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Everything posted by podgie_bear

  1. OK peeps, I just got Dragon Age 2 and have had to uninstall my Scared 2 to make room for it. Has anyone got any advice for a 'tired out old hack' of a newbie to the game. Any "avoid this as....", or "you must do this" to help me get started?
  2. I had the same problem with the bouncing camera and although it was not an ideal solution, I did find a fix for the problem. What I did was in the ingame options, I set the camera's max/min zoom sliders to exactly the same place. It means that you can't zoom in or out, but it also means that the camera can't bounce! Changing it manually to normal operation or fixed zoom is a bit of a pain, but it does work and is better than losing characters due to this stupid bug!
  3. I vote for Schot's camera guide as well, it completely revolutionizes the game. It allows us to see details that the developers went to a lot of time and trouble to include and that are never seen without customising the camera angles. It also makes the game into an almost FPS and completely changes how it can be played, making us take into account the 3 dimensional landscape which blocks our views and provides cover for enemies to shelter behind and ambush us from, something that is not even considered in the normal views.
  4. I personally would love it if someone could tell me how to customise the camera to first-person. Schot's listing made the game look so much better in my view, but it would have been even better in a first person perspective. Especially since I was playing mainly as a Blowpipe Dryad and it got a bit difficult to aim when you can't see around your own character very well. It would be brilliant if I could set the view to a Morrowind/Oblivion style of play, that would make Sacred play like a completely different game, a First-Person-Shooter!
  5. I am deeply ashamed of the uncaring attitude shown by you lot of miserable doofuses! Have you no compassion, no sense of caring for others apart from your selves, no Good Samaritan instincts? Not one of you even mentioned the need to rescue that helpless Teddy Bear from almost certain death as it lies there in harms way. Unable to drag its poor, wet, weary body to the safety of the side of the road. Helpless to defend itself from uncaring drivers who would think nothing of squishing the poor thing and strewing its stuffing across the road! Unable to protect itself against any vagrant dog who might spot it and rend it limb from limb! May the curse of the Great Gummy Bear infect all your underwear and/or lingerie with itching powder and may you suffer the untold horrors of itchiness until you learn compassion for helpless Teddy Bears! signed, Podgie Bear
  6. Hello guys and gals, I would like to ask your advice here about swapping from Firefox to Chrome. Not for myself, but for my wife's Netbook. She basically only uses it for playing browser games at Pogo.com and for skype-ing her friends at the same time. She has always beem happy with Firefox in the past, but recently had to buy a new Netbook which came with Win7 and that is when the problems started. There seems to be some sort of conflict between Pogo.com, Win7, Firefox and her ZoneAlarm Forcefield security software that affects Java based browser games, but doesn't affect their Flashplayer games, we tried using Internet Explorer (shudder) and she hates it. So my question to those of you who have tried Chrome is; Just how user friendly and easy to use is it? Bearing in mind that it is for someone who will not use a TV remote contol if it has more buttons than 'On/Off', 'Channel +/-' & 'Volume'
  7. That will work, but it will delete ALL your achievements, you can't pick and choose what to delete that way. If you want to delete some and keep some then you need to use the Sacred 2 Character editor (great for test builds, but can ruin the game if over-used!). Try looking at this thread, it works for me when I am testing builds and will do what you want no problem, it works for Ice&Blood as well.
  8. The question is Wolfie, just how far can you go with redesigning the look of armour. Are we likely to see the Shadow Warrior wearing just a "Borat style" Y band monokini? Or (God forbid) the inquisitor in trousers (that's pants to you yanks, lol), or are we basically looking at minor frills only?
  9. Darn, just jewellry? And I was so hoping for bright pink, skin-tight hotpants for my Inquisitor! But seriously, has anyone done any good looking robes for an Inquisitor in other than depressingly grey/black colours? Some in a nice bright blood red would be interesting. Would do it myself if my graphics ability and knowledge were more than their present zilch.
  10. Sorry guys, I would but I don't have a Facebook account and avoid that site like the plague, but good luck in your efforts.
  11. I don't know what I would change, but Sacred 2 just hasn't got the same grab on my heart as the original Sacred. Whether it is that the characters have not got the personality of the first game (I weep for the lack of my grumpy, bad tempered and utterly sarcastic little dwarf, "Cook me a goblin, I'll be back for breakfast!"), or whether the whole game seems to encourage building super-heroic, unstoppable killing machines, rather than quirky, individual builds that can still muddle through (God how I laughed at the 'kangaroo build' of a galdiator using only Stomping Jump, as we sang "Skippy the bush kangaroo). It somehow just doesn't feel like a spiritual successor to Sacred, like it is lacking the heart, the emotional hook that kept me coming back for more and searching for new ways of doing things. It may also have a lot to do with the fact that multiplayer was far, far better in the original too. Don't get me wrong, it is a great game, it just isn't as emotionally satisfying as the first one and given a choice between playing either one, I would pick the first 90% of the time.
  12. Yes, it is a shame that the quirkiness was lost with Sacred 2. It was those quirky, thinking out of the box bits that really made Sacred so great. I remember in multiplayer asking what another player was using and being told some really wierd builds. When I enquired if they work, I was often told no, but it is great fun trying! I remember my "Wee Jock" build with great fondness, a dwarf build concentrating on completely weaponless combat. It sounded unplayable and took 3 times as long to kill anything, but did succeed in punching even dragons to death ........ eventually! Or my friend's "Kangaroo build", a gladiator without weapons that only used the 'Stomping Jump' CA. I got killed so many times through being helpless with laughter watching him play that one while singing "Skippy, Skippy, Skippy the bush kangarooooooo" We seem to have lost that to a great extent, concentrating on trying to find fast and efficient killing machines. I see very few examples of interestingly different (as in strange, wierd and fun to play for their own sake) builds anymore.
  13. File Name: Invisible Mass Killer File Submitter: podgie_bear File Submitted: 11 Mar 2011 File Updated: 13 Mar 2011 File Category: Fallen Angel Shadow Warrior Builds This is probably the easiest character to play you will ever find, in fact you will never even be attacked again if you play it right. Turn on your Shadow Veil invisibility buff and walk calmly amongst your enemies, spamming Skeletal Fortresses to your heart's content, then sort through the mounds of loot at your leisure. It just doesn't get any easier than this! This savegame is for a level 55 character just about to start Gold difficulty. As long as you keep the first three skills maxed, all the others are optional. Your main descision will be about the regen time of Skeleton Fortress. Pump runes to increase damage for large hits, or keep the regen short to spam multiple fortresses? So go enjoy what may just be the deadliest mass killer in the game. Click here to download this file
  14. 419 downloads

    This is probably the easiest character to play you will ever find, in fact you will never even be attacked again if you play it right. Turn on your Shadow Veil invisibility buff and walk calmly amongst your enemies, spamming Skeletal Fortresses to your heart's content, then sort through the mounds of loot at your leisure. It just doesn't get any easier than this! This savegame is for a level 55 character just about to start Gold difficulty. As long as you keep the first three skills maxed, all the others are optional. Your main descision will be about the regen time of Skeleton Fortress. Pump runes to increase damage for large hits, or keep the regen short to spam multiple fortresses? So go enjoy what may just be the deadliest mass killer in the game.
  15. Glad to if I can find it again, should have it backed up onto CD somewhere, but where is the big question. My filing system has progressed from neat and orderly to strewn on every available space, but will start looking.
  16. I just tried it and was successful, thanks Gogo. I admit I have deserted you all recently, sorry for that, but I think it was that I was too into it. Lost the fun of playing it by trying to do everything, see everything and write quest reviews. I had a sort of "Sacred Breakdown" and ran screaming from the computer never wanting to see it again. (I am so anally retentive you wouldn't believe it, I had charts and graphs for EVERYTHING!) Thankfully Bondbug saved my sanity and coaxed my back into RPGs by persuading me to play LOTRO with him and the calm, steadying influence has me ready to come back to Sacred again now. Though this time I think I will just try playing for enjoyment again for a while and not go so deep, at least not yet.
  17. Oh... Gogo...! Seriously.. Sounds like it may be a permissions thing. Must be I suppose, every time I try I get this message; "[#10869] You do not have access to this section of the site. " Although I have been able to download a copy of the "Ice and Blood Single Aspect Caster Inquisitor" to have a look at.
  18. It looks awesome Wolfie, in fact just the sort of thing I need to get me playing again. Unfortunately when I tried to click the download link to try it out, I keep getting an error message that I am not authorised. Damn, is that a restricted area, or just a problem for me?
  19. You are wise to worry about it, I had problems with my old computer which resulted in data corruption. In my case it was power surges which corrupted my harddrive, backup harddrive AND external harddrive (it may have been external, but that doesn't necessarily protect it if it still connected to your computer!) I lost all my characters and save games for all of the games I played. As well as all of my pictures, documents and music files. I now make sure that my backups are to flashdrive (which I remove when not being used!) and emergency 2nd backup of my most important stuff to CD/DVD. I never intend to lose everything ever again.
  20. I have to second what czevak says and advise you to hang on in there. There are an lot of good men out there, unfortunately they usually avoid there places you might think to look for them, because they can't stand the lolwuts who don't understand that their own wants are not the only thing that matters. Your comments are also true for men as well you know emmabee, a lot of women behave just as badly and in as immature a manner as those men. When I first met my wife who is american, I was suspicious at first and pleasantly surprised to find what a nice 'normal' girl she was, as my previous experience with americans was that they all seemed to be loud, brash, overbearing and selfcentred. When I told her this later and asked why we never saw the 'nice americans' she said they avoided the places where the loud, brash, overbearing and selfcentred ones hung out since they couldn't stand them, either. That is just as true for your hunt for 'nice' men today, as it was for americans back then. Just don't expect to find them in places haunted by the "Lads/Ladettes" culture. Because they wouldn't want to be there with those sort of people anyway. However, this is not the best site for this sort of discussion and although I hope that you find what you are looking for, you would probably have better luck and advice from the people you already know and trust. Any advice you get here is coming from an unknown source, I could be a 12 year old girl or a 80 year old man, I might have no idea what I am talking about, you will never know for sure. So speak to people you know and trust for advice.
  21. What a brilliant idea for a build, I got to admit that I haven't played in a while but this build is tempting me into making time to try it out! I particularly like the idea of looking after your own skin first rather than all out berserk killing, it sounds much more realistic, especially from a Hardcore point of view.
  22. I'm so glad that our Moderators have the courtesy to notify us and other that they have edited posts. A certain other forum I have been posting on had my posts suddenly edited retoactively. A friend pointed it out to me and I found that what had been a serious, well reasoned argument had been 'butchered' so much that it made me look like a whining 2 year-old brat (turned out the moderator was friends with the person I was argueing with and they play together in the same faction). Needless to say I don't frequent that forum anymore. Thank God that we can trust our moderators here!
  23. I always thought it was extortion by the local bandits......I mean taxes for the local government!
  24. I know that I am rather old fashioned and behind the times in this modern, superfast era, but what I find works for me is an old fashioned thing called...... PATIENCE
  25. Well when you consider that in just the Jets v Patriots games last night 2 players were carried off to hospital strapped into stretchers, I would say that the protection is justified. In the meantime, GO STEELERS, Polamalu for president!
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