internet withdrawal for a month. So how's the PC?
  13. yes, place the "mq" folder into the same folder where all the ZIP files are
  14. Sacred 1 cant tell anything about Sacred 2, because they were released in reverse order. But I don't think the Bad Ending in Sacred 2 is canon - there would be obvious holes in the world left from THAT ending. The Seraphim is the poster girl and mascot of the series. That's why she is also in that other game we do not mention. As for game to game classes... In Sacred 1 the dryads are still there, as enemies. And the dwarves haven't came out yet in Sacred 2 (use the log to read the books you find). The elves are still elves. Humans are humans. Short version: lazy mages took the jobs of scientists.
  15. Hope you won’t mind reading a page of text? I couldn’t make in shorter. I don’t think quoting Fallout games is a good example - those games are more along the lines of being knocked back a couple of centuries, order vs. anarchy, and fun with radiation. No, I believe the answer to why the medieval worlds of fantasy can go for several millennia without any major technological advances into steampunk or cyberpunk lies in easy abundance of magic powers granted at birth. Born a mage = go to mage school, levitate stuff, summon or fight daemons, party, die. Born not a mage or royally = farmer. And since magic is easy, adventurers are in abundance, there is no incentive for poor people to change things through hard work. Add the shackles of medieval cast system and you have millennia of same old comfy castles. Then there are the constant warlord wars, inquisitions, maniacs with easy power. But our world has no magic, so you can’t solve problems as easily as waving a wand. You can’t just summon an army of skeletons or demons. No, you need at least 2 decades of preparations to make a normal army from scratch. Best army design wins. You can’t just find a guy who can summon meteorite showers at will. No, you need to build catapults. Best catapult design wins. Got the plague? No miracle holy grails here. You need to research a cure the hard way. See a pattern? Skills, knowledge, hard work, coping with failures in research are more rewarding when there is no easy solution. That’s why people go to become creators, scientists and engineers – it’s our world equivalent of mages. Our life may be hard without magic, but at the same time you are not born magically impaired. So if one man can become a great “mage” through cunning and hard work, what stops you from doing the same? But that’s another topic altogether.
  16. For the ranged beginners I would recommend the Dryad as a good starter. And we can all agree that the Temple Guardian is one of the WORST starters – he’s too pro for noobs.
  17. Go to the game PAK folder. Open graphics02.zip file. Go to the mq/maps/heroes/seraphim - You are now in the seraphim texture folder. Extract the files, don't change them in the zip archive. You will need something to edit DDS files. I use Paint.net for this. Once you are done playing around with the DDS files, go to the PAK folder, and make a folder called "mq". Then make all the other folders (maps heroes seraphim) as you saw them in the ZIP file. Paste your DDS files into the corresponding folders - this way the game uses your files instead of the ones in the graphics02.zip file (provided the names of folders and files are correct). If you set the texture to LOW quality, then you will need to rename the "mq" folder to "lq" folder
  18. Yes and no. the Yes. You can swap out the model of the dryad for the dryad queen. See attached file. Just extract it to PAK folder and that's it. No issues with saved games. You can delete the file once you are done with the mod. the No. The dryad then loses a head in height. So if you don't mind playing a teenager dryad, that's good. Then there is the issue with the gear - some of it clips, and some of it stretches to the floor. And then there is the dryad animations. For some reason she is in the exception category as is TG. So her riding animation looks like this for normal horses and epic mounts. Conclusion If you want to go badass without armor (turn off auto equip) and walk everywhere, use the attached file. But for all your troubles, you may be better of playing the normal version of the dryad. I threw in the inquisition soldier with a cool T energy glow, in case you want to play a normal height female dryad with lower gear clipping. Shes one of the few models who doesn't go hunchback with dryad animations. pak driad.rar pak Telf.rar
  19. They did. Find a boat, go to dark read area on the world map, do quests there until you get to fight Abishai
  20. Notable secondary huge dragon locations: South West in the human territories, in the dwarven mines. South East in the swamp, past the werewolf infested village, go south and then hug the mountain as you go east to north - there is a mountain path that leads north. South East in the desert, in the hidden mountain path behind the waterfall. P.S. If you cant kill them - RUN AWAY!!!
  21. Check the wiki map. The huge bosses are some of the red arrows. Some only appear when you start a corresponding quest. The quest giver is usually somewhere next to the boss area.
  22. How do you transport a literal ton of apples? Do you rent a truck? Or do it in multiple trips?
  23. So all you are missing is a Napoleon hat? The weather around my parts is no fun ether - the new fresh snow started rapidly melting in the last two days. It looks like spring, with the added bonus of being unbelievably slippery during rush hours.
  24. 3 monitors? You are a pro. What Virtual Reality device are you planing to update to next?
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