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DarkMatters - Member
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Everything posted by Dax

  1. No, it has no use in the unmodified game. It might be remenant of the Amazon class which has not made it into the game. The crosslinks to the Amazon can be found all over the place when you unzip the games textures. Her 3d-model is used in the Loromir quest and hangs around in the tavern of Mystdale Castle. She has even her own animation set. According to the wiki entries Sacred was meant to be an rpg in thefirst line but made a u-turn and became a slasher. A good decision at this time imho, Sacred would have drowned in no time since the rpg world still surfed the Baldurs Gate 2 wave and turned to its successor, Neverwinter Nights, only little later. However. The Ascaron guys swallowed a little, bankrupt studio and integrated their work into the new project. When you dig through files and systems you will find tons of non-functional stuff, half baked systems, only roughly implemented. The unknown combat art you have found is only the tip of the ice berg. Who did the main job in Sacred, Ascaron or the little studio, will remain shrouded in mystery most likely.
  2. You mean most likely the tools from Sacredvault.org, which is down. But there is still a good chance to get your hands on them. The avatar zerisius who can be found frequently on gog and steam can surelyhelp since his team made a mod back in the day. It is not very popular though,I even doubt that people are aware of it. However. Since balancing is your primary intention, you must ask yourself if it makes sense. OLKs are doing it already since a few years now and are quite successful with it. So your rivalling project would go under most likely, if you do not quit in frustration before. No offense. For me personally there are two ways of modding: Carnival and orchestra. Carnival means that everbody does what he wants depending on his current mood and creativity. It is like a huge bucket full of confetti. The result is not only a vast variation of mods in the best case, but also some hefty amount of chaos. Mods do not fit together, bump each other out of the way, overwrite each others content, leaving a total mess. Orchestra means that modders work at least roughly coordinated in the same direction. With the result that released mods strengthen each other and increase the gaming experience for the player. Variant two is what I wouldsuggest. The game is a huge construction site, every helping hand is welcome.
  3. It is the true value of the item and the max possible price a trader is willing to pay. You can get close to it by pumping trading to the max.
  4. I think I made my peace with the whole thing after all. We all are at least in our 30s, time is rather scarce nowadays. Job, wife, kids and many other things are on the daily to-do list and no one will farm for hours and hours anymore. The average Player just wants to have fun and wastes some time before duty calls again. Some play self found only, some give themself ten Dragon Rings, some try various builds. No need to be angry. In the end your item collection is a huge sandbox, a playground, which allows the player to build what he wants to build. If he walks on his own feet, finds his own path, farms his own items, is entirely up to him. I will send things to you in the German forum to prevent double uploads here.
  5. Mmh true but they can easily turned into reborn items again and then given to any character using that ominous item editor described in the german forum. Its a really tricky situation.
  6. Endgame gear for the Vampiress View File Endgame gear for the Vampiress The character is well loaded with high level items, blue and yellow. No uniques. Nothing is cheated, everything has been farmed, found and bought over the years. One ring has changed its name after I removed it from its socket. The upload is controversial, since it crushes one of the games main aspects, but I finally decided to do so, because nowadays the game drifts, like the Nostromo, lonely through the void. No one could care less. Well, here it is. Lets rock! Submitter Dax Submitted 01/06/2022 Category Underworld  
  7. Alright I have uploaded the carryall for the blue and yellow items here. Uploading the uniques, modified by reborn... well I have my doubts. I have followed Jokers advise and yes it works, but I do not think that players will launch an mp session all the time just to turn reborns super elite items back into the normal vanilla ones.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Endgame gear for the Vampiress The character is well loaded with high level items, blue and yellow. No uniques. Nothing is cheated, everything has been farmed, found and bought over the years. One ring has changed its name after I removed it from its socket. The upload is controversial, since it crushes one of the games main aspects, but I finally decided to do so, because nowadays the game drifts, like the Nostromo, lonely through the void. No one could care less. Well, here it is. Lets rock!
  9. Alby! Where have you been all my life? I am waiting for you to show up sinceages! Tell me, are you in contact with TurOk?
  10. Alright. I got the character with blue and yellow items ready, the remaining ones will follow tomorrow, but I cant send them via pm anymore. Soo, any ideas?
  11. Mmh. I can send in a huge load of max level uniques. Items which got modified by the reborn mod have to leave the party unfortunately, sincethey would turn the player into an even more devastating, de facto unstoppable war machine. I have also got a Vampire, level 140, created with SHE, loaded with high level blue`s and green`s. Found, farmed and bought over the years. Nothing is cheated, only one ring has changed its name after I have removed it from its socket.
  12. I simply took some screenies from OLKs reborn mod. A higher res is not available and not intended, since what you see here are the puzzle pieces of a little, but decent screen saver. In two, three months we should have reached the end of the line. The rest is up to the users here. PS: Here are some nice how-to links. https://www.irfanview.com/ https://www.digitalcitizen.life/how-create-screensaver-irfanview/
  13. You have chosen strong words. Never seen you doing that before. I guess you had a hard week. Happens. We all know it. Lets stop here.
  14. I believe your point is already on the to do list. Most likely, it is not toppriority due to the infinite amount of work which still lies in front of the team.I regard the mod as a gigantic construction site. The foundation has been laid, the whole rest is experimental. Raised buildings can be smashed, trampled and crushed the one day, only to rise into the sky the next day again. Maybe in a different form. What can be seen now is a rough shape, until the mod is finally done, several years will surely pass. No need to loose hope since the makers respond usually to ideas and input. My point of criticism is rather the missing interest in the whole thing from the player site. I dislike the restaurant mentalitiy and make it responsible for the leaving of olks clan from the western internet platforms.
  15. I have muted sacreds music after minutes after I encountered the same issue years ago. I suggest to get yourself some decent rpg battle themes together and loop them using audacity. It is not difficult. Had a playlist in the making once but skipped it after some platforms went berserk and dragged users into copyright wars.
  16. Three updates a week planned. Stay tuned!
  17. Merry christmas everybody! Celebrate with family and friends, have a good time, be well and stay away from cov19!
  18. Mh, ok. I see. Well, just in case that you are the avatar I think you are, then know that you have won after all. The project you have participated back in the day, has not only been defunct lately, but also recieved devastating critics from the community. The head of the staff suffered a total meltdown, combined with a fit of rage and flushed everything down the toilet. If you ever had the desire to lite a cigar and to sit back, well, then it is now the right time to fulfill your wish.
  19. You get a bonus only once per difficulty. I personally would recommend to skip those quests entirely and to do them not before you have reached max level. After you have farmed, or bought your top notch gear together, you can use the additional points to work a bit at your heros soft spots.
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