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Everything posted by podgie_bear

  1. Shame, we seem to be losing all the talented ones (generalisation) and see so few with talent that I appreciate as talent coming through to replace them. I suppose it has always seemed that way to someone though.
  2. I did run and actually managed to escape safely. But there are all these tempations out there in the way of free to play games. Oh the choices! Thanks goodness for this community, at least we can ask around here and it is almost guaranteed that someone here will have tried it and be able to give advice (even if it is only run for the hills!).
  3. I have to admit that although I have never even looked at Runes of Magic, I did seriously consider LOTRO and even started to download it, but cancelled it when the download time topped 2 hours and I wanted to do other things online that it was interfering with. I may well try again though as the thought of a gruff, grumpy, axe wielding dwarf really does appeal, especially since I could be 53 and still be only a yougster barely out of childhood!
  4. Aah BondBug I would have loved to keep my old machine, unfortunately my old machine was not so well protected against powersurges as was claimed. I shut down when an electrical storm arrived, but obviously did not unplug it in time as the motherboard was fried and the harddrives (internal and external) were both unrecoverable. I lost everything except what I had backed up onto CDs, which was only a small percentage of my stuff. The worst was all my digital photos which were irreplaceable. Who says external drives are a safe backup? Only when they are disconnected! And I agree that one way Diablo2(LoD) and similar games are in fact superior to modern games like Sacred2 is the way the maps are randomly generated each time you play, so you don't play over the same route everytime you play the game. It was the best 'play extending' feature of those games. So do tell, what online games do you still play? Perhaps ickle Podgie may come pay Grandpa a visit one day? PS. I do still play Sacred, though in single player offline as I forgot my account details (senility strikes us all sometime)they were on the hardrive of my 'fried' machine.
  5. I know, they don't know what they have these days do they? When we had a power cut a couple of years ago, I got out the candles and suggested a game of cards, to which my daughter replied; "God, cards? It's alright for you, they probably didn't have electricity when you grew up!", then complained because her CD player wouldn't work.
  6. Since when did an Elf need a spit? Dinner for 1, 2 or 3 - Ancestral Fireball (with appropriate mods) Dinner for 12 - Blazing Tempest Tough cut of meat? - Incendary Shower (more meteors for tougher cuts...) Should be posted in the Dark Kitchen. Hey Gogo, want to try the recipes out at a barbecue this summer, I'll watch while you cast!
  7. Ah BondBug, I love it! You give me hope for the future and yes I think that some old games are are better than newer ones despite the lack of graphics. I always loved 'Settlers' and 'Settlers2', but I can't play them on my new machine (Win7 64bit) and I still love 'Elite!' and my favourites 'Colonization' and 'Heroes of Might and Magic3' with the WoG upgrade. The game that they have to 'protect' me in, is FreeLancer (Discovery Mod 4.85) and I admit I can't hack the player-v-player anymore, but when I put the Gunboat on auto pilot and man the turrets, I still got a nasty bite! The reactions may be gone, but the experience and anticipation still works better than theirs. Plus they can't roleplay for toffee, their efforts make mine look like genius there! But they're good kids and I love them all really.
  8. Much as I hate to talk about this topic, some of the things that have been said to me recently have made me depressingly curious. I have been playing FreeLancer Discovery Mod recently and after joining a couple of factions in the game we tend to get together on skype to chat. Now much as I appreciate the easy way I have been accepted into their cliques, the fact that they feel that at my age I must be protected by them when we play together, along with being regarded amiably as Grandpa and being told by everyone that they hope they are still able to be playing games when they are my age, doesn't do a great deal for my self esteem! There is nothing worse than being in the middle of a space battle in my fighter ship and have the famous words appear on my screen, "Grandpa's dogfighting, someone give him some support." Then seeing my team mates letting themselves get killed because they are trying to protect me instead of watching out for themselves. I am 52 years old for goodness sake, not 152 years old! Am I really too old to be still playing multiplayer games with all the kiddies? Surely there must be other 'mature' players out there, so how old are you?
  9. Aaarrgghhhhh! Brussels sprouts in spaghetti sauce? Sacrilege! Ummm, is it nice?
  10. I second what Steve says, he has made my mouth water too! Although I do enjoy them with just a touch of english mustard, not too much as it will overpower them, just enough to draw out the full flavour of the sprouts, but don't salt them as it kills the true flavour.
  11. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all here and may God bless you all in the coming year.
  12. Hmmm. Maybe I should quit, but I just want to see how much deuterium my new facility is producing....... Argghhhhh! help, help, I've been infected with ogameitis, what's the cure? : A large dose of Sacred 2, to be taken 3 times a day. Thank you doctor Gogowitz, you saved my life.
  13. I got to admit I am enjoying the building and researching, but not sure if I fancy the idea of constantly being under threat of having to trash people or be trashed by them. Maybe I should pull out before it becomes too addictive and find another game where I can build to my hearts content without the constant arms race. If one exists, that is.
  14. You're worrying me a lttle here Gogo. Is this one of those "Be very afraid" warnings about what the game does to you and your sanity? Should I be running for the hills now, before it's too late?
  15. Hey guys after resisting all temptations to investigate Ogame for years, I have finally given it a try. It seems interesting although slow, but I suppose that will all change once it gets up and running properly. I am in Gemini universe and still doing the tutorials at the moment. Any advice guys and galls?
  16. Personally, I would love to see them get away from Dark characters and Light characters. Why not make every character start off neutral and use a similar system to Fable, so that your actions and descisions in game determine your alignment. Then as you progress in level, certain skills or perks are only open to light/dark/neutral characters. For example; 1) Only characters who have developed their dark aspect can use necromancy/demonic skills. 2) Only characters who have developed their light aspect can use godly/divine skills. 3) Only characters who have managed to remain neutral can use use 1) or 2), but at greatly reduced power. Just a suggestion, but I think it would make a very interesting game.
  17. I'm glad that you enjoy playing it and it does look interesting, but sorry mate, pirates and sailing ships are just not my thing. I tried a couple and all though I really got into the trading, the ship building/increase your forces and the piracy/ battles were an annoying distraction. Which sort of defeated the object of the game.
  18. I'll take a raincheck for now thanks Sirius, got so much on my plate at the moment I just can't find time to search for the right pictures. When I get more time I'll build up a collection of them in preperation. Need some nasty, hard ones.
  19. I went for fast leveling, but that is a slightly misleading answer, as my priorities change at different levels. For example my Inquisitor is based arond Clustering Maelstrom as my mob killer. Now at lower levels I want to level faster so that I can develope it as a good mob killer, but when I get to higher levels my priority changes to faster killing speed as I face tougher opponents. Perhaps I should have voted for the middle ground? Oh well too late now!
  20. Sorry Sirius, I had to go away for a couple of days and didn't have internet conection.
  21. Aah, mine goes "Ring, ring" even if I bury it under a ton of stuff, put my fingers in my ears and go "Lalalalalala". Phones are EVIL and anyone seen using one should be smashed to the ground and dragged off to aversion therapy until they repent!
  22. While I agree that customization is hardly essential to ARPGs like Sacred 2, and I could care less about it when playing SP, there are times when it is needed. Just imagine playing multiplayer, 4 seraphims all identical on the same screen at the same time. How would you know which was which?
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