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Everything posted by Crosis

  1. this is a waste of time and a skill thats just my thought.I feel you would be better off picking bargining and shopping for rings and ammys
  2. Ill hook u up with some gear to get you into noib. GT crosis xbox 360 hit me up
  3. Man its been a looooooonnnnnnnnnggg since I started a fresh char ,this is such a time killer so far I got my build up and sneaking around not doing to much damage . im in the range of 500 600 at level 35 still in silver leaving the deseart scorpion took some time. gona level in the jungle till 50or so. im gona play peekaboo w/gaurdian.
  4. they can get combat dis its a must for bfg EXTRA DAMAGE. I would take Critical Hits unless you want as a mob killer.
  5. Crosis

    Guess im going

    time to make the armor. cant wait to try this. I like to make armor
  6. I dont know about this. I would stick with one BFG or dual wield . if you chose bfg pick combat dis as it will raise damage when used in conjuction w/pelting strikes in a combo by itself w/bfg if the monsters get close arch angel waith will destroy mod it right and will kill mobs of 20.
  7. Here is the challenge it,takes 4 people. were going to get Octagolamus to fight the whitegriffen and bloodclaw and the boar and maybe the Gar'Colossus . you need th build a shadow warrior w/shadow veil. Octagolamus will follow you im not to shure about Gar'Colossus havent tried him yet. make shure you video tape so we all can see. have fun.
  8. I been told by a good friend that you have a chance to receive 1 out of 2 weapons for the class. he got an axe for the shadow warrior class quest.
  9. BEWARE Never bring out your imp people can glitch him and steal from then corrupt your file .
  10. Build the dryad and you can power level . dryad starts it running for experience the once the poision starts to go off every tihing is working. the dryad stops,kills every thing close by. person who wants a PL TELAPORTS TO U it the best way besides building a level 2 armor with experience and all skills.
  11. my only input I used combat dis for damage and put pelting strikes ( pelting strikes in conjuction with bfg sick dam and steady flow of fire I feel this works much better the glitch)in its own combo went from 600 damage to 1500 try it out
  12. Well the game nerfs the experience. say level 200 in noib(profile 1) then level 1 (profile 2) joins lvl200 kill the octo level 200 gains90,000 experience level 1 gains 5000 nerfed. build the dryad only way to power level. I'll join ya there. idiots r us! don't know how you can join online Its just like the profiles aslong as the acounts are on the same box you can do it try and see.
  13. can we start a new profile and use that, so that way its a new empty chest. im gona be a Shadow Warrior,using shadow veil,frenzy rampage w/telsa annilator. now u c me now u (BLAST BLAST BLAST)
  14. my skills are the same except armor and combat dis I got enhanced per and barginig.I level quick and I have 150 to all skill and im level 78 kicking noib ass.
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