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Everything posted by chattius

  1. The only bought chips in our house are currently Lorenz Naturals Balsamico. The reason is that a friend of our 14 year old suffers from a very heavy gluten allergy. We can't guarantee for our selfmade ones to be absolutly glutenfree because we do cakes at the same place. Was a long search to find potato chips which are guaranteed free of gluten. http://www.lorenz-snackworld.de/en/Brands-Products/Naturals/Naturals-mit-Balsamico Variants: rosmary, mild chili, mild paprica, salt and peppar, balsamico Lays are not on my list of gluten-free chips?
  2. I think I did like 800quests... so I think nearly know all places. The question was because how to get a big map explored quickly to have better drops. To learn about the sector-border lines, bubbleheads for all the heroes and beasts, camera settings ... http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/10378-optionscustomtxt-tips/
  3. I couldn't answer a question my daughter put: 'Is it enough to visit each cross at the red-lined map to have all explored what is possible?' You may or may not know that there is a line in options which puts on red coordinate lines on the map, see the attachment. The explored map probably uses little squares you have to visit. But are these squares the ones from options file? And do you have to enter the little squares or just see them (extended view range)? And if you have just to see them and the red squares are bigger than the little ones you have to explore, which view range is needed so that the red squares are enough?
  4. I was rinsing our selfmade Sauerkraut 4 times, it depends on the way the Sauerkraut is made. You probably have to try out after each rinsing if it still has to much cabbage taste. And dont chop it too fine. 2mm should be the lower limit. Also I normally do a disc like cake and cut it in 3 discs. Then I add some filling between the discs, choco cream, fruits, ... Lately experimented with a chocolade chantilly made with black currant wine as a filling. Without the filling the cake would last longer, but with the size of our family --- no need that it can stay for some days and stll fresh.
  5. A cake with a mix of chocolade and Sauerkraut. Makes you vomit? Most people eat the cake and like it and have the vomit feeling after learning about the recipe. Like eating a rat and learn after what it was. The recipes are old, was even in the cooking diary of my grandma while shevisited a cooking and householding school. A recipe in english http://easteuropeanfood.about.com/od/crossculturaldesserts/r/Chocolate-Sauerkraut-Cake-Recipe.htm A recipe in german http://haydenei.com/2008/12/23/sauerkraut-schokoladenkuchen/ So why the recipe of this strange mix tastes so good? Sauerkraut and chocolade share some aromatic acids. So the Sauerkrauts boosts the chocolade taste. Molecular kitchen recently recovered the old recipes and explined why it works in german TV.
  6. Character is at level 40: Equipment: Tinwara staff, blue shield with 2 sockets Pyx: arms Torik: shoulder, torso, boots = +3 all Skill Mavv: head and hands = +2 all Skill Never found a set for girdle and legs. Only Jewelry socketed is an amulet with -9% damage over time for all times. I would socket more if I could only find them. So all other sockets are smith art regeneration time. 90% buff malus from companion and 30% from runes of protection. Still 3 combinations. A dragon magic one with just dragon strike at 15s. An elementalist one: with destroyers at 6s and gush of wind at 5s. A mentalist one with maelstrom at 2s, energy blaze at 1.3s and mindtsrike at 0.7s. Destroyer damage is at 768. Just finished the mist and now hunting in the desert. Took toughness at level 35. armour lore: 40/47 concentration: 5/10 dragon magic focus: 9/16 mentalism focus: 31/38 combat discipline: 32/37 elemental focus: 9/16 elemental lore: 1/8 toughness: 1/8
  7. Starting a triple aspect: If playing the CM-patch: start as a berzerker as mentioned by Flix. If not: develope your mentalism tree before starting any other aspect. Use a weapon with RpH to recharge your combat arts. My later character did modifying maelstron before any other combat art. The enemies will have reduced stats = less hitpoints, easier to hit and they are less likely to hit you. Mentalism first concentration Then 9 points in dragon magic focus to modify the companion. And elementalism when playing gold. With this approach you have a strong tree at start and playing at level 65+ is like a new character when you can use the elementalism spells at a way lower cooldown than in the early game.
  8. Alchemy at 25: I would take it this early only if the character is strong enough to collect trollteeth in the orc cave. In my experience it was like a trolltooth each second run. The other advantages of alchemy are longer lasting mentors and better healing potions. But the better working healing potions start to rule when getting in a new difficulty. If you are used to healing potions doing a full heal and notice that they are only 70% healing in the new difficulty it is often after a death. But it is very rare to reach gold before level 35, even many don't do it before level 50. So I think if taking alchemy then at 35 is best.
  9. Sheep cheese with pine seeds, rucola field salade, dusted dried tomatos, pepper, thistle oil and preferred bear garlic (normal if not the season), and spaghetti, yummy. My last Nudel/noodle/pasta recipe was like: take 50(FIFTY) pounds spaghetti,... and heat the Gulaschkanone. Gulaschkanone, goulash canon, is century old german army slang for a field kitchen. At prussian army the field canon and the field kitchen shared same chassis and the long chimney looked like a gun barrel from the distance. Was for our local village soccer club , last games this year before winter. Sadly the recipe for the goulash sauce with spaghetti only tastes real good if cooked in such large amounts.
  10. I put some thoughts into a polearm dragon mage here. It was my first real character in the AddOn so some of the newer discoveries are not in. The Sohei http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/13149-the-sohei/ To discuss your start: You want probablly bargaining at level, enhanced perception at mastery. So you need some skills which are a sort of 'one-point-wonders'. I count alchemy into this category. The main reason would be having better working heal potions and longer lasting mentors. With a bargainer you should have enough +allSkills to make this useful. Trollteeth trophies at bosses? Concentration Another single point to add the companion, even unmodified. Its intelligence and willpower are nice. Other Skills Spell resistance This is one which would have to be mastered for its full effect. Mentalism Focus Higher levels in mentalism CA's. Should be mastered later in game too. Constitution or Toughness For a polearm with alchemy probably constitution. So to bring the 5 skills in some order: Armor Lore Pole Arms Bargaining Mentalism Lore Enhanced Perception 18 Concentration - early so in this phase you have some use of the hitpoints it adds 25 Mentalism Focus 35 Alchemy - avoids nasty surprises when reaching gold before level 50. 50 Constitution 65 Spell Resistance
  11. Well, to be honest: The Addon with the dragon mage came when I had already a smith character and a bargaining chain. So I never really started the DM from nothing. So this a a new experience for me. Also the last years I was more trying what is possible with carefully chosen equipment. So I thought writing a sort of diary about this character may help new players who want to start with a dragon mage best. Talking about synergies: Destroyers and companion Destroyers list 259 damage. With the companion buff (80% reg time malus) it are 414 damage. Some quick calculations in linear progression showed that I could reach equivalent damage without the buff by reading more destroyer runes. But the buff adds intelligence to all 3 trees. Also it adds a nice willpower to help in spell protection. So I think my high comopanion ca-levels are no mistake. Desytroyers and maelstrom Fighting a level 36 wolf in silver with destroyers: 414 damage listed in tooltipp: average damage actually done 373 One maelstrom (with minus physical resistance modded) first: average 386 Three maelstrom first: average at 401 So for a gush of wind attack in the hopefully later life of the character: maelstrom to reduce physical resist and move speed of a distance target and send a bundled gush of wind towards it. Character advance Character is at level 33 and the last 4 levels were just boss runs. Mainly because I had just 5 minutes intervals to play while making quinces jam and quinces bread. I found rings with hit chance, weapons with x% life leech, ... but nothing for a caster DM. The only items I actually use from the boss runs: set arms from Pyx (because of the sockets) and a 2 socket blue shield. I am more and more the opinion to choose enhanced perception but I will delay the decision till the final skill.
  12. I finally bought a new computer and installed Sacred2 and CM-patch. With an empty chest I decided to do an ultraman character: Hardcore Never visit a shop Just normal smith I tried to follow Aristoteles -The whole is more than the sum of its parts. So I tried a very synergetic beginning, sacrifying some damage to protection. Its like using maelstrom from mentalism tree to boost the damage of the elemental tree with its mainly physical attacks. Also Maelstrom reduces stats. So enemies have less hitpoints (good for offense) and weaker stats (good for defense, they hit less). Since Maelstrom is used in an attack combination there is no need to modify runes of protection for ranged protection, ... Mindstrike is used for boss fights, but since mentalism lore is not taken, it is used to longer the regeneration times of boss Combat Arts. It does still some damage, because bosses normally have high physical resistances. The companion gives intelligence to boost the damage of all 3 trees. Expert touch is not taken. So all 3 trees regenerate on their own. Useful in the beginning: 2s for a maelstron, energy blaze, mind strike 8s for a destroyer, gush of wind 12s for a dragonstrike Using a combination whenever it is recharged. All stats stamina Skills at 29: armour lore 29 concentration 5 dragon magic focus 9 (companion for burning, fire mitigation, 20% reg time) Mentalism focus 29 (maelstrom (reduce armour, duration, reduce stats) and runes of protection (stun, physical armour)) combat discipline 1 elemental focus 9 (destroyers for more damage, more destroyers, more destroyers) elemental lore 1 Till level 29: I found only 4 (four!!) rings and amulets which were useful. 4 set items found: Mavv head and gloves and stupidly Pyx head and gloves Uniques: a hammer with half regeneration time and casting speed Sockets are filled half with regeneration time and half with damage from smith, no jewelry because I found none. I really start to consider to take enhanced perception instead of constitution, just- if it wouldn't be a hardcore character. Till now: a lot of fun and something totally different to the max CA range characters I tried lately and needed a lot of carefully chosen equipment.
  13. I am not rich enough to hire Blind Guardian as a life band while playing Sacred2. But our 10 year old took her guitar and played Blind Guardians 'The Bards Song' while I installed and played Sacred2 a bit on the new computer. It is one of the slower pieces. 2 years my wife and our oldest watched them playing it life at the Wacken concert. Live at Wacken 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja6CkoBYDxo Older studio version (when Hansi still had long hair) It is one of the Blind Guardians ones you can sing at a campfire with just a guitar.
  14. Well at the navy there is more water I guess. Its the water which you can't compress. So the water containers define the size, also you would need a forktruck to load and unload. A big container can be loaded with just the truck driver. Once arriving at a fire szene time is an important factor. A bigger container allows quicker access. I know the pallets from my time at army running an airbase firefighter platoon. We had ready pallets for helicopter transport to a plane crash outside the airfield. But then I had a platoon. Now the whole village has let me count ... 119 people and the fire department has people from 10 to 81 At the hospital burning the fighters at place needed more breathing gear. So currently other departments had to unload them from their own firetrucks. So it would be good to have a reserve for a bigger fire or truck accident with a chemical load.
  15. At the nearby town of Weilburg (25km) a hospital was burning. 1 dead, several gas poisonings,... My Pager alerted while I was at work in morning. We made the chemical and gas gear ready, but we weren't needed. Around 250 firefighters were called. Sad reason, but that would be another reason for the container solution. Just have a gas and chemical container and when needed it is loaded on the truck.
  16. These old movies have an atmosphere which is supported if you watch them at a concert hall, theatre or cinema if you are not used to them. If you watch them on DVD at home, most people don't take the time or are not used to 'live' and feel the movie. It is different in a concert hall with hundred other people. You can't leave or press stop, go for a beer and return watching. It takes a while to get a feeling for these movies: Nosferatu, Metropolis, Orlacs hands,... Must be they were made in a time before TV and hundreds of new movies each year. My wife said they are closer to a Wagner opera than to a modern movie. Or are the new movies just consume and the old ones original, creative and art? Orlacs hands was recently remastered with lost scenes, new music,... And shown in theatres this summer.
  17. Sadly many movies are ruined by translation, no lip synchron speaking,... So the best horror movie in my (german) eyes is still: Orlacs Haende http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hands_of_Orlac_(1924_film) The black and white 1924 original is still better than the dozen remakes.
  18. Gute Besserung - good recovering Don't know this award.Hope it was better than the german TV award this year for lifetime for a german songwriter. He did one of the best campfire songs ever and when he was singing it at the award ceremony, instead of an applause a curtain opened and a punk band played a way quicker cover. The band is very popular in germany, but if you honor a persom you don't steal the applause? Very bad taste in my opinion and only to get some young people watching the award? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OF0eejfHIRs The original was from Gary Bolstad who studied at Waders place. Wader did a german text and later an english one for Bolstad. The english one: German and english together by Hannes Wader and the english songwriter Allan Taylor on the concert tour they did together, It is one of the earliest songs my kids learned on guitar. And they ruined the award for a lifetime
  19. High Elf A funny and robust start into the High Elf is to play her as melee early. Level 5 stormite lore 5 armour lore 1 arcane focus 2 Modify the crystal skin to silver modifier and use it as your buff. Fight with every spell you have. Level 10 stormite lore 5 armour lore 3 arcane focus 10 combat discipline 1 Magic coup fully modified and put into a single combination. Modify it for sure hit (more independant from finding hit chance equipment), mana steal (together with combat discipline the regeneration clock starts near half), and explosion for group control. Use whatever massive damage weapon you find. Level 15 stormite lore 5 armour lore 12 arcane focus 15 combat discipline 1 concentration 1 Starting to modify the regeneration buff. Magic coup should be spammable by now. With this start the elf can be played later as arcane/ice, ice, or arcane.
  20. gold and higher: melee: (x-x damage/+x allSkills) casters and non blowpipe snipers: x% chance for half regeneration time 20% less regen from combat discipline mastery turns a 10s CA into a 8s one. 20% less regen from combat discipline mastery together with 100% chance to halve turns the 10s into a 3s one. So a 2s shooting ca is at 0.6s = spammable without regneration per hit! Reg per hit will only trigger at the hit, so there is this flight time (and possible lag if no local server) which you would have to wait. For a caster: the base damage comes with ca-level. So with 100% halving you can read in the runes freeing space in sockets.
  21. The best diet is often: Buy 7 of 8 weeks only at farmer markets and a butcher/fisher. At least the markets here don't sell salt, sugar, ... You can buy small pieces for a single person because the food isn't in tins. Invite a neighbour or friends if your recipe is for 2 or more. Some recipes only taste good if they are done in a big enough amount. But don't do them if you are allone. People often eat less in presence of people who not belong to family. Use up the leftovers for other recipes This way it is more probable that your body gets all the minerals and proteins because you are not picking just the food you like. Also it is better for environment and it is a good feeling not to waste food if somewhere else people are starving. Try out as many new recipes and vegs as possible: you eat slower if you try to understand what the recipe for your meal is and how the components work together.
  22. 11.11. at 11:11 the carneval season starts in germany. So trained yesterday evening some folk and fun songs with the fire fighter band. Will cover this one for example: And yes there is a tuba
  23. A patient of my wife had heavy overweight. The reason was that he moved from a physical active outdoor job to a desktop job while keeping his old appetit it seems. Diets were of no great use, if you hate them they won't work. So his wife asked my wife what to do. The next weekend she did a real good meal, but she said that would be the last one ever if he wouldn't answer what herbs, work and ideas she put in. So he had to chew slow and carefully to get all the fine tastes. First it was just weekends at home, then his wife said that with all the money wasted on diets he could also eat something real good at a real restaurant instead the work cantine and he should write down what he thinks how the recipes for the meals there would be so she could reproduce them at home. Took a year, he is almost his old weight again, they bought a restaurant book with coupons for 2 for the price of one for about 60 restaurants in the area, one coupon per restaurant, price for the bookl is 30 euro. Every Friday they visit another restaurant to get different tastes. So another reason for the bad fast food may be: it is always the same, no reason for slow chewing to get all the tastes.
  24. As far as I know: If you are stopped by police while driving a car and wear the glasses in power on mode it won't be good. In germany holding a phone is already not allowed at driving and I think this won't be either. I like the headup display at my car and having car info shown should be allowed IMUO (in my unholy opinion).
  25. It is listed as 'caution' in my firefighter papers? Even the dosis needed to show harmful effect to mice and rats is never reached in normal eating, people are no rats and it are bacteria who do the digesting. So 'caution' is normally when not enough research is done. And firefighter papers are for unusual using too: like a barrel of it damaged at an accident and breathing the powder. It is listened as: try to collect as much as possible at an accident scene. It won't rot and water plants can't filter it out. So countryside people which use small lakes for water clearing may have the problem that the concentration of the stuff will never drop but climb and climb if everyone is using it. That is the dilemma of the modern food industry: long time researches need decades and a patent might have timed out when the researches are over. I see these cautions more and more recently. So the reading is: using the dosis which the company allows might be harmless. But the company didn't research other effects and listed it as potential risc to avoid law suits by suffering firefighters and water plant embloyees ?
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