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Found 15 results

  1. Hey people I just stumbled on this this forum http://sacreddarkbloods.0fees.net/forum/ It looks like an unofficial sacred 1 underworld patch / expansion is being developed I'm so excited about this. best regards Relax, it's only ones and zeros!
  2. Meet the new version with updated caves inhabited exclusively by bosses! For clarity, see the video announcement. Are you ready to find these caves and face a new threat? Hint: there are 5 caves in total, all of them in Ancaria, population of the caves also may help with searching. ReBorn mod v2.52 download UPD: New version 2,52 with couple of fixed added
  3. This video will show you how to use Cheat Engine and my Sacred cheat table to modify the Steam version of Sacred Gold. After watching the video, you'll be able to: Change your character's skills at any time in-game, including to those normally unavailable to your character class. Equip any item regardless of its requirements, including items normally unavailable to your character class. Learn, level and use combat arts of other characters. Summon any creature/character in the game the same way the Wood Elf summons her unicorn. Play as normally unplayable creatures/characters (you can play as a dragon, Sakkara demon, Baron DeMordrey, rabbit, etc.). What you'll need for this: The English Steam version of Sacred Gold (unfortunately, the cheat table will likely not work with any other version of the game). Cheat Engine. My Sacred cheat table. My Sacred modding spreadsheet. If you want to convert the cheat table to another version of the game but don't have any experience working with Cheat Engine, I'd recommend to start by watching these tutorials by Stephen Chapman. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out, I'll try to help. I'll probably do a couple more Cheat Engine tutorials later down the line (on how to use NPC combat arts and how to give armor to your companion) so stay tuned for those.
  4. Version 2.28


    This is a character with shadar horse,the actual horse with 220 speed,not a texture mode or something,I will leave a screen shot and a video how to trade the horse beetwen char's(Overlookers clan credit for this work) https://prnt.sc/wg24cp https://prnt.sc/wg2dzk
  5. Sacred Underworld v2.28 | Shaddar horse | (Reborn Mod) (Overlookers clan credit for this work) View File This is a character with shadar horse,the actual horse with 220 speed,not a texture mode or something,I will leave a screen shot and a video how to trade the horse beetwen char's(Overlookers clan credit for this work) https://prnt.sc/wg24cp https://prnt.sc/wg2dzk Submitter SupremeJoker Submitted 01/04/2021 Category Sacred Mods  
  6. Here's a video tutorial that will show you how to change your starting companion to any character in the game, as well as how to get a starting companion for characters that do not normally have one (Seraphim, Dwarf, Daemon). Let me know if you have any questions and if you want to see more Sacred Underworld modding tutorials here Here's the Sacred modding spreadsheet that's used in the video.
  7. Version 1.0.1


    Do not download the file, it's just a dummy used to create a page here in the Downloads section! The actual renders are here. If you want to use them for anything (art/modding references, website/wiki, video thumbnails, whatever), go ahead. No restrictions on the use and no credits necessary. There's also a sortable index of all the currently uploaded renders.
  8. Sacred Character Model Renders (Read Description!) View File Do not download the file, it's just a dummy used to create a page here in the Downloads section! The actual renders are here. If you want to use them for anything (art/modding references, website/wiki, video thumbnails, whatever), go ahead. No restrictions on the use and no credits necessary. There's also a sortable index of all the currently uploaded renders. Submitter Inspired Submitted 08/19/2020 Category Sacred Mods  
  9. Hi, community! I trying change resolution of Sacred for a long time, but it haven't any completely results. That is my one of best tries to convert image. A ground and objects looks good, but all 3D models is invisible, because they are all out of the screen. They have wrong coordinates relative to the world. Maybe, somebody have any thoughts? Or somebody understands nuances of DirectX graphics? All fresh thoughts are will be helpful!
  10. Hay guys, my brother and I got sacred gold for steam not to long ago and we have encountered a weird glitch. When starting up the game, 9 times out of 10 the game will freeze when loading the fonts. We have more modern windows 10 laptops and we have no idea what causes this glitch. Also when loading the disc version on our old windows 7 laptops, the glitch has never happened. Any ideas? -Whisky
  11. Hay guys, I want to know your favorite character build that y'all have made in either sacred underworld or sacred 2. Ill start us out. My favorite build was a dwarf merchant/support character in Sacred Underworld. I got him to about level 22 (as of now) and he focuses on getting the most money out of merchants & buffing my brother's Daemon (the damage dealer between us two). My dwarf wields a large axe/hammer for damage, a musket & shield for taking down annoying ranged/flying enemies, & a small axe & shield for an increase in speed. My dwarf has fully upgraded his barter to his level, has been upgrading his smithing so that we don't need to go to towns for a black smith. his ready to use skills consist of his morter shot, his normal cannon shot, his flame thrower, & a combo that combines all 4 of his passive buff skills (this doesn't include his greed skill, though.) Now that I have given my example, please give me Y'alls builds.
  12. Yo I wonder is there any way to play sacred multyplayer besides tunngle/hamachi?
  13. I found a weird thing with charisma boosts whilst playing my dwarf trader build. Weapons and shield that say they inc. charisma do NOT make buy/sell prices better if you hold them out. maybe the charisma boost on weapons/shields is broken? give me your thoughts and possible reasons that it is the way it is please. -whisky
  14. I have updated the wiki page for the sacred Underworld quest: The Stolen Gold. I am not sure if it is formatted and done correctly, so I need someone to check it for problems please! -Whisky Here is the link to it: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred:The_Stolen_Gold

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