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DarkMatters - Member
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Everything posted by Dax

  1. Keep it coming, Lindor! The others will return from cryo sleep one day and then we all shall go back to buisness! Until then, hold the flag up!
  2. Whish you a long and lucky relationship with your gf, there is nothing better on earth indeed. But also check here to avoid pitfall traps, we male Neanderthals are usually not so aware of. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslowsche_Bedürfnishierarchie
  3. Congrats! My take would be: A big, fat rumpsteak, nice and crispy, with salt and pepper, bread and two cold beers. And some salat. Not so bad after all. And a chair where you can lift your feet up would be nice. Enjoy the day. Oh, and someone should call your boss and tell him that for today you got the permission to keep both hands into your pockets.
  4. I see three projects right now, but it does not look good. Thoriums Life Leech project is possibly maybe the most promising candidate, but it fell silent after 2022. Not so sure if it can be recandled. I hope so personally, since Thorium is a big fan of Sacred and knows its mechanics very well. He is also well known to the devs and his LAN-trick made it into the Reborn Mod. Yup. He's a somebody. Ankledots Sacred remake can be found on Youtube. It looks very nice and Ankledot seems to be an ambitious and competent man, but he has no team. So it is unfortunately doomed I'd say. Even with a team of 20 people, it is still a sh!tload of work. Last but not least, there is a guy (Dracir) in the DE forum I talked to one, two times. He is using the Skyrim editor to rebuild the world of Sacred 1 in his own way. As above, I like his fire heart, but there is no light at the end of the tunnel imo. However. He is determined to get it done, primary for himself so far, so I gave him a thumbs up, but also a friendly, but brief warning, that the chance for quitting the whole thing is very high. PS: I think I have found the right song for your avatar-pic. Blast it loud!
  5. Good to hear. Was you able to convince the nurses to add a bottle opener to the splint? Speaking of your mod, well, we shall play it together one day. Until then, make sure your exams go well. Everything else does not matter so much. Whish you luck!
  6. Relax. You are not in a hurry. Get some ice cold beer, bread and roasted meat, lift your feet up and enjoy the incoming spring. That's far more important. Winter time is modding time.
  7. Relax. You are not in a hurry. Get some ice cold beer, bread and roasted meat, lift your feet up and enjoy the incoming spring. That's far more important. Winter time is modding time.
  8. Yeah, let it rest for a while. I am also barely dragging myself forward in terms of modding. It is really a burden and the only reason that I do not flush everything down the toilet is, that I put far too much work in. I am sick of setting countless of cr!p right, being caught in an infinite trial and error loop. Tbh, I gave the documentation-guy here a like, because he did his job well and professional, but as for the cheering and talkative executives... do they only roughly know, how bugged, unbalanced and unplayable both games were and how many hours, years of work modders put in to make them palatable at all? I guess not. So I let them go. Won't stop their confetti-throwing upper echelon parade.
  9. Here. I took the picturs from Pevils place as reference: http://pctalk.info/Games/Sacred2/PevilsPlace/sacred/sets.php Vampyr: Annouk's Grace: VLADY_ARMOR_1 Arhles Tgaw's Net: VLADY_SA2 Dalmar' Grandness: VLADY_ARMOR_2 Esal's Vicissitude: VLADY_SA1 Recundis Defiance: ARMPANZERFINAL_004 + BRUSTPANZERFINAL_006 + HELMKRAUSE_002 + PANZERUNGBEINEFINAL_005 Starion's Echo: VAM_NIGHT_HELM + VAM_NIGHT_TORSO + VAM_NIGHT_ARME + VAM_NIGHT_BEINE Thorwyns Relics: VAMPIRRUESTUNG_HELM + VAMPIRRUESTUNG_TORSO + VAMPIRRUESTUNG_ARME + VAMPIRRUESTUNG_BEINE (Just did a quick run. Will sort it later) Dwarf: Goilomn's Haste: Kablelrinte's Banishment: Rideg's Vision: Thar Eross' Blessing: Thodran's Rage: LEATHERARMOR DWARF_PLATEARMOR BLACKARMOR CURIOUSARMOR(?) METALARMOR(?) DWARF_BODY_KROTENHAUT + DWARF_NL_BELT_KROTENHAUT + DWARF_NL_GLOVES_KHAUT DWARF_BODY_KURZHEMD + LEATHERCANON PLATECANNON CANON DWARF_CANNON DWARF_NL_HELM_L1
  10. Here. I took the picturs from Pevils place as reference: http://pctalk.info/Games/Sacred2/PevilsPlace/sacred/sets.php Vampyr: Annouk's Grace: VLADY_ARMOR_1 Arhles Tgaw's Net: VLADY_SA2 Dalmar' Grandness: VLADY_ARMOR_2 Esal's Vicissitude: VLADY_SA1 Recundis Defiance: ARMPANZERFINAL_004 + BRUSTPANZERFINAL_006 + HELMKRAUSE_002 + PANZERUNGBEINEFINAL_005 Starion's Echo: VAM_NIGHT_HELM + VAM_NIGHT_TORSO + VAM_NIGHT_ARME + VAM_NIGHT_BEINE Thorwyns Relics: VAMPIRRUESTUNG_HELM + VAMPIRRUESTUNG_TORSO + VAMPIRRUESTUNG_ARME + VAMPIRRUESTUNG_BEINE (Just did a quick run. Will sort it later) Dwarf: Goilomn's Haste: Kablelrinte's Banishment: Rideg's Vision: Thar Eross' Blessing: Thodran's Rage: LEATHERARMOR DWARF_PLATEARMOR BLACKARMOR CURIOUSARMOR(?) METALARMOR(?) DWARF_BODY_KROTENHAUT + DWARF_NL_BELT_KROTENHAUT + DWARF_NL_GLOVES_KHAUT DWARF_BODY_KURZHEMD + LEATHERCANON PLATECANNON CANON DWARF_CANNON DWARF_NL_HELM_L1
  11. Wünsche dir gute Besserung! Komm bald wieder auf die Beine!
  12. Wünsche dir gute Besserung! Komm bald wieder auf die Beine!
  13. Stop it, all of you! We lie to ourselfs and close our eyes in front of the reality! Here: No. One. Cares. Live with it! I am sorry. I did not want to say. But all those mentioned community related failures, we all experienced more or less over the years, should have teached us some lessons. Yet, we refuse to see. Maybe because we love Sacred to the point of insanity. Listen. Stop that social media cr^p! It's just a sh*!tload of work, with no positive outcome. There are not enough people here to constantly hold up the flag for years in the social media channels. Also, check the remaining forums. Zombs, all of them! Wasted time, wasted energy. Instead I'd suggest: Gentle cryo sleep mode and slow buildup of mods. For both games. We can discuss what can be done, got a nice and practicable idea already, work together a bit, but without pressure. If we got enough stuff for a year or so together, let's see how we pass it on to the community so that we got a constant flow of mods over a certain time. Lets monitor the outcome, then we shall decide if and how to continue. For me, it is the most reasonable aproach. I tell you: I do not want to loose any more modders. Not one. Including you!
  14. "...who am I making this for?" Ouch. Now that hit the spot. Well, my answer would be: For yourself of course and only for you. You can cooperate with other modders here, give them premium access to your mods, simply to keep the fire burning. Also, a lone wolf build in terms of modding is possible, but its tough. Very tough. And delivering constant updates makes it even worse. Usually modders do not leave as long as there is an active and supportive community, which gives the modder some feedback. In a good, or a bad way is not that important. Feedback is what counts. I mean, ppl sit down in their free time, dig through code, or textures, trying their best to get things done. If the community is passive or maybe even apathetic, the modder sooner or later has to live off his own inner battery while working. And one day...it's empty. Taking a longer break and staying miles away from the whole franchise helps much. Returning after some months of abscence makes things easier. Still, the problem with the community is not solved. Some might say: Yeah nice, but ppl give a d!mn. A bitter truth, yes. But that's the situation so far imo. My advice would be: Make your mods, but set the pace right so that you do not loose any hitpoints, keep other modders informed, maybe even involved if you want to, give a little bonus now and then, but in the first line, despite bad times, don't leave. Cryo sleep is maybe the right term. I personally think, the community needs a restart. And it is possible for sure, but it needs a lot of effort on all fronts and many ppl have to work hand in hand. You need guys who deliver frequent updates, videos of coop sessions maybe, artwork, an active, talkative community and so on. Various users here tried to get it done alone and failed. Because "people give a d!mn." There is a DE youtube channel I am watching from a distance for a while. The guy has an insane output of high quality clips on a nearly daily basis. He got roughed up badly by the fantasy companies in no time, worked his way around, doing his own thing now. And you know what? Users follow him, cheer, clap...everything you want. We can get it done together, but not alone. Let's get everyone who wants to contribute in one boat, then let's see how we continue.
  15. +1 to everyone involved.
  16. Aha. So, the Adrenalins mentioned Physical Regeneration is not linked to the attribute Physical Regeneration. It just means you restore hit points faster. A bit misleading description, but good to know.
  17. I think it is just another feature, which did not made it into the game. There are many of such things. The cancelled Amazon-class, the summoning of the Hell-Golem, dozens and dozens of skipped quests... (Good ones, btw.) The best explanation might be: The big boss gave the mini-boss a call: Listen! We´re 98 percent bankrupt. So wrap things up, release is at 12 o'clock. Ciao! That´s how I would explain it.
  18. Don´t get fooled by some angry guys, who wrote :eek:-reviews about Reborn. I assume, they simply tried to hammer-smash their way through obstacles, which where max immune to their current damage type. After their technique did not work out, they lost nerves, sat frustrated and confused in front of their PC. (Solution: Pick other damage type instead) Reborn mod plays joyfully with monster-resistances, but leaves the player always a way out, never acting against him. The team put a lot of efforts not only into the mod, but also into the documentation. It is worth a read. After all, it is a big, fat modification, inviting to try it out, giving the game a new life. Don´t be shy. It is not difficult. And if you are really stuck, just ask. There are many ppl with vast insight here. Speaking of Sacred 2, what keeps me miles away, is that Sacred 2 is not beginner-friendly. You might survive the easy difficulties with a poor build, but not the higher ones. So, the chance that you scr!w up as a noob is very real. And putting two months of work into a character, only to find out that you skilled him wrong and have to start it all over again? No. As for the remaining Sacred 2 players here: They are top elite, playing the game for a very long time already. So handling the latest mods like D2, or the Patch Addendum, is a piece of cake for them. Before you begin, get yourself a guide to prevent a rough and painful belly-landing. Back to S1 again, the Vampire is a pure summoner class if you want it. She is also one of the more flexible characters due to her shapeshifting ability. You can easily build ranged melee (day <-> night), devastating spellcaster and, as mentioned above, summoner. It all raises and falls with the gear you can access and the style of play you prefer. There are no doubt, things to consider. I´d recommend to visit the wiki, or just ask right away. Look. I think I got a Vampire starter, well stuffed with gear, laying around somewhere in my digital lumberroom. Nothing is cheated. Everything is farmed and bought nicely together. You can give it a run, then decide if it is something for you. Sounds good?
  19. The mod Sacred Reborn gets the job done. You can summon two wolfs. A human and a vampire version. They will handle the game for you. If they get killed, reanimate them. It is a quite boring technique, though. Good for leveling up quickly, but not really fun. Alternatively you can go for set weapons. Pole arms and bow are the most savage, followed by axe and finally sword, which has the lowest firepower. After all I´d say it is all about your build, the gear you can access and the balance between many factors to make your hero effective. Speaking of tinkering the game: The code of the game is encrypted, there is not much you can do personally, as long as you are not a coder yourself. The makers were a bit stingy back in the day, hoping to push Diablo2 from the throne. Guess thats why they locked things away.
  20. Are there new players at all? I mean, new to the franchise? The youtube videos I have watched, well, there are dozens of gamers, who love Sacred to bits, but are obviously not aware of any mods or even fan sites.
  21. I got the gog version. It never caused trouble for years. So I believe it has something to do with the updates, while Sacred itself is most likely innocent. I am not playig much anymore, but having a functional Sacred is important to check the stuff I work on ingame. Since there are many obstacles and pit fall traps, a running game is crucial for QA reasons. EDIT: Found it! For some reason my graphic card was deactivated after the win11 update, and Sacred refused to start as a result. Just put the driver back online to solve the issue.
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