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Posts posted by Lindor

  1. Hmm strange. I see two possibilities:

    1. obj_fx_add doesn't transfer the t energy flag. Try using obj_d_s_b instead (or whatever shader collection the AS spider mount is using)

    2. UV mapping issues with the model. Search for the model in the wing's itemtype.txt entry. Add “@te“ (no quotation marks)  at the end of the model name. If it's not working, you need to ask someone who is playing the console version to look up the model name for you.

  2. 1 hour ago, Vishanka said:

    I would answer the question but I don't know, I cannot answer the question.

    This answers it:

    1 hour ago, Vishanka said:

    So don't worry, now I know enough.


    Try swapping “fx/black.tga“ with "maps/heroes/seraphim/sets/mystique/c_sera-mystique-wing_fx.tga“ So you're using the same texture twice, once for texture0Name and once for texture1Name. Use the original, not your edited version.

    Later, if you want to alter the transransparency, ideally you would want the original as texture1Name and your edited version as texture0Name. Which would require you to duplicate the texture and give it another name. Because then you can set the transparency of the effect in your edited version to as much as you want without changing the glow map's alpha channel.

    Hope this helps, if not or open questions left, let me know.:Laie_58:

  3. JSo it is the surface flag we're talking about? I'm sorry, but this is now the third time I'm asking this question, please answer it:). Keep in mind that I'm trying to help you from memory, I'm on my phone and not on my PC.

    For your problem, I think you're maybe editing the wrong texture. Try editing the diffuse map (usually texture0Name), not the glow map (usually texture1Name). The latter's alpha channel determines the t-energy-effect's appearance and the glow strength, while former's alpha channel determines the final texture's transparency. All this assuming that the effect is coming from the surface flag and not the shader and assuming that your surface.txt entry's shader is supporting the three-texture-model as descibed in my last answer.

    Also the thing with the black surface might mean that you forgot to add a diffuse map in the first place.

    But if we're talking about the surface flag, then I don't understand why you said it wouldn't work on PC and just on console. Because that's most certainly not the case, SURFACE_FLAG_TENERGY is fully operational and functional on PC as can be viewed in many areas, e.g. the Inquisitor's Astute Supremacy Spider Mount.

    If you say you were able to get the effect to work, do you mean by adding the flag to the surface.txt entry, by editing a texture's alpha channel, by giving the surface.txt entry another shader collection entry, by shuffling around shader files in shader.zip from console to unified or by editing a shader file in shader.zip itself?

  4. On 9/13/2022 at 9:00 PM, Vishanka said:

    The issue I have with it is the lack of transparency or, when I get transparency, it disables the t-energy effect.

    I was able to activate a T-Energy effect, but it doesn't seem to have transparency; instead the effect is on a solid black surface that it runs over, which unfortunately doesn't look good. In the xbox version it's kind of see-through.

    By default the effect is active but invisible...

    If I've managed to get any visual feedback through other shaders, other flags or another texture, it's either just the simple light effect that the texture creates (maps/heroes/seraphim/sets/mystique/c_sera-mystique-wing_fx.tga) or the solid black surface with the t-energy... By using a different texture I somehow managed to have transparency and from a certain degree of visibility the t-energy effect is also activated, but it only runs over the non-transparent parts and ignores everything from a certain point on degree of transparency

    Soo.. what are we talking about now?


    On 9/13/2022 at 8:05 PM, Lindor said:

    Also, are we talking about FX, a shader (like e.g. fur.shader), a shader collection (like e.g. tree_TREE or fx7 as scripted at the beginning of surface.txt) or a surface flag (which sometimes, like the fur flag, triggers one or more shaders)?

    If we're talking about the SURFACE_FLAG_TENERGY, a more or less detailed description can be found here: 

    Keep in mind that I wrote this before I learned to script shaders. Important to notify is that not every shader in surface.txt supports a diffuse, a glow and a normal map. Some need more than three textures, some support just one. I recommend to use the SURFACE_FLAG_TENERGY only together with shader collections which support exactly these three texture maps (in this order).:)

  5. On 9/12/2022 at 10:50 AM, Vishanka said:

    The interesting thing is that the effect for that should be in the game.

    If you look at surface.txt there is a t energy effect entry, mystique wing FX.

    It just does not work.

    On the console the effect is visible. If you look at the sacred 2 wiki, the person who recorded the videos for the seraphim combat arts. It's from console and there the effect is visible.


    If anyone knows what to do for activating the effect in the way it should look like I'd be happy to learn how to do it :lol:

    Maybe... @Lindor as you seem to have much expertise with FX?

    Hmm if you haven't already, try turning PhysX on. It changes/enables some FX. Actually Flix teached me that, I think in the d2f sorceress thread.

    Other than that there's not much I can do without my PC. Also, are we talking about FX, a shader (like e.g. fur.shader), a shader collection (like e.g. tree_TREE or fx7 as scripted at the beginning of surface.txt) or a surface flag (which sometimes, like the fur flag, triggers one or more shaders)?


    If it's not working, search for the shader in the pak/shader/console folder and copy/paste it into unified (with the correct path). Might have to re-enable the entries in surface.txt, if it's not already done.

    If that's still not working, I think there's no way around looking into the shader itself.

    The hard part for you will probably be finding the correct shader file in the first place.

  6. I have taken alook at the starting attributes of our heroes, the new values will be (compared to EE):


    As a rule-of-thumb: divide the values in creatures.txt by 40 to get ingame values. Very close but not exactly accurate. The actual values are:



    My mod:

    A value of 1000 Vitality and 1000 Dexterity does not necessarily mean that they're the same value!

    You'll have to multiply these with the difficultyvalueranges of the boni in spells.txt and divide by 1000 to get the actual ingame value. Since there's a min and a max value and we haven't figured out yet how the exact formula applies, you'll just get a min and a max value and know that the actual value is somewhere inbetween.

    These are the bonus IDs of the attribures:


    The game always rounds down.

    Yellow means that there's no changes besides the Stamina increase,Green means there's changes.

    Since stamina has a highly diminishing return, increasing it will have little to no effect on lategame balance but it will somewhat help with early-mid game and make all heroes have comparable earlygame regen times, not too low and not too high.


    The inquisitor is an Either-melee-or-darkwizard-not-both kind of character. His debuff potential is highly required when going the spells route, but it makes his gameflow on the melee route feel klunky, just for the buffs there's some justification. It doesn't make sense to give him so much dex. On the other hand, he's a highly intelligent, ruthless, manipulating and super highly willpower kinda person lore-wise, the willpower of the inquisition is never to be underestimated!


    Now for the temple guardian, there are some major changes coming up soon which will explain the changes function-wise and lore-wise. Stay tuned!


  7. Hey Flix, I have a question about hirelings, e.g. alternate spells succubus:

    Their spells use "skill_enemy_focus", e.g. "enemy_firespiral" has focus_skill_name = "skill__enemy_focus", yet you didn't give the creature 3099 "Spell_Demon_Succubus_fire" nor their template creature 1790 "Template_demon_any_elite" that skill.
    Also I vaguely remember you saying somewhere that neither cooldowns nor regen times are a thing for NPC spells.

    So I wonder: how does this work then? If those are not a thing and "skill__enemy_focus" is actually useless, why does it exist then?


  8. I don't know what is going on. The game is mocking me.

    31 minutes ago, Flix said:

    Since you ruled out a lot of stuff, it's something with the language itself then?

    Can you pick an attribute, use the original scripted entry, and see if it works then?

    newBonus = {
    --  name = "crbonus_attr_dex_pc",
      rating = 0,
      basedonskill = "SKILL_INVALID",
      type = "BONUS_STATS",
      spez = "STAT_DEX",
      spez2 = "",
      usagebits = 65535,
      minconstraints = {1,0,0},
      difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,23,525},
      difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,23,525},
      difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,23,525},
      difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,23,525},
      difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,23,525},
    mgr.createBonus(31, newBonus);

    If so then change it line by line and see what breaks it.

    I have done this exact thing already, first just with strength and then with all six of these, and it still broke scaling.

    Now because you suggested it (thank god!) I did it again, and it doesn't break scaling anymore. I have no idea what is going on, but I'm at a point where I don't care anymore anyway and be just glad that this issue is resolved.

  9. These are my mod's original creatures.txt, blueprint.txt, typification.txt and spells.txt scripts:


    I know the bug must be located somewhere in the former two scripts (but you need the latter two to prevent wierd interaction).

    Now please, for Q's sake,

    @idbeholdME @Flix @dimitrius154 @Vishanka @chattius anyone who is experienced with modding and has some dree time at hand,

    in the name of kane, can you please help me find out why in the burning hells of the prime evils these files break attribute scaling?
    I can't figure it out, I want to publish the mod soon and I don't have any more video game / star trek metaphors left.
    Oh and better don't play temple guardian, he summons fen fires which you are lacking the itemtypes for.

  10. 2 minutes ago, idbeholdME said:

    Frenetic Fervor

    Don't even play with Frenetic Fervor. It's all coming solely from items and the astute supremacy / nefarious netherworld lore skills.

    4 minutes ago, idbeholdME said:


    Something worh mentioning: I don't really know how intended that is, but BFG combined with pelting strikes has ridiculous attack speed: all the shoots are happening during the casting period. Not saying that it is breaching the cap, but it's behaving dfferently to other weapon CAs.

  11. 17 minutes ago, idbeholdME said:

    I don't think that's the case. My spells also cap at 150% speed. Anything above serves to counter the penalty from over-levelling the CAs.

    On my Shadow Warrior - Skeletal Fortification, Belligerent Vault, Augmenting Guidon - all stop at 150% speed.

    Well I don't want to record it if I don't have to, but I have inquisitor builds with absolutely ridiculous casting speeds. It's a real machine gun, and even casting the buffs profits from it. I tell you, at least for this hero there is no cap. Don't know if playing mounted or on foot makes a difference.

  12. 1 minute ago, idbeholdME said:

    The info about Weapon Lore increasing its execution speed is correct. I also said in my previous post, that Weapon Lore skills are an exception to the rule. They double both as Attack and Casting speed for CA categories that don't have a relevant Lore skill, even though the skill description only says Attack Speed. So it would increase the execution speed of Deathly Spears too.

    For gear bonuses however, it's Attack Speed = left click attacks, Casting Speed = CA execution speed.

    One of the best weapons for this build would in my opinion be the Desert Saber, if you can get your hands on it. Has a very nice chunk of Casting Speed and 2 Gold slots.


    There is a fundamental difference between spells and weapon CAs when it comes to execution speed: weapon CAs have a cap (with working overcap mechanic, so if you have more execution speed on gear than the cap, then it saves you from debuffs), while spells can get down to 1 frame per cast in theory.

    I wonder wether weapon lore spells like deathly spears have a cap or not. I have no idea.

  13. 1 hour ago, dimitrius154 said:

    PC models are actually made of "parts", one of those is the "head". NPC models are solid.

    I can make individual parts of the officer's / soldier's models invisible with the alpha channel of the texture.

    I will provide another model. Do you have blender? If so, I can provide the .blend file, so you can try all different formats to find the one which has the least amount of conversion distortion.
    I'm also thinking about a cape, but first comes the helmet.

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