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Everything posted by chattius

  1. F.P.1 antwortet nicht is correct. English titles were just F.P.1 or Flight platform 1. Before transatlantic flights became routine there was the idea to build a big swimming platform in mid of atlantic for refueling. A cheaper solution was in use for some years: freighters with cranes as swimming islands and flying boats. Note that this movie is pre-nazi. The writer and his brother later fled to america and became famous for there werewolf movies.
  2. I got this idea while being a Strohwitwer (a man whose wife is away for a time) and reading the related words game. Our second is in hospital for at least 5 weeks and 500 kilometres away. My wife will stay there for the first 2 weeks so it is my job to keep the rest of the family alive meanwhile. What I am doing: I press boiled potatoes which are left over through a a sort of sieve. I mix them with fine cut raw potatoes and a bit of citron juice, fill them in 750gramm vacuum boxes and cool (not freeze) them in our clay cellar (around 7 celcius even in summer). They are eatable for maximal 3 weeks this way. We call this potatoe mix 'Klossteig halb und halb' which translates as Dumpling dough half(boiled) and half(raw). The lemon juice is needed so the mix stays white and not becomes gray. You can buy the mix here in shops too. So whenever we have no time we use this mix: Potatoe pancakes: Open a Klossteig bag. Add an egg, 4 spoons creme fraiche, cut a carot in fine stripes, fine cut an onion, mix all and ready for the pan. Potatoe croquettes: Open a Klossteig bag, add some fine cut herbs, form croquettes, boil till the croquettes start to swim, open an egg, roll the croquettes in egg, roll now in breadcrumb, deep fry, ready Potatoe dumplings (Wetzsteinklösse): Wetzstein is a whetstone and so normally it is without lemon juice and gray. Open a Klossteig bag, add some fine cut herbs, add egg, form big finger shaped dumplings, boil till dumpling start to swim, serve with roasted onions and bacon Klossteig Pizza Open a Klossteig bag, use it as dough for a pizza: add roasted Speck (fat bacon), champignons, herbs, onion, garlic, creme freche and cheese ---ready for the oven, ... Small microwave potatoe dumplings: Open a Klossteig bag, form small balls, cut a leek in small rings, add some seasonal fine cut herbs, a pepper mix, a cup creme fraiche, 100gramm bacon and 100 gramm cheese (we are used to Handkäse, but more common is same as you use for pizza). Microwave 15 minutes, 600 Watt. So I know what to do with leftover boiled potatoes. So the start would be: We have a pound of spaghtetti left from the day before....
  3. Looks tasty. Good restaurants--- it is a paradox. I can't visit most of them with a swarm of all devouring grasshoppers (5 kids) and when I am on long sales travels I am homesick after a week and look for food I am used too rather than trying out something unknown. The restaurant I visit more often has a funny menu. The restaurant is located at a walking/bicycling road and so many people who do a bicycle tour visit it on weekends. But it also used for sales meetings. So the menu has 3 columms: Kinder(children), Wanderer(walking or bicycling guests) and Geschäftsessen(business meeting). So the amount you get is way less at a business meeting in evening than for a Wanderer or kids who arrive with a lot of hunger. The cook hates it when there are remains left. I considered it as a good idea, because I hate big portions at a business meeting when I have no hunger and I really like the big amounts after walking 30 kilometres.
  4. Obviously im a not a girl and I can't answer from this point of view. My oldest daughter is 15 and changed from a local school to a german dual school: highschool degree and fully trained medical computer sciences assistant if finished. She started school at the earliest possible age because in our small village there would have bee no kids her age the following year. When she was 10 we moved into another state with a different school programm and she had all the stuff already done in her old school, so we requested a jump in class and she was visiting a full day school (my wife just started as assistant med in a hospital and I had a job 100 kilometres away). So currently the age of her classmates is 16-18 and she the youngest by over one and a half year. The second problem is that she is tall: 194cm and growing ,will stop around 198cm docs say. She was used to country life. So if a boy had bad manners everyone in village knew and so the boys normally learned to behave. It was a shock for her how different it was at the new school in a 100000 people town. She often returned home, slamming the doors and refusing to talk. She used to say that some boys behave as if they would do a girl's collection and she would be the missing piece. If she was asked for a date and said yes the boys asking for the date refused to dance with her because she is so tall. And this while sitting at a place in the dancing hall that all the other boys in the boy gang could see them and laugh. So she had a philosophy that the boys who are below her size and asking for a date only see her as a possible trophy and the boys taller as even bigger trophy hunters, because they are normally the local handball/basketball champs. And it is hard to answer when she asks if all boys are such idiots. And it is hard to say no. My sister (as big as my daughter) reported the very same problems when we were teenagers. Later she found her husband when she studied in another state and walking with her dog. For 3 months she met a boy doing the same with his dog each evening after university and so they had something to talk about: dogs. Only after 3 month he was brave enough to ask for a date. She said even he is 'only' 186cm, he is a funny talker and counters all stupid questions about why he has such a big wife with humour. And in 4, 8 and 12 year when my other daughters are 15 the same questions will arise again. And I couldn't even answer the simple question to name a single movie where an actress in a main role is above 195cm and has an happy end. Attack_of_the_50_Ft._Woman and Monsters_Versus_Aliens taken away. ----- Back to your questions: It is a shame but I wasn't any better when I was 18-26. I did 8 years at army and changed garnison 7 times in these 8 years. So if I looked for a girl I looked at a pub or similiar for a girl which just wanted to have fun too and I probably exspected all girls there to be there just for fun too. When I finally left army and studied maths I was 8 years older than the other students. I was driving an ancient BMW GS bike which I bought while at army. One day I saw a 1950ties racing bike at the parking place. So I left a paper at the bike that I would be interested to talk about the bike and that I would drive the BMW next to it and would wait in the university cafeteria... I was very surprised to see a girl 2 hours later, who was puzzled that I didn't know her and it was not a trick to talk to her, ... It turned out that she was the daughter of an actor and already doing a smaller role in a soap opera, which I never watched because of army. She said she made a lot of bad experiences but she would be optimistic and give everyone a first chance. Buying or renting a BMW oldtimer bike to impress her -as she was thinking- would have at least been a new approach and she was curious. We were talking for 4 hours and then her brother called and she left. We had quickly noticed that she was too much town and party and I am more rustical and country. We had a lot of fun talking without other thoughts after we knew that we wouldn't fit. She is now the godparent of our twin daughter, and the mechanic of the racing bike the grandgrandfather. So sharing a hobby seems to be a good start, be it dogs, bikes, sports...
  5. My work is a lot different in the different seasons: winter and early spring is a lot of bodily work, late spring and summer is a lot of sitting and calculating, autum is mainly sales traveling, ... So I have strangely no weight problems around x-mas and new year, all the sweets and cakes are catched by 12 hours working in a forest, my problem is summer and working at the computer. I am used to carry dozens of Radish with me. From wiki: Radishes are rich in ascorbic acid, folic acid, and potassium. They are a good source of vitamin B6, riboflavin, magnesium, copper, and calcium. One cup of sliced red radish bulbs provides approximately 20 calories, largely from carbohydrates. Some variants give a fresh breath, are spicy, .... So cola or sweets doesn't taste good after eating one... Several square metres in garden are used for radish. We don't buy potatoe chips, we make our own Apfelchips (apple chips), cutting apples in thin slices and drying them in an oven, using pepper or chilli so you don't eat that much of them. English page how to do them: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Apple-Chips There are several different sorts of apples, but best are ones you can store for months and are used for cookies: like Boskoop apple Even they have a small amount of sugar in (from fruit, not added), they have no oil and more plant fibres than potatoe chips. But we are lucky and live countryside so we have more than enough apples to do it. Would be a bit expensive seeing how much townfolk has to pay for an apple like Granny Smith, Pink Lady: 50cent, outch. Also self made apple chips are gluten free, milk free, nut free, egg free, ... At potatoe chips you never know if a machine used to do potatoe chips isn't used to produce other snacks too, which is bad if your daughters appear with classmates having an allergy.
  6. I took this movie for the song (the movie is good, was called science fiction when it came out, now transatlantic flights are common). A good friend from my glider flight club died to cancer last year and he would have had birthday tomorrow. He could imitate the actor of this movie and how he performed the song and often performed it at flight club meetings. The movie has a lot of old airplanes: first picture shows a Dornier_Do_X, the third a variant of the Junkers_W_33, the plane which did the very first atlantic crossing in east to west direction. Then there are is a Junkers_G_38, biggest land plane at this time, .. Scooter robbed the melody Extrabreit made a punk version And this is the original
  7. Tarkowski's "Stalker" perhaps. 20 years ago that I saw this one. But the first picture with the wolf, hmmm, dark memories...
  8. Using a Realtime OS at work and not having Windows7 and the naming looks different. But the manual says: The cooling policy kicks in in case the CPU gets too hot. Then "Fan controlled (= active?)" means that first fan speed is increased and if this is not enough the CPU is clocked down to prevent more heat that may destroy the CPU. "Clock controlled (= passive?) settings slows down CPU right away because their might be no fan, a constant speed fan, a dead fan(dust), water cooling ... So the heating up of the CPU is stopped right away, without waiting for a result by fan speed controlling. Waiting for something that isn't there might destroy the CPU. Is their no help menu for Windows7 in which case you use a passive setting? I have a fan-less machine at work so setting is passive automatically, the motherboard reports to the OS there is no fan.
  9. Had some talking with my boss at the first open door day at firefighters. He does fishing as a hobby. The recipe for pike in the dryad cooking book could be found in a magazine for fishing. Just the cinnamon was replaced by another spice. So it is a eatible recipe too. Pike has low fat meat, so it is mainly boiled here in some sort of marinate. I like my grandfathers recipe to boil it in a mix of white whine and Sauerkraut. If the slime surrounding the fish was not damaged at catching, I try to make it blue, using vinegar, but else the same recipe, except the pike has now a bluw skin. The area I live has no water big enough for pikes, so if I am lucky I get one 10-pounder a year from a friend who does fishing. For grilling a pike fat has to be added, mainly Speck: either the Speck is cut in stripes and placed in holes cut in the pike skin, makes it look like a hedgehog fish or stripes of bacon are wrapped around a filled pike before grilling or it gets a mantle of spiced dough (often beer instead water used) or it is either filled with Speck and some herbs or...
  10. Perhaps someone who has the luck of finding a direct damage weapon and a weapon of same type and damage without direct damage could do a test. By using a weapon of same type damage from stats should be same. Remove all equipment except the weapon. Now put on equipment piece by piece which has only whet-sockets, but adds no stats, other damage, skills, --- Plot the curve with damage in tooltipp on y-axis and x% damage on x-axis, it should be a line. Now do same with the direct damage weapon. Compare the ratio of climb of the 2 lines. The difference should be just the factor brought in by direct damage.
  11. If you want your teenage daughters to waste less money with cellular phones. tell them that there is a study that looking at the tiny screen of cellular phones causes wrinkels. http://topnews.us/content/233942-smartphones-causing-wrinkles
  12. The Spanferkel is no more: it was very tasty. We served it with dices of sour dough (baked fresh at the local baking house today) and a dip of bear garlic, horse radish and mustard. I sold the last piece half an hour ago. Without salt and pepper it was a wise idea to do the filling a day before so the aromic oils could find their way into the meat and do serve it with bread and a spicy dip. We used Altbier to spray it on the pig while grilling. Just filled a plant sprayer with beer to do the trick. Did a crispy and tasty surface. In spring we will try the pike. Okay have to leave, the semi-finals for kids firefighting tournament start soon.
  13. Marc Oberhäuser was senior game designer at Studio2: http://www.gamona.de/games/sacred-2-fallen-angel,special-pc:article,571073.html So probably the grave is in memoriam of a very close relative, brother? I think it was also in some other games, Sacred1, ...
  14. From Sacred2: Book_1_-_Orcish_Cooking : Main course: Bristly Grunting Thing Original: Kill bristly grunting thing. Remove teeth. Cook it. Adjusted: * 1 wild boar * 50 onion * 10 garlic * 20 liters of beer Remove the boar hide and let the boar bleed dry. Open it and remove all guts and organs. Fill with onions and garlic. Place on a spit and over a fire. Spin around for 9-10 hours. Baste with beer frequently during the roasting process. The wild boar is ready when the eyeballs begin to drop out. Okay this food actually sounds eatable. So a bunch of fearless bunch of german firefighters who played Sacred for years at Sacred weekends will give it a try. We have an open door weekend starting tomorrow so people can watch out new Firefighter truck, learn how to prevent and fight kitchen fires, watch kids of our firefighting club do firefighting tournaments versus kids from other clubs,.... One of our Spanferkel (suckling pigs) will be prepared in the dark kitchen way, using a original Sacred2 recipe. Well we replace the boar by a suckling pig and reduce the onions at bit and half of the beer will be drunk, We bought 3 dead suckling pigs and I just finished removing all the bones and a whining firefighter friend is ready to do the onion and garlic filling. Seems he never helped his wife in kitchen, cutting 25 onions and 10 garlic gives a lot of tears if not cutting them in water. To get an idea how much bones are cut away: 2 of 3 pigs are prepared as in the video. The third differs in the filling. The Sacred recipe is used and it is grilled on a pole instead in a cage and we use no salt, pepper or other spices. But I removed the eyes already, would be a bit to cruel to watch kids falling eyes out from a pig. The esitimated time to be medium is around 4 hours, it is not a full grown out boar. So brave players, try out the other recipes, some sound really tasty.
  15. I do calculations all the time, because: power is more expensive on countryside internet is still no broadband- so it may be switched on 24 hours a day if someone sent high definition birthday videos as email a tree may hit the power line so big lead accumalators have to buffer till the diesel emergency power supply starts, and it has to supply all electric stuff in whole house the kids room under the roof will be extremely hot if such a computer is running in summer ... If I imagine that we parents, the au pair girl and the kids each would have such a beast and use the computer just 3 hours a day: 1000W *8 people in family, everyone 3 hours at computer a day, so total 24 hours a day 365 days a year, 20cent per kWh so 365*24*.2 = 1752 euro a year for the power it eats Or if you use a computer each day for 3 hours that are around 220Euro per year, 440Euro for 6 hours a day and 660 Euro for 9 hours, ... I fear I have to buy a way bigger diesel engine for my emergency power supply when all the kids want a computer. Okay, you take the 1000W power supply to have reserves, but still, ... So what is the record for a minimal computer able to play sacred2? Must be smaller than the 36W on our barebone. What would you choose if you would be forced to stay below 100W worst case?
  16. Wolfen was 1981 and it is mainly around a church and a place full of rubble, not seen for a dozen years I think. So not really sure at the moment what this movie is.
  17. Okay at least it seems to be same everywhere: at sudden and lasting heavy back pain visit a doc (or let him visit) right away. You will probably get an injection to fight pain and relax muscles. Injections work way quicker than pills and the faster the muscles relax the better. A (single) doc who visits you is not allowed to use Demoral and will use something new and similiar. Many docs like old drugs because they are used to them and know the riscs and are not sure which secondary effects brand new drugs may have. Even healthy food can be a risc sometimes: Countryside doctors know their people and what they prefer to eat. Some fruits/herbs can amplify or reduce drugs. Grapefruits nullify some anti-baby pills, grapefruits multify the effect of drugs versus high blood pressure and the pressure may fall way too low, garlic is dangerous if you take Aspirin to make the blood 'thinner', ... So whenever getting a pill, ask the doc which food you shouldn't eat while taking them.
  18. "After about an hour, the front was beautiful, stairs scraped and dusted, drifts properly laid back." Sorry never had english at school, what does stairs dusted mean? We had a lot of black ice recently and germany was running out of material to fight this. I am used to a granulat which includes 30% Caliciumchlorid-Dihydrat. To work with it: gloves, breath protection, ... I mix it with water and spray it or use a watering can. Normal salt, natrium chlorid , is not allowed except at extreme dangerous road conditions. Snow ships, salt, granulat was all sold out this winter... I bought 500 pounds granulat already in autumn, and I have 150 pounds left. My daughter went creative and was selling biological anti ice material on a local kid market: which was nothing else but a mix of ash (from an open wood oven), tiny left over pieces of bark and wood from chain saws. Nice add to her pocket money. What to you use or allowed to use to fight ice? My daughters were angry yesterday: waiting for a schoolbus which never came for an hour. The bus couldn't climb the hills at our village. But no information/warning to the parents. In 2010 the district sold the right for bus transport for 2011 to the cheapest company, which is a very big one with thousands of busses. But the large busses of this company are mainly planed for cities and 2 track country roads. 6th time this years kids wait at bus stop and no bus arriving. So they found themself allways in the decision to leave bus stop and go uphill (5 minutes walk) to be able to use a cellular phone to ask school mayor about the bus or stay in valley and wait. Climbing up has the risc that the bus arrives while they are away. Even asking the company to equip the bus with cb-radio so one of the kids could use a walkie talkie for asking has come to nothing. Stupid district, the former bus company was local and had busses designed for our hilly area with small roads. So district has to pay for the taxi the kids are forced to use. First time I had to leave work to drive them, second time a co-worker who had a son waiting and then we asked and were told that district will pay a taxi if no bus will arrive. At least the taxi has cb radio and some 4-wheel driven car. So not that much snow, but the wind blowing over the hills cools down the ground and clouds climb when passing the hills so more chance for rain/fog, both together: several days with ice rain/black ice a year.
  19. Demoral, I wondered how a pain killing drug would be named a demoralizer. No wonder that I didn't know it, it is named Dolantil (the original name, dolor= latin for pain) in germany. Before the cellular phones came to broad usage I had to answer a lot of phone calls, requests for pills which run out and such, when my wife was doing visits. So I was puzzled that I didn't know this one while it seemed to be a good known one. Had to ask my wife and she said that Demorol/Demoral/Dolantil/Pethidin are classified as narcotics and have a hard law on using them, so the last decades they were replaced by new stuff.
  20. I knew I read something before: In 2004 GSF was a long thread about how Seraphim came to Ancaria: This seems to be information from a developer: translation Original written by MichaelBhatty Proper research, Yeah, Seraphim are clone warriors of a lost, former local race. PS: The Paladin-class-ships are an insider. For another game we had developed a drop-ship (troop carrier?), whic his this Paladon-class (picture is still on authors homepage). PPS: The dimensional travellers (demons) were inspired from literature: R. Asprin and R.E. Feist. Many greeting from the realm of shadows... Michael Somewhere in this very long thread is also that the Seraphim are of Sophia#s blood. So Sophia is the one who gave the DNA? I think the demon stuff is in book of demons? enzyme-linked immunofiltration-assay (ELIFA) --- I am no DNA-researcher, are these devices used for cloning? Sadly no time to search the old german threads in next few days Edit: okay MichaelBhatty's homepage, no picture of a Paladin class at a first look. But there are some early scetches/ideas for Sacred1: http://www.michael-bhatty.de/cinematics_e.htm
  21. defense matrix GT-AS 525 thats look like a german carsign. First 1-3 characters are for district or area: GT for Gütersloh, the place were Ascaron was located. The district is followed by 1-2 characters and 1-4 digits, which can be requested by car owner, if not already in use, not being HH (government thinks this is short for Heil Hitler and only nazi choose it, bad luck for a former classmate Heike Heiland , she couldn't do HH and her birthday). So the AS could be Ascaron or the start chracters of an embloyee, and if the car was company owned perhaps a BMW 525 or birthday of this embloyee. Perhaps anyone who had contact to ascaron can answer. I think in Sacred1 one spider had a name looking like a german car sign too: GT something
  22. Depends: There are 3 possible spell damage types. One time direct hit spell damage: chance to have secondary effects triggered direct damage redone in intervals: eg deathly spears, nimbus: chance to have secondary effects triggered Damage over time: the spells which are blocked with eg -x% fire damage over time: no chance to have secondary effects triggered
  23. Looks really big if you take the earth as a reference:
  24. At firefighters we were drying hoses after fighting a burning house 2 days back in a neighbour village. We talked about an email we got from THW. The THW is a disaster relief organisation controlled by the German federal government. 99% of its members are volunteers. The THW in our district is specialized in flood fighting and was in New Orleans at Kathrina (I think making the pumps at Superdome working) and at several river floodings in europe. It seems they are on high alert to be send to Australia and so firefighters would have to change their disaster organisation in case they are send and something would happen in germany while they are away. So if you still read the forum and are not evacuated yet: Will this hurricane/cyclone Yasi hit the flooded area of Queensland? Are you in the danger zone? I read that the cyclone hits at high tide and the land probably still full of water from the previous flooding?
  25. 100% will be a long process of scar treatment. The leg is fully trained again, all muscles working and the wound is closed. But there is an area of skin which is still nearly dead. This area is like 12% of the old wound. She is still growing so several options are discussed. Skin grafting is the most talked one, now that the needed skin is no longer this much. It would be best to do it right now when the second half of the school year just started so she should be able to catch up with the rest of the class again while easter breaks and before tests are written. It will be painful: first cutting bad skin away, cutting good skin from upper leg (only a tinny scar should be left from this) and then sewing it on at the wound. Then some vacuum technique to make the new skin healing better and faster. The options seem to be no surgery now and wait till my daughter is fully grown out and then do a surgery, which could be bigger if the dead skin area grows, but there might be new treatment methods(like better vacuum techniques...). Or do a surgery right now because young skin heals better. Doing it right now would hurt me a bit, because she just started to do sports again mid january and she allways liked it. So the reason I am no longer posting much about playing Sacred2 and more about cooking--- that is it. I find no time to play for more than 2 month now because I use to cook, do homework or play with other kids and clean up after work, while my wife does Reha-training (english shorten rebalition as re-hab I think) with our second.
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