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Scrappy McSlap

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Everything posted by Scrappy McSlap

  1. I play fairly regularly, although for the longest time I've was playing offline. I also have this habbit of restarting builds excessively (also did this with the Elder Scrolls series, which is knows as CRS "Chronic Restart Syndrome" ). So I'm typically under level 20 when I am online... probably why I very rarely see people join my sever.
  2. Is this quest part of Ice and Blood or part of regular Sacred 2? I like challenges....
  3. For myself, it would probably be one of these three: Pulp Fiction Snatch Monty Python's Holy Grail I've watched all three man, many times and love them. Fantastic writing in all three.
  4. Just had a photo shoot done of my girl, for a "most photogenic baby" contest... figured I'd throw a more recent picture up on here (she's not officially a member, but everybody likes cute babies, right? ):
  5. Thanks gogo! Maybe I should make her an account eh? Haha! I really should update my sig, as the site is offline for a bit until I get domain stuff sorted out. I really liked designing the site though. Lots of fun! Seems like this thread goes for a few months with no action and then all of a sudden a few people post to it. That's one of the things I like about this forum though: There's no such thing as a totally dead topic or deleted threads.
  6. I just spent the last hour or so reading through this thread. Excellent pictures, everybody! Here is one of the few pictures of myself that I have, from 2 years ago... with my one and only baby girl. I think she was maybe 5 days old when the picture was taken. I'm a proud Dad!
  7. The video was hilarious... cracked me up!
  8. Yet another interesting post from you, chattius. I've been making a point of reading your posts lately as they're always informative. It's always cool to read about food from other countries in the world... thanks for the clarification on the wikipedia article! I wouldn't have known any better. I like cheese... although I would imagine the cheese over there is much more unique than what's sold over here (seeming as most of ours is mass produced). I've never had baked chestnuts before... might be tasty. About photos and cameras: So many people worry too much about how many megapixel a camera has, when color reproduction and shutter speed/quality is so much more important. Some people scoff at many new cameras if they're not at least 10 megapixel or higher, yet fail to realize that even a 2.0 megapixel camera can produce images that are equivalent to 1920 x 1080 resolution... point being, quality of craftsmanship is far more important than numbers. Case in point: look at the quality of the old 35 mm cameras... most of them are perfectly acceptable.
  9. WOW! This thread is quite possibly the coolest thing I could have woke up to! I know what I'm having for breakfast! Thanks for the awesomesauce, Dobri!
  10. Seems you have a solid working knowledge of the local wildlife. Myself, I don't think I could point out/name very many of the species here on the spot. I guess that makes me ignorant? Hmmmmm.... I do love wildlife though. So go figure.
  11. The language was on the edge, and quite frankly wasn't necessary for the development of the story. but there are a few s-words, d-words, and maybe the b-word. I let my 4 and 8 year olds watch it. I cringed a few times when I heard a swear word. otherwise I think its ok. compared to other hyped movies is not as bad as I though the PG-13 would be. Watch it by yourself first and then decide if the kids can see it. personally I don't think this is one I will let them watch again. just because of the language, but I am not regretting letting them see it once. I thought the whole prolonged "stereotypical american blow stuff up" scene was a little heavy for the kids. Apparently my 9 year old watched it in the theater with her grandpa though (without me knowing... um, thanks Grandpa?!) and she liked it. Not sure what this says about kids today though....
  12. Just watched it on Blu-Ray (fiance bought it), and it really is a good show. Maybe I don't watch enough movies, so my standards are low, but I quite enjoy it. Not something I could watch over and over again though, mostly due to length.
  13. Yeah, we all know the story is a bit crap haha! Nothing original there, that's for sure. I didn't really go into it expecting a masterpiece in story telling... was expecting an action movie with cool effects and such. That's really all it is.
  14. I'm pretty sure that I said exactly what you just said after I watched the movie: "The movie is awesome from a design and creative aspect." Because it is. There's got to be a huge amount of effort that goes into world crafting and asset creation and all that other stuff to make such a realistic (believable would be a better word?) world.
  15. The one thing I remember about console was that the merchant blacksmiths level scaled with survival bonus and character level. So I always used my level 124 seraphim in niob at the wastelands port to Smith stuff. And his Smith arts were the highest there. In PC only the level of item he can Smith scales. His smitharts are static. So in a way you can get half of the benefits from blacksmith with a high-level character. That and your high level character can Smith high level gems into low level gear. This is cool... How much of a difference does it make to have high level stuff socketed into low level items? Does it make characters completely overpowered? If it does, I may just want to stick with characters taking care of their own smithing (at least that way the end result is accurate to their level).
  16. Is there a reason people don't just use headsets and voice chat? Seems much easier... doesn't work if everybody doesn't have a headset though, I guess. On the 360, whenever somebody messages you (via MSN messenger, specifically), the game is paused automatically if you choose to respond. Then it unpauses when you close the message. For regular console messages (voice messages, texts, pictures whatever), you just receive a small notification (usually at the top or very bottom of the screen) about the message and you can hit a button to read the message (again autopausing the game). Works well enough... haven't had any deaths at all from people message me!
  17. No, it's almost definitely driver related. I can run the game through Parallels in Mac OS using my Bootcamp partition and it doesn't crash at all... go figure.
  18. Those are some interesting pics! I don't believe we ever had tadpoles in those numbers, but we did have a small section of marsh on our property with a fair number of frog some years back. Interesting little creatures, they really make the place come alive at night haha.
  19. Just finished downloading it, actually. I'm going to wait until morning to install it... Hopefully it runs well. Not sure how the two games compare, but I ran Oblivion on my macbook on medium settings without any issues. So maybe this game will work too? Hope so. Edit: Too impatient to wait! I installed it, ran it... was running fine then Windows blue-screened and rebooted on me. Nice. So yeah. So much for that. On a related note, I had forgotten just how spoiled we console users are. It took upwards of 10 minutes to install the demo on my mac, with multiple *yes, I want to do that* inputs from me! Sheesh... on console, we download it, it finishes downloading and then asks us if we want to play it. Press the green button and it loads. Easy as pie! I might even have to do a video just to see how many levels I can gain in the time it takes the demo to install on a PC haha! Anyways, presumably my issue is either driver related or memory related (virtual, presumably. My harddrive is almost completely full for that partition.) I'll take another crack at it in the morning!
  20. Yeah, this site (and everybody on it!) is pretty much the bombdiggitty... I too wound up here looking for answers, and wound up staying for the awesome company. Welcome to the forum, Didlididlidum! Enjoy the wealth of resources here.
  21. I've been spending a lot of time at home lately... keep thinking about breaking down and purchasing the PC version of this game just so I can join in on the community aspect a little more. Think a unibody Macbook could handle Sacred 2? 2 Gigs of ram, 2.0 Ghz dual core, 256 on-board video? ...maybe? Is there a demo somewhere that I can download to give this a shot? Edit: Just did some digging on the Internets. Found the demo and the system requirements ... looks like I just barely squeak by on the reqs. How accurate are these, in everyones experience?
  22. This whole company bankruptcy/acquisition thing is confusing to me. Since the company filed for bankruptcy, I've read that they (Ascaron) sold their IP's (except for Sacred) to Kalypso (who also merged Ascaron's germany division)... the Sacred IP is still held and developed by Ascaron's UK division... and somewhere Deep Silver is supposed to fit into this? Way too confusing. It would be nice if whoever currently is in control of the Sacred series would finish up and provide full feature parity across all platforms... then work on the sequel. Makes existing customers a lot happier with their purchases that way. Either way, I hope Sacred 3 is good. There's plenty of room for improvement with the current system... just don't mess up the gameplay depth and radically change the art style.
  23. Ass witches are awesome! You should totally change the thread title now....
  24. Wow! Sounds like you had a great birthday!

    It's always nice when somebody you love does something special for you. Parents are pretty awesome like that! :)

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