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Everything posted by tapir

  1. Yep, Purifying Chastisement is a buff and I'm using it (sry if I forgot to mention in the opening post ). --- Update for the skills: 4. Dual Wield (1 point enough) I've alredy added 15 pts but it seems unecessary. No more than the one point required here since as a shopper he can reach high enough hit chance from -%evade chance items. Sidenote: the %lifeleech on some rare throwing stars and spears makes the bossfights really simplistic even without the specific weapon lore (Ranged Weapons / Pole Arms).
  2. He is progressing well, I just hit level 50. Not as fast as the Dryad was (180 degree attack angle instead of 360), needs some back and forth movement sometimes becuse the enemies tend to go round you but still he's leveling faster than my previous Inqs using Clustering Maelstrom.
  3. Although Toughness requires heavy investment I do believe it's better than Constitution at late game for an Inquisitor. The strength of Toughness lies in the fact that damage mitigation is additive from all sources without diminising values. You can have 27-28% all channel mitigation from Toughness and other 25-26% from Purifying Chastisment. Thats without gear and Inquisitor's have at least three set pieces with 15-20% physical mitigation plus you can buy shoulder armors with additional mitigation scaled by Armor Lore mastery. Demons are only one reason but yes, I don't want loose an otherwise solid build because of an unreasonably powerful (bugged?) enemy spell and it seems Toughness can protect me better than Constitution.
  4. This thread is not meant to be a build guide, just a raw overview of what is in my mind at the moment. However if I will be satisfied with the performance of the character I may make real guide later. The conception - He is going to be my top-level forger/shopper character so would be better he could utilize both hands and thus more slots. My Area of Effect TG performs under my expectation and I see no chance of training him to high level in the near future. - I play on closed net / hardcore mode only, he has to be tough. To make a viable combination of fast leveling and decent survability I did some researching with level 200 template characters (found on the Internet somewhere ). - He is going to take the advantage of already well-known staff-behaviour brought by Ice and Blood: the Magic Staffs skill combined with certain combat arts – Ruthless Mutilation in this case – turns the staves to long-range multi-target weapons. References are here: Staff lore in the AddOn Kudos to Chattius and all who contributed. Attribute points & aspect All to Vitality since I won't pick Constitution. Will be single aspect build (Gruesome Inquisition) so I can leave the "Expert touch" option at it's default enabled state. Skills & skill points 1. Gruesome Inqusition Fucus (I'll keep at char level until level 75, no more points till later) 2. Magic Staffs (1 point) 3. Tactics Lore (1/4 of char level, mastery @ about level 120) 4. Dual Wield (either I'll leave it at level 1 or give some points, maybe 1/5 of char level) (1 point) 5. Armor Lore (1/3 of char level, mastery @ level 90-95) 6. Bargaining (lots of points, mastery @ 75, maxed @ level 200) 7. Spell Resistance (rest of points, mastery asap, I think somewhere at the level 75-80 height) 8. Blacksmith (1 point for long, last mastery) 9. Toughness (not my fav skill but it's essential to survive those nasty Demon Mage attacks, mastery @ ~110) X. Nefarious Netherworld Focus (auxilary skill, 22 points right after level 75) Combat Arts Ruthless Mutilation b. Ire (dmg%), s. Dolor (life leech), the stun mod would be the smarter choice but the red LL lines look cool g. Smolder (+fire dmg) Purifying Chastisement (buff) b. Purge (fire dmg%) s. Eradicate (crit chance), maybe I'll regret this choice because Merciless gives better overall damage later g. Inure (mitigation) Callous Execution b. Tenacity (RPH mod is better at earlier levels and the DoT mod would require Damage Lore mastery to be effective anyway) s. Startle (stun works on bosses) g. Judgement (crit chance) Mortifying Pillory b. Disgrace (armor reduction) s. Expulsion (+duration) g. Mortify (defense reduction) Frenetic Fervor b. haven't decided yet Fanaticism (+attack & cast speed) s. Contemplation (dodge chance) g. Relentless (+duration) Paralyzing Dread b. Panic (reduces attack value) s. Decrepit (reduces attack speed) g. Extension (+range), not sure Dislodged Spirit b. Spite (+duration) s. Deprivation (decreases opponents attribs) Armor & jewelry On-demand. Flat X-X dmg rings from shops FTW. Lots of physical mitigation and -%DoT at higher levels. Weapons & playstyle Best magic staff available in the right hand, Officer's Saber in the left hand (three gold sockets filled with goodness) maybe something else, I dunno. Ruthless Mutilation will take care of everything in front of the player within the shooting range of staves. Character progression - up to level 60 on Silver: no quests except special mount, grinding @ Grunwald, Ruka; later @ Swamps, Jungle, Dyr-Laigh - level 1-75 on Gold: continue grinding then I'll finish Gold campaign quickly and maybe Platinum too if I'm strong (brave ) enough - level 90+: grinding at Niob - level 150+: I have no idea Sorry for my english.
  5. A relative size comparison of game world maps Unfortunately Sacred 2 is not in the comparison.
  6. I'm playing closed HC (we've met once I guess, I've got a Detheya's Shoulder Plate from you ).
  7. I'm planning my next build, a staff wielding Inquisitor similar to my Dryad (going to abuse the magic staff "bug" with Ruthless Mutilation ) so in the past few days I was spending a lot of time with level 200 template characters to test this thunder/leech attack among other things. The thunder consists of three types of damage: 1. direct(?) physical damage which ignores armor, ~17k base value - can be resisted with physical damage mitiagtion; the Inquisitor has several good set armor pieces with built-in physical mitigation – if we add high level Toughness and Puryfing Chastisment modded for mitigation then 100% or near is possible 2. some kind of DoT damage, maybe physical (bleeding?), ~5k per tick, 4-5 ticks I guess - all channel %DoT reduction can reduce it; reaching 100% is easy at later levels but 80-85% is fair enough - Spell Resistance skill @ mastery greatly reduces it's duration (one tick?) 3. lifeleech damage, exactly 62.0% of max HP. - 'chance to reflect combat art' has no effect on this even at 100% (62% from Reverse Polarity, 38% from gear) - I suppose 'block chance combat art' does help but it's hard to reach higher percentages (needs further testing)
  8. Got a few numbers at level 132->133 change. gharema warrior: 10953 -> 10805 (98,65%) black panther: 8464 -> 8349 (98,64%) (mentor pots, ~16% experience from gear, four players on the server) I'll track it until level 151 if I dont forget.
  9. I think it's calculated some other way. IIRC I had almost 10% drop from level 125 to 126. And gogo's numbers: 11462->11580: 7,7% decrease.
  10. Level 123 Dryad (@ Niob) with magic staff, Acute Mind (~106) boosted Darting Assault (~105). Sum up the floating numbers and you get more than 1 million with a "single attack". 27 victims, 38k dmg average per hit.
  11. I've bought a two socket staff (haven't found throwing star with %LL ), forged deathblow rings into it (had about 67% D.B in my gear at the expense of less damage) and killed him with Ravaged Impact within 15-20 secs or less, it was surprisingly fast. The Guardians took somewhat longer but I was feeling myself out of harms way during the whole fight, my healthbar didn't dropped under ~90%, just whacked them to death. I was using the 'Call of the Forest' set (fair amount of "opponent's chance to evade -%" bonus), Stalworth's shield, had a total of ~17k armor. I'm not in a hurry anymore I just wanted to get to Platinum by the time I reach bargaining mastery. I'm not going to attack bosses in the next 40-50 levels, just safe grinding.
  12. LOL, seems I've oversecured myself, it was far easier than I excpected. Nimo' and the Nameless Gees was hardly even scratching me. I think the continuous Goldenglade Touch has helped a lot. Thanks for the tips.
  13. I'm still alive (level 75, gold). Right at Nimonuil's face I'm standing now but I don't dare to attack him, you guys really scared me with this sad news. What shield should I use against him? - Glacial Defender (some all channel mitigation) - Eternal Block (evade chance) - Stalworth's Protection (decent armor of all elements) - other ideas?
  14. We are in different time-zones but thanks in advance. I'm playing as 'Afro-Dité II'. Er... I'm a bit shy in the chatbox, I usually don't write other than 'hi', 'cu', etc. I don't feel my english knowledge adequate enough for "real-time" communiaction so don't be surprised if you ask something and I don't answer or I write some nonsense.
  15. I chose Perforate bronze mod but I don't think Envenom would be so big mistake after all. If it converts so high portion of dmg to poison you can convert almost all dmg to anything else with damage modifiers which increases the chance of secondary effects. Silver mod is much more important. I'm not going to use TV or EL so I didn't pick Nature Lore, it's not a fundamental skill for this build. I hope Ravaged Impact will be enough to kill bosses.
  16. She is still kicking, took me about 11 hrs to reach level 60 with minimal aid (a few +all skills jewelry, flat damage rings and gold-grade blacksmith runes granted by my level 64 Temple Guardian - since I'm new on EU lobby I have no niob support toons for the time being). Highest level Dryad I've ever built, didn't like her before too much. My skills so far: 2 Tactics Lore (25) 3 Hunter Focus (36) 5 Magic Staffs (25) 8 Concentration (1) 12 Spell Resistance (35) 18 Armor Lore (32) 25 Nature Focus (31) 35 Enhanced Perception (5) 50 Bargaining (30), first mastery @75 The 10th skill will be Combat Discipline (most likely). Thx to Furian for the Combat Art mod tips (post #45).
  17. I tried out this thing and I must say it's pure pwnage. Almost like InstaGib in Unreal Tournament but against multiple targets. And a single piece of 0.2s RPH ring makes my ~7s regen DA ready again in no time. I'm only level 10 but the build seems promising, hardest thing is collecting the loot dropped offscreen.
  18. Is this something that has changed with Ice&Blood? IIRC before the add-on the shield could absorb all types of damage (including DoT) if you managed to raise your "absorption warding energy" value up to 100% via items (+40% over T-Shroud).
  19. Maybe you're right but this was the easiest way (without any special arrangements) for me to test the slowkill/fastkill differences. My results after 3000 kills: Player 1 (@ level 21, SB: 37,2%): blue (magic): 159 (50+61+48) yellow (rare): 28 (10+5+13) brown (unique): 1 (0+0+1) green (set): 2 (0+1+1) Player 2 (@ level 20, SB: 22,7) blue (magic): 117 (38+48+31) yellow (rare): 17 (6+8+3) brown (unique): 6 (2+2+2) green (set): 1 (0+0+1) I'm afraid I have failed to proove anything.
  20. Sidenote: I made a mistake with Player1, I forgot to switch HC mode on. I hope it doesn't affect drop rates. Anyway, here is the results after 2000 kills (@ level 17): Player 1 (SB: 27,9%): blue (magic): 111 (50+61) yellow (rare): 15 (10+5) brown (unique): - green (set): 1 (0+1) Player 2 (SB: 16,2%), still w/o SB training blue (magic): 86 (38+48) yellow (rare): 14 (6+8) brown (unique): 4 (2+2) green (set): - Interesting... but I don't wanna judge yet.
  21. Ok, here it is. I chose Seraphims because I know them better. Player 1 (slow killer), weapon: level 1 dagger Player 2 (one-hit killer), weapon: BFG Drops (after 1000 kills, mostly kobolds, some boars, turtles and bears) Player 1 (SB: 15,9%): blues: 50 yellows (rares): 10 browns (uniques): - greens (sets): - legendaries (oranges): - Player 2 (SB: 9,1%): blues: 38 yellows (rares): 6 browns (uniques): 2 greens (sets): - legendaries (oranges): - I'm going to continue the test up to 2000 kills (or more), but I'd like care with SB from now on so it will take more time.
  22. I didn't say it can't be tested I just said the way Schot defined the test-rules it will be unreliable (in my opinion). SB has so high impact on drops that it must not be ignored. I started my own test but suspened it after 1000 kills seeing the difference between the two subject's SB. I'll post my results soon.
  23. IMO the main drawback of the test and the reason why this will not work as you expect that Player 1's Survival Bonus will grow much faster. SB depends on time spent in combat. If you want equal drop chances you have to adjust the SB value of Player 2 by "SB training" all the time (or at least at every level) to match with Player 1's SB.
  24. Thanks. The password is not a secret: "S2plan". (It is just there for preventing accidental changes.)
  25. [offtopic] WOW Where and how could I find/farm legendaries:) I've been playing for nine months (at least 500 hours of playtime) and I found only one single piece so far (not counting the quest rewards like Boneslicer) with all my SP/MP characters.
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